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赵宁  华晨 《规划师》2012,(6):86-89
伴随着我国城市化水平的快速推进,过去单方面依靠政府投资的做法已远不能满足日益增长的非赢利性城市用地的建设需求。引入GI规划理念,利用市场与规划的联动作用机制,将赢利性城市用地中的土地价值剩余反哺非赢利性城市用地的建设,一方面控制了赢利性城市用地的超额利润,另一方面也保障了非赢利性城市用地规划在市场经济中的可操作性,从而推动了社会公共福利在城市规划中的可持续发展。  相似文献   

田莉  陶然 《城市规划》2019,43(9):53-60
分析了我国城乡二元土地制度对住房市场和城乡空间分异的影响,提出以集体土地进入城市租赁住房市场改革为突破口,逐步搭建在中国主要人口流入地城市加快培育市场化定价的租赁住房体系,并进而建立城乡转型发展的整体制度框架.通过市场化手段,为流动人口和城市“夹心层”居民提供可支付的体面租赁住房,同时优化城乡结合部的空间利用效率,提升环境品质,最终实现土地更有效率利用基础上的人口完全城镇化.  相似文献   

孙奇 《国际城市规划》2012,27(4):71-76,109
当前,由于国内外既有研究缺乏系统的理论解释模型的支撑,使得我国城镇建设用地低效蔓延与农村建设用地"人增地减"逆向扩张现象并存的根本原因未能得到准确的解释。内生动力反映了事物发展变化的根本动因和本质规律,以城乡建设用地发展的内生动力为切入点,建构城乡建设用地发展的理论解释模型,对于准确描绘城乡建设用地发展进程与实现城乡建设用地高效集约利用都具有重要意义。研究发现,工业化、城镇化、制度安排在城乡建设用地发展中起着决定性作用。基于此,本文尝试建构了一个由工业化、城镇化、制度安排构成的中国城乡建设用地发展的理论解释模型,并从城市规划学科视角提出了实现我国城乡建设用地高效集约利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

工业化、城市化与农业现代化在我国经济社会发展过程中是紧密相关、相互促进的,城市化和城市的发展会造成我国耕地大量流失和粮食紧缺是极其错误的观点。我国城市化发展尚处于初级阶段,城市用地就总体而言处于低标准水平。城市与区域规划是合理利用和节约土地的重要手段,应切实重视和加强城市与区域规划对空间资源尤其是土地资源的合理调控、配置作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the socio-economic development and the spatial evolution patterns of Macao. It argues that urbanization and intense land development have posed three challenges to Macao's future development pathway, namely, limited provision of resource, lack of diversification ofindustries, and incomplete planning legislation. The General Agreement on the Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao signed in 2003 represents a strong policy incentive that offered a comprehensive institutional framework to promote economic integration. The Agreement is conducive to achieving economic development through proposing dynamic and diversified economic activities, which will also benefit tourism. The development of Hengqin will serve as a test bed for furthering the implementation of "one country, two systems" constitutional principle, which will also improve the existing regional cooperation mechanisms. A comprehensive urban planning system should be established to avoid marginalization in regional development. Better reallocation of resources and prevention of over-competition in the market are two critical components in achieving sustainable development of Macao.  相似文献   

中国城市土地开发及其供给问题研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
刘卫东 《城市规划》2002,26(11):37-40
总结了改革开放以来中国城市土地开发的主要特征 ,分析了中国城市建设用地需求及其供给中存在的城镇建设占用耕地 ;城市土地利用粗放、土地利用率低 ;城市土地市场行为不规范 ,土地供给总量控制困难 ;城市规划依据不充分 ,土地制度欠完善等问题。提出建立科学完善的城市土地供给调控体系的对策包括 :实施城市发展战略 ,加强城乡土地统一管理 ;提高城市规划水平 ,实行严格的土地用途管制 ;建立城镇土地储备机制 ,形成城市土地供给的良性循环 ;消除城市土地闲置现象 ,挖掘城市土地利用潜力。  相似文献   

在多年来快速化、粗放型城镇化发展进程中,非集中建设区有关保护与发展、规划与建设、实施与管理等问题愈发突出,而我国空间规划与行政机构的变革为解决非集中建设区众多问题提供了时代契机。本文突破"城市非建设用地""非城市建设用地"概念的局限性,针对各市新一轮总体规划提出的"非集中建设区"进行概念内涵解析,剖析了非集中建设区规划管控现状问题,借鉴了西安、上海、台湾地区的实践经验,在统一规划体系建设的时代背景下,提出采取"多规合一"的全域空间规划模式,构建系统化、统一化规划编制与管控体系,以及通过功能主导的政策分区、"规土合一"的土地用途、"生态保护与建设控制"的双向指标等管控方式实现非集中建设区统一性规划、整体性治理的思路。  相似文献   

