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The leading partitional clustering technique, k-modes, is one of the most computationally efficient clustering methods for categorical data. However, the performance of the k-modes clustering algorithm which converges to numerous local minima strongly depends on initial cluster centers. Currently, most methods of initialization cluster centers are mainly for numerical data. Due to lack of geometry for the categorical data, these methods used in cluster centers initialization for numerical data are not applicable to categorical data. This paper proposes a novel initialization method for categorical data which is implemented to the k-modes algorithm. The method integrates the distance and the density together to select initial cluster centers and overcomes shortcomings of the existing initialization methods for categorical data. Experimental results illustrate the proposed initialization method is effective and can be applied to large data sets for its linear time complexity with respect to the number of data objects.  相似文献   

In clustering algorithms, choosing a subset of representative examples is very important in data set. Such “exemplars” can be found by randomly choosing an initial subset of data objects and then iteratively refining it, but this works well only if that initial choice is close to a good solution. In this paper, based on the frequency of attribute values, the average density of an object is defined. Furthermore, a novel initialization method for categorical data is proposed, in which the distance between objects and the density of the object is considered. We also apply the proposed initialization method to k-modes algorithm and fuzzy k-modes algorithm. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed initialization method is superior to random initialization method and can be applied to large data sets for its linear time complexity with respect to the number of data objects.  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2005,6(2):143-151
Categorical data clustering (CDC) and cluster ensemble (CE) have long been considered as separate research and application areas. The main focus of this paper is to investigate the commonalities between these two problems and the uses of these commonalities for the creation of new clustering algorithms for categorical data based on cross-fertilization between the two disjoint research fields. More precisely, we formally define the CDC problem as an optimization problem from the viewpoint of CE, and apply CE approach for clustering categorical data. Experimental results on real datasets show that CE based clustering method is competitive with existing CDC algorithms with respect to clustering accuracy.  相似文献   

一种有效的K-means聚类中心初始化方法*   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
传统K-means算法由于随机选取初始聚类中心,使得聚类结果波动性大;已有的最大最小距离法选取初始聚类中心过于稠密,容易造成聚类冲突现象。针对以上问题,对最大最小距离法进行了改进,提出了最大距离积法。该方法在基于密度概念的基础上,选取到所有已初始化聚类中心距离乘积最大的高密度点作为当前聚类中心。理论分析与对比实验结果表明,此方法相对于传统K-means 算法和最大最小距离法有更快的收敛速度、更高的准确率和更强的稳定性。  相似文献   

根据文本集的中心和初始簇的中心,选择一组具有良好区分度的方向构建IMIC坐标系,在该坐标系下构造出各坐标轴的重新标度函数用于提高聚类决策的有效性。算法IMIC经过多次迭代,收敛到最终解。IMIC算法的时间复杂度与K-means保持在同一量级上。实验结果表明,IMIC算法有较好的聚类质量。  相似文献   

Several algorithms for clustering data streams based on k-Means have been proposed in the literature. However, most of them assume that the number of clusters, k, is known a priori by the user and can be kept fixed throughout the data analysis process. Besides the difficulty in choosing k, data stream clustering imposes several challenges to be addressed, such as addressing non-stationary, unbounded data that arrive in an online fashion. In this paper, we propose a Fast Evolutionary Algorithm for Clustering data streams (FEAC-Stream) that allows estimating k automatically from data in an online fashion. FEAC-Stream uses the Page–Hinkley Test to detect eventual degradation in the quality of the induced clusters, thereby triggering an evolutionary algorithm that re-estimates k accordingly. FEAC-Stream relies on the assumption that clusters of (partially unknown) data can provide useful information about the dynamics of the data stream. We illustrate the potential of FEAC-Stream in a set of experiments using both synthetic and real-world data streams, comparing it to four related algorithms, namely: CluStream-OMRk, CluStream-BkM, StreamKM++-OMRk and StreamKM++-BkM. The obtained results show that FEAC-Stream provides good data partitions and that it can detect, and accordingly react to, data changes.  相似文献   

