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Wheat straw-g-polyacrylonitrile (PAN), containing 40% PAN, was saponified with sodium hydroxide and isolated under three sets of saponification and work-up conditions. Each reaction mixture was separated into a water-soluble and a water-insoluble fraction, which were individually analyzed for percentages (by weight) of synthetic polymer (saponified PAN), cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Water solubles amounted to 14–24% of the total product and contained 70–74% synthetic polymer, the remainder being hemicellulose and lignin. Although water-insoluble fractions contained 52–54% saponified PAN, their water absorbencies were low (14–17 g H2O/g polymer). Treatment of these fractions with the enzyme cellulase converted 55–62% of the total cellulose of glucose.  相似文献   

叶黄素是一种含氧类胡萝卜素,在万寿菊中的含量最高,广泛应用于饲料和食品中。本文研究了以万寿菊提取物为原料,首先经过皂化,再进行精制和重结晶,主要考察了精制的溶剂、温度和条件,重结晶的体系和条件等对叶黄素含量的影响,同时提高其含量,获得高纯度叶黄素。  相似文献   

Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of mica-acrylonitrile graft copolymers was studied. The dependence of alkali concentration and the time of hydrolysis on the degree of saponification was determined. Chemical and spectroscopical techniques were used to determine the mechanism of hydrolysis.  相似文献   

皂化废液净化处理新工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了以聚铝复合物和聚丙烯和酰胺为沉淀剂,应用于甘油生产中毛废液净化的新工艺。通过新、旧工艺的应用与比较,证实新工艺处理毛废液具有缩短流程、节约开支、提高净化效果等优点。  相似文献   

研究提出了甲壳胺的游离氨基含量测定、粘度测定、水分测定、灰分测定及分子量测定的方法。  相似文献   

冯铱  苏芳云  姚亚平 《精细化工》2005,22(Z1):140-145
采用动态研究方法,在200 L间歇搅拌罐进行高碳烷基酚与NaOH水溶液皂化反应的工程研究,利用在线水分分析仪,连续测定了反应的“特征变量”——水质量分数,定时采样、离线用红外光谱仪分析产物组成、计算烷基酚转化率,研究了反应过程中转化率与“特征变量”之间的关系,进而优化了工艺。研究确定:体系水质量分数2%左右为皂化反应起始点、2%-0.06%为皂化反应阶段,体系水质量分数<0.06%以后,反应不再向右进行;建立了烷基酚转化速率与体系水质量分数的关系,以及脱水速率对烷基酚转化率的影响:在关键反应阶段脱水质量速率-dw/dt保持在5 000×10-6·h-1左右,能够获得烷基酚转化率95%以上的产物,而-dw/dt超过 10000×10-6·h-1,只能获得转化率70%左右的产物,脱水速率越高,所能达到的转化率越低。结果还表明,上述反应的速度控制步骤是传递,NaOH保持在水溶液状态,Na+才能与烷基酚提供的OH-结合生成烷基酚钠,因此,脱水过快会使NaOH成为结晶析出而不能继续参与反应。  相似文献   

Conclusions The use of n-butyl alcohol as a solvent for saponification of a representative series of drying oils has been studied. It appears from this work that n-butyl alcoholic potassium hydroxide reagent, containing 5% of water added to the reaction mixture, gives very acceptable results based upon calculated saponification values. With the exception of maleic-modified oils of certain types, the solvent system of ethyl alcohol-pyridine exhibits excellent results based upon calculated values. However it has the disadvantages that it is a two-solvent system, and the pyridine must be of reagent grade to avoid end-point difficulties. The end-point in the butyl alcohol system is not as sharp as the normal saponification end-point in ethyl alcohol. This may be caused by the two-phase nature of the titration mixture. Addition of ethyl alcohol to the n-butyl alcoholic saponification reaction mixture gives improvement, although the end-point is not as sharp as in the regular ethyl alcohol system. Work is continuing on methods for improvement of the end-point.  相似文献   

The phosphorus contents of crude and degummed Brazilian soya bean oils were determined by a modified saponification method. The method consists in saponifying the oil with a 50% sodium hydroxide solution at 180°C, acidifying with hydrochloric acid, extracting the liberated fatty acids with hexane and determining the phosphorus in the aqueous solution spectrophometrically as molybdenum blue. The determination requires less than 3 hours of work and shows good agreement with the ashing method of the American Oil Chemists' Society. The results showed that Brazilian crude soya bean oils contain less total phospholipids but proportionally more non-hydratable phosphatides than the North American ones, this being specially evident in the equatorial region of Brazil. The high content of non-hydratable phosphatides impedes the determination of acetone-insolubles in crude oils and the application of the conventional conversion factors of phosphorus into phosphatides.  相似文献   

