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由国家大豆产业技术体系主办,山西省农业科学院经济作物研究所承办的"国家大豆产业技术体系2010年度总结会议"于2010年12月27~30日在山西省太原市召开.山西省农业厅田伟副厅长、山西省农业科学院陈明昌副院长等领导出席了会议开幕式,大豆产业技术体系顾问专家组组长盖钧镒院士及顾问专家组成员、体系各岗位专家、综合试验站站长和部分团队成员参加了会议,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所邱丽娟研究员应邀到会,山西省农业产业技术体系各产业首席专家列席会议.会议总人数达130多人.  相似文献   

针对勃利县大豆生产情况和对高蛋白大豆的需求,提出采用连片种植、选择种植高蛋白大豆新品种、深松秋整地、种子处理、测土配方施肥、加强田间管理和大豆标准化"垄三"栽培技术等措施.  相似文献   

"蒙豆30号"是呼伦贝尔市农业科学研究所1997年以"蒙豆16"为母本、"89-9"为父本进行有性杂交育成的.2006-2008年参加内蒙古自治区大豆区域试验和生产试验.2009年通过内蒙古自治区审定,编号为蒙审豆2009001.  相似文献   

按照国家大豆产业技术体系的部署和要求,宿州综合试验站于2010年12月上旬,对服务区的砀山、濉溪、灵璧、泗县和踊桥等五个示范县(区)的60多户农户(种植大户、经营户、产业协会等)和15位农业技术人员及有关单位进行了面对面的调查,深入了解了本区域大豆生产的现状和大豆产业存在的问题及技术需求,并提出解决对策.  相似文献   

2010年10月16~18日在四川省自贡市召开"全国大豆间套种技术培训暨现场观摩会"期间,盖钧镒院士会同农业部有关大豆产业的领导、大豆科技专家、大豆产业体系岗位专家和试验站站长共20余人举行了"我国间套作大豆研究方向和发展对策"研讨会.  相似文献   

全球很多地方都在发展大豆产业,这里主要介绍欧洲的大豆食品、大豆产业的一些情况.我在欧洲做了十五年的生意,多年的工作经历给我的感觉是欧盟情况和中国比略有不同.  相似文献   

大豆异黄酮是一类从大豆中分离提取出的具有多酚结构的混合物,研究表明:大豆异黄酮可以对抗超氧阴离子自由基,具有抗氧化作用;它具有一般意义上抗肿瘤、预防骨质疏松、缓解更年期综合症、预防心脑血管疾病等作用.随着人们对大豆异黄酮生理活性的深入研究,大豆异黄酮的需求量日益加大,本文介绍了现阶段国内外在大豆异黄酮提取方向的研究进展,希望为我国大豆异黄酮提取工业化、规模化生产提供一些思路.  相似文献   

大豆施肥技术是大豆生产的关键技术之一,掌握正确的大豆施肥技术对提高大豆单产和节省生产成本具有十分重要的意义.本文阐述了大豆各种施肥技术和施肥方法,为北方的大豆生产和大豆施肥提供参考依据.  相似文献   

商丘大豆综合试验站根据国家大豆产业技术研发中心的安排,对豫东地区大豆生产现状、存在问题、技术需求和解决对策进行调研;调研针对本服务区的五个示范县(永城市、夏邑县、柘城县、睢县、睢阳区),调查对象包含农技、农机、农户、加工等人员.  相似文献   

[目的]大豆茎秆的力学性能及其沿茎秆高度的变化与大豆抗倒伏能力密切相关,研究大豆茎秆力学性能及其随株高的变化规律可为大豆育种中抗倒伏性状的评价和优良品种的选育提供参考依据.[方法]应用材料力学的试验方法,使用V3.4-HTC微机控制液压万能材料力学试验机,分别对"川豆"系列3个不同品系大豆的干、湿2种茎秆进行了轴向压缩试验,测定并计算了各茎秆不同部位(距地高度位置)的最大承载力、截面几何性质,抗压强度、弹性模量. [结果]各品系干大豆茎秆的最大承载力、抗压强度和弹性模量明显高于湿大豆茎秆;沿茎秆高度方向,干、湿2种茎秆的最大承载力基本呈线性下降趋势,最大值在距地高度5 cm以下;而抗压强度基本不变;弹性模量变化较小,最大值在距地8~30 cm.供试的3个不同品系大豆茎秆的抗压强度沿茎秆高度的分布基本是合理的,三者相比,品系3(CD08508)的生物力学性能较差.[结论]大豆茎秆的含水率显著影响其力学性能,在大豆易倒伏期间,控制适当含水率是关键.在筛选大豆品种的抗倒伏性状时,除评价其茎秆的最大承载力外,还应评价其机械强度沿茎秆高度的分布是否合理.  相似文献   

