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k-tuple domination in graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a graph G, a vertex is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. For a fixed positive integer k, the k-tuple domination problem is to find a minimum sized vertex subset in a graph such that every vertex in the graph is dominated by at least k vertices in this set. The current paper studies k-tuple domination in graphs from an algorithmic point of view. In particular, we give a linear-time algorithm for the k-tuple domination problem in strongly chordal graphs, which is a subclass of chordal graphs and includes trees, block graphs, interval graphs and directed path graphs. We also prove that the k-tuple domination problem is NP-complete for split graphs (a subclass of chordal graphs) and for bipartite graphs.  相似文献   

This work describes a novel routing algorithm for constructing a container of width n − 1 between a pair of vertices in an (n, k)-star graph with connectivity n − 1. Since Lin et al. [T.C. Lin, D.R. Duh, H.C. Cheng, Wide diameter of (n, k)-star networks, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, vol. 5, 2004, pp. 160-165] already calculated the wide diameters in (n, n − 1)-star and (n, 1)-star graphs, this study only considers an (n, k)-star with 2 ? k ? n − 2. The length of the longest container among all constructed containers serves as the upper bound of the wide diameter of an (n, k)-star graph. The lower bound of the wide diameter of an (n, k)-star graph with 2 ? k ? ⌊n/2⌋ and the lower bound of the wide diameter of a regular graph with a connectivity of 2 or above are also computed. Measurement results indicate that the wide diameter of an (n, k)-star graph is its diameter plus 2 for 2 ? k ? ⌊n/2⌋, or its diameter plus a value between 1 and 2 for ⌊n/2⌋ + 1 ? k ? n − 2.  相似文献   

The densest k-subgraph (DkS) problem asks for a k-vertex subgraph of a given graph with the maximum number of edges. The DkS problem is NP-hard even for special graph classes including bipartite, planar, comparability and chordal graphs, while no constant approximation algorithm is known for any of these classes. In this paper we present a 3-approximation algorithm for the class of chordal graphs. The analysis of our algorithm is based on a graph theoretic lemma of independent interest.  相似文献   

Given a collection of n functions defined on , and a polyhedral set , we consider the problem of minimizing the sum of the k largest functions of the collection over Q. Specifically we focus on collections of linear functions and several classes of convex, piecewise linear functions which are defined by location models. We present simple linear programming formulations for these optimization models which give rise to linear time algorithms when the dimension d is fixed. Our results improve complexity bounds of several problems reported recently by Tamir [Discrete Appl. Math. 109 (2001) 293-307], Tokuyama [Proc. 33rd Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, 2001, pp. 75-84] and Kalcsics, Nickel, Puerto and Tamir [Oper. Res. Lett. 31 (1984) 114-127].  相似文献   

We consider the Work Function Algorithm for the k-server problem (Chrobak and Larmore, 1991; Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou, 1995) [2] and [4]. We show that if the Work Function Algorithm is c-competitive, then it is also strictly(2c)-competitive. As a consequence of (Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou, 1995) [4] this also shows that the Work Function Algorithm is strictly (4k−2)-competitive.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a modified filtering algorithm (MFA) by making use of center variations to speed up clustering process. Our method first divides clusters into static and active groups. We use the information of cluster displacements to reject unlikely cluster centers for all nodes in the kd-tree. We reduce the computational complexity of filtering algorithm (FA) through finding candidates for each node mainly from the set of active cluster centers. Two conditions for determining the set of candidate cluster centers for each node from active clusters are developed. Our approach is different from the major available algorithm, which passes no information from one stage of iteration to the next. Theoretical analysis shows that our method can reduce the computational complexity, in terms of the number of distance calculations, of FA at each stage of iteration by a factor of FC/AC, where FC and AC are the numbers of total clusters and active clusters, respectively. Compared with the FA, our algorithm can effectively reduce the computing time and number of distance calculations. It is noted that our proposed algorithm can generate the same clusters as that produced by hard k-means clustering. The superiority of our method is more remarkable when a larger data set with higher dimension is used.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give a relatively simple though very efficient way to color the d-dimensional grid G(n1,n2,…,nd) (with ni vertices in each dimension 1?i?d), for two different types of vertex colorings: (1) acyclic coloring of graphs, in which we color the vertices such that (i) no two neighbors are assigned the same color and (ii) for any two colors i and j, the subgraph induced by the vertices colored i or j is acyclic; and (2) k-distance coloring of graphs, in which every vertex must be colored in such a way that two vertices lying at distance less than or equal to k must be assigned different colors. The minimum number of colors needed to acyclically color (respectively k-distance color) a graph G is called acyclic chromatic number of G (respectively k-distance chromatic number), and denoted a(G) (respectively χk(G)).The method we propose for coloring the d-dimensional grid in those two variants relies on the representation of the vertices of Gd(n1,…,nd) thanks to its coordinates in each dimension; this gives us upper bounds on a(Gd(n1,…,nd)) and χk(Gd(n1,…,nd)).We also give lower bounds on a(Gd(n1,…,nd)) and χk(Gd(n1,…,nd)). In particular, we give a lower bound on a(G) for any graph G; surprisingly, as far as we know this result was never mentioned before. Applied to the d-dimensional grid Gd(n1,…,nd), the lower and upper bounds for a(Gd(n1,…,nd)) match (and thus give an optimal result) when the lengths in each dimension are “sufficiently large” (more precisely, if ). If this is not the case, then these bounds differ by an additive constant at most equal to . Concerning χk(Gd(n1,…,nd)), we give exact results on its value for (1) k=2 and any d?1, and (2) d=2 and any k?1.In the case of acyclic coloring, we also apply our results to hypercubes of dimension d, Hd, which are a particular case of Gd(n1,…,nd) in which there are only 2 vertices in each dimension. In that case, the bounds we obtain differ by a multiplicative constant equal to 2.  相似文献   

