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以玉米杂交种安科985和隆平206为材料,分析不同种子活力水平(相对发芽率100%、80%和60%)间玉米籽粒产量、淀粉粒度分布和黏度特性的差异。随着种子活力的降低,2个玉米品种穗长、百粒重、穗粒重、产量都呈降低的变化趋势,玉米胚乳大型淀粉粒组体积分布与数量分布的百分比显著减小(P<0.05),而淀粉粒表面积百分比显著增大(P<0.05),可见低活力种子不利于玉米胚乳淀粉粒个体体积增大。活力对籽粒淀粉含量的影响最大,蛋白质含量次之,脂肪含量相对较小。大型淀粉粒组(直径>16μm)的表面积分布百分比与淀粉稀懈值和峰值黏度呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。低活力种子,通过影响胚乳淀粉粒度分布,即减小大型淀粉粒比例,从而降低了玉米淀粉最终黏度、峰值黏度等糊化参数。  相似文献   

硫酸钾对甘薯块根烤后口感品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨钾肥对甘薯块根烤后口感品质的调控效应,进行大田试验。结果表明,钾肥用量较高时(240和360 kg/hm2)可显著提高收获期烟薯25块根中直链淀粉含量、直支比及大型淀粉粒(19.76-50.00 μm)的体积百分比,降低块根全粉的最低黏度、最终黏度、回复值和糊化温度,降低薯块烘烤后口感品质,用量降至120 kg/hm2时,薯肉口感评价与对照处理相似;钾肥用量较高时可显著提高收获期北京553块根中支链淀粉含量、小型淀粉粒(直径<1 μm)的数目百分比以及块根全粉的最低黏度、最终黏度、回复值和糊化温度,提高薯块烘烤后的口感品质。说明适量施用钾肥主要通过提高收获期块根小型淀粉粒的比例,增加支链淀粉含量,改善块根的糊化特性,来提高块根烤后的口感品质。最适钾肥用量存在品种间差异。  相似文献   

为探讨蛀食性害虫玉米象、米象侵害后小麦粗淀粉含量和全麦粉糊化特性的变化,选用河南产储藏3年的商品小麦为材料,按不同虫种分组,设定不同的虫口密度和侵害时间,检测害虫感染后小麦粗淀粉含量和全麦粉的糊化特性。结果表明:玉米象和米象不同程度感染后小麦粗淀粉含量总体呈下降趋势;无论是同一虫口密度随着蛀蚀时间的延长,还是同一蛀蚀时间下随虫口密度增加,其感染后的全麦粉峰值黏度、最低黏度、最终黏度、衰减值和回生值均呈下降趋势;糊化温度呈上升趋势,峰值时间基本无变化;粗淀粉含量与峰值黏度、最低黏度、最终黏度、衰减值和回生值均存在极显著正相关,与糊化温度呈极显著负相关,与峰值时间无相关性。  相似文献   

分析不同粒径大小分布对不同淀粉含量全籽粒玉米粉糊化特性的影响,为其品质分析和加工提供参考依据。选取淀粉含量66%~77%的玉米,通过小型实验磨研磨得到不同粒径的全籽粒玉米粉,研究粒径大小分布、主要成分、损伤淀粉等指标对糊化特性的影响。结果表明,玉米粉的粒径大小和分布对其糊化能力、凝胶特性影响明显,特别是小颗粒粒径大小影响明显,但对回生老化特性影响不显著。平均粒径和小颗粒粒径越小、颗粒表面积越大时,越容易糊化,峰值黏度也越大,玉米粉间糊化能力差异越显著,总淀粉越多、脂肪和蛋白越少也越容易糊化,峰值黏度也越大;小颗粒粒径越小、比表面积越大,凝胶抗剪切能力越差,玉米粉间凝胶特性差异越明显,总淀粉和损伤淀粉含量升高、脂肪和蛋白质降低,也降低凝胶抗剪切能力;粒径大小与分布对玉米粉回生老化特性影响不显著,总淀粉和直链淀粉增加、脂肪减少,提高凝胶回生能力。  相似文献   

