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The advent of interactive digital platforms has led people to progressively interact on such platforms, urging organizations to create online communities to engage customers with them and with each other to enhance brand loyalty. This study attempts to investigate what motivates customers to engage in these brand communities. Through a questionnaire survey of 430 Facebook users, this study investigates whether and how the unique characteristics (information quality, system quality, virtual interactivity, and rewards) of online brand communities affect customer engagement. The consequent effect of customer engagement on brand loyalty is also examined. This study frames and empirically validates a model for engaging customers with online brand communities on Facebook, considering the moderating role of gender. The Stimulus-Organism-Response paradigm is solicited to justify the theoretical background of this study. The data were analyzed using structure equation modelling. Results reveal that each of the characteristics positively influences customer engagement, with information quality and virtual interactivity bearing the strongest influence. Customer engagement also exhibits a strong positive impact on brand loyalty. This results further reveal that gender gap in the online environment is declining as the impact of all the four characteristics of online brand communities on customer engagement was invariable across male and female members.  相似文献   

区块链技术提供了链上数据不可篡改、共享可查的链上记录等能力,提供了多方信任和数据共享机制。因此,区块链技术可以实现各个政府部门之间的数据共享访问验证。为此,针对“一网通办”电子政务数据共享的需求,深入的对区块链技术进行研究,将电子政务数据存储在区块链上,采用主链和子链的分层架构来增强了权限管理、安全控制等机制,基于Hyperledger Fabric1.4来设计的,并对智能合约和区块链的存储的核心模块的开发进行阐述。  相似文献   

数字政府建设的重点和难点在于推进跨层级、跨地域、跨系统、跨部门、跨业务的政务数据有序共享和协同服务。区块链是一种分布式数据存储及处理技术,是密码技术与分布式技术的创新融合,以去中心化方式形成一种新的“信任”机制,基于密码技术解决身份和数据可信,基于分布式技术解决多方协同,从而打破数据流通和业务协作壁垒。以数字政府建设为契机,推动政务服务领域区块链应用,有效解决数据有序共享、安全交互、可信协同、依法监管等问题;同时,政务服务领域可为区块链技术自主创新提供初始市场和先验机会,通过政务领域区块链规模应用,加速区块链技术迭代创新,助力推动信息领域关键核心技术突破。密码技术是区块链技术的核心基础支撑,要加强政务服务领域区块链密码应用与安全性评估,确保密码应用合规正确有效。政务服务领域不能一个应用建一条链,防止形成新的“区块链信息孤岛”。  相似文献   

Community members become part of the value chain, and their value co-creation behaviors have progressively elicited extensive attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the mechanisms on how members co-create value in online health communities (OHCs) have been poorly investigated. Therefore, this study develops a model of how belongingness and social support affect the four value co-creation behaviors (i.e., information sharing, responsible, feedback, and advocacy behaviors) in OHCs based on need-to-belong theory and social support literature. Our survey data from 237 OHC members empirically show that informational, emotional, esteem, and companionship supports positively influence members’ belongingness to OHCs, which in turn affects information sharing, responsible, feedback, and advocacy behaviors. Members’ belongingness to OHCs mediates the relationships between the four forms of social support and value co-creation behavior. In addition, OHC members’ perceived health competence positively moderates the influence of belongingness on information-sharing behavior, whereas their mental health negatively moderates the relationships of belongingness with all four value co-creation behaviors. Therefore, promoting value co-creation relies on the improvement of member belongingness, but it should also consider the health competence and status of members.  相似文献   