本文总结了大豆抗食心虫性的遗传方式,在一定条件下可能表现为数量性状,也可能表现为质量性状的不连续变异.在适宜的接虫强度下,抗食心虫性的选择可能会比选择其他数量性状更易奏效.同时,对大豆抗食心虫与生育期及其他性状的相关性进行了总结分析.  相似文献   

在以大豆乳液为水解底物进行酶水解来提取大豆油的工艺中,应用蛋白酶水解细胞壁中的蛋白成分使得脂蛋白复合体中的油脂得以释放,从而提高油脂的得油率,通过研究选出破壁能力较强的蛋白酶并优化其水解条件,最后得到最佳水解工艺.  相似文献   

Perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (perfusion RP-HPLC) is applied for the first time to the determination of soybean proteins in commercial samples prepared from soybean protein isolate. A linear binary gradient of acetonitrile-water-0.1% trifluoroacetic acid at a flow rate of 3 mL/min and a temperature of 60 degrees C is optimized to analyze soybean proteins in approximately 3 min. Direct injection of samples into the chromatographic system is possible by dissolving them in water. Quantitation of soybean proteins is achieved by the proposed method using a soybean protein isolate as an external standard. The method is validated and applied to the quantitation of soybean proteins in infant formulas and powdered and liquid soybean milks.  相似文献   

大豆霜霉病在我国各地普遍发生,尤其东北地区发生较重.一般大豆霜霉病流行年份可减产6%~15%,在黑龙江省重病区减产可达到50%.因此,了解其危害大豆的症状,及时发现大豆霜霉病,根据其发病因素采用恰当的防治方法是至关重要的.  相似文献   

大豆蛋白质具有较高的营养价值及功能特性,是某些食品加工中的重要原料.乳化性是蛋白质的一种重要功能性质,它应包括乳化容量和乳化稳定性两种特性.本文探讨了大豆蛋白乳化性的研究进展,分析了我国大豆蛋白乳化性的研究现状.  相似文献   

Since antibody against homogeneous mung bean glucosidase II cross-reacted with a 110-kDa protein from cultured soybean cells and also precipitated this activity from extracts of soybean cells, we used this antibody to examine the biosynthesis, turnover, and cellular localization of glucosidase II in soybean cells. Time course studies of [35S]methionine incorporation into glucosidase II (as well as pulse-chase studies) showed that this enzyme is synthesized as a 110-kDa protein that does not change in size from very early labeling times to those as late as 60 h, indicating the absence of a cleavable signal sequence or extensive modification of the carbohydrate. Furthermore, glucosidase II remained susceptible to digestion by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H throughout this time period, and the major oligosaccharide structure was a Man9(GlcNAc)2 with small amounts of Glc1Man9(GlcNAc)2. The half-life of the biosynthesized glucosidase II was about 36 h, and no secretion of this protein occurred. Membranes of gently disrupted cells were separated by sucrose-density gradient centrifugation, and fractions were tested for glucosidase II activity as well as for marker enzymes. The bulk of the glucosidase II activity fractionated with endoplasmic reticulum membranes. Detergent solubility studies with Triton X-114 suggested that glucosidase II did not have a hydrophobic domain and is probably a luminal endoplasmic reticulum protein.  相似文献   

Soybean hydrolysate is a hydrophilic mixture of amino acids and low molecular peptides which are soluble over the whole pH range. Chemical modification of soybean hydrolysate with aromatic acyl chlorides resulted in a product that yielded pH-dependent microspheres. Investigation into the physiochemical properties of the microsphere forming material indicated that acylation had alerted the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio as evidenced by an increased column retention time on reverse phase HPLC. This was further confirmed by analysis of the amino acid composition of the modified material. The data indicated that the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio and low molecular were critical factors in the formation of this supramolecular complex. An estimation based on sedimentation rate revealed an average molecular weight of these microspheres as 10(7)-10(8) Daltons. Light scattering experiments indicated that the microspheres have discrete chambers in the interior. Included among the properties of the microspheres that have been determined are the pH range of the phase transition, size distribution and zeta-potential. The physiochemical characteristics of the microspheres prepared from modified soybean protein are similar to the microsphere forming material produced by thermal condensation of amino acids. Formation of microspheres in solution containing either porcine insulin or salmon calcitonin resulted in the encapsulation of nearly 60% of the dissolved proteins. Oral gavage of encapsulated porcine insulin or salmon calcitonin into the stomach of rats resulted in significant titers of either protein in the systematic circulation.  相似文献   

本文就我国三个大豆主要进口来源国--美国、巴西和阿根廷.运用GK模型,测定我国大豆进口的需求弹性,并分时期检验这三个国家对我国大豆进口的垄断程度.研究显示,美国始终对我国大豆进口存在显著的市场垄断力,巴西和阿根廷对我国大豆进口的市场垄断力在逐渐增强.因此,有必要对我国国内大豆供给市场进行整合,以降低国际市场的垄断力.  相似文献   

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