不同类型玉米发育过程中淀粉糊化特性的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用DGC方差分析法,比较普通玉米、糯玉米和爆裂玉米籽粒生长过程中胚乳淀粉糊化特性和直链淀粉含量的变化及差异。结果表明,普通玉米和爆裂玉米RVA谱的尾部高于峰顶,而糯玉米RVA谱的尾部低于峰顶。普通玉米的低谷黏度授粉后10 d达最高,峰值黏度和最终黏度分别在20 d和30 d时最高;糯玉米的峰值黏度、低谷黏度和最终黏度均在30 d时最高,爆裂玉米均在40 d时最高。说明,普通玉米胚乳的淀粉膨胀力、耐剪切能力和淀粉胶的硬度最先达到最大,其次为糯玉米,爆裂玉米最晚。糯玉米胚乳中直链淀粉含量最低,回复值最低,最不易老化。授粉20 d后,爆裂玉米淀粉的峰值时间最长,糊化温度最高,最难糊化。相关分析发现,糯玉米的直链淀粉含量与回复值和糊化温度分别呈显著正和负相关,爆裂玉米直链淀粉含量与消减值呈显著正相关,而普通玉米直链淀粉含量与RVA特征值间不存在显著相关性,即相关性的大小受玉米类型的影响。  相似文献   

以郑单958及先玉335玉米为材料,利用激光衍射粒度分析仪及扫描电镜,分析玉米籽粒淀粉粒形态及分布特征。结果表明,两品种籽粒淀粉粒体积分布均为三峰曲线,峰值分布均在1.919,5.355及18.00μm;两品种籽粒淀粉粒表面积分布为三峰曲线,其峰值分别为1.322(1.097),5.355及16.40μm;郑单958、先玉335籽粒淀粉粒数目分布为双峰曲线,其峰值分别为0.627(0.688)及4.878(4.444)μm。两玉米品种>15μm所占体积最大,而<2μm淀粉粒所占体积最小; <2μm淀粉粒所占表面积及数目均最高,>15μm淀粉粒所占数目最小。郑单958及先玉335淀粉粒分布范围分别为0.375-39.78,0.375-30.07μm;淀粉粒体积及表面积均值均是先玉335>郑单958,而淀粉粒数目均值则是郑单958>先玉335。淀粉粒含量与2-15μm范围的淀粉粒体积和数目呈显著正相关,和其他淀粉粒分布特性相关性不显著。郑单958玉米籽粒淀粉粒呈圆形或椭圆形,大小不均匀,淀粉粒排布致密,脂体含量丰富;先玉335大多呈圆形,大小均匀,淀粉粒排布分布较郑单958稀疏,脂体含量少于郑单958。  相似文献   

追氮对夏玉米淀粉含量及其糊化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以郑单958为材料,研究玉米随追氮量增加玉米籽粒淀粉含量、淀粉相关酶活性及其淀粉糊化特性的影响,研究结果表明玉米籽粒淀粉及直链淀粉含量随追氮量的增加先升高后略有下降;腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(ADPG-PPase)、尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDPG-PPase)及束缚态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)的活性随追氮量的增加先升高后降低。可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)的活性随追氮量的增加先降低后升高;随追氮量的增加淀粉的峰值黏度、低谷黏度、最终黏度及崩解值先升高后降低,峰值时间以及糊化温度先降低后升高。  相似文献   

在大田试验条件下,研究了不同种植密度对两种穗型冬小麦品种籽粒淀粉积累、组成及其糊化特性的影响.结果表明,两种穗型冬小麦品种淀粉积累随灌浆进程推进呈上升趋势,淀粉积累速率则呈单峰曲线变化,且均在花后21~28 d时积累速率最快.不同种植密度对两种穗型冬小麦品种籽粒淀粉积累及其糊化特性的影响存在差异多穗型品种豫麦49-198以较高密度的B3处理(225×104/hm2)成熟期籽粒淀粉含量最高,直/支比最低;大穗型品种兰考矮早八以最低密度的C1处理(300×104/hm2)籽粒淀粉含量最高.两种穗型品种的多数淀粉糊化参数以高密度或较高密度处理的数值最高,而适宜的种植密度既能改善两种穗型小麦品种的淀粉组成,又有利于提高其粒重与籽粒产量.  相似文献   