Color quantization is an important operation with many applications in graphics and image processing. Most quantization methods are essentially based on data clustering algorithms. However, despite its popularity as a general purpose clustering algorithm, k-means has not received much respect in the color quantization literature because of its high computational requirements and sensitivity to initialization. In this paper, we investigate the performance of k-means as a color quantizer. We implement fast and exact variants of k-means with several initialization schemes and then compare the resulting quantizers to some of the most popular quantizers in the literature. Experiments on a diverse set of images demonstrate that an efficient implementation of k-means with an appropriate initialization strategy can in fact serve as a very effective color quantizer.  相似文献   

A queue layout of a graph consists of a linear order of its vertices, and a partition of its edges into queues, such that no two edges in the same queue are nested. The minimum number of queues in a queue layout of a graph G, denoted by qn(G), is called the queuenumber of G. Heath and Rosenberg [SIAM J. Comput. 21 (1992) 927-958] showed that boolean n-cube (i.e., the n-dimensional hypercube) can be laid out using at most n−1 queues. Heath et al. [SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5 (1992) 398-412] showed that the ternary n-cube can be laid out using at most 2n−2 queues. Recently, Hasunuma and Hirota [Inform. Process. Lett. 104 (2007) 41-44] improved the upper bound on queuenumber to n−2 for hypercubes. In this paper, we deal with the upper bound on queuenumber of a wider class of graphs called k-ary n-cubes, which contains hypercubes and ternary n-cubes as subclasses. Our result improves the previous bound in the case of ternary n-cubes. Let denote the n-dimensional k-ary cube. This paper contributes three main results as follows:
if n?3.
if n?2 and 4?k?8.
if n?1 and k?9.

The k-ary n-cube has been one of the most popular interconnection networks for massively parallel systems. In this paper, we investigate the edge-bipancyclicity of k-ary n-cubes with faulty nodes and edges. It is proved that every healthy edge of the faulty k-ary n-cube with fv faulty nodes and fe faulty edges lies in a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to kn − 2fv (resp. kn − fv) if k ? 4 is even (resp. k ? 3 is odd) and fv + fe ? 2n − 3. The results are optimal with respect to the number of node and edge faults tolerated.  相似文献   

