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Papillomaviruses are pathogens which induce cutaneous and mucosal lesions in man and in many animal species. The characterization of these viruses was rather low, because viral infection cannot be fully reproduced in cell culture. The development of molecular biology techniques in the 1970s permitted to establish the remarkable plurality of the viruses, the tissue specificity and pecular pathogenicity linked to the type. Studies of the genome organization, the gene expression regulation and the protein characterization gave many informations leading to understand the mechanisms of viral-related carcinogenesis, especially the role of HPV16, the major risk factor for the development of squamous cervical carcinoma.  相似文献   

Clinical and experimental observations indicate that the motility of the oesophagus may be affected by emotional stimuli. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of oesophageal contractility impairment in patients suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Fifty-one patients admitted to the psychiatric department were submitted to an oesophageal transit study by means of krypton-81m. All patients with an abnormal oesophageal transit underwent manometry and endoscopy. The level of depression and anxiety was evaluated by the treating psychiatrist, using the Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scales. The oesophageal transit was abnormal in 13 patients. Two of these 13 patients refused manometric investigation. In ten of the 11 remaining patients, the manometry revealed functional motor abnormalities. Endoscopy, performed in all these ten patients, was normal. In conclusion, a high percentage of oesophageal contractility disturbances was found in psychiatric patients complaining of anxiety and/or depression. These abnormalities were detected by scintigraphy as well as by manometry. Owing to the normal endoscopic findings, these contraction abnormalities are likely to reflect a functional motor impairment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic myeloid leukemia can be cured by marrow transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling donor. The use of transplants from unrelated donors is an option for the 70 percent of patients without an HLA-identical sibling, but the morbidity and mortality associated with such transplants have been cause for concern. We analyzed the safety and efficacy of transplants from unrelated donors for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia and identified variables that predict a favorable outcome. METHODS: Between May 1985 and December 1994, 196 patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase received marrow transplants from unrelated donors. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 5 years (range, 1.2 to 10.1). Graft failure occurred in 5 percent of patients who could be evaluated. Acute graft-versus-host disease of grade III or IV severity was observed in 35 percent of patients who received HLA-matched transplants, and the estimated cumulative incidence of relapse at five years was 10 percent. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of survival at five years was 57 percent. Survival was adversely affected by an interval from diagnosis to transplantation of one year or more, an HLA-DRB1 mismatch, a high body-weight index, and an age of more than 50 years. Survival was improved by the prophylactic use of fluconazole and ganciclovir. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of survival at five years was 74 percent (95 percent confidence interval, 62 to 86 percent) for patients who were 50 years of age or younger who received a transplant from an HLA-matched donor within one year after diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Transplantation of marrow from an HLA-matched, unrelated donor is safe and effective therapy for selected patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between a history of trauma and the features and persistence of major depression (MDD) in patients with anxiety disorders. The study found that, among 408 patients with an anxiety disorder and past or current MDD, those patients who reported a history of trauma had a greater number of previous episodes of major depression than those patients without trauma histories. Also, of 174 patients with an anxiety disorder and current major depression, patients who reported histories of trauma, compared with patients who did not report such experiences, were less likely to remit from MDD over a 5-year period. Results suggest that a history of trauma is a risk factor for chronic depression.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of dosage regimen (once-daily vs. twice-daily) of tobramicyn on steady-state serum concentrations and toxicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients undergoing treatment with i.v. tobramycin (4 mg/kg/day) were randomised to two groups. Group OD (n = 22) received a once-daily dose of tobramycin and group TD (n = 21) received the same dose divided into two doses daily. Tobramycin serum concentrations (peak and trough) were measured by enzyme multiplied immunoassay. The renal and auditory functions of the patients were monitored before, during and immediately after treatment. RESULTS: The two groups were comparable with respect to sex, age, body weight and renal function. No statistically significant differences were found in mean daily dose, duration of treatment, or cumulative dose. Trough concentrations were < 2 g/ml in the two groups (100%). Peak concentrations were > 6 microg/ml in 100% of the OD group and in 67% of the TD group (P< 0.01). Mean peak concentrations were markedly different: 11.00+/-2.89 microg/ml in OD vs. 6.53+/-1.45 microg/ml in TD (P< 0.01). The pharmacokinetics parameters were: Ke, (0.15+/-0.03/h in OD vs. 0.24+/-0.06/h in TD), t1/2, (4.95+/-1.41 h in OD vs. 3.07+/-0.71 h in TD), Vd (0.35+/-0.11 l/kg in OD vs. 0.33+/-0.09 l/kg in TD), Cl (0.86+/-0.29 ml/min/kg in OD vs. 1.28+/-0.33 ml/min/kg in TD). Increased serum creatinine was observed in 73% of patients in OD versus 57% of patients in TD, without evidence of nephrotoxicity. In TD group, three patients developed decreased auditory function, of which one presented with an auditory loss of -30 dB, whereas in the OD group only one patient presented decreased auditory function. CONCLUSION: This small study suggests that a once-daily dosing regimen of tobramycin is at least as effective as and is no more and possibly less toxic than the twice-daily regimen. Using a single-dose therapy, peak concentration determination is not necessary, only trough samples should be monitored to ensure levels below 2 microg/ml.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent type of dementing illness affecting over four million Americans. It typically occurs after age 60, and prevalence increases with advanced age. As the adult population increases, a greater number of patients with a diagnosis of AD will require dental care. This article reviews the oral and systemic clinical findings seen in AD patients and current medical treatment. Some general and specific suggestions for dental management are presented, including guidelines for restraint and sedation use. Finally, some helpful, adaptive oral devices are recommended for use by caregivers of patients unable to provide for their own daily oral hygiene. Dental providers can and should be willing to make oral care available to patients with a diagnosis of AD. Despite the difficulties involved, the need will continue to be great, and the gratification in caring for these patients makes it worth the effort.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to introduce the classification given by the European Atherosclerosis Society (A B C D E groups) for monitoring lipid disorders in chronic renal failure patients during the first year of dialysis therapy (DT). Studies were carried out in 41 chronically uremic patients (19 F, 22 M). Before the start of DT, and then every 2 months, following parameters were determined in the serum: total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Moreover, electrophoresis of serum lipoproteins were also performed. At the start of the DT 63% of chronically uremic patients had normal values of basic lipid parameters, but this number decreased to only 29% after the first year of DT. We conclude that the modified A B C D E classification of lipid disorders in hemodialyzed patients is more convenient than the classic Fredrickson one used before.  相似文献   

