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分析了做好大卖场节能工作的重要性,结合大卖场的耗能方式,就大卖场如何节能进行了分析,阐述了具体的节能措施,重点提出了空调设置应做好的几项工作,以搞好大卖场的节能工作。  相似文献   

某超市人群疏散计算机模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对某大型超市的实际建筑结构以及人员分布情况,利用MultiGo安全疏散软件针对900、1 600、2 000三种疏散人数,模拟疏散情况.结果表明,该超市应以1 600人作为疏散预警点.以1 600人的情况为例分析人员疏散过程,提出相应的改进措施,如撤销紧急出口前的货架,增设通道和出口等,并对改进方案进行模拟分析,根据模拟结果提出超市人员疏散建议.  相似文献   

许旺发  张旭 《暖通空调》2006,36(11):106-109
建立了大型超市能耗动态模拟的计算模型。以上海某大型超市为例,应用DeST软件模拟和实际调研分析相结合的方法,对该大型超市的全年逐时能耗进行了模拟,并利用模拟结果分析了该大型超市的能耗现状和结构。利用该建筑实测能耗数据对模拟结果进行了验证,表明该计算模型准确合理。  相似文献   

根据武汉市某政府办公楼的能源审计与能耗模拟,得到了该大楼的各项能耗指标.给出了围护结构、空调系统、照明系统的节能改造方案以及投资回收期,并探讨了室内温度及系统COP值的设定.  相似文献   

大型超市客流量的调查与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过调查统计哈尔滨某大型超市客流量,得到了人员密度曲线,该曲线为三峰分布。给出了大型超市人员密度的计算方法。统计结果表明,目前超市平均人员密度为0.16~0.23人/m^2。  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to propose an analysis of energy consumption of a standard building in different climates. The analysis is developed by simulating the dynamic behaviour of the building subjected to different climatic conditions according to the considered location. Simulations are performed by means of an in-house developed code, validated by comparison with the outcomes from leading software, particularly TRNSYS and EnergyPlus. The use of a self-developed code guarantees a high flexibility and allows the implementation of new capabilities if necessary. The impact on the energy consumption of various parameters, namely internal and external wall insulation, window surface areas, thermal capacity and orientation, is investigated. Results show that the insulation of external walls has a fundamental role in reducing energy consumption, because it allows to exploit the thermal capacity of the walls. This is particularly useful for buildings which necessitate to keep the internal temperature constant.  相似文献   

张琦  冯培恩 《工程机械》1997,28(7):10-13
应用矩阵理论建立履带推土机系统的三维状态模型,研究推土机随机激励-两侧地面不平度的数学表示方法,直接由计算机对系统状态方程求其动力学特性。  相似文献   

对大型超市(欧尚超市)楼面活荷载进行了调查,收集了大量的楼面活荷载资料。采用单位面积平均荷载法和进深板带面积平均荷载法分别将楼面持久性活荷载和楼面临时性活荷载等效为楼面均布荷载,给出了楼面持久性活荷载和楼面临时性活荷载的计算结果。利用数理统计方法,研究了大型超市楼面持久性活荷载和临时性活荷载的概率分布和统计参数,建立了设计基准期T=50年时楼面持久性活荷载和楼面临时性活荷载的概率分布模型,并确定了模型参数。在此基础上,提出了我国大型超市楼面活荷载标准值的建议取值。  相似文献   

浅谈大型仓储式超市建筑防火设计与消防管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了大型仓储式超市建筑结构特点和火灾特点,对仓储式超级市场建筑防火设计审核中应该把握的关键点进行了探讨。并对设计和施工中存在的实际问题进行了论述.提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

The UK non-domestic sector accounts for 2 million buildings and 19% of national CO2 emissions, representing a significant opportunity for emission reductions. However, substantial improvement of the stock requires a greater understanding of current energy performance characteristics. This paper explores energy consumption in English schools, using data from the Display Energy Certificates (DECs) database. DECs are a key step in understanding the non-domestic stock, incorporating national-scale statistical data, covering bottom-up details of the individual buildings. Significant variations in emissions between primary and secondary schools and academies exist, primarily caused by large differences in electricity consumption. Considering pupil numbers is shown to accentuate the differences, revealing a 47% rise in CO2 emissions per pupil from primary to secondary schools, and a further increase between secondary schools and academies. The extent to which building characteristics, including location, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and size, influence performance has also been evaluated. Location, HVAC and school density are shown to correlate with variations in energy use. Finally, a comparison of current school performance against past data reveals considerable reductions in fossil-thermal energy consumption over the last decade. However, this has been offset by a significant increase in electricity consumption, resulting in rising typical emissions across the school types.

