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借助于超声检测技术,机器人技术,数字控制技术,计算机技术等,研制了一种用于超声检测机械手,该机械手由机械系统,伺服系统,检测系统等组成,通过PC机控制,能够实现自动控制并实时获取坐标信息,有利于缺陷的定位,定量和定性分析,其结构简单,性能价格比高,不仅能够用于超声检测,而且也可以用于其他场合,具有广泛的适应性。  相似文献   

限量发行2000枚采用2326/2847自动上弦机械机芯,宝石轴眼54枚,动力储存48小时,摆频每小时28,800次,具有时,分钟显示,飞返计时功能,配备帆船赛事专用启航功能。所有零件全部以手工装饰完成,表壳为精钢制造,直径为42mm,表底盖刻上Royal Oak Offshore Allinghi Polaris_limited Edition字样,防水深度100米,表盘为黑色漆面,9时位置印有红色Alinghi队徽标志,橡胶表带搭配AP字样精钢折叠表扣。  相似文献   

9月18日,秦皇岛天业通联重工股份有限公司TTM50型非公路自卸车成功下线。该车属于超廓型非公路车辆,整体造型美观,结构布局合理,质量可靠,价格适中,广泛应用于冶金,煤炭,能源,化工,建材等大型矿山和重点工程的散料运送工作。  相似文献   

杨剑 《机电信息》2007,(15):53-54
与“泰”卦相反,“否”卦是指否闭之世,天地阴阳不能交合,万事万物生养不畅,君臣上下阻塞不通,天下国家离异分崩,阴者居内,阳者居外,柔顺者居内,刚健者居外,小人居内,君子居外,小人道长,君子道消的态势。  相似文献   

冬季来临,外界的气候环境发生了巨大的变化,天气变冷,气候干燥,昼夜温差大。由于寒冷以及昼短夜长,光照时间变短,给猪舍正常采光和管理带来不便。同时,寒冷的天气,会给猪群带来严重的冷应激,低温环境更适合于各种病原微生物的生存,多风及风向多变等可促使猪群间疾病的传播扩散,给猪的生长带来不利影响。另外,在寒冷的环境中,猪群会加大采食量以增加机体代谢产热来维持体温,采食量的加大,日增重的降低,会增加养殖成本,降低养殖效益。  相似文献   

广灵县位于大同市东南部,平均海拔1000m,温带干旱季风气候,年降水量200~600mm,年平均气温7℃左右,非常适宜食用菌的生长,食用菌栽培历史悠久。特别是近年来,广灵县确立了“基地化、工厂化,品牌化”三大发展策略,  相似文献   

高等教育质量,归根到底是培养人才的质量,而人才的培养质量,需要高质量的教学来实现。质量问题的关键,并不在于教授上不上本科生的课程,而是以什么态度、什么方式来上本科生的课。不管你是教授,还是副教授,抑或是讲师,你站在讲台上,在教学过程中,你的态度如何,你教些什么,你如何去教,这些才是影响教学质量的最重要的因素。  相似文献   

高群耀,一个做事总能顺势和适时而进的人,而且做得漂亮,精彩!这是《中国制造业信息化》杂志记者在泰国普济岛对他进行专访是最为贴切的感识。是机遇的眷顾,亦惑是上帝的安排,总之,高群耀总是踩着世界与中国,中国与世界之间最令人关切、最抓心的事件点儿上,坎儿上,以他发达而敏锐的嗅觉和睿智,屡屡抓住惟一属于他的机会,以他可能的最佳切入方式,以他能够调动的最大化的资源,以他精干的实施能力,干脆利落、漂漂亮亮,把事做了,而且,做得让人感觉自然、贴切,绝不矫揉造作。在佩服高群耀“该出手时就出手”的同时,人们将高群耀的成功自然归结到:“天时、地利.人和”。恰恰,高群耀做人、做事始终秉承“和气”求共赢的理念,有异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   

