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程控无油超高真空排气台的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米伦  李晓勇  王远  李建 《真空与低温》2005,11(3):170-174
由外冷式吸附泵作为前级泵、溅射离子泵作为主抽真空泵构成无油超高真空系统,采用计算机控制技术,以真空度为工艺进程判据,对器件进行烘烤排气,实现电真空器件的真空排气工艺的自动控制.介绍了无油超高真空系统、控制系统、烘箱与热功率以及软件的设计.排气台为多工位结构,具有气体质谱分析和充气功能;空载时极限真空度优于8×10-7Pa;烘箱烘烤温度为25~600℃,连续可调,恒温精度优于±1%;分析质量数为1~80.程控排气台设计合理,操作简便,计算机控制技术精细了工艺过程控制量,排除了人为因素,其性能稳定可靠,可满足使用要求  相似文献   

为满足中科院高能物理研究所环型正负电子对撞机项目650 MHz/800 kW连续波速调管的超高真空排气需要,北方华创真空研制了由无油干泵和磁悬浮分子泵作为预抽系统,溅射离子泵作为主抽系统的特大型超高真空排气台。设备以温度和真空度作为主要工艺参数,对尺寸达到Φ1600 mm×5000 mm的连续波速调管进行高温真空烘烤排气,极限真空度优于8.0×10~(-8) Pa;烘烤温度25~600℃连续可调,温区均匀性±5℃,具备充氮快速降温功能,整个工艺过程实现自动化控制。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了真空断路器开关管的检查、高压带电部分的检查和操作机构部分的检查等问题.  相似文献   

以普通油扩散泵一机械泵组成的有油排气系统是当前电真空器件生产中获得高真空的重要手段。由于目前电真空器件在该有油排气系统上排气封离时极限真空都限制在10-7~10-6乇,且存在油蒸汽对被抽器件的污染,使许多要求耐高压、高放射率和长寿命的器件的性能不能稳定和提高。 本文试验了由钛升华阱──冷阱──普通扩散泵──活性氧化铝吸附阱-机械泵组成的真空系统的抽气性能。结果表明系统极限真空度用液氮冷却在五~八小时内达到 (5~8) × 10-10乇,自然冷却达到(3~4) × 10-9乇。并用该试验系统试排了数只 TM-85电子管,在基本上不改变原排气工艺规范和不延长排气时间的条件下封离时真空度为 (1~2) × 10-8乇比原系统提高了二个数量级,参数全部合格,试验结果说明,系统的操作步骤对极限真空有很大影响,如在管内采用锆铝吸气剂并适当改变排气工艺规范以适应系统的超高真空性能可能获得更高的极限真空度。  相似文献   

由于真空泵是通过阱、阀门、导管接至被抽容器进行排气的,因此,泵经过一段管路之后的有效排气速度,已不是泵在入口处的排气速度了。其关系如下 Sp-真空泵的排气速度(升/秒) Se-真空泵经过一段导管的有效排气速 度(升/秒) C-导管的通导(升/秒) 由公式看出,即使泵的排气速度很大,如果C值很小时,其有效排气速度会由于C的影响而变小。 高真空侧 如令口径d(cm)扩散泵的何氏系数为33.2%,则泵的排气速度 Sp=9.1×0.332 × d2 =3.02d2(升/秒) 接相同直径的管,长度为L(cm),在分子流态时其通导值为 C=12.1d3/L(升/秒) 将两式代入有效排气速度公式 …  相似文献   

在微波管研制过程中,电子枪真空除气过程的主要作用是对阴极进行加热,获得灯丝电流电压与温度的关系曲线、检验电子枪正常工作时灯丝的电流电压,测试电子枪快速启动参数,测量阴极、聚束极热膨胀量和阴极高温时电子枪材料充分预蒸散从而减少电子枪的蒸散物。根据微波管电子枪结构特点和性能要求,设计和开发了极限真空度2×10~(-7)Pa且具有温度、膨胀量等性能测试功能的双工位电子枪真空除气系统。除气系统由直联泵作为前级泵、分子泵和离子泵为主泵构成超高真空系统,采用阀门的切换可实现两工位在超高真空度下同时工作且互不干扰,有效提升了电子枪的品质,缩短了研制进度。每个工位均配置"分子泵启动允许"、"离子泵启动允许"、"分解电源开允许"及"真空异常"指示灯,防止误操作对电子枪部件或除气系统带来损坏。测试结果表明微波管电子枪真空除气系统的工作原理、结构设计合理,性能优良,适用于不同型号微波管电子枪,在电子枪研制生产过程中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