转型是中国城镇化发展的大趋势。正确的城镇化政策制定有赖于对未来发展的把握。本文运用情景规划方法,借助经济学的"供给-需求"模型,建立了基于产业导向的城镇化发展模型。模型建立的目的是明晰不同城镇化发展的情景及其成因,从而设计针对性的调控政策以引导城镇健康发展。以湖北省为例进行的实证研究证明,在现有资料的基础上,情景规划方法是大区域城镇化发展研究中的有效工具,其研究结论具有决策参考价值。  相似文献   

Compared with medium-sized cities, megacities play an increasingly important role in the rapid urbanization process in China. Owing to the expanding scale of large cities, urban sprawl leads to unsustainable practices that cause ecological, social, and environmental problems. Urban planning and land use planning are major driving forces of land use and land cover change in China. However, the goals of these two types of planning are different, and coordinating them is a challenge for local government decision makers. Thus, we use the SLEUTH model to simulate the implementation scenarios of future urban growth in Nanjing in the Jiangsu province of China. Using the scientific simulation data of the model, we contrasted the alternative futures of the two planning types for local government decision makers to achieve sustainable urban planning.The objective of our study is to explore the problems and possible solutions for urban management in the context of amegacity in China. The results of our study confirm the value of SLEUTH, which provid esextensive exploratory knowledge in evaluating the effects of possible local government decisions.  相似文献   

There is a large amount of population moved from countryside to cities in China during its urbanization in the past two decades. The majority of these people have no formal qualifications for city residency, and they are so-called ‘floating population’. The increase of this group of people has induced the pressure of land use in cities, and the contradiction between the demand and the supply of urban land has been intensifying particularly in those developed regions in China. This paper examines the impacts of floating population on urban land by presenting the interrelations between floating population and urban land expansion from the perspective of production land and living land. Structural equation model (SEM) is employed in conducting the analysis. The result shows that the floating population alone does not have direct effect on urban land expansion, but have indirect impacts through engaging in the production or living process. It is particularly interesting that floating people's living conditions have no direct positive effect on the increase of construction land. Based on the research results, suggestions are offered for improvements in government policy towards a more sustainable and integrated urbanization, including the provision of housing support, the formation of more urbanized society and sustainable development.  相似文献   

茹葳 《规划师》2006,22(12):59-62
吴江市松陵城区近期建设规划运用GIS和遥感技术分析土地利用动态变化,预测城市近期土地需求量;转变发展模式,盘活、整合、优化开发区土地,提高开发土地利用率;将城市发展目标与空间布局相结合,形成空间政策体系;深化重大基础设施,为控制性详细规划全覆盖服务.  相似文献   

The rural land institutions have confined the process of China's urbanization for a long time. During the 13 th Five-Year Plan period, the Chinese government will push forward a new round of rural land institutional reform, so as to promote the restructuring of current rural land use pattern, change related elements concerning urbanization, and realize the transformation of the urbanization mode. Taking Jiangsu Province, a comprehensive pilot site of new urbanization at the provincial level in China, as an example, the paper summarizes the practical experience of rural land institutional reform in Jiangsu during recent years. Further, through analyzing the influence of rural land institutional reform on the urbanization process of Jiangsu Province during the 13 th Five-Year Plan period, the paper puts forward some policy measures, with the hope of providing a lasting impetus for the new urbanization in Jiangsu Province as well as a reference for other provinces in China.  相似文献   

浅析后工业化对我国城市化进程的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王红扬 《城市规划》1998,(5):43-46,42
针对对城市化发展规律的一般认识,本文分析了全球进入后工业化时代对城市化进程可能造成的影响,指出传统城市化理论主要反映工业社会的城市化发展规律,而后工业化将改变传统的城市化进程;未来我国城市化发展的趋势可能包括:城市人口规模不会加速增长和大规模空间转移,人口和用地都将以内涵增长为主,在不增加人均占有量的同时城市用地能够实现适合人居的适度“松动”,城镇体系结构演化中单纯的等级———规律序列(层次结构)将被核心———边缘关系下的网络结构部分取代。  相似文献   

在我国快速城镇化的过程中,半城市化地区的土地处于城镇化、工业化和原有农业基底的剧烈冲突及重构之中,尤其是集体建设用地上市流转的趋势影响叠加,形成了半城市化地区用地性质、功能和开发方式的混合,迫切需要通过城乡规划进行合理调控和引导开发。本文立足当前的新型城镇化实践、城乡统筹发展局面和国家及地方政策背景,识别和分析半城市化地区混合用地的特征,综合运用相关理论提出集约增长、发展都市农业和挖掘地域特色的规划策略,通过成都郊区某地块规划案例的微观实证分析,对半城市化地区混合用地的开发机理和规划编制进行了探讨,为类似区域的开发提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