数控刀具管理系统的设计原理与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数控机床的使用中,数控刀具的管理无疑是影响其效率发挥的重要因素之一,亟待开发适合我国现阶段数控制造系统模式的刀具管理系统。本文介绍的刀具管理模式和方法是指数控刀具、辅具的供给,库存,刀具与辅具的选配,预调,分派,传格,上线,下线以及其后的拆卸,回库,检测和修磨等一系列的管理方法。为进行这些处理,刀具管理应具有一些硬件,诸如刀库,预调仪,管理计算机.刀具传输装置等;同时,还有管理刀具,辅具信息的编码系统,数据库及其管理软件。作为具体的实例,本文以具有典型代表意义的四川自贡长征机床厂数控制造车间刀…  相似文献   

人们常晚,“老不看二国,少不看阳游”,此话也可以反过来说,“少爱看三国,老爱看西游”。《三国演义》历史矛盾风云变幻,人物关系错综复杂.小说中充满了生存技巧和生活智慧。《两游记》则是童话式的叙述,其中更多的是正义压倒邪恶的神话故事,唐憎师徒历经磨难终成正果,没有什么深层次的生活哲理。所以,老年人历经人生坎坷,饱经世事沧桑,应该多读“两游”,亲近童趣,颐养天年,  相似文献   

过去20余年,薄膜润滑、纳米润滑、极端工况摩擦与润滑、生物润滑、绿色润滑、微量润滑等取得了重要进展。最近10余年,超滑、仿生润滑、智能润滑与监测,以及摩擦学测试技术和模拟仿真技术等研究飞速发展。微观研究已经成为润滑研究的主要手段,面向风力发电机、高铁、深空探测、深海探测、大飞机、超高速飞行器、新能源汽车等领域的润滑与密封和绿色近零排放润滑研究已经成为工业界关注的焦点。超滑作为润滑领域的新型颠覆性技术,逐步显示出其在工业生产和人类日常生活中的应用优势与勃勃发展生机。生物润滑包括人类器官中的摩擦与润滑和仿生学研究,在人类健康生活方面展示出重要作用。极端环境(高温、超低温、真空、高压等)摩擦与润滑,在卫星、火箭、舰艇、核电站及其他国防设施上用途广泛。而智能润滑等新兴领域发展,也将智能化应用到润滑领域,为设备的智能运行和制造提供了新的思路。在此,对润滑领域几个重要发展方向,如超滑、薄膜润滑、纳米润滑、极端工况摩擦与润滑、智能润滑、生物仿生学、绿色摩擦与润滑,以及摩擦学测试方法等方面进行回顾,介绍了国内外同行最新研究进展,并对未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