为了提高分类型数据集聚类的准确性和对广泛数据集聚类的适应性,引入3种核函数,再利用基于山方法的核K-means作分类型的数据聚类,核函数把分类型数据映射到高维特征空间,从而给缺乏测度的分类型数据引入了数值型数据的测度.改进后用多个公开数据集对这些方法进行了实验评测,结果显示这些方法对分类型数据的聚类是有效的.  相似文献   

Squeezer: An efficient algorithm for clustering categorical data   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents a new efficient algorithm for clustering categorical data,Squeezer,which can produce high quality clustering results and at the same time deserve good scalability.The Squeezer algorithm reads each tuple t in sequence,either assigning t to an existing cluster (initially none),or creating t as a new cluster,which is determined by the similarities between t and clusters.Due to its characteristics,the proposed algorithm is extremely suitable for clustering data streams,where given a sequence of points,the objective is to maintain consistently good clustering of the sequence so far,using a small amount of memory and time.Outliers can also be handled efficiently and directly in Squeezer.Experimental results on real-life and synthetic datasets verify the superiority of Squeezer.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach, the forward functional testing (FFT) procedure, to cluster number selection for functional data clustering. We present a framework of subspace projected functional data clustering based on the functional multiplicative random-effects model, and propose to perform functional hypothesis tests on equivalence of cluster structures to identify the number of clusters. The aim is to find the maximum number of distinctive clusters while retaining significant differences between cluster structures. The null hypotheses comprise equalities between the cluster mean functions and between the sets of cluster eigenfunctions of the covariance kernels. Bootstrap resampling methods are developed to construct reference distributions of the derived test statistics. We compare several other cluster number selection criteria, extended from methods of multivariate data, with the proposed FFT procedure. The performance of the proposed approaches is examined by simulation studies, with applications to clustering gene expression profiles.  相似文献   

Clustering is to group similar data and find out hidden information about the characteristics of dataset for the further analysis. The concept of dissimilarity of objects is a decisive factor for good quality of results in clustering. When attributes of data are not just numerical but categorical and high dimensional, it is not simple to discriminate the dissimilarity of objects which have synonymous values or unimportant attributes. We suggest a method to quantify the level of difference between categorical values and to weigh the implicit influence of each attribute on constructing a particular cluster. Our method exploits distributional information of data correlated with each categorical value so that intrinsic relationship of values can be discovered. In addition, it measures significance of each attribute in constructing respective cluster dynamically. Experiments on real datasets show the propriety and effectiveness of the method, which improves the results considerably even with simple clustering algorithms. Our approach does not couple with a clustering algorithm tightly and can also be applied to various algorithms flexibly.  相似文献   

最大距离法选取初始簇中心的K-means文本聚类算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于初始簇中心的随机选择, K-means算法在聚类时容易出现聚类结果局部最优、聚类结果不稳定、总迭代次数较多等问题。为了解决K-means算法所存在的以上问题, 提出了最大距离法选取初始簇中心的K-means文本聚类算法。该算法基于这样的事实:距离最远的样本点最不可能分到同一个簇中。为使该算法能应用于文本聚类, 构造了一种将文本相似度转换为文本距离的方法, 同时也重新构造了迭代中的簇中心计算公式和测度函数。在实例验证中, 对分属于五个类别的1 500篇文本组成的文本集进行了文本聚类分析, 其结果表明, 与原始的K-means聚类算法以及其他的两种改进的K-means聚类算法相比, 新提出的文本聚类算法在降低了聚类总耗时的同时, F度量值也有了明显提高。  相似文献   

K-means is one of the most widely used clustering algorithms in various disciplines, especially for large datasets. However the method is known to be highly sensitive to initial seed selection of cluster centers. K-means++ has been proposed to overcome this problem and has been shown to have better accuracy and computational efficiency than k-means. In many clustering problems though – such as when classifying georeferenced data for mapping applications – standardization of clustering methodology, specifically, the ability to arrive at the same cluster assignment for every run of the method i.e. replicability of the methodology, may be of greater significance than any perceived measure of accuracy, especially when the solution is known to be non-unique, as in the case of k-means clustering. Here we propose a simple initial seed selection algorithm for k-means clustering along one attribute that draws initial cluster boundaries along the “deepest valleys” or greatest gaps in dataset. Thus, it incorporates a measure to maximize distance between consecutive cluster centers which augments the conventional k-means optimization for minimum distance between cluster center and cluster members. Unlike existing initialization methods, no additional parameters or degrees of freedom are introduced to the clustering algorithm. This improves the replicability of cluster assignments by as much as 100% over k-means and k-means++, virtually reducing the variance over different runs to zero, without introducing any additional parameters to the clustering process. Further, the proposed method is more computationally efficient than k-means++ and in some cases, more accurate.  相似文献   