以郑单 958为材料,通过不同种植密度,利用激光衍射粒度分析仪、扫描电镜及透射电镜, 分析不同种植密度夏玉米胚乳籽粒淀粉粒粒度分布特征。结果表明, 不同种植密度玉米籽粒淀粉粒的粒径下限一致 (0.38 μm),上限D1 > D2 > D3;体积、表面积及数目均值:D2 > D3 > D1。从淀粉粒的扫描图可以看出不同处理淀粉粒形态及胚乳细胞内其他内含物含量均有差异。从淀粉粒的透射图可以看出,各处理间淀粉粒的发育、外形、排列以及其他质体的数量都存在较大差异;密度可以调节玉米胚乳淀粉粒的分布及形态。  相似文献   

采用快速黏度分析仪、差示扫描量热仪、动态流变仪、物性测试仪等,研究了海藻酸钠对3种不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉糊化、凝胶及老化性质的影响。结果表明:海藻酸钠显著影响高直链玉米淀粉、普通玉米淀粉及蜡质玉米淀粉的物化性质,且对不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉物化性质的影响不同。海藻酸钠使3种玉米淀粉的糊化难度增大,起始糊化温度、峰值糊化温度、终止糊化温度升高,糊化焓增加。海藻酸钠提高3种玉米淀粉的峰值黏度、末值黏度、表观黏度及损耗模量。海藻酸钠提高高直链玉米淀粉的热稳定性和抗老化性,使高直链玉米淀粉的衰减值、老化率降低。海藻酸钠阻碍高直链玉米淀粉形成凝胶,使高直链玉米淀粉的损耗角正切值升高、凝胶硬度降低。  相似文献   

研究了以三偏磷酸钠为交联剂制备非糊化的高交联玉米淀粉的方法,测定了反应的取代度和布拉班德粘度曲线,提出高交联玉米淀粉与原淀粉颗粒不同,在沸水只发生轻微溶胀,呈非糊化颗粒态。  相似文献   

Zhongmin Dai 《Starch - St?rke》2009,61(10):582-589
The present study was carried out to characterize the effects of soil water status, cultivar and grain position on starch granule size distribution. The starch granule size distribution and protein and starch content were determined from three wheat cultivars with reference to the position of the grain on the spike. The results showed that the contents of A‐, B‐ and C‐type starch granules were affected by soil water, genotype and soil water×genotype interaction. Grain position was significant for A‐ and C‐type starch granules. Genotype×grain position and soil water×genotype×grain position interactions only affected C‐type starch granules. Both basal and distal grains on middle spikelets contained three types of starch granules: smaller C‐type granules with diameters <2.0 μm, medium B‐type granules with diameters 2.0–9.8 μm and large A‐type granules with diameters >9.8 μm at maturity. Both percent volume and percent surface area distribution of starch granules in basal grains showed the typical three populations, and those in distal grains exhibited a two‐peak curve. The volume and surface area percentage of C‐type granules and protein content in basal grains were higher than that in distal grains, but those of A, B‐type granules in basal grains were lower than that in distal grains. Compared with irrigation, the percent volume and surface area of B, C‐type starch granules and protein content in basal and distal grains were significantly increased, and those of A‐type were evidently decreased in rainfed condition.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of hybrid, maturity, and mechanical processing of whole plant corn on chemical and physical characteristics, particle size, pack density, and dry matter recovery. In the first experiment, hybrid 3845 whole plant corn was harvested at hard dough, one-third milkline, and two-thirds milkline with a theoretical length-of-cut of 6.4 mm. In the second experiment, hybrids 3845 and Quanta were harvested at one-third milkline, two-thirds milkline, and blackline stages of maturity with a theoretical length-of-cut of 12.7 mm. At each stage of maturity, corn was harvested with and without mechanical processing by using a John Deere 5830 harvester with an onboard kernel processor. The percentage of intact corn kernels present in unprocessed corn silage explained 62% of variation in total tract starch digestibility. As the amount of intact kernels increased, total tract starch digestibility decreased. Post-ensiled vitreousness of corn kernels within the corn silage explained 31 and 48% of the variation of total tract starch digestibility for processed and unprocessed treatments, respectively. For a given amount of vitreous starch in corn kernels, total tract starch digestibility was lower for cows fed unprocessed corn silage compared with processed corn silage. This suggests that processing corn silage disrupts the dense protein matrix within the corn kernel where starch is embedded, therefore making the starch more available for digestion. Particle size of corn silage and orts that contained corn silage was reduced when it was processed. Wet pack density was greater for processed compared with unprocessed corn silage.  相似文献   