近30年来,中国一直在经历城市(镇)化的过程,可以说这一过程喜忧参半,目前国家提出了新型城镇化的发展方向。新型城镇化,既关乎国家的政策研究,更是涉及经济发展、土地制度、人口制度、城市规划、建筑设计等多方面内容的、跨学科的综合性课题。毫无疑问,目前中国的城市发展面临转型,新型城镇化的核心即在如何转型。  相似文献   

Land use change driven by exurban development can lead to dramatic alterations in the structure and function of landscapes. Residential development outside of urban and suburban zones can disrupt agricultural and forest management operations and ecosystem processes, increase community wildfire hazard, deplete groundwater resources, and lead to social conflict. We assessed two policy tools, urban growth boundaries and agricultural use zoning, for their potential to help manage growth and sustain the rural landscape. Using a survey-based model, we simulated the effects of the two policy tools on land use change and compared the results with predictions of land use change for two rural counties (4794 km2) in northern Idaho developed in a previous project. We measured the effects of predicted exurban development using four measures: number of housing units predicted on productive agricultural lands, number of housing units predicted on a groundwater resource area, changes to a wildfire hazard index for residential structures, and the social acceptability of residential development patterns given current development preferences. The two policy tools impose in substantially different landscape-level residential development patterns when compared to the baseline change prediction and each other. Each tool resulted in a variety of tradeoffs between negative and positive effects among our measures of impact. Our findings demonstrate the importance of using multiple indicators to evaluate growth management and land protection policy tools for making land use planning decisions.  相似文献   

中国城镇化进程规模空前,因影响深远而举世瞩目。中国城镇化现已进入快速发展阶段,区域速度差异、城镇规模差异、二元结构差异等矛盾问题日渐显现,系统分析城镇化发展特征、理清其发展问题并明晰发展路径显得尤为必要。在深入分析中国城镇化发展空间特征的基础上,研究指出城镇化进程中存在的主要矛盾和挑战,然后从政策支持、市场调节、行政组织和规划管理四个方面进行中国城镇化发展的路径思考。  相似文献   

吴恒 《福建建筑》2014,(6):31-33,95
在当前土地资源稀缺和严控耕地红线的背景下,低丘缓坡开发利用是中国城镇化中缓解用地供需矛盾、拓展城镇发展空间的可探索途径。因生态敏感性高、资金成本大、利用技术复杂等原因,低丘缓坡开发的规划设计面临较大挑战。本文试图通过福州桂湖森林温泉小镇控制性详细规划的实践,探索低丘缓坡地的规划方法和规划重点。  相似文献   

荣玥芳  郭思维 《华中建筑》2010,28(8):139-143
该文以社旗县为例探讨传统农业城镇在快速城镇化背景下城市弹性规划的规划方法,试图在中小城市总体规划层面探讨如何进行城市化应对的弹性规划方法,具体从城市规划区范围的确定、城市产业空间的预留、历史城区的保护以及城市设施的弹性规划等四个方面展开研究,探讨我国农业欠发达地区中小城市如何在城市总体层面城市空间发展上应对城市发展阶段的跳跃式发展,为城市的可持续发展提供物质空间载体。  相似文献   

Underground urbanization aids sustainability by contributing to the optimization of land use plans, diversification of urban functions, safeguarding of utility supplies and enrichment of social life. Underground space as a valuable land resource can be integrated into a general urban resources management scheme and development policy, by rationalizing resource supply according to economic demand, and by coordinating stakeholders from the public administration, private developers and users. After benchmarking best practices in administration and management, from seven cities (Helsinki, Singapore, Hong Kong, Minneapolis, Tokyo, Shanghai and Montreal), critical success factors are extracted to guide a pilot project implementation.The way to incorporate underground space planning into conventional urban planning process is exemplified by a pilot project of Suzhou City in China, which investigated thoroughly the supply potential of its underground space resource as well as the demand potential of the urban economy on underground space development. The core value of the case study in Suzhou City is based on active involvement of provincial and municipal governments, who supported territorial data collection, administrative consultation and the development of GIS-based decision-making tools. The typicality of the present case study refers to an old Chinese city with a modern Central Business District owning important economic functions for the Yangtze region. Underground Space in Suzhou City is considered as a new land resource manageable with a quantitative and spatial inventory for future allocation. An economic model putting forward a “3D land value” index will be illustrated for underground building projects. This index helps to regulate underground space development according to the resource supply potential and economic demand potential.This strategic framework including potential analysis, local implementation and instrumental innovation was developed from an international cooperation program named “Deep City project” between Switzerland and China. Further discussions on considering societal impacts affected by underground space use indicate future research directions for underground space operations management.  相似文献   

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