At present, there is an urgent need for blockchain interoperability technology to realize interconnection between various blockchains, data communication and value transfer between blockchains, so as to break the ‘ value silo’ phenomenon of each blockchain. Firstly, it lists what people understand about the concept of interoperability. Secondly, it gives the key technical issues of cross-chain, including cross-chain mechanism, interoperability, eventual consistency, and universality. Then, the implementation of each cross-chain key technology is analyzed, including Hash-locking, two-way peg, notary schemes, relay chain scheme, cross-chain protocol, and global identity system. Immediately after that, five typical cross-chain systems are introduced and comparative analysis is made. In addition, two examples of cross-chain programmability and their analysis are given. Finally, the current state of cross-chain technology is summarized from two aspects: key technology implementation and cross-chain application enforcement. The cross-chain technology as a whole has formed a centralized fixed mechanism, as well as a trend of modular design, and some of the solutions to mature applications were established in the relevant standards organizations, and the cross-chain technology architecture tends to be unified, which is expected to accelerate the evolution of the open cross-chain network that supports the real needs of the interconnection of all chains.  相似文献   

数字金融是国家数字经济战略中的核心内容,持续创新是数字金融技术体系的本质属性。区块链作为数字金融技术体系中的核心技术之一,是我国数字金融领域重点应用和关注的技术方向。从数字金融的需求和问题导向出发,未来需要重点关注和突破区块链技术7个方面的挑战,包括区块链体系架构、隐私保护、监管和审计、信息安全、核心模块和技术、标准、与其他技术的融合创新等。突破这些挑战将有助于区块链技术与数字金融应用创新相互驱动融合,形成区块链技术创新研究和应用创新的双循环生态,助力国家数字经济健康快速发展。  相似文献   

谢宏伟  郑涛 《信息技术》2020,(4):149-154
智能电网系统的网络安全问题越来越受到学术界的关注,为此提出了许多网络攻击的检测和防御方法,以增强智能电网系统的鲁棒性。文中提出了一种新的基于分布式区块链的保护框架,以增强智能电网系统抵御网络攻击的能力。该框架将智能电表作为分布式网络中的节点,将电表测量数据封装为块,利用区块链技术来实现对智能电表计量数据的分布式共识。性能分析的结果验证了该保护框架的有效性。  相似文献   

随着区块链技术的不断发展,其应用变得越来越普及。文章主要针对区块链的数据结构及整体架构进行分析,并审视了区块链为物联网带来的挑战;最后从物联网数据交易系统方面、电网管理方面、车联网方面以及防伪安全管理方面,细化阐述了基于区块链的物联网技术应用,以期为基于区块链的物联网技术发展提供可靠支持。  相似文献   

As an emerging distributed technology, blockchain has begun to penetrate into many fields such as finance, healthcare, supply chain, intelligent transportation. However, the interoperability and value exchange between different independent blockchain systems is restricting the expansion of blockchain. In this paper, a notary group-based cross-chain interaction model is proposed to achieve the interoperability between different blockchains. Firstly, a notary election mechanism is proposed to choose one notary from the notary group to act as a bridge for cross-chain transactions. Secondly, a margin pool is introduced to limit the misconduct of the elected notary and ensure the value transfer between the involved blockchains. Moreover, a reputation based incentive mechanism is used to encourage members of the notary group to participate in cross-chain transactions. Ethereum-based experiments demonstrate that the proposed mechanism can provide an acceptable performance for cross-chain transactions and provide a higher security level than ordinary cross-chain mechanisms.  相似文献   

Users’ engagement behaviors such as likings, sharing and social interactions in online communities are critically important to the viability and the ultimate success of these communities. However, empirical research investigating which posting-related attributes driving these participation behaviors still lags. The purpose of this study is to understand what and how posting-related attributes drive the engagement behaviors. Using travelogue data from a large traveling knowledge-sharing community, we used econometric models to investigate and compare the antecedents leading to three different kinds of engagement behavior that users exhibit in online communities (i.e., consuming, contributing, and creating). The results reveal that five attributes are associated with these engagement behaviors. These attributes demonstrate the differential effectiveness on the engagement behaviors with different intensities. Our empirical findings provide both theoretical and practical implications for online community operators to build a vibrant and successful online community.  相似文献   

