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律翠萍 《太阳能》2013,(11):19-20,22
阐述了分离式太阳能热水系统的运行原理,盘管式储热水箱的优点,并着重分析了盘管换热水箱内盘管换热器的设计步骤,包括设计参数的选择、热计算、结构设计和流动阻力计算等,为有类似工程设计的有关人员提供参考。通过一系列的设计计算与校核,证明本热力设计符合要求,并能完全满足热水系统的设计要求。  相似文献   

分离式双循环太阳热水系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱宁 《太阳能》2003,(5):14-16
目前备受太阳能界和建筑界关注的一个焦点课题则是随意安装的紧凑直插式太阳热水器已经严重地破坏了建筑外观,尤其是在斜屋顶上的安装如图1所示。以至于部分旅游城市如大连、青岛曾一度限制太阳热水系统的安装。分离式双循环太阳能热水系统(图2)则可以完全解决以上的各种问题。如图3~图5所示分离式双循环太阳热水系统已经可以与整个建筑融为一体了,尽管安装位置、朝向、角度各异。  相似文献   

这些年,全玻璃真空太阳集热管以及以它为核心元件的热水系统在我国市场得到了广泛推广,主要优点在于增加了太阳能的全年使用天数,尤其是方便了北方地区冬天使用。但是这类热水系统存在的最大缺点是系统非承压,而且不容易和建筑尤其是屋顶结合,建筑师们认为破坏立面和屋顶效果。  相似文献   

<正>一前言家用太阳能热水系统主要由集热器、贮水箱、支架和管路等几部分组成,支架作为支撑部件,是不可或缺的一部分。太阳能热水器支架没有国家标准,只有行业推荐标准,不仅对支架的材料没有规定,而且对强度的规定也并不具体。  相似文献   

分体太阳能热水系统的保温效果好,热量损失小,集热效率高。在运行过程中,如果长时间停止使用热水,会导致储水箱水温过高。集热器长期在高温状态下工作,可能造成一些非金属部件损坏。另外,水的温度高,易形成水垢,不利于系统的运行。如果储水箱为封闭式承压水  相似文献   

李穆然 《太阳能》2003,(6):23-25
图1凡是使用过接触过或关注过太阳热水器(或系统)的人都会得出这样的认识:尽管太阳热水器有着其它热水器(油、电、气)无可比拟的节能、环保、安全等优点,但它也确实存在着其它热水器所不存在的令人头疼的难题,诸如:防冻、抗冻问题;一年四季24小时供应热水问题;与建筑物有机结合问题以及恒温,恒压出水问题。这些问题中任何一个问题的根本解决,都会对太阳能热利用起到很大的推动作用。如果能全部加以解决,那将对目前3种热水器的市场格局产生决定性的影响。能不能找到一种技术方案,把这所有的难题一下子全部加以解决呢?通过多年摸索与工程实践,…  相似文献   

文章对光伏光热一体化系统(PV/T)进行了简要介绍,并对PV/T集热器进行了设计计算,得到了较好的结构,将翅片高度设定在10mm~20mm,翅片间距设定在20~40mm之间。根据国家标准,设计了满足上海地区四口之家的小型家用太阳能发电和热水系统,并对家用系统的流量特性做了计算,选取了有利于热电综合效益的流量,结果表明当流量为300L/h时,该家用系统在冬夏季均能有良好的电热性能的表现。冬季热水的温度较低,为28℃,但通过热泵可以提升至用户需求温度,夏季可得到40℃的热水,同时太阳能电池由于有效的冷却,发电效率可以提高8%。  相似文献   

根据欧标EN12976-1:2006工厂预制的太阳能热水系统和部件中的一般要求,规定太阳能热水系统(闭式循环系统)要有过热保护措施。本文针对这一要求,给出了太阳能热水系统的过热保护方法并分析了各种方法的机理,探究国外的太阳能热水系统过热保护采取的一般措施。  相似文献   

张瑞芳  赵杰 《太阳能》2011,(12):50-51
通过对国内外太阳能热水系统控制器的外观设计、结构设计和应用功能的对比,分析了国内外太阳能控制器的差异和优缺点。  相似文献   

