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Coal mine discharges in several European countries were investigated as part of the European Commission’s MANAGER project. The emphasis of the project was identification of priority pollutants and potential remedial approaches. The main identified priority pollutants were sulphate (all countries) and iron (all countries except Greece). High concentrations of chloride (particularly in Germany and Poland) were associated with discharge of saline mine waters linked to the presence of fossil sea water; these mine waters also had high boron concentrations, in contrast to chloride-rich waters in UK that are linked to recent sea water inflow. Concentrations of trace metals vary among countries, but radium is an important contaminant in barium-rich waters with low sulphate concentrations, essentially in Poland. Concentrations of trace metals and metalloids were generally low because of their relative scarcity in coal strata and adsorption onto ferric oxides and hydroxides, but they still often exceeded the environmental quality thresholds.


崔亮 《煤炭技术》2014,(8):329-330
主要阐述了磁县申家庄煤矿选煤厂原有工艺中存在的问题,并进行了分析和改进;分级脱泥入选工艺在该选煤厂的应用及效果分析,并对选煤厂改造前后的生产运行效果以及指标进行了比较验证。  相似文献   

王伟 《现代矿业》2020,36(2):235
煤矿矿井在施工建设过程中,出于成本、安全等因素,往往采用分段掘进后再进行贯通的方法施工;在巷道贯通的过程中,贯通测量的精度对工程质量有着重要影响,甚至在一定程度上决定了该矿井建设的成败。通常采用的贯通测量方法受到控制点、仪器、测量人员以及气候环境等因素的影响,易导致测量误差超过设计允许误差。为克服此类误差,采用陀螺定向技术与激光测距技术相结合的贯通测量方案,对长距离巷道进行贯通施工,结果表明该方案具有可行性。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model is presented as a way to hydrogeologically characterize the controlling factors in the Sanshandao Gold Mine. The finite element method was first applied to simulate the ground water system of the current operation, using leakage data and the calculated recharge. An inverse model was applied to the observed data (e.g., head and discharge) to verify and calibrate the ground water simulation model and to estimate the hydrogeological parameters for the water-bearing zones. Nonlinear mathematic programming was used to solve the inverse model and to estimate the model parameters in 17 districts with different hydrogeological characteristics. The finite element equations were solved by means of a large non-symmetrical sparse equation. The results were in agreement with what is currently observed in the mine. The models and the estimated parameters were then applied to predict the mine water discharge for drifts extending to depths of −330 to −600 m during the next development stage. In order to improve the predicted accuracy of the numerical model, an iterative element mesh was added in the districts near the drainage drifts so that the computed discharges that flowed into the drifts would approach the recharges that flow into the borders of the mine. The model was also used to understand how the mine discharge would be influenced by factors such as unsteady ground water flow and the construction of hydraulic barriers to restrict ground water from entering the pits. Part 1 of this article can be found at doi:.  相似文献   

以石槽村煤矿矿井水回收利用工程实例为基础,根据国内苦咸水淡化新技术及经验,分析对比各种处理工艺,并根据工程情况分析了制水成本。本处理工艺对于缺乏淡水资源的西部矿井将高矿化度的矿井排水进行脱盐处理后开辟作为第二水资源是一种非常好的选择方案。  相似文献   

姜海城 《煤矿机械》2020,41(3):133-134
在电缆槽焊接时,采取预先反变形、对称施焊、调整焊接顺序、控制焊接参数等方法,能够有效地减小电缆槽的焊接变形。对于存在焊接变形的电缆槽,通过火焰矫正和压力矫正,能够实现对焊接变形的有效矫正,确保了电缆槽的顺利安装和使用。  相似文献   