The 5G mobile Internet facilitates contents generation for online communities and platforms through human-to-human collaboration. Wikipedia, a well-known online community, uses wiki technology to build an encyclopedia through collective intelligence and collaboration. Mainstream wiki systems adopt a centralized implementation, and while existing studies have optimized the efficiency of the wiki systems' centralized implementation, these systems still suffer from a lot of problems, for example, opacity and distrust. Over the years, blockchain has brought a flurry of fervour and decentralization to the system architecture, meanwhile giving users a sense of trust and participation. Thus, an innovative blockchain-enabled wiki framework called DecWiki is proposed to build one transparent, truthful, collaborative and autonomous encyclopedia. After several participatory design iterations, we present DecWiki's detailed architecture and its implementation in the form of a smart contract and use the interplanetary file system to complement the big data storage. Meanwhile, we use the trusted execution environment to secure sensitive information in the wireless scenario. Finally, the system overhead and the acceptance of the prototype are evaluated. Extensive experiments present its significant performance.  相似文献   

针对现有电子数据证据在公检法部门、司法鉴定机构线下流转过程中易丢失、难查询、难以保证唯一性和完整性等问题,提出一种基于区块链技术的电子数据证据共享平台技术实现方案。该平台融合了区块链技术、网络可信身份认证、可信时间、加密电子数据证据存取证管理等技术,解决了电子数据证据使用过程中因易伪造、易篡改难以保证真实性,司法鉴定中认定难、采信率低,公检法共享使用难的问题。通过该平台有效地实现电子数据证据在司法部门之间的线上流转,确保了电子数据证据的安全保护与高效共享。  相似文献   

Digital technologies, such as online healthcare portals, enable elderly people to live independently at home for a longer period of time. Independent living, in this context, refers to the freedom elderly people have to live their lives in ways that they find important. Borrowing from the capability approach (CA) framework from Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen, the core argument of this paper is that elderly people make decisions on whether to use digital healthcare technologies by considering how these technologies enhance their capabilities to live their lives in ways that are valuable to them. This paper develops a theoretical model of adoption of digital healthcare technologies that support independent living applying the CA framework. We follow a mixed-methods approach with a sequence of qualitative, quantitative, and qualitative methods. We find support for our theoretical model, specifically that the intention to use online healthcare portals depends on whether elderly people expect to enhance their capabilities for living independently by using them. Our study contributes to the information systems literature on adoption of digital healthcare technologies as it is the first that applies the capability approach. For adoption studies on digital technologies in healthcare and beyond, our study poses two major theoretical implications: (1) when considering how outcome expectations affect adoption, scholars should consider how digital technologies allow people to live their lives in ways that are valuable to them, rather than considering how technologies help to execute predefined tasks, jobs, or activities; (2) the availability of digital technologies should be considered as a mediator between outcome expectations and intention to use technologies.  相似文献   

运营商大数据是我国数据要素市场的重要组成部分之一,目前大数据治理技术难以满足运营商大数据隐私保护与共享的双重要求。分析运营商大数据特点及治理方法现状,提出一套基于区块链技术的运营商大数据治理框架。区块链技术的行业应用仍处于初级阶段,区块链技术与数据治理技术结合将为运营大数据提供更广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

Healthcare is a vitally important field in the industry and evolving day by day in the aspect of technology, services, computing, and management. Its potential significance can be increased by incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) technology to make it smart in the aspect of automating activities, which is then further reformed in the healthcare domain with the help of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology provides many features to IoT-based healthcare domain applications such as restructuring by securing traditional practices, data management, data sharing, patient remote monitoring, and drug analysis. In this study, a systematic literature review has been carried out in which a total of 52 studies were selected to conduct systematic literature review from databases PubMed, IEEE Access, and Scopus; the study includes IoT technology and blockchain integration in healthcare domain-related application areas. This study also includes taxonomy that mentions the aspects and areas in healthcare domain incorporating the traditional system with the integration of IoT and blockchain to provide transparency, security, privacy, and immutability. This study also includes the incorporation of related sensors, platforms of blockchain, the objective focus of selected studies, and future directions by incorporating IoT and blockchain in healthcare domain. This study will help researchers who want to work with IoT and blockchain technology integration in healthcare domain.  相似文献   