全玻璃太阳集热管烘烤排气工艺采用复合分子泵抽高真空   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用复合分子泵替代油扩散泵进行全玻璃真空太阳集热管排气烘烤抽高真空试验。选用了三种型号分子泵,在集热管自动连续烘烤排气线上进行实验。经过约一年较长时间生产运行试验后,分子泵经受了190次以上的集热管管口破裂引起的大气冲击,没有损坏,抽真空性能无明显变化。采用分子泵烘烤排气工艺制备的集热管,按国标在温度350℃,48 h高温老化试验后,吸气剂镜面消失率约为5%,仅为国标规定值的10%。  相似文献   

1.引言 在真空系统中,利用钛膜对活性气体进行排气的钛升华泵,操作简便,造价低廉,是一种具有较大抽速,无油污染的泵。因此被广泛地应用。就其应用范围来说,是所有需要清洁的超高真空的装置,不论是蒸镀装置、电子显微镜、加速器、核聚变实验装置,还是空间模拟的排气系统都可使用钛升华泵。 本文将介绍有关钛升华泵在使用上的各种特点,最近使用的蒸发源及其应用的例子。 2.钛升华泵的特点 2·1钛升华泵与其他泵相比的特点 钛升华泵(也叫钛吸附泵),这是一种在真空中将钛膜镇在堆壁上形成吸气面,利用钛活泼的性质进行工作的泵。排气机理主要是利…  相似文献   

我所为完成原第一机械工业部下达的72181超高真空技术研究课题,研制了L-100型三极溅计射离子泵。经试验、鉴定,该泵抽速为160L/s,极限真空为2.9×10-10Pa(SG-4型冷磁控极高真空测量),并成功地应用到为航天工业部某单位研制的JWZ-100型静电支承仪表无油超高真空排气台上做为主泵。该排气台系统极限真空达到5.5×10-8Pa。  相似文献   

一、总则 1.适用范围: 这一试验方法适用于油蒸汽扩散泵以及由该种泵组成的机组。 2.试验项目: ( 1)极限真空; (2)抽气速率; (3)排气压强; (4)返油率。 3.试验条件: (1)试验时周围环境没有较大的空气流动。没有震动和温度力:20℃±5℃ (2)被试泵的加热、冷却以及工作液体均应符合要求。 ( 3 ) 前级泵应满足被试泵的排气压强以及抽气量的要求。 (4)正个系统的漏气率L(毫米汞柱·升/秒)应为: L≤S. 10-7(毫米汞柱· 升/秒), 式中:S-被试泵名又抽气速率。 二、试验装置 4·试验用真空系统如图1所示,由试验罩、散流器、集油器、流量装置、前级…  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for inserting several triangulated surfaces into an existing tetrahedral mesh generated by the meccano method. The result is a conformal mesh where each inserted surface is approximated by a set of faces of the final tetrahedral mesh. First, the tetrahedral mesh is refined around the inserted surfaces to capture their geometric features. Second, each immersed surface is approximated by a set of faces from the tetrahedral mesh. Third, following a novel approach, the nodes of the approximated surfaces are mapped to the corresponding immersed surface. Fourth, we untangle and smooth the mesh by optimizing a regularized shape distortion measure for tetrahedral elements in which we move all the nodes of the mesh, restricting the movement of the edge and surface nodes along the corresponding entity they belong to. The refining process allows approximating the immersed surface for any initial meccano tetrahedral mesh. Moreover, the proposed projection method avoids computational expensive geometric projections. Finally, the applied simultaneous untangling and smoothing process delivers a high‐quality mesh and ensures that the immersed surfaces are interpolated. Several examples are presented to assess the properties of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A four-ball tester was used to evaluate the anti-wear performance of three kinds of organomolybdemun compounds in the engine oils, i. e., molybdenum dialkyldithiophosphate (MoDDP), molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate ( MoDTC), and sulphur and phosphorus freeorganomolybdeum (Molybdate). The results indicate that a low concentration of MoDDP doesn' t improve the anti-wear properties of the commercial engine oils, but a high concentration of MoDDP can obviously improve the anti-wear properties and the load-carrying capacity of the engine oils. MoDTC doesn' t improve the antiwear properties of the engine oils, but worsens the anti-wear properties of the oils. Signifi can timprove ment of frictional and wear characteristics is obtained with Molybdate added in the commercial engine oils and the formulated oils.  相似文献   

