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为了改进文件系统的性能,提出的文件系统既具有自适应的RAlD3和RAID5混合结构,又能根据缓存数据在缓冲区的活动性不同而分类缓存,数据被延迟刷新到磁盘来减少、合并写磁盘的次数,进一步采用自适应的文件条带策略来优化文件访问性能.研究结果表明,该文件系统能按需自适应地读写多媒体数据和事务处理数据,当文件系统负载低时,可以尽量积极地将文件分布到所有磁盘来最小化I/O的反馈时间;反之,在系统负载高时,将文件分布的范围小一些以便最大化文件系统整体的吞吐量.  相似文献   

Web代理服务器缓存能在一定程度上减少网络拥塞现象和用户的访问延迟,减轻服务器负载。然而Web代理缓存的缓存命中率和字节命中率较低,并不能很好地起到加速网络请求响应的效果。为此,研究监督学习方法,使用树扩展朴素贝叶斯分类器对Web日志数据进行分类,进而预测可能会再次访问到的Web对象,并结合最近最少使用(LRU)算法,提出一种新的缓存策略。实验结果表明,树扩展的贝叶斯分类器在精度和召回率指标上优于朴素贝叶斯和BP神经网络等分类器,通过树扩展的贝叶斯分类器优化后的缓存策略与普通LRU算法相比,不仅可以提高缓存的效率,而且可有效提高Web代理缓存的请求命中率和字节命中率。  相似文献   

Web缓存是用来解决网络访问延迟和网络拥塞问题,缓存替换策略直接影响缓存的命中率。为此,提出一种朴素贝叶斯(NB)分类器重访概率预测的Web缓存替换策略;根据用户之前访问日志,通过分区操作提取多项特征来表示每次访问的对象,并构建特征数据集;训练NB分类器,用来确定缓存中对象被再次访问的概率,为对象分配权重;结合LRU策略来合理删除一些对象。仿真结果表明,提出的策略在保证较高命中率的同时有效降低了执行时间。  相似文献   

Web代理服务器缓存能够在一定程度上解决用户访问延迟和网络拥塞问题,Web代理缓存的缓存替换策略直接影响缓存的命中率,从而影响网络请求响应的效果;为此,使用一种通过固定大小的循环滑动窗口提取Web日志数据的多项特征,并使用高斯混合模型对Web日志数据进行聚类分析,预测在窗口时间内可能再次访问到Web对象,结合最近最少使用(LRU)算法,提出一种新的基于高斯混合模型的Web代理服务器缓存替换策略;实验结果表明,与传统的缓存替换策略LRU、LFU、FIFO、GDSF相比,该策略有效提高了Web代理缓存的请求命中率和字节命中率。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于RAID5的Disk Cache的实现。在对磁盘阵列Cache的实现过程中,使用了组相联映射、LRU替换算法等比较成熟的技术,在Cache回写策略上采用write-back方式。从而提高了写磁盘速度,减少冗余写盘操作。另外通过对校验组加锁,有效地防止了同一校验组里多个块同时降级而导致的数据不一致现象。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的机群文件系统缓存模型,它充分利用机群系统累积的系统资源和高速的互联网络,将文件系统元数据和内容数据分离,分别使用分布式元数据缓存和统一缓存模型进行管理。元数据缓存使用改进的广播一致性协议和LRU替换算法。内容数据统一缓存则将磁盘缓存整个文件和内存缓存文件块相结合组成一个单一映像的多层次分布协作缓存,并使用单拷贝优先LRU和向前传递调度缓存块替换算法以及一种贪心的数据预取方法。实验结果表明,这两种缓存机制结合使用能极大地提高机群文件系统的性能。  相似文献   

代理缓存技术能很好的解决Internet发展中出现的访问延迟过长、服务器过载等一系列的问题.针对代理缓存的一致性策略和替换策略还没有很好地结合起来的技术现状,设计并实现了一种新的优化代理缓存的替换一致性算法-RCA算法.这种算法包括一致性策略和替换策略两部分,一致性策略采用自适应TTL机制,替换策略是结合了LFU和LRU,并引入老化机制的LFRU算法.通过Trace-Driven模拟实验,结果表明RCA算法在文档命中率和文档字节命中率比上均优于传统的几个替换算法.  相似文献   

一种视频缓冲和调度策略的研究和实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别从客户和多媒体流的角度分析了视频模块采用的调度策略。基于Linux平台研究了一种视频缓冲区的实现方法:缓存管理器使用两个流缓冲池,另一个是正在使用的流缓冲池。当申请一个流时,缓存管理器看空闲缓冲池是否为空,如果不为空则返回一个空闲的流;如果为空则系统的资源不足,拒绝流的请求。同时把实现的缓存策略与LRU策略进行了理论上的分析。对视频模块的性能进行了仿真,研究了磁盘性能模型。  相似文献   