An algorithm for optimizing data clustering in feature space is studied in this work. Using graph Laplacian and extreme learning machine (ELM) mapping technique, we develop an optimal weight matrix W for feature mapping. This work explicitly performs a mapping of the original data for clustering into an optimal feature space, which can further increase the separability of original data in the feature space, and the patterns points in same cluster are still closely clustered. Our method, which can be easily implemented, gets better clustering results than some popular clustering algorithms, like k-means on the original data, kernel clustering method, spectral clustering method, and ELM k-means on data include three UCI real data benchmarks (IRIS data, Wisconsin breast cancer database, and Wine database).  相似文献   

A variety of cluster analysis techniques exist to group objects having similar characteristics. However, the implementation of many of these techniques is challenging due to the fact that much of the data contained in today’s databases is categorical in nature. While there have been recent advances in algorithms for clustering categorical data, some are unable to handle uncertainty in the clustering process while others have stability issues. This research proposes a new algorithm for clustering categorical data, termed Min–Min-Roughness (MMR), based on Rough Set Theory (RST), which has the ability to handle the uncertainty in the clustering process.  相似文献   

A variety of cluster analysis techniques exist to group objects having similar characteristics. However, the implementation of many of these techniques is challenging due to the fact that much of the data contained in today’s databases is categorical in nature. While there have been recent advances in algorithms for clustering categorical data, some are unable to handle uncertainty in the clustering process while others have stability issues. This research proposes a new algorithm for clustering categorical data, termed Min–Min-Roughness (MMR), based on Rough Set Theory (RST), which has the ability to handle the uncertainty in the clustering process.  相似文献   

新的K-均值算法最佳聚类数确定方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
K-均值聚类算法是以确定的类数k和随机选定的初始聚类中心为前提对数据集进行聚类的。通常聚类数k事先无法确定,随机选定的初始聚类中心容易使聚类结果不稳定。提出了一种新的确定K-均值聚类算法的最佳聚类数方法,通过设定AP算法的参数,将AP算法产生的聚类数作为聚类数搜索范围的上界kmax,并通过选择合适的有效性指标Silhouette指标,以及基于最大最小距离算法思想设定初始聚类中心,分析聚类效果,确定最佳聚类数。仿真实验和分析验证了以上算法方案的可行性。  相似文献   

An improved cluster labeling method for support vector clustering   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The support vector clustering (SVC) algorithm is a recently emerged unsupervised learning method inspired by support vector machines. One key step involved in the SVC algorithm is the cluster assignment of each data point. A new cluster labeling method for SVC is developed based on some invariant topological properties of a trained kernel radius function. Benchmark results show that the proposed method outperforms previously reported labeling techniques.  相似文献   

Hierarchical clustering algorithms provide a set of nested partitions called a cluster hierarchy. Since the hierarchy is usually too complex it is reduced to a single partition by using cluster validity indices. We show that the classical method is often not useful and we propose SEP, a new method that efficiently searches in an extended partition set. Furthermore, we propose a new cluster validity index, COP, since many of the commonly used indices cannot be used with SEP. Experiments performed with 80 synthetic and 7 real datasets confirm that SEP/COP is superior to the method currently used and furthermore, it is less sensitive to noise.  相似文献   

K-means算法是经典的基于划分的聚类算法。针对K-means算法的类簇数目难以确定、对初始聚类中心敏感的缺陷,提出了改进的K-means算法,重新定义了计算样本对象密度的方法,并且运用残差分析的方法从决策图中自动获取初始聚类中心和类簇数目。实验结果表明该算法可获得更好的聚类效果。  相似文献   

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