We present a multidisciplinary solution to the problems of anonymous microaggregation and clustering, illustrated with two applications, namely privacy protection in databases, and private retrieval of location-based information. Our solution is perturbative, is based on the same privacy criterion used in microdata k-anonymization, and provides anonymity through a substantial modification of the Lloyd algorithm, a celebrated quantization design algorithm, endowed with numerical optimization techniques.Our algorithm is particularly suited to the important problem of k-anonymous microaggregation of databases, with a small integer k representing the number of individual respondents indistinguishable from each other in the published database. Our algorithm also exhibits excellent performance in the problem of clustering or macroaggregation, where k may take on arbitrarily large values. We illustrate its applicability in this second, somewhat less common case, by means of an example of location-based services. Specifically, location-aware devices entrust a third party with accurate location information. This party then uses our algorithm to create distortion-optimized, size-constrained clusters, where k nearby devices share a common centroid location, which may be regarded as a distorted version of the original one. The centroid location is sent back to the devices, which use it when contacting untrusted location-based information providers, in lieu of the exact home location, to enforce k-anonymity.We compare the performance of our novel algorithm to the state-of-the-art microaggregation algorithm MDAV, on both synthetic and standardized real data, which encompass the cases of small and large values of k. The most promising aspect of our proposed algorithm is its capability to maintain the same k-anonymity constraint, while outperforming MDAV by a significant reduction in data distortion, in all the cases considered.  相似文献   

Though the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) pattern classifier is an effective learning algorithm, it can result in large model sizes. To compensate, a number of variant algorithms have been developed that condense the model size of the k-NN classifier at the expense of accuracy. To increase the accuracy of these condensed models, we present a direct boosting algorithm for the k-NN classifier that creates an ensemble of models with locally modified distance weighting. An empirical study conducted on 10 standard databases from the UCI repository shows that this new Boosted k-NN algorithm has increased generalization accuracy in the majority of the datasets and never performs worse than standard k-NN.  相似文献   

Identities and bounds for the reliability of coherent systems are analysed and computed using the techniques of commutative algebra. The techniques are applied to the analysis of some of the most relevant k-out-of-n class systems. The efficiency of the algebraic approach in obtaining exact identities, bounds and asymptotic formulas shows good performance when compared with results from the literature. The papers points to some new applications of these techniques that emphasize the connection of algebra and probability in this context.  相似文献   

In a digraph G, a vertex u is said to dominate itself and vertices v such that (u,v) is an arc of G. For a positive integer k, a k-tuple dominating set D of a digraph is a subset of vertices such that every vertex is dominated by at least k vertices in D. The k-tuple domination number of a given digraph is the minimum cardinality of a k-tuple dominating set of the digraph. In this letter, we give the exact values of the k-tuple domination number of de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs.  相似文献   

A vertex u in a digraph G = (VA) is said to dominate itself and vertices v such that (uv) ∈ A. For a positive integer k, a k-tuple dominating set of G is a subset D of vertices such that every vertex in G is dominated by at least k vertices in D. The k-tuple domination number of G is the minimum cardinality of a k-tuple dominating set of G. This paper deals with the k-tuple domination problem on generalized de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs. We establish bounds on the k-tuple domination number for the generalized de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs and we obtain some conditions for the k-tuple domination number attaining the bounds.  相似文献   

Vidyasankar introduced a combined problem of k-exclusion and group mutual exclusion, called the group k-exclusion problem, which occurs in a situation where philosophers with the same interest can attend a forum in a meeting room, and up to k meeting rooms are available. We propose an improvement to Vidyasankar's algorithm. Waiting times in the trying region in the original algorithm and in our algorithm are bounded by n(nk)c+O(n3(nk))l and (nk)c+O(n(nk)2)l, respectively, where n is the number of processes, l is an upper bound on the time between successive two atomic steps, and c is an upper bound on the time that any philosopher spends in a forum.  相似文献   

High-dimensional problems arising from robot motion planning, biology, data mining, and geographic information systems often require the computation of k nearest neighbor (knn) graphs. The knn graph of a data set is obtained by connecting each point to its k closest points. As the research in the above-mentioned fields progressively addresses problems of unprecedented complexity, the demand for computing knn graphs based on arbitrary distance metrics and large high-dimensional data sets increases, exceeding resources available to a single machine. In this work we efficiently distribute the computation of knn graphs for clusters of processors with message passing. Extensions to our distributed framework include the computation of graphs based on other proximity queries, such as approximate knn or range queries. Our experiments show nearly linear speedup with over 100 processors and indicate that similar speedup can be obtained with several hundred processors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the direct product of strong negations. We characterize strong negations on product lattices that are direct products of strong negations. Furthermore, we present a method for constructing t-norms on product lattices which are not direct products. This method is quite general and useful to generate a wide class of such t-norms and solves an open problem posed in 2003 by Jenei and De Baets. Finally, we study direct decompositions of S-implication operators on product lattices.  相似文献   

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