缓存技术是提高存储性能最有效的技术之一,在存储系统中得到了广泛应用.由于缓存容量有限,替换算法在缓存策略中占据了重要地位.当前,缓存替换算法的研究工作主要集中在如何提高缓存系统命中率,忽略了通过降低缓存失效开销来提高缓存系统性能方面的研究.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于顺序检测的双队列缓存替换算法:本算法优先淘汰缓存中的顺序页面,保留随机页面,从而大大减少后续请求对磁盘进行随机访问的次数,能够显著降低缓存系统的失效开销.同时,本算法使用两个队列分别维护新加入页面和待淘汰页面,遵循时间局部性原理,保证了缓存命中率.实验结果表明,本算法在多种缓存大小及工作负载下,可以达到比LRU和ARC算法更优的性能.  相似文献   

ASP缓存策略探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缓存是一项用来提高性能的经典技术,正确地使用缓存,能够优化网站性能、减轻服务器负载、减少客户访问延迟.本文阐述了缓存的定义,利用ASP缓存提高Web性能的重要性以及ASP缓存的分类.重点探讨了利用ASP缓存优化Web性能的策略.  相似文献   

提出一种解决PACT01一种结合动态可编程逻辑阵列(DPGA)的处理器的新型体系结制中cache的一致性与同步性问题的算法,并且解决多线程支持的快速上下文切换及快速用户级操作问题。存储器替换机制是解决cache的一致性问题及当cache未命中时从局部或远程存储器到cacbe存储器的数据替换问题的一种硬件实现方法,产生冲突的原因是由于多线程并行的写入/读取的位置相同和读或写的位置相同。文中选择的是相联映射策略,同时也选择了最少最近使用LRU算法,即在cache未命中时替换最少最近使用的参考块,为实现LRU算法设置了与每块相对应的计数器。  相似文献   

We describe a data deduplication system for backup storage of PC disk images, named in-RAM metadata utilizing deduplication (IR-MUD). In-RAM hash granularity adaptation and miniLZO based data compression are firstly proposed to reduce the in-RAM metadata size and thereby reduce the space overheads required by the in-RAM metadata caches. Secondly, an in-RAM metadata write cache, as opposed to the traditional metadata read cache, is proposed for further reducing metadata-related disk I/O operations and improving deduplication throughput. During deduplication, the metadata write cache is managed following the LRU caching policy. For each manifest that is hit in the metadata write cache, an expensive manifest reloading operation from the disk is avoided. After deduplication, all the manifests in the metadata write cache are cleared and stored on the disk. Our experimental results using 1.5 TB real-world disk image dataset show that 1) IR-MUD achieved about 95% size reduction for the deduplication metadata, with a small time overhead introduced, 2) when the metadata write cache was not utilized, with the same RAM space size for the metadata read cache, IR-MUD achieved a 400% higher RAM hit ratio and a 50% higher deduplication throughput, as compared with the classic Sparse Indexing deduplication system where no metadata utilization approaches are utilized, and 3) when the metadata write cache was utilized and enough RAM space was available, IR-MUD achieved a 500% higher RAM hit ratio compared with Sparse Indexing and a 70% higher deduplication throughput compared with IR-MUD with only a single metadata read cache. The in-RAM metadata harnessing and metadata write caching approaches of IR-MUD can be applied in most parallel deduplication systems for improving metadata caching efficiency.  相似文献   

张震  付印金  胡谷雨 《计算机应用》2018,38(8):2230-2235
相变存储器(PCM)凭借低功耗的优势有望成为新一代主存储器,但是耐受性的缺陷成为其广泛应用的重要障碍。现有的随机存取存储器(DRAM)缓存技术和磨损均衡分别从减少PCM写数量以及均匀化写操作分布两个角度延长PCM使用寿命,但前者在写回数据时未考虑数据的读写倾向性,后者在空间局部性较强的应用场景下存在数据交换粒度、空间开销、随机性等诸多问题。因此,设计一种全新的混合存储架构,结合最近最少使用(LRU)算法和带有时间变化的最不经常使用(LFU-Aging)算法提出区分数据读写倾向性的缓存策略,并且基于布隆过滤器(BF)设计针对强空间局部性工作集的动态磨损均衡算法,在有效减少冗余写操作的同时实现低空间开销的组间磨损均衡操作。实验结果表明,该策略能够减少PCM上13.4%~38.6%的写操作,同时有效均匀90%以上分组的写操作分布。  相似文献   