Le secteur non domestique britannique représente 2 millions de bâtiments et 19% des émissions de CO2 du pays, ce qui constitue une importante opportunité de réduction des émissions. Cependant, une amélioration substantielle du parc exige une plus grande compréhension des caractéristiques actuelles des performances énergétiques. Cet article examine la consommation d'énergie dans les écoles anglaises, en utilisant les données provenant de la base de données des Display Energy Certificates (DEC – Certificats de Performance Energétique à afficher). Les certificats DEC sont une étape clé pour mieux connaître le parc non domestique, intégrant des données statistiques à l'échelle nationale et couvrant en détail selon une approche ascendante les différents bâtiments. D'importantes variations des émissions entre les écoles primaires, les écoles secondaires et les académies existent, principalement dues à de grandes différences dans la consommation électrique. Il est démontré que la prise en compte du nombre d'élèves accentue les différences, révélant une hausse de 47% des émissions de CO2 par élève entre les écoles primaires et secondaires, une hausse supplémentaire intervenant entre les écoles secondaires et les académies. A également été évalué le degré d'influence sur les performances des caractéristiques des bâtiments, au nombre desquelles l'emplacement, le chauffage, la ventilation mécanique et la climatisation (CVCA), ainsi que la taille. Il est démontré que l'emplacement, la CVCA et la densité des écoles sont en corrélation avec les variations de la consommation d'énergie. Enfin, une comparaison des performances actuelles des écoles par rapport aux données passées révèle des réductions considérables de la consommation d'énergie thermique fossile au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, ceci a été contrebalancé par une augmentation importante de la consommation d'électricité, qui s'est traduite par une hausse des émissions moyennes sur l'ensemble des types d'écoles.

indicateurs de référence, parc immobilier, émissions de CO2, Certificats de Performance Energétique (DEC), consommation d'énergie, écoles  相似文献   

数值模拟技术是土木工程专业学生开展学术研究的基本技能,通过开设数值模拟课程,在教学实践中提出"软件超市"的教学模式,满足了学生的多样化及个性化需求。以结构设计竞赛题目和工程案例为训练任务,锻炼学生团队协作能力,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生创新意识和解决实际问题的能力。经过土木工程分析软件与应用课程的三年教学实践,教学效果良好,提高了学生的科研水平。  相似文献   

The influence of internal and external characteristics on energy use in the public sector office stock in England and Wales is explored using a database of 2600 Display Energy Certificates (DECs) combined with other sources of disaggregated office information. The DEC office benchmarks are shown to match the median fossil thermal and electrical consumptions well. Analyses of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC), size, occupancy density, building age, location and rateable value are considered. While newer offices are shown to have lower typical fossil-thermal consumption than older offices, this is counterbalanced by higher electrical consumption, resulting in higher typical CO2 emissions. This has implications for the UK's emissions reduction targets for 2050, indicating that while building regulations that focus on thermal performance have been successful, a focus on electrical consumption (both regulated and unregulated) is key. The results are also compared with existing benchmarks for all UK offices, splitting the sample into four generic types, and compared with a similar smaller study of private offices. This indicates that public offices typically used less energy than the general benchmarks had previously predicted, particularly for prestige offices.  相似文献   

