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泗洲选矿厂碎一工段由于84″液压圆锥破碎机使用年限已久,用HP800圆锥破碎机替代其进行生产。着重介绍了HP800圆锥破碎机的特点及其在泗洲选矿厂的应用情况,生产应用表明HP800圆锥破碎机破碎效果明显,能有效改善碎矿最终产品粒度,实现"多碎少磨",并能降低电耗,节约生产成本。  相似文献   

云南某矿山选厂碎矿系统能力偏低,最终碎矿粒度偏大,与球磨机需求不匹配,导致生产组织困难。该矿山为了提高矿石处理能力,经过考察、研讨及试验研究,确定将GP11F圆锥破碎机更换为GP330圆锥破碎机,并对配套的筛分设备进行改进,减少粗碎设备负荷,提高细碎生产效率。改进后,该矿山碎矿效率提升至160~180 t/h,碎矿最终产品粒度-12 mm含量提升至71%,磨矿处理能力稳定提升至2 029 t/d,为降低选矿能耗提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

在科学技术问题上,存在不同的见解,这是科学技术发展过程中正常的现象。开展不同见解之间的自由讨论,分清是非,是找出多快好省的技术方案、发展科学技术、提高技术理论水平的正确态度。本刊“技术问题讨论”一栏就是为此而开辟的、供读者发表不同技术见解、进行自由讨论的园地,欢迎广大读者充分利用,踊跃投稿。当前,在闭路碎矿流程与开路碎矿流程中的短头型圆锥碎矿机的生产能力计算问题上,国内外都存在着较大的分歧,从而使设计上选择设备的数量相差很大,影响了碎矿流程的正确确定和碎矿技术经济指标的提高。金长忠同志在短头型圆锥碎矿机与筛子构成闭路作业时的生产能力计算问题上,提出了当碎矿机的循环比C_g大于100%时,按通过碎矿机总矿量Q_r值的1/2来计算;当碎矿机的循环比C_g等于100%或小于100%时,则按预先筛分的筛上量Q_2值来计算的意见。在开路碎矿流程中,短头型圆锥碎矿机的生产能力的计算问题上,提出了当短头型圆锥碎矿机做为开路碎矿设备时,其生产能力约为规格能力的1.6倍,在计算设备数量时可取1.5倍的数值的意见。此外,在总筛分效率与部分筛分效率的关系和合理确定碎矿机的循环比的问题上,也都提出了白己的意见。希望有关读者参与讨论,以便找出合理的选择设备数量的方案来。  相似文献   

描述了永平铜矿选厂碎矿工艺集中控制系统要求,分析了PLC控制系统组建的基本思路及网络结构的配置,阐述了主体设备电气控制和碎矿圆锥恒功率控制系统思路.改造后,清晰高效的网络结构解决了数据传输的瓶颈问题.使用WEB浏览方式使管理者、调度员能实时监控生产流程和设备状态,使生产管理达到较高水平.  相似文献   

永平铜矿选矿厂处理能力为10000 t/d。为了提高破碎处理能力,本着多碎少磨的原则,永平铜矿2010年完成了碎矿Ⅰ#系统三台HP500高性能圆锥破碎机替代原有三台国产φ2200圆锥破碎机的一系列生产改造。改造后各项破碎指标有较大改善,其中碎矿最终产品粒度-9mm达78 %以上,比改造前-9mm含量62.05%提高了16个百分点。  相似文献   

铜山矿选矿车间采用三段碎矿加两次洗矿的生产流程,矿石为中硬矿石,设备日处理能力3000t/日。沈阳矿机厂生产的φ1650标准圆锥破碎机作为中碎(即第二次破碎);沈阳重型机械厂生产的φ2100短头圆锥破碎机作为细皇(即第三次破碎)。这两台圆锥破碎机均是1958年生产出厂,1959年安装投产的。其机身大铜套的配合与固定,原设计如图1所示:  相似文献   

液压圆锥破碎机自动控制系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赖如清 《冶金自动化》1994,18(1):26-28,56
本文介绍了德兴铜矿一期技术改造碎矿系统中液压圆锥破碎机自动控制系统的应用情况,对系统的组成、功能、程序的编制作了简要阐述,通过与其它控制方式的比较,阐述了本系统的特点。  相似文献   

HP型圆锥破碎机的设计及生产实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了H P型圆锥破碎机在黑色及有色金属选矿厂设计及改造中的应用情况, 生产实践证明, H P型高效圆锥破碎机破碎产品中0 ~ 5mm 粒级的粉矿含量显著高于国产老式圆锥破碎机。不改变碎矿工艺, 以最小的投资实现—多碎少磨 , 大幅度提高了球磨机的生产效率及选矿厂的处理量, 取得了较好的规模经济效益。  相似文献   

新华钼业抢修2系列Φ1650圆锥破碎机确保设备安全高效运转"十一"前夕,新华钼业碎矿2系列Φ1650圆锥破碎机突然出现问题,公司连夜组织人员进行抢修,经过近两天的奋战,设备已经安全运转  相似文献   