Serum hyaluronan measurement is an option for diagnosing cirrhosis and assessing liver fibrosis, but it is of little use in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis and compensated liver cirrhosis. It is generally known that intake of food results in elevation of the serum hyaluronan concentration. This work was designed to determine whether a change in the serum hyaluronan concentration after eating might reflect the hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cell impairment in chronic liver diseases. The chronological measurement of serum hyaluronan concentration after eating was performed after an overnight fast in 31 patients with chronic hepatitis, 31 cirrhotic patients, and 8 healthy subjects. The hyaluronan concentration in the loading test increased with the severity of the liver disease in the patients with chronic hepatitis, being significantly higher in the patients with moderate or a higher grade of necroinflammation than in those with a minimal grade, and also significantly higher in patients with stage 3 fibrosis than in those with stage 2 or less. The elevation of the concentration after eating in patients with liver cirrhosis was marked and the range did not overlap with that in patients with chronic hepatitis. Even in 14 patients with compensated liver cirrhosis whose hyaluronan concentration pre-prandially was less than 200 ng/ml, the range of the post-prandial peak concentration did not overlap with that in the chronic hepatitis patients. These results suggest that the evaluation of post-prandial serum hyaluronan concentration is potentially useful for assessing the grading of necroinflammation and staging of fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis, as well as for diagnosing compensated liver cirrhosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become firmly established as a procedure of choice for gallstone disease. The procedure usually necessitates general anaesthesia and endotracheal intubation to prevent aspiration and respiratory embarrassment secondary to the induction of pneumoperitoneum. There is a paucity of data in the literature on the procedure being performed under regional (epidural) anaesthesia, especially in patients with coexisting pulmonary disease and pregnancy, who are deemed high risk for general anaesthesia. We report our preliminary experience with LC using epidural anaesthesia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: We performed LC in six patients (one man and five women), with a median age of 56 years (range, 38-74), under epidural anaesthesia over an 8-month period. All patients were ASA grade III/IV and the mean FEB1/FVC was 0.52 (range, 0.4-0.68), due to chronic asthma (two cases) and COPD (four cases). They were admitted a day prior to surgery for pulmonary function tests, nebulisers, and chest physiotherapy. An epidural catheter was introduced at T10/11 intervertebral space, and a bolus of 0.5% Bupivacaine was administered. Depending on the patient's pain threshold and the segmental level of analgesia achieved, incremental doses of 2 ml of 0.5% Bupivacaine along with boluses of intravenous 100 mcg Alfentanil was given to each patient. The patients were breathing spontaneously. No nasogastric tube was inserted, and a low-pressure (10 mmHg) pneumoperitoneum was created. LC was performed according to the standard technique. RESULTS: All the patients tolerated the procedure well and made an uneventful postoperative recovery. Median operating time was 50 min; average length of hospital stay was 2.5 days (range, 2-4). The epidural catheter was removed the morning after the operation. Only one patient required postoperative opioid analgesia. Two patients complained of persistent shoulder tip pain during surgery and required intraoperative analgesia (Alfentanil). There was no change in the patient's cardiorespiratory status, including PO2 and pCO2, and no complications occurred either intra- or postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: LC can be performed safely under epidural anaesthesia in patients with severe COPD. Intraoperative shoulder tip or abdominal pain does not seem to be a major deterrent and can be effectively controlled with small doses of opioid analgesia.  相似文献   