We propose a CAD tool, XPN-FMS, which is primarily based on a unique Petri net (PN) synthesis method, called the knitting technique, developed by the authors. Petri net theory has been applied to specification, validation, performance analysis, control code generation, and simulation for manufacturing systems. The analysis of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) based on PNs suffers from the complexity problem of reachability analysis (Peterson, 1981). CAD tools are urgently needed. There is no existing CAD tool for FMSs as comprehensive as XPN-FMS, in the sense that the latter integrates the functions of drawing, analysis, reduction (Chao and Wang, 1992; Murata and Koh, 1980), synthesis, property queries, and animation of FMS operations in one software package. Using the X window graphical interface and animation, XPN-FMS makes the modeling and analysis of an FMS visualizable and easy to understand and manipulate. It lets a user draw the factory layout of an FMS on the screen of a monitor using the supplied tools. A corresponding PN model can also be drawn on the monitor screen. XPN-FMS can animate and simulate the overall operating process of the FMS. It is useful for FMS specification, validation, and exploration of different design alternatives, status monitoring, and control. Using XPN-FMS with various inputs and comparing the resulting outputs, the user can determine how to improve efficiency, reduce cost, and pinpoint bottlenecks. For the PN models of FMSs that are decision free, we extend the theory and algorithm of a unique matrix-based method (Chao and Wang, 1993b) to search for subcritical loops (including types A and B) and to support scheduling and dealing with transition periods. XPN-FMS implements this extended method to find the minimum cycle time, critical loop, subcritical loops, next critical loop, and scheduling ranges to avoid the transient period for static scheduling. This is implemented in XPN-FMS for the input sequence control.This project is partially funded by NJIT's Separately Budgeted Research Program. Portions of this article were presented in Chao, Chen, Wang, and Zhou (1992),Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Chicago, Illinois, October 1992. The former name of the first author, which has appeared in some of his earlier publications, was Yuh Yaw.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the embryology of mice of 12, 14, and 18 days of gestation by gross observation, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Grossly, the embryos of 12 days were observed in C‐shaped region of the brain, eye pigmentation of the retina, first, second, and third pharyngeal arches gill pit nasal region on the fourth ventricle brain, cervical curvature, heart, liver, limb bud thoracic, spinal cord, tail, umbilical cord, and place of the mesonephric ridge. Microscopically, the liver, cardiovascular system and spinal cord were observed. In the embryo of 14 days, we observed structures that make up the liver and heart. At 18 days of gestation fetuses, it was noted the presence of eyes, mouth, and nose in the cephalic region, chest and pelvic region with the presence of well‐developed limbs, umbilical cord, and placenta. Scanning electron microscopy in 18 days of gestation fetuses evidenced head, eyes closed eyelids, nose, vibrissae, forelimb, heart, lung, kidney, liver, small bowel, diaphragm, and part of the spine. The results obtained in this work describe the internal and external morphology of mice, provided by an integration of techniques and review of the morphological knowledge of the embryonic development of this species, as this animal is of great importance to scientific studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rhus succedanea is generally traded, distributed, and sold in the markets in its crude and raw form. This may have been mixed with adulterants, mismanaged by malpractices, and substituted with other closely related drugs having different effect. This study is therefore carried out to authenticate the plant through pharmacognostic evaluations including morphological microscopic and physio‐chemical features. Morphologically, the Rhus is a perennial small sized deciduous tree, locally, called as Rakhkal in Pashto and Kakarsingi in Urdu. The organoleptic evaluation showed that leaf had pleasant, aromatic odor, and astringent taste. Anatomy of the midrib has shown a typical dicot histological differentiation. The leaf was hypostomatic showing anomocytic stomata with average stomatal number 27.1 ± 7.2 and stomatal index 14 ± 3.63. The average vein islet, vein termination, and palisade ratios were 13.6 ± 3.04, 10.21 ± 1.92, and 6 ± 2.01, respectively. Leaf powder showed the existence of various types of tissues. Fluorescence study and percentage extractive values were also carried out. The phytochemical screening showed the presence of carbohydrates, protein, alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, terpenoids, and anthraquinones, whereas tannins and fixed oil was not detected. Quantitatively highest number of alkaloids 16% and flavonoids 19% in leaf was detected. The above parameters, being reported to the first time for, and are significant toward establishing the microscopic and pharmacognostic standards for future identification and authentication of genuine herbal drug.  相似文献   

Although the occurrence of microbial (algal, protozoan, bacterial, and fungal) epibionts on marine crustaceans and other invertebrates has been documented repeatedly, the ecological context and significance of these relationships generally are not well understood. Recently, several studies have examined the population and community ecology of algal and protozoan epibionts on freshwater crustaceans. Even so, the study of microbial epibionts in aquatic environments is still in its infancy. In this review, we summarize associations of microalgae, protozoans, and bacteria with marine crustaceans, especially copepods. We note differences and commonalities across epibiont taxa, consider host-epibiont cycling of nutrients, generate hypotheses relevant to the ecology of the host and the epibiont, and suggest future research opportunities. Microsc. Res. Tech. 37:116–135, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Prognostics and Health Management(PHM),including monitoring,diagnosis,prognosis,and health management,occupies an increasingly important position in reducing costly breakdowns and avoiding catastrophic accidents in modern industry.With the development of artificial intelligence(AI),especially deep learning(DL)approaches,the application of AI-enabled methods to monitor,diagnose and predict potential equipment malfunctions has gone through tremendous progress with verified success in both academia and industry.However,there is still a gap to cover monitoring,diagnosis,and prognosis based on AI-enabled methods,simultaneously,and the importance of an open source community,including open source datasets and codes,has not been fully emphasized.To fill this gap,this paper provides a systematic overview of the current development,common technologies,open source datasets,codes,and challenges of AI-enabled PHM methods from three aspects of monitoring,diagnosis,and prognosis.  相似文献   

