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岩石圈深部探测与青藏高原研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了岩石圈深部探测的作用和重大意义,它是一项国土基础地质情况的调查,可以为找矿预测、地震预报、能源开发及大陆动力学研究等多目标服务,是21世纪中国区域地质调查的重要内容,是一项伟大的科学工程;美国、前苏联和中国此前均已作了大量工作,但是有待深化和进一步开展调查;简要介绍了青藏高原近些年来开展深部调查的情况和取得的主要最新成果。  相似文献   

现在我国农业在不断地发展,农业地质调查变得越来越重要,在农业经济的发展中,要想将农业地质调查工作做好,就要从土地质量地球化学评估、局部生态地球化学评价、区域生态地球化学评价和区域地球化学调查等角度对农业地质调查进行充分地研究。本文就对农业地质调查的内容和技术方法进行科学地分析,为农业的可持续性发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

沈国珍  王补栓  石俊 《硅谷》2010,(10):37-38
数字化填图系统在区域地质调查工作中已得到广泛应用。其中地球化学处理工能模块可以满足区调工作一些基本的地球化学数据处理需求。在区调工作实践中,总结利用该模块在制作地球化学点位图、化探异常特征参数计算及专题图绘制方面的经验、体会,与广大地学同仁共同探讨。  相似文献   

勘探地球物理学是运用地球物理理论和方法研究地球内部结构,进行区域地质调查,矿产、油气资源勘查,水文地质与工程地质调查等方面工作。世界桥梁的发展历史是桥梁跨度不断增大的历史,大跨度桥梁将成为桥梁新宠。对地质水文条件的勘察将影响到桥梁整个的设计施工与建设。  相似文献   

水文地质调查在工程建设、矿产探寻以及煤矿挖掘等领域中都具有十分重要的作用,只有全面详细地了解水文地质情况,掌握工程区域内的各种地质构造以及水文条件,才能为工程建设的顺利开展奠定良好的基础。随着我国科技水平的不断提高,遥感等新型的信息技术快速发展,并在水文地质调查工作中得到了广泛的应用,极大地提高了水文地质调查的效率和准确性。因此水文地质调查工作者要充分了解遥感技术的特点以及相关应用技术,扩大遥感技术在水文地质调查中的应用范围。  相似文献   

<正>通过1∶5万区域地质调查,在攀枝花盐边县同德杂岩体西侧新发现唐家坪晶质石墨矿。经地表工程取样和物探深部探测,预测石墨矿资源量约142万t,达大型矿床规模。研究认为,矿床成因为沉积变质型,指出以同德杂岩体为中心的环形接触变质带找矿方向,助推形成攀枝花大型晶质石墨矿资源基地。  相似文献   

中国将探测包括铁、钛、稀土等在内的14种有用资源的全月球分布。 月球上有很多元素对地球将来可能是非常有用的,但是哪些资源可能对地球人类社会的发展有贡献,哪些资源到底有多少,它的分布怎么样。这个工作此前只有美国做过,他们探测铁、钛、铀、钍、钾等五种资源的全球分布,我们希望也有能力探测14种元素。  相似文献   

李庆付  马春良  李惠 《硅谷》2010,(14):90-91
以能较准确地圈定出地质构造、地质体和矿化带形态为原则,遵照部署原则控制程度和调查精度及注意事项完成三大岩类地质填图以其提高其工作效果。  相似文献   

科学技术的不断的发展,给寻找深部的矿物资源提供了基础。目前,地表矿明显的在减少,寻找深部矿物资源成为了当前资源开发的重点内容。探讨探物多方法测量在铜矿上的应用效果,有助于更好的认识物探方法以及肯定其价值。本文从具体的铜矿探测实例出发,对探测的效果进行了分析,给物探多方法在矿物探测上的使用提供参考。  相似文献   

任来法  凌鸿烈 《声学技术》1987,(3):20-23,19
锰结核是赋存在深海大洋底部表层的多种矿物结核,是富有前景的海底资源,但探查工作相当困难。本文介绍了应用深地层剖面仪进行地质环境探查,以圈划锰结核赋存区域的声学调查方法,这是大洋锰结核综合调查的有效手段之一。本文分析了探测方法给出了一些地层剖面图,并与深海取样作了对照。  相似文献   

In 2011, the German Bundestag decided to phase out nuclear energy. The resulting waste will remain highly radioactive for many hundreds of thousands of years and represents a considerable danger for future generations. This radioactive waste is to be safely disposed of in deep geological formations (e. g. salt, clay or crystalline). The repositories will be sealed by means of engineered barrier systems. The impermeability of these structures is indispensable. In the current research phase, various materials are being investigated and methods for monitoring the structures are being developed. In this context, the investigation of cracks is a priority topic. In recent years, extensive experience in the investigation of in-situ test objects in full scale were gained. The measurements were performed in the Morsleben repository for radioactive waste at the test structure for the in-situ experiment “Sealing structure in rock salt” and in the Teutschenthal mine at the large-scale GV2 test structure. With a newly developed ultrasonic measuring system it has been possible to achieve penetration depths of up to approx. 9.0 m. Measurements with the Large Aperture Ultrasonic System in combination with the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique reconstruction method show that the non-destructive testing of sealing structures is possible and the use of the measuring system for quality assurance in the construction of sealing structures is promising.  相似文献   