介绍了炉渣破碎系统现有工艺流程及参数设定,分析了炉渣破碎系统目前存在的问题及原因,通过全流程考察,调整中碎、细碎圆锥排矿口,更换更小孔径的筛板,提高了合格粒级占比。在保证合格粒级不变的条件下,提高了系统台效。延长圆锥衬板使用寿命,单套衬板处理总矿量明显增加。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,互联网的应用变得越来越广泛,网络信息的安全性变得日益重要起来,已被社会的各个领域所重视.本文对目前计算机网络存在的安全隐患进行了分析,并探讨了针对计算机安全隐患的防范策略.  相似文献   

Ano-genital neoplasia is about 20 x more common in renal transplant patients than the general population. Neoplasms in the immunosuppressed are more morbid and mortal because: patients are younger; tumors are more undifferentiated; they have more and larger foci; more sites are involved; neoplasms tend to persist, recur and progress; and there are more complications from treatments. Intraepithelial neoplasia engenders some morbidity. Invasion is rarer, but when it occurs, it is always morbid, and all too often mortal. Invasive ano-genital cancer is primarily preventable because the lower genital and anal tracts are accessible to inspection, cytologic screening, endoscopy and biopsy. Prime prevention is avoiding infection with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Next best is detecting HPV/intraepithelial neoplasia early with frequent inspection, cytology and liberal biopsies; and then removing any condylomas or intraepithelial neoplasia that develop.  相似文献   

While research on spinal cord injury (SCI) is abundant, few studies focus on women. This population-based study investigates differences in the prevalence of secondary conditions between 128 women and 522 men. Case managers retrospectively interviewed 650 persons regarding medical and psychological conditions secondary to SCI, as well as other life issues. Overall, males and females show more similarities than differences in the ways in which they manage life with SCI. Differences were found, though, regarding etiology of initial injury, insurance coverage, caregiver use, transportation use, medication use, and in other medical and behavioral areas. Females are significantly involved in more automobile crashes than males, while males are involved in more galls than females. Females are more reliant on Medicaid, while males report more Medicare and Worker's Compensation coverage. Females are more likely to have a paid attendant as a caregiver while males are more likely to have their spouse or parents assist. Males report more independence in their use of transportation than females. Males and females also report significant differences in the use of medication. Females are more likely to use medication any time it is a treatment option. Males are more active, use tobacco more and have more arm fractures postinjury than females.  相似文献   

本文就利用富余的氧气生产能力将沸腾焙烧所需压缩空气的氧浓增至 2 3% ,实施富氧焙烧的可行性进行了探索。在富氧条件下 ,更能发挥沸腾焙烧的优越性  相似文献   

Why do some individuals choose to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and use illegal drugs while others do not? The origin of individual preferences and values is one of the remaining theoretical questions in social and behavioral sciences. The Savanna-IQ Interaction Hypothesis suggests that more intelligent individuals may be more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values than less intelligent individuals. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is evolutionarily novel, so the Savanna-IQ Interaction Hypothesis would predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to consume these substances. Analyses of two large, nationally representative, and prospectively longitudinal data from the United Kingdom and the United States partly support the prediction. More intelligent children, both in the United Kingdom and the United States, are more likely to grow up to consume more alcohol. More intelligent American children are more likely to grow up to consume more tobacco, while more intelligent British children are more likely to grow up to consume more illegal drugs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study uses a recently-developed scale for eliciting perceptions, expectations, and evaluations of intergenerational communication. As predicted, it is found that younger adults expect to experience more anxiety, receive more complaining, and receive lower levels of attunement from an older adult who is portrayed as "despondent" than one who is portrayed as a "perfect grandparent." In addition, younger adults with more negative attitudes toward older adults expect to experience more negative effect, anxiety, and communication apprehension, to feel more compassion for the older adult, and to receive lower levels of attunement and more complaining from the older adult than those with more positive attitudes. Surprisingly, younger adults with higher levels of young age identification expect to experience lower levels of apprehension, more attunement from the older adult, and to feel more compassion for the older adult than those with lower levels of age identity. These findings are discussed in terms of theoretical models of intergenerational communication, in particular the communication predicament model. In addition, younger people's feelings of having "helped" an older person are discussed in the context of intergroup theory.  相似文献   

网络时代各种数据库无处不在。如何使分布很广、形式各异的数据库协同工作越来越成为人们关心的问题。本文深入分析了有关分布式数据库协同工作的机制 ,结合多数据库的工作特点 ,提出了基于多智体的多库协同技术 ,使数据库具有更多的智能特性和主动性 ,在实际工程软件开发中得到应用 ,并取得良好效果  相似文献   

浅谈项目成本管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚兰英 《山东冶金》2006,28(5):64-66
项目成本管理是项目管理的核心组成部分,贯穿项目发展的整个过程。随着国内建筑市场与国际接轨,建筑承包市场竞争愈来愈激烈,项目成本管理的作用也越来越明显,企业要想提升自己的竞争力,需要与时俱进,学习国外先进的项目成本管理模式,逐步完善项目成本管理体系。  相似文献   

常升  王振光 《山东冶金》2011,33(2):38-39
结合生产实际数据,分析了RH真空脱气工艺过程。如要求[H]≤1.8×10-6,需真空处理9min;当要求[H]≤1.5×10-6时,冬、春季节RH处理时间为≥11min,夏季则为≥12min,秋季应为≥13min;RH脱氮率约为23%,且在脱气超过8min时RH脱氮出现拐点,延长真空处理时间对脱氮影响不大。  相似文献   

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