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Radio wave propagation plays a very important part in the design and eventually dictates performance of space communication systems. Over time, the requirements of satellite communication have grown extensively where higher capacity communications systems are needed. Escalating demands of microwave and millimetre wave communications are causing frequency spectrum congestion. Hence, existing and future satellite system operators are planning to employ frequency bands well above 10 GHz. The challenge in operating at such high frequencies for communication purposes is that there exists stronger electromagnetic interaction between the radio signals and atmospheric hydrometeors. Such instances will degrade the performance of such high frequency satellite communication systems. The development of a revised model for a better‐improved rain fade prediction of signal propagations in tropical region is considered very important. Researchers and engineers can employ the model to accurately plan the future high frequencies satellite services. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental results of rain rate and rain attenuation measurements on six terrestrial microwave links in tropical Malaysia. The rain attenuation data were collected from six DIGI MINI‐LINKs (DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia) operating at 15 GHz with 99.95 % availability. The experimental results were compared with the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU‐R) method and other existing rain attenuation prediction models. The main focus is on the ITU‐R prediction method, which underestimates the measured rain attenuation, more especially at extremely higher rain rates. The relationship between ITU‐R prediction errors and rainfall rates was studied, and it is shown that the two quantities are related by a quadratic function. The study will provide useful information on the design and planning of terrestrial radio links in Malaysia and similar tropical environments. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The campaign to collect rain attenuation data on terrestrial links had commenced in Malaysian tropical climates for almost two decades. The terrestrial data so far collected have been greatly utilized to derive useful statistics for various microwave applications, such as frequency scaling, rain rate conversion factor, 1‐min rain rate contour maps, wet antenna losses, and fade slope duration analysis. However, there is still severe scarcity of rain attenuation data on earth–space links in Malaysia. The results of the 2‐year measurement (January 2009–December 2010) of rain rates and rain‐induced attenuation in vertically polarized signals propagating at 10.982 GHz have been presented in this paper. The rain attenuation over the link path was measured at Islamic International University Malaysia and compared with ITU‐R P.618‐10 and Crane global models in this paper. The test results show that the two prediction models seem inadequate for predicting rain attenuation in the Ku‐band in Malaysia. Sensitivity analysis performed on measured data also reveals that the sensitivity variables depend on rain rate. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

雨滴谱模型对雨衰减计算的适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨滴谱分布模型是影响红外激光在雨中传输性能的一个重要因素。尽管现有的雨滴谱模型很多,但并未形成统一的结论,具体应用中模型的选择没有依据,使得计算中模型的选择具有一定的盲目性。针对此问题,论文从Mie散射理论出发,采用理论分析与仿真分析相结合的方法,讨论了几种雨滴的谱分布特性,比较了几种典型雨滴谱模型下的光传输衰减特性,分析了雨滴尺寸分布在计算大气衰减时的差异。并通过与实测雨衰减数据进行比较,最终得到了L-P模型对大雨条件下的衰减计算较为准确,Joss模型对小雨条件下的衰减计算较为准确的结论。论文的结论对于无线光通信等应用领域中模型的合理选择具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于指数雨胞分布,推导得到路径调整因子,提出了一种新的视距链路雨衰减预报模型.利用ITU-R视距链路雨衰减数据库数据回归得到了预报模型中的参数.通过和ITU-R模型以及近几年发展的几种雨衰减模型比较表明,这一模型较其他模型具有更好的预测精度.  相似文献   

This study is based on the results of a slant‐path Ka‐band propagation experiment carried out in Madrid, Spain, regarding rain attenuation, which is the main propagation impairment in this frequency band. The experimental and statistical results correspond to seven complete years of measurements, a period large enough to accomplish a comprehensive analysis in order to characterize the variability of rain rate and attenuation. It is shown that year‐to‐year variability is significant in temperate climates as Madrid's. The aforementioned significance is also apparent with regards to seasonal, monthly, worst‐month and hourly variability concerning rain attenuation, which are also discussed and related when possible to the variability of the rain phenomena, either represented by the total amounts of rainfall in the different periods or by rain rate statistics. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于指数雨胞雨衰减物理模型得到的降雨率调整因子概念,通过对ITUR雨衰减数据库实验数据的分析,提出了一种降雨率调整因子公式,并利用ITUR雨衰减数据库数据回归得到了降雨率调整因子公式的参数,建立了一种利用全概率降雨分布的地面视距链路雨衰减预测模式通过与其它模式的比较表明:该模式预测精度优于其它利用全概率降雨的雨衰减预测模式,预测精度与利用概率转换的ITUR模式相当,且预测过程更加简便。  相似文献   