陈佩琳 《包装工程》2011,32(4):101-103,107
通过对历史发展的纵向横向比较,定位我国书籍设计的现状及发展方向。从设计实践和调查活动出发,从设计者和读者的视角探寻书籍设计新语言。使中国现代书籍装帧设计具有鲜明的地域性、民族性。应以书籍的"国"字作为设计导向,把中国的特有文化传达给世界,让世界认识中国的书籍装帧设计。  相似文献   

近年来随着我国城市建设的迅速发展,高层建筑物越来越多,由于城市用地的有限性,使得高层建筑不断向地下空间发展,需要进行基坑的开挖,随着基坑开挖深度的增大就要求对基坑进行支护。本文结合工程实例,根据桩锚支护结构的特点,以及该工程的地质条件和周围环境,对本工程基坑开挖进行了可行性和稳定性分析,并对桩锚在工程中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Evaporative rocks are known to have a high susceptibility to dissolution in fresh water. Substantial evidence all over the world has shown that the dissolution of evaporative rocks in the foundations of dams and basins can lead to unfortunate disasters. In a basin located in Iran, owing to dissolution of evaporative rock in the foundation on the south side, some hazardous events, such as unexpected subsidence, ground collapse, and water escape from the reservoir, have been reported. Comprehensive geological and geophysical surveys along with detailed geotechnical investigations were performed in order to assess the reasons. By analyzing the site investigation results, it is recognized that even though the foundation of the basin is composed of impervious marl layer, the dissolution of thin streaks of gypsum embedded inside the marl layer provides interconnected paths for the flow of water into the lower depths of the foundation in order to reach to halite layer located inside the marl. The geophysical survey results indicate that the zone with defects is limited to the specific area of the basin where the halite layer is located relatively near the ground surface. However, if the reservoir is filled completely again, the dissolution front may advance to other zones of the basin, and more area of the basin ground may be affected by subsidence and other relevant phenomena.  相似文献   

The in-situ insulation of deep strata is the key technology of deep drilling and deep resource exploitation, but at present, this technology is still a difficult problem in the study of in-situ fidelity coring in deep strata. Taking into account the complex geological conditions of deep strata, the strong disturbance and high cost caused by large-scale mining activities limit the working space of deep drilling. At the same time, the fidelity cabin is too far from the ground surface during deep drilling operations, which will cause great difficulty in power supply, temperature control and data collection. For this reson, the function-behavior-structure (FBS) model was used to define and describe the function of the active insulation system for in-situ fidelity coring in deep strata, and the functional requirements and functional structure layout of the active insulation system were initially proposed. Combining the TRIZ, the technical conflicts in the preliminary design scheme of active insulation system were analyzed and improved. In addition, a high-efficiency active insulation system consisting heat pipes, Peltier cooler and graphene heating coating was proposed. By setting different temperature gradients and performing constant temperature control, the insulation simulation of in-situ temperature at different depths was realized, which verified the feasibility of the proposed active insulation system. The realization of the active insulation system for in-situ fidelity coring in deep strata can provide research ideas and methods for the later research of passive insulation and temperature pressure coupling.  相似文献   

深部裂缝带——一种新的地震构造样式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄河黑山峡大柳树坝址、雅砻江锦屏普斯罗坝址及其他一些水电工程区,在勘探过程相继发现了一种新的地质构造现象——深部裂缝带,并且多出现在我国强震活跃地区和强震发生断裂带上,沿断裂带历史上强震活动频繁;深部裂缝带向地下延伸超过300m,远远超出地表卸荷带的影响深度,故与强地震作用时岩体构造动力效应密切相关;讨论了根据弹性波作用下岩体的动力学响应,阐述了深部裂缝带发生的地震学原因。  相似文献   

深部岩层的原位保温是深地钻探、深部资源开发的关键技术,但目前该技术仍是深部岩层原位保真取心研究的难题。考虑到深部岩层的复杂地质条件,大规模开采活动衍生的强扰动和高成本问题限制了深部钻取的作业空间,同时在进行深部钻取作业时保真舱距离地表太远会导致供电、温度控制和数据采集的难度极大。为此,使用功能-行为-结构(function-behavior-structure,FBS)模型对深部岩层原位保真取心主动保温系统进行功能定义描述,初步提出了该系统的功能需求和功能结构布局;结合TRIZ(Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch,发明问题解决理论),对初步提出的主动保温系统设计方案中的技术冲突进行分析和改进,提出了一套由热管、帕尔贴制冷器以及石墨烯加热涂层等组成的高效主动保温系统;通过设定不同的温度梯度来进行恒温控制,实现了不同深度下原位温度的保温模拟,验证了所提出的主动保温系统的可行性。深部岩层原位保真取心主动保温系统的实现可为后续的被动保温以及温压耦合研究提供研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