探讨谷蠹不同虫口密度和为害时间对玉米加工品质的影响,为谷蠹蛀食玉米的有效利用和谷蠹的科学防控提供参考。以河南玉米为试材,以谷蠹为试虫,设置不同虫口密度进行为害,测定不同为害期玉米粗淀粉含量、破损淀粉含量、淀粉颗粒形貌、淀粉糊化特性、粗脂肪含量、脂肪酸值、过氧化值、品尝评分值等品质指标。结果表明:随着虫口密度和为害时间的增加,玉米品质指标变化幅度增加;谷蠹为害65 d时,各处理组玉米中粗淀粉减少幅度和破碎淀粉增加幅度都不超过8%,而在为害25 d时脂肪酸值和过氧化值上升幅度都已超过10%。初始虫口密度为15、25头/kg和5头/kg的玉米中淀粉的糊化特性分别在谷蠹为害25 d和45 d时出现明显变化,尤其是衰减值下降超过10%。另外,谷蠹为害会造成玉米淀粉颗粒形态改变,制成窝头颜色加深,表面粗糙,品尝评分值降低。因此,在玉米储藏过程中,应密切监测谷蠹虫口密度,并适时安排出库,合理进行加工,以降低损失。  相似文献   

3种玉米淀粉的性质比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了高直链玉米淀粉、糯玉米淀粉、普通玉米淀粉的粒度分布、糊流变、质构、冻融稳定性等物理化学性质,结果表明:3种玉米淀粉的颗粒形状差异不大。高直链玉米淀粉的粒度分布一致性较高,同样条件下糯玉米淀粉糊粘度大于其他2种淀粉,糯玉米淀粉的冻融稳定性大于普通玉米淀粉和高直链玉米淀粉,为玉米淀粉在食品中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Maize is a main botanical source used for extraction of starch in the world market. New maize cultivars with different amylose contents and special starch metabolism characteristics have been generated. Three types of maize cultivars, namely, normal maize, waxy maize (wxwx homozygous mutant), and super-sweet maize (sh2sh2 homozygous mutant), were investigated to determine differences in endosperm structures, morphologies, and physicochemical properties of starches. Maize kernels exhibited significantly different contents of total starch, soluble sugar, and amylose. Normal maize kernels contained the largest proportion of floury endosperm, followed by waxy maize and then super-sweet maize. Normal maize starch and waxy maize starch were larger in size than super-sweet maize starch. Normal maize starch and waxy maize starch were spherical and polygonal in floury and vitreous endosperms, respectively. Super-sweet maize starch was spherical both in floury and vitreous endosperms. Waxy maize starch showed the strongest birefringence patterns, the highest crystallinity and the largest proportion of ordered structure in external region of granules, and the largest proportion of double helix components, followed by normal maize starch and then super-sweet maize starch. Waxy maize starch showed the highest peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown viscosity, gelatinization temperatures (i.e., gelatinization conclusion temperature, gelatinization onset temperature, gelatinization peak temperature, and gelatinization enthalpy). By contrast, super-sweet maize starch showed the lowest corresponding values for these parameters.  相似文献   