The use of a mnemonic cueing system (NeuroPage) and a paper and pencil checklist in the rehabilitation of executive problems in a 50-year-old woman are described. Following a CVA 7 years earlier, the patient, despite intact general intellectual and memory functioning, had specific executive impairments of attention, planning, realizing intended actions, and also exhibited behavioral routines similar in form to obsessive-compulsive rituals. In a series of ABAB single-case experimental designs, the efficacy of 2 external cueing systems in prompting appropriately timed action is demonstrated. It is argued that the combination of external control and increased sustained attention to action were critical to the success of NeuroPage with this patient. Furthermore it is hypothesized that the checklist was effective in facilitating the patient's ability to foresee and recognize the consequences of her actions, which in turn had an impact on the probability of her changing those same actions.  相似文献   

Increasing experimental and clinical evidence suggests that lipoproteins and lipid peroxidation can be important modulators in progressive kidney disease. A group of 54 patients with varying degrees of kidney impairment was studied to find the abnormalities in lipoproteins and lipid peroxidation. Lipoproteins and lipid peroxidation products, malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured in the plasma of 54 chronic renal disease patients CGN 33, nephrosclerosis 11, 7CTIN, 1PCKD, unknown 2 and compared with values obtained from 32 healthy controls. The patients were divided into 5 groups according to serum creatinine levels: Group 1 (serum creatinine of 2 mg/dl), group 2 (S. creatinine > 2-4 mg/dl), group 3 (S. creatinine > 4-8 mg/ dl), group 4 (S. creatinine > 8-12 mg/dl), group 5 (S. creatinine > 12 mg/dl). Plasma cholesterol was higher significantly than controls in patients with group 1, 2 and 3 (p < 0.01, < 0.001, < 0.05) respectively while plasma LDL-chol was statistically significantly different from controls only in group 2 patients (p < 0.001). Plasma VLDL-chol, beta-VLDL-chol, triglycerides, ratio of chol/HDL and LDL/ HDL showed high levels in all groups compared with controls but more evident in patients of group 2. Plasma HDL-chol decreased during the progression of renal failure. All groups had significantly elevated plasma malonyldialdehyde (MDA) vs controls (p < 0.001), especially highest value was found in group 2. Triglycerides, beta-VLDL chol, VLDL-chol LDL/HDL, chol/HDL correlated very closely with plasma MDA levels and also with serum creatinine. Patients with chronic renal disease showed lipoprotein abnormalities and accelerated lipid peroxidation. The evidence was more marked in patients with normal to mild renal insufficiency which suggested the role of oxidative stress early in the course of nephron injury.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium rigense strain PR2, a broad-spectrum mercury-resistant bacterium abundantly present in soil exhibited multiple metal resistance properties. Mercury resistance was due to the sequential action of two mercury-detoxicating enzymes, organomercurial lyase and mercuric reductase. The levels of these enzyme activities were determined using different mercury compounds as inducers and substrates. Mercuric reductase was partially purified from the bacterium and the physicochemical properties of the enzyme were studied. The effect of several enzyme inhibitors and heavy metal ions on the enzyme activity was also studied.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin secretion was evaluated in the anaemia of chronic disorders in elderly patients, since it has been shown that this secretion is impaired in adults. We looked for a possible role of inflammatory cytokines: tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) on erythropoietin production. The influence of nutritional status on the anaemia was also investigated. Erythropoietin secretion was significantly increased in elderly patients with anaemia of chronic disorders (ACD) and inversely correlated with haemoglobin concentrations in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Plasma TNF alpha levels were significantly enhanced only in cancerous patients, but no correlation could be established between TNF alpha and erythropoietin or haemoglobin. No noticeable increase of IL-1 beta levels was observed in ACD. These findings suggest that systemic TNF alpha or IL-1 beta are not involved in the erythropoietin response to ACD. Albumin levels were decreased in anaemic patients. Further investigations of the effects of a nutritional supplementation in elderly patients with ACD may be of interest.  相似文献   

Quantifiable and measurable methods accurately assess pain severity and successfully guide physicians in determining which medications and modalities are appropriate and necessary for the treatment of chronic pain. A variety of pain assessment scales and the World Health Organization's three-step analgesic ladder can be the starting point for successful pain management.  相似文献   

Dystonia rarely is a consequence of head trauma. In most of these patients lesions of the contralateral caudate or putamen are found. We report a 27-year-old patient who displayed focal dystonia of the right hand with the latency of four months after he had sustained a severe head trauma. The development of a lesion in the contralateral dorsolateral thalamus within the first weeks after the craniocerebral injury is demonstrated with sequential computertomographic and magnetic resonance imaging. There were no lesions of the caudate or the putamen.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of soluble and membrane-bound Arg-beta-naphthylamide-hydrolyzing activities was studied in the left and right rat brain during development and aging. During development, the soluble activity was heterogeneous, whereas adult animals showed the highest activity in the synaptosomal fraction. However, except in fetuses, membrane-bound activity was greatest in the microsomal fraction. Except in microsomal and myelin fractions, soluble and membrane-bound activities showed a decrease in 1-wk-old rats compared with fetuses and a subsequent increase to adult levels in 1-mo-old rats. This profile differed in the microsomal fraction, which increased steadily throughout development. In the synaptosomal fraction, both activities were lower in 24-mo-old rats than in 5-mo-old animals. No differences between the hemispheres were observed in soluble or membrane-bound fractions at any age tested.  相似文献   

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