地空路径雨衰减统计特性是卫星通信等地空无线电系统设计和运行评估的关键参数.针对地空路径统计雨衰减的建模研究, 分析了影响模型准确度的几个关键因素, 它们包括雨滴谱分布、雨顶高度、降雨率在水平和垂直路径的不均匀性等.同时比较分析了现有主要模型计算的路径调整因子随仰角的变化、与频率的关系等, 讨论了现有模型的局限性和可能的改进途径.通过上述对比研究, 提出了地空路径雨衰减统计建模向确定性模型方向发展的观点.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a statistical model for the assessment of the short‐term frequency scaling ratio between rain attenuations at cm and mm wavelengths, taking into consideration the fluctuations arising from the type of rain (mainly the raindrop size distribution). The model has been derived from measured data, using the large attenuation database collected in Spino d'Adda, Italy, during the ITALSAT 8‐years experiment at 18.7, 39.6 and 49.5 GHz, but can be applied to any pair of frequencies. By applying the model it is possible to generate, by means of a generator of random Gaussian numbers, samples of the up‐link attenuation, for a given down link attenuation, to be employed in the simulation of up‐link power control (ULPC) slant path channels. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于进化神经网络的地空路径雨衰减模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨衰减对工作在高频的地空通信链路稳定性具有很大影响。本文在考虑多个参数对雨衰减非线性影响的基础上,建立了基于进化神经网络的雨衰模型,并与ITU-R模型进行了比较。结果表明,利用本文提出的模型进行高频电波的预测具有更好的精度,可降低平均误差0.64dB,并减小标准偏差0.79bD,为雨衰减预测提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

利用ITUR数据库地面视距链路和地空链路雨衰减数据,分析了传统雨衰减预报中所使用的基于柱状雨胞模型的雨衰减物理模型导出的路径调整因子与实测数据之间的矛盾.在此基础上,基于指数雨胞建立的雨衰减物理模型,通过理论分析导出了降雨率调整因子的概念.利用降雨率调整因子,可以解释实测数据的主要特征,表明:基于指数雨胞的雨衰减物理模型是合理的,利用降雨率调整因子的概念,可为发展新的地面视距链路和地空链路雨衰减预报模式和方法提供理论依据.  相似文献   

This contribution presents a stochastic model useful for the generation of a long-term tropospheric rain attenuation time series for Earth space or a terrestrial radio link in tropical and equatorial heavy rain regions based on the well-known Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model previously employed in research in the fields of finance and economics. This model assumes typical gamma distribution for rain attenuation in heavy rain climatic regions and utilises the temporal dynamic of precipitation collected in equatorial Johor, Malaysia. Different formations of survival probability are also discussed. Furthermore, the correlation between these probabilities and the Markov process is determined, and information on the variance and autocorrelation function of rain events with respect to the particular characteristics of precipitation in this area is presented. The proposed technique proved to preserve the peculiarities of precipitation for an equatorial region and reproduce fairly good statistics of the rain attenuation correlation function that could help to improve the prediction of dynamic characteristics of rain fade events.  相似文献   

A model describing the spatial inhomogeneity of rainrate within a rain cell is derived and incorporated into a specific attenuation model to yield a more exact relationship than has been used heretofore relating rainrate and the attendant attenuation at frequencies above 10 GHz. The resulting unified attenuation model relates terrestrial and slant path attenuation, effective propagation distance and path diversity gain to parameters characterizing the earth-station or stations (e.g. location, height, latitude, elevation angle and baseline distance from another station), the frequency of operation, and the two possible raintypes admitted into the model (i.e. convective rain and residual or debris rain). The model is particularly suited for the theoretical investigation of path diversity gain since this concept owes its existence to spatial inhomogeneity of rainrate. This inhomogeneous rain attenuation model can be interfaced with an appropriate statistical rainrate prediction model, such as the Crane two-component model, to yield more precise attenuation predictions.  相似文献   