This study examines how organizations in Malaysia frame their privacy policy notice to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA, 2010) and if these organizations differ in their level of compliance and the readability of their privacy notices. We collected the online privacy polices of 306 organizations from 12 sectors to assess their readability and compliance with PDPA requirements. The results show that private-owned organizations have higher compliance level compared to public-owned organizations. Sectors that hold more personal sensitive data obtain higher compliance scores. Non-governmental organizations demonstrate higher compliance level compared to government-owned organizations. Despite differences in the compliance scores, most organizations fail to meet the requirements of the PDPA. Our study also reveals that readability has a negative correlation with the compliance score because simple and shorter version of the privacy policies often lack detailed information. Our findings provide valuable insights into organizations’ privacy policy compliance across different sectors in Malaysia. Specifically, the Malaysian authority should implement more effective mechanisms to enforce the compliance of the PDPA. Organizations should also take corrective actions to improve the compliance scores of their online privacy policies.  相似文献   

电信网络欺诈案线索分布广、破坏跨度大、受害人群多,给案件侦破带来了难度。大数据、人工智能等技术推动了精准化侦办,但技术的不当使用也会带来个人隐私泄露、银行卡被盗刷盗用的风险。探索了基于区块链的电信网络反欺诈协同治理,进行了核心能力和反欺诈人群分析,利用区块链的智能合约和密码共识,保证了电信数据的不可篡改和安全共享,进行了反欺诈协同治理的逻辑设计,为基于区块链的电信网络反欺诈协同治理的进一步落地应用提供了思路。  相似文献   

文章提出一种基于区块链的内河执法管理系统的设计方法,实现了区块链技术在内河航运执法过程中的应用。系统以Hyperledger Fabric为区块链框架,使用微服务技术进行封装,保证与原业务系统的交互性。该设计方法结合了传统中心化存储技术和区块链去中心化存储技术,利用区块链技术防篡改和价值自动传递的特性,可以提高内河执法的安全性和公平性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to understand and identify various psychological drivers which motivate managers of organizations to adopt Green information technology (Green IT) and Green information system (Green IS) within their corporations. These psychological factors are modelled through the lens of Upper Echelon Theory (UET) to study their interrelationship and interdependency and further prioritize them to strategize appropriate managerial actions. The factors were identified through an exhaustive literature review and further confirmed by the experts in the field. A hybrid Interpretive Structural Modelling – Analytic Network Process (ISM-ANP) approach has been adopted to establish the complex interrelationship among the psychological drivers and further to cluster and prioritize them. The main contribution of this study is composing directions and dominance of various psychological drivers to enhance decision-making process of managers towards the adoption of Green IT/IS. As long as decisions are made by individuals within organizations, this paper forms the basis of identifying individual-level factors important in motivating managers towards Green IT/IS adoption. The results of this study would help organizations and policy makers to understand and develop strategies to target and select an individual for managerial position with mind-set more towards environmental sustainability and Green IT/IS concepts. By applying the proposed methodology, organizations can classify and prioritize their action plans such as several educational methods to reinforce, foster and incline psychological factors to motivate their individuals to behave proenvironmentally and practice Green IT/IS initiatives to enhance environmental sustainability of their corporations.  相似文献   

Electronic collaboration has become a driver for productivity as organizations develop linkages for the planning, sourcing, and execution of goods and services. These organizations require mechanisms to harness the diverse and personalized intellectual resources that are distributed across the world. While electronic collaboration technologies have made it possible to harness intellectual resources across space and time, knowledge management is locked in a paradox of perception-the more valuable a knowledge resource is seen to be, the less it is shared. This paper develops a framework for the activation of knowledge that relies on a view of knowledge-as-identity. The analysis of a case study reveals "activation conditions" that delineate processes in which electronic collaboration technologies can be most effective. This has implications for the creation of collaborative work environments that enhance knowledge activation in organizations.  相似文献   

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