[目的】通过试验,探讨桂糖30号不同种植密度下各种经济遗传值在广西百色蔗区的表现和变化规律,为桂糖30号在本蔗区的推广提供适宜的种植密度和成熟配套的高产、高糖、高效的栽培技术措施。[方法]2011年新植试验采用完全随机区组排列,设5个试验处理(含CK),每公顷种植密度分别为75000芽、90000芽、105000芽、120000芽和135000芽,设3次重复,共15个小区,5行区,行长8m,行距1.2m,小区面积48m2。四周设2行(排)保护行。[结果]桂糖30号在较高密度(120000芽/hm2)蔗茎产量最高,为99465kg/hm2;较高密度(120000芽/hm2)和高密度(135000芽/hm2)蔗茎产量比对照中密度(105000芽/hm2)分别增产1.25%、0.85%,增产均不显著;较低密度(90000芽/hm。)蔗茎产量比对照中密度(105000芽/hm2)减产0.45%,减产亦不显著。在种植密度75000~120000芽/hm2变化时,产量随种植密度增加而增加,以75000~90000芽/hm2变化时,产量增幅最大;种植密度在90000~120000芽/hm2变化时,产量增幅较慢;种植密度在120000芽/hm2以上变化时,产量逐步下降。5个试验处理中蔗糖分比中密度增减不到0.1%,说明桂糖30号品种蔗糖分与种植密度的增减变化不大。『结论1桂糖30号甘蔗新品种适宜种植密度范围是每公顷90000—135000芽,而以每公顷种植密度在120000芽左右为最佳。  相似文献   

In this study, the morphological and physicochemical of pigmented maizes as well as the initial characterization of the corresponding starch granule enzymes are described. Starch granules were isolated from blue, black, and white maize. They were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, particle size distribution, pasting characteristics, sorption isotherms, differential scanning calorimetry, and two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis. The morphology of the starch granules of pigmented maizes was different from the granules of white maize; the pattern was related to the endosperm type of these varieties. The average starch granule size was higher for black than for white and blue maizes. The average gelatinization temperature was similar in the three starches, but the pigmented maizes had higher gelatinization enthalpy; black maize starch showed the lowest enthalpy of retrogradation. These results indicated that the starches from the three maizes analyzed had different organization level. Black maize starch showed the highest peak viscosity followed by white and blue maize starches. In the gel electrophoresis three starch granules presented one main spot at pI of 5 and MW of 60 kDa that corresponds to the granule‐bound starch synthase. Blue and white starches presented some spots near 97 kDa at pI of 5.3–5.7 (white maize) and 5.1–5.5 (blue maize), spots that were not observed for black maize starch. The morphological and physicochemical characteristics of maize starch are related to the enzymes involved in its biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Avocado starch was extracted from the kernels of the fruit Persea americana Miller (Fam. Lauraceae) and evaluated for its potential as an alternative to maize starch as a pharmaceutical excipient. Its physicochemical and thermal properties were evaluated and compared with those of maize starch. Granules prepared with avocado and maize starch pastes as binder were evaluated for their flow, friability and compaction characteristics. The average yield of starch extracted from the fresh kernels of P. americana was 20.5 ± 0.55% w/w. The scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showed that avocado starch has two characteristic granule shapes; triangular and circular both having an approximate equal distribution. The triangular shaped granules are larger (28 to 32 µm) than the circular (6 to 9 µm). The foaming capacity of avocado starch was 19.05 ± 0.6%, its swelling, moisture uptake and paste clarity were generally lower than that of the maize starch. Avocado starch gel exhibited an extent of syneresis after freeze–thaw that increased cumulatively with increase in number of freeze–thaw cycles. The glass transition (Tg) and gelatinisation temperatures for avocado starch were higher than that of maize starch. The melting temperatures (Tm), ash value, as well as the various densities of avocado starch showed similarities with those of maize starch. The granules prepared with avocado starch pastes as binder showed superior compactibility and mechanical strength to those of maize starch but with similar flow characteristics. Avocado starch generally showed distinct physicochemical and binder properties with some similarities to the standard maize starch.  相似文献   

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