The proposed China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline (CRCOP) will be subjected to strong frost heave and thaw settlement of the surrounding soil as it traverses permafrost and seasonally frozen ground areas in Northeastern China. The freezing-thawing processes, the development of the maximum frozen cylinder in taliks and thawed cylinder in permafrost areas, and the variations in the maximum freezing depths under the pipeline in taliks and thawing depths in different permafrost regions near Mo'he station, the first pumping station in China, were studied in detail using numerical methods in this paper. The inlet oil temperature at Mo'he station was assumed to vary from 10 to − 6 °C in a sine wave form during the preliminary design phase. Research results showed that the freezing-thawing processes of soils surrounding the buried pipeline had distinct differences from those in the undisturbed ground profile in permafrost areas. In summer, there was downward thawing from the ground surface and upward and downward thawing from the pipeline's surface once the temperature of the oil rose above 0 °C. In winter, downward freezing began from the ground surface but upward and downward cooling of the cylinder around the pipeline didn't begin until the temperature of the oil dropped below 0 °C. However, in the undisturbed ground profile, downward thawing from the ground surface occurred in summer and downward freezing from the ground surface and upward freezing from the permafrost table occurred in winter. The maximum thawing depths and thawed cylinder around the pipeline in warm permafrost enlarged with elapsing time and decreasing water content of the soils. In taliks, the maximum freezing depths and frozen cylinder around the pipeline kept shrinking with elapsing time and increasing water content of the soils. The freezing-thawing processes and development of the thawed and frozen cylinders around the pipeline were muted by any insulation layer surrounding the pipeline. Insulation had better thermal moderating on the heat exchange between the pipeline and the surrounding soils during the early operating period. But its role slowly weakened after a long-term operating. Research results will provide the basis for assessment and forecasting of engineering geological conditions, analysis of mechanical stability of the pipeline, foundation design, and pipeline construction and maintenance.  相似文献   

The proposed China–Russia Crude Oil Pipeline (CRCOP) will be subjected to strong frost heave and thaw settlement of the surrounding soil as it traverses permafrost and seasonally frozen ground areas in Northeastern China. The freezing–thawing processes, the development of the maximum frozen cylinder in taliks and thawed cylinder in permafrost areas, and the variations in the maximum freezing depths under the pipeline in taliks and thawing depths in different permafrost regions near Mo'he station, the first pumping station in China, were studied in detail using numerical methods in this paper. The inlet oil temperature at Mo'he station was assumed to vary from 10 to − 6 °C in a sine wave form during the preliminary design phase. Research results showed that the freezing–thawing processes of soils surrounding the buried pipeline had distinct differences from those in the undisturbed ground profile in permafrost areas. In summer, there was downward thawing from the ground surface and upward and downward thawing from the pipeline's surface once the temperature of the oil rose above 0 °C. In winter, downward freezing began from the ground surface but upward and downward cooling of the cylinder around the pipeline didn't begin until the temperature of the oil dropped below 0 °C. However, in the undisturbed ground profile, downward thawing from the ground surface occurred in summer and downward freezing from the ground surface and upward freezing from the permafrost table occurred in winter. The maximum thawing depths and thawed cylinder around the pipeline in warm permafrost enlarged with elapsing time and decreasing water content of the soils. In taliks, the maximum freezing depths and frozen cylinder around the pipeline kept shrinking with elapsing time and increasing water content of the soils. The freezing–thawing processes and development of the thawed and frozen cylinders around the pipeline were muted by any insulation layer surrounding the pipeline. Insulation had better thermal moderating on the heat exchange between the pipeline and the surrounding soils during the early operating period. But its role slowly weakened after a long-term operating. Research results will provide the basis for assessment and forecasting of engineering geological conditions, analysis of mechanical stability of the pipeline, foundation design, and pipeline construction and maintenance.  相似文献   

随着深度学习的不断深入,计算机识别迎来了崭新的发展机遇,以微表情行为识别、人脸识别、声纹识别等为代表的前沿技术,已经进入新的研究阶段,并且取得了非常显著的效果。微表情识别技术由传统的经验传承到由以深度学习为基础的智能化识别,使得该项技术有了更广泛的应用场景。随着该项技术的不断成熟其应用的场景将更加广泛,通过对微表情的识别原理和基于深度学习的微表情识别技术的识别原理和技术特点的简要介绍,拓展延伸出该项技术在侦查讯问、视频侦查、监所预警、重点人员筛查和大型活动预警等领域的应用。  相似文献   

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