基于潜在危害指数的综合评分法是筛选地下水优控污染物常用方法。对于污染场地而言,现有的综合评分法指标体系中存在个别指标筛选作用失效、未考虑环境介质中污染物浓度超标等问题。本文从焦化场地污染特征出发,改进了综合评分法的指标体系,对山西省7个焦化场地地下水污染物进行了筛选。结果表明,地下水优控污染物包括萘、苯、甲苯、1,2二氯乙烷、苯酚、铜、镍、铅、镉、汞等10种。改进之后的筛选方法能够识别出排放量大、污染程度高、亟需进行管控的污染物。由于焦化企业废水、废气、废渣的成分复杂,目前开展的地下水调查所监测的污染物种类有限,导致筛选结果有所遗漏,建议开展地下水补充调查,进行地下水水质全分析,完善优控污染物清单,为焦化场地地下水污染防控提供更全面、更准确的数据支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   

通过国内无烟煤市场情况的调查,结合永城矿区煤质特点,经过对比分析,探讨其煤炭产品合理的市场定位。  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - In much of the world, seasonal weather patterns cause a flush of dissolved contaminants from mined areas at the beginning of wet seasons. However, on parts of New...  相似文献   

针对市场经济条件下,煤炭企业的生存和发展与煤炭质量之间的关系,对如何提高煤炭质量进行合理性分析,提出小峪矿在增加煤炭产量的同时必须切实抓好产品质量,保证矿井的经济效益.  相似文献   

论述了锚、网、梁、混凝土联合支护在梨园矿宁庄井二1煤层巷道支护中的可行性,介绍了巷道支护设计、施工工艺及其应用效果。  相似文献   

本文详细分析了复合顶板煤层采煤工作面自然发火的原因,提出了以顶板走向钻孔灌浆为主的综合防灭火技术,在现场成功地消灭了自然发火隐患,保证了工作面在回采和收作期间不发生自然发火事故。  相似文献   

Wang  Fan  Wang  Yu  Jing  Cong 《Mine Water and the Environment》2021,40(2):510-519
Mine Water and the Environment - Treating mine water as a resource is the only way to alleviate water shortage and the environmental pollution issues generated at mining sites in areas of northern...  相似文献   

以技术求进步,以效益求发展,是煤矿企业发展的根本出路。本文结合几年来的研究与实践,对提高块煤率的技术方法和管理方式进行了探索,为中小型煤矿增效寻求一务有效途径。  相似文献   

永安市贵湖煤矿通过采煤工作面煤、矸松动性分别爆破及矸石处理和筛选、拣矸等办法, 把原先只能产出6 等煤提高为产出3 至2 等煤, 经济效益显著  相似文献   

王戈 《煤矿安全》2002,33(4):1-3
煤矿企业的安全工作部门 ,按照《煤矿安全监察条例》中对煤矿企业的要求 ,结合原来煤矿安全监察工作部门所承担的工作任务 ,对本企业的单位、部门应从四个方面进行监督检查 ,加强安全管理 ,夯实安全基础 ,保证安全生产  相似文献   

分析了黑岱沟露天煤矿特殊台阶部位易产生根底、大块、硬帮的原因,提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

通过对安全监察与安全管理关系的分析 ,论述了煤矿建立健全各项管理制度的重要性和对其进行监督监察的必要性  相似文献   

张晋宏 《煤炭技术》2014,(1):111-113
随着我国社会经济发展势头的不断加快,相关行业对煤矿的依赖性越来越强。但是由于相关技术和管理制度上发展不够完备,导致我国煤矿安全隐患严重,甚至发生了许多惨剧,损失了相当多的人力和物力。科学技术引领着时代的进步,同时也为社会活动带来了诸多便利,安全监控在煤矿企业中的运用,有效减少了安全事故的发生,但是仍旧需要人们继续去探索和研究,努力将它的价值发挥到最大限度。  相似文献   

瓦斯排放不仅会影响煤矿开采的安全性,也会影响开采效率,并且CH4温室效应较强。通过煤矿瓦斯抽采既可以保证安全,又可以实现煤炭的清洁利用。首先介绍了欧洲主要产煤国的煤矿开采和煤矿瓦斯排放现状,重点综述了欧洲主要产煤国煤矿瓦斯抽采和利用技术研究现状。最后对利用技术前景进行展望,为我国实现煤矿瓦斯零排放提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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