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Introduced in the early stages of software development, the Charmy framework assists the software architect in making and evaluating architectural choices. Rarely, the software architecture of a system can be established once and forever. Most likely poorly defined and understood architectural constraints and requirements force the software architect to accept ambiguities and move forward to the construction of a suboptimal software architecture. Charmy aims to provide an easy and practical tool for supporting the iterative modeling and evaluation of software architectures. From an UML-based architectural design, an executable prototype is automatically created. Charmy simulation and model checking features help in understanding the functioning of the system and discovering potential inconsistencies of the design. When a satisfactory and stable software architecture is reached, Java code conforming to structural software architecture constraints is automatically generated through suitable transformations. The overall approach is tool supported.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for thespecification and design of multi-domain managementsystems that control, monitor and administer users andservices in a distributed telecommunication environment. It presents a framework, which serves as ablueprint for the design and implementation ofdistributed management applications. It defines a set ofconcepts and methods for guiding the analysis, design, and implementation phases of managementapplications, which are distributed over heterogeneoussystems. The framework is based on concepts ofTelecommunications Management Networks and OpenDistributed Processing, and is partially developed withinthe Pan-European Reference Configuration for IBC(Integrated Broadband Communication) Services Management(PRISM) project.  相似文献   

熊健 《软件》2012,(11):44-46
本文针对当前移动应用开发现状进行分析,通过提炼分析企业移动应用的共性需求和个性需求,提出了一个基于Android平台的企业移动应用开发框架,并对该框架进行了结构设计,对框架中各个层次进行了说明。企业通过使用开发框架,能够有效提高移动应用开发效率,减少资源的消耗,提高代码复用率,保证软件质量。  相似文献   

Departing from a broad conceptualization of culture and the need for a more adapted and sophisticated tool to disclose the internet as a rich cultural data source, this article provides the foundations of a multimodal framework for analyzing websites from both a medium specific and socio‐cultural perspective. The 6‐phased framework of website signifiers contains both a structured repository of potential cultural signifiers and a methodology for moving from salient aspects to more implicit meanings. While the framework may help researchers to make more and better use of the many layers of potential meaning that reside in the rich multimodal nature of websites it does not provide a shortcut to determine the cultural meaning of these signifiers and their interrelated effects.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of automatically and efficiently computing models of constraints, in the presence of complex background theories such as floating-point arithmetic. Constructing models, or proving that a constraint is unsatisfiable, has various applications, for instance for automatic generation of test inputs. It is well-known that a naïve encoding of constraints into simpler theories (for instance, bit-vectors or propositional logic) often leads to a drastic increase in size, or that it is unsatisfactory in terms of the resulting space and runtime demands. We define a framework for systematic application of approximations in order to improve performance. Our method is more general than previous techniques in the sense that approximations that are neither under- nor over-approximations can be used, and it shows promising performance on practically relevant benchmark problems.  相似文献   

在可视化技术中,人们常试图从3维图像中抽取特定的等值面,以近似表示3维图像中所包含目标的边界曲面。考虑到实际的3维图像中,某些目标的边界曲面可以被特定的等值面很好地逼近,但是由于许多目标的边界曲面事实上难以被任何等值面很好地逼近,因此,识别3维图像中哪些边界曲面可以被特定的等值面很好地逼近就成为可视化技术中一个非常重要的研究问题。为了准确地判定哪些边界曲面可以被特定的等值面很好地逼近,特提供了一个有效的判定方法。该方法首先计算紧密地分布于连续隐边界曲面两侧的目标网格点,然后判定计算得到的目标网格点集合与背景网格点集合可否在误分很小的情况被某些等值面分离开来。实验结果表明,该判定方法是可行有效的。  相似文献   

We present a general method and a toolkit for designing, implementing and visualizing distributed algorithms. We make use of the high level encoding of distributed algorithms as graph rewriting systems. The result is a unified and simple framework for describing, implementing and visualizing a large family of distributed algorithms.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究非线性数字滤波器的统一设计框架问题.基于稳健统计理论和双边滤波思想,首先建立了一种鲁棒的图像复原统一能量泛函.该能量泛函充分融合了双边滤波的双重异性加权机制和稳健ρ-函数对边缘奇异点的鲁棒性处理机制,因而具有更强的边缘保持能力.随后,基于图像复原统一能量泛函的欧拉-拉格朗日方程,导出一种非线性数字滤波器的统一设计框架.特别地,在此统一框架下,双边滤波、数字TV滤波以及自适应平滑均可进行相应的扩展.同时,文中系统比较了各种稳健ρ-函数在边缘保持方面的鲁棒性,并提出一种新型边缘保持性稳健ρ-函数,即ρ(x)=-σ2(1 |x|/σ)exp(-|x|/σ) σ2.不论是视觉效果方面还是峰值信噪比方面,大量实验结果验证了文中统一设计框架的合理性和新型稳健p-函数的边缘保持性.  相似文献   

随着网络威胁的暴露范围越来越广,开发新的工具来改进网络防御是一个重大挑战。网络防御中最重要的问题是人员技能培训,网络靶场就是用于此目的。它提供用于训练和对抗比赛的虚拟环境。本文用VDSL语言定义了一个定制的网络环境,并实现了一个框架,允许将网络靶场场景转换为Prism模型。这样就可以进行训练和赛事结果的定量分析并可以对这个框架进行持续优化。  相似文献   