基于ITU-R的视距链路雨衰减数据库中的数据,本文提出了一种新的视距链路雨衰减的预报模式,给出了一种新的路径调整因子与不同时间概率雨衰减转换公式.与其他几种预报模式的比较表明,新模式与实验结果有更好的一致性.  相似文献   

The wave propagation experiments using Japanese geostationary satellite Superbird‐C have been performed at the Universiti Sains Malaysia earth station. A relationship between rain depolarization and attenuation, valid for earth‐space path at microwave wavelengths, is presented. Cumulative rain attenuation and cross‐polarization discrimination (XPD) statistics are given for the period of 4 years (2002–2005) at 12.255 GHz. XPD varied from 44 dB at 1% to 16 dB at 0.001% of time the abscissa is exceeded. Comparisons were made with available data sets and with five simple XPD models and the results indicate a good performance by the simple isolation model and the CHU model compared with the others. These results serve as checks on the theoretical models needed for predicting communication system performance in geographical regions especially for equatorial climate where measurements are not available. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rain attenuation is the dominant propagation impairment for satellite communication systems operating at frequencies above about 10 GHz. The rainfall path attenuation at 12.255 GHz measured at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for 4 years (2 January to 5 December) is presented. This paper presents an empirical analysis of rain rate and rain attenuation cumulative distribution functions obtained using 1‐min integrated rainfall data and comparison of the measured data with data obtained from well‐established rain model attenuation predictions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the dynamic characteristics of rain attenuation is of utmost importance for many applications in terrestrial and satellite communication systems operating at frequencies above 10 GHz. Long‐term rain rate statistics and rain rate duration statistics are usually available from meteorological data. In this paper, a spatial–temporal analysis is employed in order to evaluate the rain attenuation power spectrum of a terrestrial/satellite path. The predicted power spectrum is compared with experimental data. Based on the spectral analysis of rainfall rate a method for converting rain rate duration statistics to link fade duration statistics is also proposed. Fade duration statistics are presented for terrestrial and satellite links and compared with available experimental data. The agreement between the predicted results and the experimental data has been found to be quite encouraging. Finally, numerical results are presented for various climatic zones, elevation angles and frequencies. Some very useful conclusions concerning the dynamic properties of rain attenuation for a microwave path are deduced. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A channel model is proposed to predict the time series of Ku band rain attenuation during a rain event at a tropical location. The model is based on considering the Gaussian distribution of the conditional occurrence of rain attenuation with a particular value of the attenuation occurring before. The mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ) for the distribution are modeled with the experimental data. The measured attenuation at a particular time instant is used to obtain μ and σ and to predict the attenuation after certain interval. The channel model has tested well giving the predicted attenuation that agrees with the measured value with a mean error within 15% higher than 1 dB. Validity of the model is also tested with the first‐order and second‐order statistics of attenuation occurrence, on a long‐term basis. The method can also be applied even if attenuation measurements are missing for certain period of time with increased error. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rain cell size distribution that provides an insight into the modelling of effective slant path length and also imperative for site diversity studies are carried out for a tropical inland location, Tirupati (13.6°N, 76.3°E), India. Rain cell size distribution obtained from 5 years (2013–2015 and 2017–2018) of Parsivel disdrometer measurements is observed to follow the power law. Reduction factor that accounts for the inhomogeneity of the rain along the propagation path for the region of study is modified in terms of the rain cell size distribution of the area. Slant path rain attenuation, a major propagation impediment at Ku and Ka-band links, is then studied using the results from the regional rain characteristics by modifying the CCIR 564-4 report. The attenuation results are compared with Garcia-Lopez, Excell, Bryant, and Ramachandran models while considering the ITU-R P. 618-13 as the standard model.  相似文献   

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