Considers the use of massively parallel architectures to execute a trace-driven simulation of a single cache set. A method is presented for the least-recently-used (LRU) policy, which, regardless of the set size C, runs in time O(log N) using N processors on the EREW (exclusive read, exclusive write) parallel model. A simpler LRU simulation algorithm is given that runs in O(C log N) time using N/log N processors. We present timings of this algorithm's implementation on the MasPar MP-1, a machine with 16384 processors. A broad class of reference-based line replacement policies are considered, which includes LRU as well as the least-frequently-used (LFU) and random replacement policies. A simulation method is presented for any such policy that, on any trace of length N directed to a C line set, runs in O(C log N) time with high probability using N processors on the EREW model. The algorithms are simple, have very little space overhead, and are well suited for SIMD implementation  相似文献   

The future storage systems are expected to contain a wide variety of storage media and layers due to the rapid development of NVM(non-volatile memory)techniques.For NVM-based read caches,many kinds of NVM devices cannot stand frequent data updates due to limited write endurance or high energy consumption of writing.However,traditional cache algorithms have to update cached blocks frequently because it is difficult for them to predict long-term popularity according to such limited information about data blocks,such as only a single value or a queue that reflects frequency or recency.In this paper,we propose a new MacroTrend(macroscopic trend)prediction method to discover long-term hot blocks through blocks'macro trends illustrated by their access count histograms.And then a new cache replacement algorithm is designed based on the MacroTrend prediction to greatly reduce the write amount while improving the hit ratio.We conduct extensive experiments driven by a series of real-world traces and find that compared with LRU,MacroTrend can reduce the write amounts of NVM cache devices significantly with similar hit ratios,leading to longer NVM lifetime or less energy consumption.  相似文献   

以优化压缩cache的替换策略为目标,提出一种优化的基于修正LRU的压缩cache替换策略MLRU-C。MLRU-C策略能利用压缩cache中额外的tag资源,形成影子tag机制来探测并修正LRU替换策略的错误替换决策,从而优化压缩cache替换策略的性能。实验结果表明,与传统LRU替换策略相比,MLRU-C平均能降低L2压缩cache失效率12.3%。  相似文献   

P2P流媒体cache是一种有效减少带宽开销、提高对象利用率的技术,通常采用FIFO,LRU等算法置换内容.然而,流媒体不同于Web对象,P2P网络也有别于客户/服务器模式.在分布式应用中这些算法可能影响系统的性能,为此,分析了FIFO和LRU置换算法,提出了基于供求关系的SD算法,以及基于分片副本数量的REP算法,并对其进行评估和比较.针对不同的节点到达间隔,将SD和REP同FIFO,LRU进行比较,发现在启动延迟、媒体副本数量和根节点依赖度方面SD和REP几乎均优于FIFO和LRU.同LSB(least sent bytes)算法相比,某些场景中SD的启动延迟减少了约40%,而REP在副本数量方面远远超过LSB的结果,说明在P2P网络流媒体服务中使用SD和REP缓存置换算法有助于提高系统性能.  相似文献   

The flash-based SSD is used as a tiered cache between RAM and HDD. Conventional schemes do not utilize the nonvolatile feature of SSD and cannot cache write requests. Writes are a significant, or often dominant, fraction of storage workloads. To cache write requests, the SSD cache should persistently and consistently manage its data and metadata, and guarantee no data loss even after a crash. Persistent cache management may require frequent metadata changes and causes high overhead. Some researchers insist that a nonvolatile persistent cache requires new additional primitives that are not supported by general SSDs in the market. We proposed a fully persistent read/write cache, which improves both read and write performance, does not require any special primitive, has a low overhead, guarantees the integrity of the cache metadata and the consistency of the cached data, even during a crash or power failure, and is able to recover the flash cache quickly without any data loss. We implemented the persistent read/write cache as a block device driver in Linux. Our scheme aims at virtual desktop infra servers. So the evaluation was performed with massive, real desktop traces of five users for ten days. The evaluation shows that our scheme outperforms an LRU version of SSD cache by 50% and the read-only version of our scheme by 37%, on average, for all experiments. This paper describes most of the parts of our scheme in detail. Detailed pseudo-codes are included in the Appendix.  相似文献   

本文针对嵌入式文件系统提出了一套基于最久未使用页面替换算法的高速缓存管理方案。该高速缓存管理模块的使用,较好地提高文件系统的读写性能。以NorFlash操作为例,使用高速缓存以后,可以使多数量、小文件的写入速度提升20%左右,读出速度提升30%-40%。对于大容量数据传输,适当地调整缓存的容量,也可使得写入速度提升2%,读出速度提升10%左右。  相似文献   

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