提出一种分析和设计认证协议的新逻辑,可以用来分析认证协议和设计认证协议。通过运用该逻辑,使认证协议的设计和分析可以在同一种逻辑中进行,也消除了用不同的方法来设计和分析认证协议的不一致性。在分析协议时,先用逻辑对协议进行形式化,再用推理规则对协议进行推理。如果不能推理出协议的最终目标,说明协议存在缺陷或者漏洞。在设计协议时,通过运用合成规则使协议设计者可用一种系统化的方法来构造满足需要的协议。用该逻辑对Needham-Schroeder私钥协议进行了分析,指出该协议不能满足协议目标,并重新设计了该协议。  相似文献   

马维泉  李芬 《计算机应用研究》2002,19(7):138-139,154
按实际分析和设计的流程详细探讨了系统层行为级分析、横向相关性解析和纵向层次化方案设计、元功能模块各个阶段的分析和设计的目标、方法和意义 ,并以示例为目的着重阐述MPEG 2PCI卡局部硬件系统的设计期完整方案。依据这种系统分析与方案设计方法设计实现的MPEG 2PCI卡与国外同等功能的产品相比 ,性能价格比明显提高。  相似文献   

We survey some recent results on modeling, analysis and design of congestion control schemes for the Internet. Using tools from convex optimization and control theory, we show that congestion controllers can be viewed as distributed algorithms for achieving fair resource allocation among competing sources. We illustrate the use of simple mathematical models to analyze the behavior of currently deployed Internet congestion control protocols as well as to design new protocols for networks with large capacities, delays and general topology. These new protocols are designed to nearly eliminate loss and queueing delay in the Internet, yet achieving high utilization and any desired fairness.  相似文献   

一、引言 欧氏空间中的组合优化问题均带有深远应用背景.这类问题的求解算法研究在计算机科学中占有重要位置.TSP问题、STEINER树问题、k-median 问题是三个经典的NP-Hard类组合优化问题[1~3],它们在欧氏平面上的求解算法广泛应用于网络可靠控制、集成电路设计、网络布局等领域.特别对TSP问题,虽然科学家们投入了大量的工作,但近三十年来没有取得实质性进展,而Arora等在1996-1998年应用相同的技术相继给出了上述问题在欧氏空间中的近似方案,使人们对该类问题的认识前进了一大步.  相似文献   

采用AutoLISP语言,编制了运行于AutoCAD平台上的车用尾催化转化器结构的计算辅助设计与分析系统。该系统结合了参数化设计与性能分析功能,并采用对话框驱动执行的方式,使系统的使用具有直观、方便的特点,可为车用尾气催化转化器的研制工作提供有益帮助。,  相似文献   

基于数据流的实时处理框架模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一个新型的基于大型数据流的实时处理模型,其处理模式主要是以实时存储和实时分析为主要目标,利用回归、聚类、实时分析等方法为数据流建立了一个完整的处理模型。该模型是对现有模型的完善和改进,从而在有限的存储空间中能切实可行地对快速的流数据做出实时响应。详细阐述了模型的框架建立和处理用户需求的过程与算法。  相似文献   

人们普遍认为并行处理技术将成为下一世纪计算机领域的主流技术。近年来,从不同的角度入手,已经研制出各种各样的并行程序设计环境。有的从程序设计语言的角度出发,在程序设计语言中引入了有利于并行性开发的语言元素,如Linda,Emerald等,前者是基于共享存储计算模型的,而后者是基于消息传递计算模型的;还有的从程序辅助开发工个的角度出发,像C、FORTRAN77等,开发了并行操作原语库,著名的产品有PVM、MPI等,它们都是基于消息传递计算模型的。虽然有如此多的开发环境,但它们都不同程度地存在这样那样的问题,有的不支持异构环境,有的只支持单一的并行计算模型,还有的容易出现负载矢衡的情况。同时,它们都有一个共同的缺点是,用户界面不够友好,利用它们进行并行程序开发仍然是件费时、易出错的工作。  相似文献   

从类层次图CHG(class hierarchy graph)出发,提出一个基于CHG的分析面向对象程序的框架OOAF(object-oriented analyzing framework),讨论了OOAF的功能、算法和设计思想,给出了子对象识别以及可见方法、主导方法的确定算法,建立了可见方法类层次图;并且通过计算方法的继承集、改写集以及对方法改写边界的确定,生成程序的虚函数调用图,从而为理解面向对象程序中的虚函数调用问题提供了一种可行的解决方案.  相似文献   

As the amount of noisy, unorganized, linked data on the Internet increases dramatically, how to efficiently analyze such data becomes a challenging research problem. In this paper, we propose a framework, iOLAP, that offers functionalities for analyzing networked data from Internet, social networks, scientific paper citations, etc. We first identify four main data dimensions that are common in most of networked data, namely people, relation, content, and time. Motivated by the fact that various dimensions of data jointly affect each other, we propose a polyadic factorization approach to directly model all the dimensions simultaneously in a unified framework. We provide detailed theoretical analysis of the new modeling framework. In addition to the theoretical framework, we also present an efficient implementation of the algorithm that takes advantage of the sparseness of data and has time complexity linear in the number of data records in a dataset. We then apply the proposed models to analyzing the blogosphere and personalizing recommendation in paper citations. Extensive experimental studies showed that our framework is able to provide deep insights jointed obtained from various dimensions of networked data.   相似文献   

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