随着能源短缺问题的不断突出,高参数(高温、高压等)装备的研发成为工业节能降耗的重要手段,如超超临界汽轮机、航空发动机等高端装备。工程实际中,高参数装备的失效多源于缺口等局部不连续部位,其在蠕变-疲劳等复杂载荷下的强度分析和设计是当前研究的热点与难点。系统回顾了蠕变-疲劳载荷下含缺口构件的试验、本构模型、寿命预测、数值分析及考核准则方面的研究进展,主要包括:蠕变-疲劳载荷下的新本构关系及应用;高温强度和寿命分析的新模型及新方法;简化模型试验方法及蠕变-疲劳强度考核准则。总结这一领域的热点和研究展望,可为高参数装备在蠕变-疲劳等复杂载荷下的强度分析与设计提供一定技术支持与借鉴。  相似文献   

拥有高能量密度、低自放电率和长寿命的锂离子电池是电动车辆的主要储能单元,其性能直接影响了车辆的动力性和安全性。然而,锂离子电池是复杂的电化学系统,其内部状态具有时变性和不可观测性。此外,电池在使用过程中性能将不断衰减,将给车辆的安全性带来隐患。为保证电池在车用工况下的高效、安全和可靠运行,需要对电池实施有效管理。电池模型是管理算法的理论基础,参数辨识是模型应用的前提,而寿命预测是保证电池安全的关键技术。针对上述实际应用需求,综述了锂离子电池高精度电化学-热耦合机理建模、模型参数辨识和寿命预测的最新研究进展。重点关注宏观电化学模型中模型重构和模型简化两种模型降阶方法,对比分析参数辨识中试验测量和非拆解式辨识方法的特点,全面总结寿命预测中基于模型、基于数据驱动和融合式算法的算法架构。在此基础上,总结现有研究的不足并对未来研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

A grease has two major constituents, namely, a lubricant, that performs the function of lubrication; and a gellant, that provides a solid continuous phase, occludes the lubricant, and gives apparent physical structure to the grease. Generally, the gellant is 5–30% and the lubricant 65–90%, additives and fillers making up the rest. In conventional greases, the gellant is a vegetable oil soap, and the lubricant is a liquid oil of petroleum origin or is a synthetic. Such greases have limited biodegradability, because the major constituent, i.e., the lubricant, is normally not biodegradable. In total vegetable oil grease, both the gellant and the lubricant are derived from vegetable oils, giving a grease of potentially high eco‐compatibility. Esters, dibasic acid esters, and alkylated esters of vegetable oil are known to be high‐quality lubricants. These can be used with soap stocks prepared from vegetable oils to give a grease of total vegetable oil origin. The vegetable‐oil based lubricants and soaps are prepared separately and combined in appropriate proportions to give a grease of the required specifications. Alternatively, esterification and saponification can be carried out simultaneously to give a grease of the desired specifications, where an alkali will be the catalyst for esterification, and reactant for saponification. In this paper, the process parameters, and kinetics of these simultaneous reactions are discussed. The results of experimental evaluation of some of these greases are also presented.  相似文献   

水下机器人-机械手系统研究进展:结构、建模与控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水下机器人-机械手系统(Underwater vehicle-manipulator systems,UVMS)可以完成除观测之外的水下采样、抓取、操作等任务,在海洋科学考察、海洋工程等领域得到广泛应用。通过对近年来国内外UVMS的研究现状进行综述,介绍了不同的UVMS本体结构与机械手构型,总结了UVMS的运动学、动力学和水动力学的建模方法,分析了人机交互式遥控操作控制方式,针对UVMS的自主控制中的运动规划、位置与轨迹跟踪、独立与协调控制、运动补偿控制、力/位置混合控制、视觉伺服控制等问题做了分类阐述。最后总结并对UVMS未来发展方向进行了展望,以期为相关研究人员提供参考。  相似文献   

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