Standards are the basis for production enterprises to organize production, ex-factory inspection, trade (delivery) and technical exchanges, product certification, quality arbitration and supervision.……  相似文献   

A flow calorimeter for enthalpy increment measurements on condensed gases is presented. A better knowledge of the properties of the liquefied natural gas is needed, and therefore a liquid loop has been designed for our flow calorimeter. The fluid loop in the calorimeter is designed in order to avoid the two-phase region, since two phases would give compositional disturbances in the measurements. The avoidance of the two-phase region is made possible by increasing the pressure of the test fluid after the measurement section, then heating the fluid at super-critical pressure past the critical point. Finally, the fluid is throttled to the low-pressure gas state at the inlet condition of the compressor that circulates the fluid. To perform the pressure increase, a new cryogenic pump has been designed. To evaluate the new equipment, measurements were taken on liquid ethane over the temperature range 146–256 K at pressure between 0.9 and 5.1 MPa.  相似文献   

The end of 2007, over 200 unit products of more than 80 Chinese firms have passed the quality grade certification for liquor products. These products involve distilled spirits, beer, wine, yellow wine, fruit syrup wine and others, and cover over 80% of the national top-branded liquor products.……  相似文献   

Surface characterization and microstructure studies are performed on chemical vapor deposited (CVD) tungsten coating. There is about 2 μm thickness diffusion layer of tungsten in the molybdenum substrate. The thermal shock test shows tungsten coating has good adhesion with molybdenum substrate, but the elements of oxygen and carbon in the tungsten coating have the bad affection to the adhesion. The result of high-temperature diffusion experiment is the diffusion rate from molybdenum substrate to tungsten coating is faster.  相似文献   

On November 30, 2007, the China Association for Standardization (CAS) held a press conference at Beijing Diaoyutai State Guest House. Leaders from the China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute, the China Household Electric Appliance Association, and the China Consumers' Association attended and made speeches.……  相似文献   

We studied a combined effect of the cryoprotectants both of lipid and carbohydrate origin at the presence of DMSO or without it on cell viability and the RNA synthesis in the embryonic mollusc and echinoderm cell cultures obtained at different developmental stages. Cryoprotective properties of exogenous lipids correlated with their thermotropic behavior. Lipid extracts from marine hydrobiontes, which thermal transitions are characterized by relatively small part of calorimetric thermogram area lying at temperatures above 0 °C (6–18%), were found to possess a considerable cryoprotective activity. The results are discussed in relation to the prediction of the cryoprotective activity of lipid extracts for marine animal cells. In addition, it was found that marine invertebrate cells can be cryopreserved without DMSO at the presence of trehalose and lipid extracts of some marine hydrobiontes.  相似文献   

Pure silver is used extensively in the preparation of high-temperature superconductor wires, tapes, films, and other configurations in which the silver not only shields the superconducting material from the surrounding materials, but also provides a degree of flexibility and strain relief, as well as stabilization and low-resistance electrical contact. Silver is relatively expensive, but at this stage of superconductor development, its unique combination of properties seems to offer the only reasonable means of achieving usable lengths of conductor. In this role, the low-temperature physical (electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical) and mechanical properties of the silver all become important. Here we present a collection of properties data extracted from the cryogenic literature and, to the extent possible, selected for reliability.  相似文献   

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