太阳能热水系统的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张喜明  白莉  王佩元 《节能技术》2004,22(6):56-57,61
性能良好的太阳能集热器是太阳能热水系统关键设备之一。该文简单介绍了强制循环太阳能热水系统原理 ,着重考察了一种低温平板太阳能集热器在青岛气候条件下的工作性能 ,测定了瞬时效率曲线 ,其热损系数为 5 .76W /(m2 ·℃ )。  相似文献   

梁宏伟 《太阳能》2007,(12):40-41
一前言随着太阳能热水系统设备的改善,在一定程度上解决了与建筑结合的问题,但是还达不到建筑设计的外观美化的要求,因此影响了太阳能热水系统的安装使用。太阳能热水系统设备如何解决与建筑  相似文献   

家用太阳热水系统性能检测的国家标准主要有GB/T 18708-2002、GB/T 19141-2003,因测试目的不同,两个标准之间以及与其他各相关标准之间存在一些差异,针对热性能测量系数对各相关的国内外标准进行对比分析,对家用太阳热水系统某些参数测量提出改进建议。  相似文献   

<正>一引言家用太阳能热水系统是利用太阳辐射能加热水的装置,它是目前太阳能利用领域中技术发展最成熟、经济上也最具竞争力的绿色能源技术,在生产和生活中得到了普遍推广和应用。  相似文献   

分析了户用太阳热水器和太阳热水系统工程的经济技术特点,对两者成本构成、项目财务净现值、投入回收期和财务内部收益率等有关指标进行了经济技术比较.分析比较表明,太阳热水系统与家用热水器相比,节省安装占地,与建筑相结合得好,在降低成本,缩短投资回收期,提高经济效益方面有明显的优势.  相似文献   

M Inalli  M Ünsal  V Tanyildizi 《Energy》1997,22(12):1163-1172
This theoretical study deals with a domestic heating system assisted by solar energy stored in an underground spherical container. The system includes a heat pump. The analytical model employed calculates the water temperature in the storage vessel, as well as the temperature distribution in the surrounding geological structure, by using the monthly-average solar radiation and ambient temperature. Storage temperature, collector efficiency, performance coefficient of the heat pump (COP) and annual solar fraction are computed and presented in various graphs. The importance of seasonal solar energy storing in the ground is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents the modelling and simulation of a solar water heating system using a time marching model. The results of simulations performed on an annual basis for a solar system, constructed and operated in Yugoslavia, which provides domestic hot water for a four-person family are presented. The solar water heater consists of a flat-plate solar collector, a water-storage tank, an electric heater, and a water-mixing device. The mathematical model is used to evaluate the annual variation of the solar fraction with respect to the volume of the storage tank, demand hot water temperature required, difference of this temperature and preset storage tank water temperature, and consumption profile of the domestic hot water demand. The results of this investigation may be used to design a solar collector system, and to operate already designed systems, effectively. The results for a number of designs with different storage tank volumes indicate that the systems with greater volume yield higher solar fraction values. The results additionally indicate that the solar fraction of the system increases with lower hot water demand temperature and higher differences between the mean storage water and the demand temperatures. However, when a larger storage tank volume is used, the solar fraction is less sensitive to a variation of these operation parameters.  相似文献   

In addition to the solar water heating (SWH) system, other domestic water heating systems used in Jordan were considered in terms of benefits and costs using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. In terms of cost, the SWH system was the least expensive. On a percentage basis, the SWH cost about 13% compared to the most expensive heating system, LPG, of about 28%. In terms of benefits, the SWH was also the most beneficial. Approximately, the SWH benefits were about 31%, while the least benefits were obtained from the kerosene water heating system, which is about 9%. By considering both cost and benefit (i.e. cost-to-benefit ratio), solar was also the least expensive, about 7%, with kerosene being the most expensive, over 30%.  相似文献   

The most wide spread thermal use of solar energy, so far, has been for water heating. Solar water heating systems have been commercialized in many counties in the world. Though the technical feasibility of domestic solar water heating systems (DSWHS) has long been established, their financial viability needs to be carefully examined, particularly in tropical countries with relatively lower annual capacity utilization and poor purchasing power of potential users.The potential number of Indian households who can invest in DSWHS have been estimated based on the income distribution in the country, the capital cost of solar water heating systems, interest rate charged on the loan provided for the purchase of DSWHS etc. Using the seasonal and diurnal variation of ambient temperatures at many locations in the country, the periods with annual hot water requirement have been identified. A simple framework for financial evaluation of DSWHS has also been presented. The results of some typical exemplifying calculations have been presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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