报道用电导滴定法测定油脂皂化价的新方法。该法克服了反滴定法测定色泽较深油脂时,在滴定终点酚酞指示剂色变点不明显的缺点,所得电导滴定曲线线性关系较好,测定结果准确可靠。用于鱼油皂化价测定,其相对标准偏差小于1%。  相似文献   

皂化和乳化对红酵母胡萝卜素制品水溶性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王岁楼  朱冬梅 《精细化工》2002,19(9):500-502
研究了皂化和乳化条件对生产红酵母胡萝卜素制品的影响 ,实验结果表明∶当红酵母细胞碎片的丙酮浸提液按每mg胡萝卜素加w(NaOH) =30 %的水溶液约 40mL ,在沸水浴中皂化 3h ,添加乳化剂〔m(蔗糖酯 )∶m(单甘酯 ) =2∶1〕为浸提液的 0 4 %时 ,可明显提高制品的水溶性和稳定性。在上述初步优化的条件下 ,自每 g细胞 (含 β 胡萝卜素约 5 0 0 μg)可获得w(β 胡萝卜素 )≈ 0 6 4%的水溶性胡萝卜素制品约 6 2 5mg。  相似文献   

陈利兴 《合成纤维》2008,37(1):30-32
将测定酯化产物皂化值的吡啶/水溶剂改为正丙醇/乙二醇溶剂,克服了吡啶/水溶剂的刺激、腐蚀性,同时也改善了溶剂自身方面对测试结果带来的不利影响,提高了分析的稳定性及准确性。实践证明:正丙醇/乙二醇溶剂能完全满足测试要求,并降低了测试成本。  相似文献   

为得到不同水解程度的EVA皂化产物,以乙烯一醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(Ethylene—vinyl acetate,EVA)为原料,甲苯为溶剂,氢氧化钠为催化剂使EVA中的乙酰基在碱性作用下进行水解而得到水解产物。通过化学滴定法研究了EVA在不同水解温度、水解时间、碱浓度下的皂化度,并利用红外、核磁对水解产物的结构进行了分析。结果表明:通过控制水解温度、水解时间和碱浓度实现了EVA的可控皂化度,并经^13C—NMR分析得出EVA皂化产物有九种不同的序列结构。该研究为今后对EVA进行化学改性提供了基础。  相似文献   

李德华  陈峣  谭月辉 《化学世界》2003,44(5):246-249
采用多级微型工业反应釜 ,以电导连续测定对乙酸乙酯皂化反应进行宏观动力学研究 ,借助计算机应用线性最小二乘法对实验数据进行处理 ,得到了供反应器设计和模拟放大之用的宏观动力学方程 :- r A=2 .5 386× 1 0 7exp( - 5 .7698× 1 0 3 /T) c A,02 ( 1 - xA)2  相似文献   

刘文岗  陈志斌 《湖北化工》2012,(5):78-80,94
介绍了一种综合利用环己酮生产中皂化废碱液的新工艺(化学法)及其处理过程中废水、废气及废渣的处理方法,与现有工业处理方法(焚烧法)相比,该方法投资省、污染小、运营费用低、回收物价值高,无论在经济方面还是在环保方面,均具有明显优势,值得推广。同时,指出了需要完善和改进的地方。  相似文献   

环己烷催化氧化法制备环己酮、环己醇的生产,氧化液中所含的有机羧酸和酯要用NaOH溶液进行中和、皂化,加碱位置从原设计的不合理到现在的工艺完善,作者进行了回顾总结。  相似文献   

介绍了油脂皂化工业污水的组成、处理目标及其难度,报告了电解处理工艺与效果,探讨了该方法的机理和应用前景。实验表明:该方法可使污水COD降低90%以上。  相似文献   

介绍了用电导滴定法测定环烷酸钴皂化值的新方法,所得电导滴定曲线线性关系良好,测定结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

刘靓 《河北化工》2007,30(4):30-31,52
番茄红素是一种天然的功能性色素,它有良好的防癌和抗癌功效.利用单因素分析法和正交实验法确定了碱洗的最佳条件,包括碱洗时间、碱洗温度和碱洗浓度等.实验表明:选用氢氧化钾配制溶液,碱洗时间为1 h,碱洗温度为40℃,碱液的浓度为1 mol/L时,碱洗的效果最好.  相似文献   

糠蜡是由高级脂肪酸和高级一元醇所组成的酯类混合物,是一种多用途的化工原料。文章通过皂化法对精制粗米糠蜡的皂化温度、加入碱液浓度及皂化时间三个操作因素进行考察,以产品得率为指标找出最优的工艺条件。实验结果表明:三个操作因素对产品得率影响主次顺序为皂化温度、皂化时间、碱浓度;产品得率的最佳工艺条件为皂化温度95℃,皂化时间3.5h,加入碱液浓度6%,精制米糠蜡的收率75.3%。  相似文献   

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