建筑物排热对城市区域热气候影响的长期动态模拟及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了城市特定区域内热气候的形成机理,特别是建筑物排热在热气候形成中所起的作用,对于从建筑角度减缓城市高温化进程和热岛效应、有针对性地提出改善室外热舒适环境、降低建筑能耗的方法具有重要意义。以南方某典型城市实际大型CBD规划改造项目为研究对象,利用已建立的城市区域热气候预测模型,通过长期动态模拟,分析了城市化后室外热气候特征及室外热平衡规律。结果表明,夏季下垫面传热和空调冷源系统排热分别是城市气候逐渐向高温高湿化发展的主要成因。  相似文献   

建筑能耗模拟的校验方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
总结了建筑能耗模拟的校验方法与步骤,并将其应用于某建筑的能耗分析。采用Visual DOE4.0建立了建筑能耗基本模型,比较了模拟结果与实际能耗数据,对模型进行了调整和校验,直至误差符合相关标准。用经过校验的基本模型分析了该建筑的能耗构成,并模拟分析了三种节能措施的节能效果。  相似文献   

This article presents an approach for speeding EnergyPlus simulations. The computing run time of an energy simulation depends on several variables and is directly proportional to the simulation RunPeriod. In the proposed approach, data parallelization is achieved by breaking an annual simulation into several segments of smaller RunPeriod, each handled by a separate computer/processor. The speed gain achieved by running 12 one-month RunPeriod segments in parallel as compared to single simulation of 12 months is between three and six times. Segmentation of simulation has resulted in minor deviations between the results obtained through segmented simulations and annual simulations. Methods for reducing these deviations on annual and monthly basis are presented in this article using 12 benchmark models each simulated for five cities. On annual basis, a maximum deviation of 0.06% was observed in cooling, heating, and lighting consumption. In a month-to-month comparison between the segments and annual simulation, the maximum deviation was 1.7% for heating and 0.8% for cooling.  相似文献   

为研制用于动压巷道支护技术相似模拟研究的试验装置,从采动压力出发分析归纳了采动的静压效应和动压效应,以此为设计思想,设计制造了新型的动压巷道支护相似模拟试验装置,给出了相应试验过程的设计,并进行了测试试验。研究表明:具有内、外框架嵌套式结构的新型试验装置可通过静载油缸模拟超前支承压力及侧向支承压力,并通过动载油缸模拟由采区顶板断裂、垮落等因素产生的振动荷载。测试结果表明新型装置可实现静、动荷载的同时加载,互不干扰;新型试验装置模拟的巷道模型破坏规律符合巷道破坏的一般规律,试验结果真实可靠。  相似文献   

Béghein C  Jiang Y  Chen QY 《Indoor air》2005,15(4):281-290
As people spend most of their time in an indoor environment, it is important to predict indoor pollutant level in order to assess health risks. As particles are an important pollutant indoors, it is of great interest to study the airflow pattern and particle dispersion in buildings. This study uses large eddy simulation (LES) to predict three-dimensional and transient turbulent flows and a Lagrangian model to compute particle trajectories in a room. The motion of three different types of solid particles in a decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulent airflow is calculated. By comparing the computed results with the experimental data from the literature, the computational method used in this investigation is found to be successful in predicting the airflow and particle trajectories in terms of the second-order statistics, such as the mean-square displacement and turbulent intensity. This Lagrangian model is then applied to the study of particles' dispersion in a ventilated cavity with a simplified geometry for two ventilation scenarios. It is shown that light particles follow the airflow in the room and many particles are exhausted, while heavier particles deposit to the floor or/and are exhausted. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of this paper can be used to study dispersion of infectious diseases in enclosed spaces in which virus or bacteria are often attached to particles and transported to different rooms in a building through ventilation systems. In most of studies, the virus or bacteria have been considered to be gaseous phase so there is no slip between virus/bacteria and air. The results in this paper show that heavier particles are submitted to gravity and are sensitive to the ventilation strategy.  相似文献   

风机盘管空调系统夏季节能模拟与控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾源  贾衡  李炎锋 《暖通空调》2006,36(11):117-120,112
运用建筑能耗模拟软件EnergyPlus对北京某高层写字楼进行了能耗及节能控制策略的模拟,并根据模拟结果对该大厦的楼宇控制系统进行了设计,实现了建筑能耗模拟和楼宇控制系统节能运行的人工连接。  相似文献   

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