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基于 PSO的快速模糊 C均值图像分割算法 *   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳灵  李刚 《计算机应用研究》2008,25(10):3053-3055
利用粒子群算法全局性和鲁棒性的特点 ,可以解决模糊 C均值算法 ( FCM)用于图像分割时对初始值敏感、容易陷入局部极小值的问题。但是设定粒子群算法的初始搜索范围依赖于人的经验 ,并且所设范围往往过大,影响算法的执行速度 ,为此提出用收敛速度快的 K均值聚类法得到的聚类中心作为粒子群算法初始搜索范围的参考 ,缩小粒子群算法的搜索范围 ,提高算法执行速度。实验表明该算法具有较高的分割速度和良好的抑制噪声的能力。  相似文献   

针对传统的模糊C均值聚类算法(FCM)在图像分割中对噪声十分敏感这一局限性,提出一种自适应的FCM图像分割方法。该方法充分考虑图像像素的灰度信息和空间信息,根据像素的空间位置自适应地计算一个合适的相似度距离来进行聚类分割图像。实验结果表明,与传统的FCM相比,该方法能显著提高分割质量,尤其是能提高对于图像噪声的鲁棒性和分割图像区域边缘的准确性。  相似文献   

This article describes a new approach to perform image segmentation. First an image is locally modeled using a spatial autoregressive model for the image intensity. Then the residual autoregressive image is computed. This resulting image possesses interesting texture features. The borders and edges are highlighted, suggesting that our algorithm can be used for border detection. Experimental results with real images are provided to verify how the algorithm works in practice. A robust version of our algorithm is also discussed, to be used when the original image is contaminated with additive outliers. A novel application in the context of image inpainting is also offered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for remotely sensed image texture classification and segmentation. We observe that the traditional method least square error (LSE) is unstable in practical applications. This motivates us to develop a more stable method. We have proposed the regularization technique to suppress the instability of LSE in previous research. Our contribution in this paper is that we propose a new stable method, which is based on the total variation (TV) for reducing instability in texture analysis, and apply it to remotely sensed image texture classification and segmentation. Experimental results on remotely sensed images demonstrate that our new algorithm is superior to LSE and seems promising in applications.  相似文献   

基于微粒群算法的灰度图像阈值分割的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了充分利用灰度图像的灰度信息和空间信息,提高分割精确度和最优阈值的求解速度,提出一种基于微粒群算法的阈值分割方法--PSO-SDAIVE算法.该算法对传统的二维直方图进行改进,生成差值属性灰度直方图,同时对灰度均值和二维熵的计算进行改进,生成空间差值属性信息值熵(SDAIVE),最后用微粒群算法搜索SDAIVE的最大值.在实验中,对头部CT图像进行分割,实验结果表明,这种分割方法能精确地获得分割阈值,并有很好的抗噪声能力,节省计算时间.  相似文献   

基于改进PSO算法的最大熵阈值图像分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
图像分割是目标识别的首要和关键步骤。目前的图像分割方法有多种,其中阈值方法优点比较突出,但是采用阈值方法分割的关键是要能高效率地找到被分图像的最佳熵阈值。针对这一问题,将Geese-LDW-PSO算法的位置更新公式作了改进,即用当前种群的全局极值取代所有粒子的当前位置,并将之用于熵阈值图像分割中。仿真实验表明,该算法可以快速稳定地获得一幅图像的最佳分割阈值。仿真结果显示,该方法对车牌分割具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

王书朋  赵瑶 《计算机应用》2020,40(1):252-257
针对传统多曝光图像融合存在颜色和细节信息保留不完整的问题,提出了一种新的基于自适应分割的多曝光图像融合算法。首先,采用超像素分割将输入图像分割为颜色一致的图像块,再利用结构分解将图像块分解为三个独立分量。根据各分量特点设计不同融合规则,以保留源图像中的颜色和细节信息。然后,采用引导滤波平滑各分量的权重图以及信号强度分量和亮度分量,有效地克服块效应缺陷,保留源图像中的边缘信息,减少伪影。最后,重构融合后的三个分量,得到最终的融合图像。实验结果表明,与传统的融合算法相比,所提算法在互信息(MI)上平均提升了53.6%、标准差(SD)上平均提升了24.0%。该算法能够有效地保留输入图像的颜色和细节纹理信息。  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive spatial information-theoretic fuzzy clustering algorithm to improve the robustness of the conventional fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithms for image segmentation. This is achieved through the incorporation of information-theoretic framework into the FCM-type algorithms. By combining these two concepts and modifying the objective function of the FCM algorithm, we are able to solve the problems of sensitivity to noisy data and the lack of spatial information, and improve the image segmentation results. The experimental results have shown that this robust clustering algorithm is useful for MRI brain image segmentation and it yields better segmentation results when compared to the conventional FCM approach.  相似文献   

带宽自适应MeanShift图像分割算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MeanShift是目前为止特征空间分析的最好方法之一,但其分割结果受带宽参数的影响。图像粗糙度是与视觉感受相关的图像纹理特征,对图像纹理的描述能力很强。图像像素的平均偏移量也体现了图像像素的总体离散情况。通过对高斯核函数的创建以及图像粗糙度的描述,创新性地给出了MeanShift的窗口尺寸选择方法以及图像像素平均偏移的计算,仿真结果表明,该算法对不同类型的图像,均能得到令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

多阈值图像分割算法的阈值数目大多需要用户指定,人为干预较大。本文提出多种群联合的多目标进化自适应阈值图像分割算法,本文提出多种群联合的多目标进化自适应阈值图像分割算法,在多个分组种群的联合进化框架下,通过同时优化类间方差准则和模糊熵准则获得图像阈值,并在进化过程中采用自调节的交叉和变异操作产生子代种群并自动确定阈值数目。实验结果表明,该算法不仅能自适应得到合适的阈值数目,而且阈值分割效果也是比较理想的。  相似文献   


In this paper, a colour image segmentation approach based on hybridisation of adaptive mean shift (AMS), fuzzy c-mean and genetic algorithms (GAs) is presented. Image segmentation is the perceptual faction of pixels based on some likeness measure. GA with fuzzy behaviour is adapted to maximise the fuzzy separation and minimise the global compactness among the clusters or segments in spatial fuzzy c-mean (sFCM). It adds diversity to the search process to find the global optima. A simple fusion method has been used to combine the clusters to overcome the problem of over segmentation. The results show that our technique outperforms state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

为提高含噪图像的分割效果和分割速度,将非下采样Contourlet变换和粒子群优化算法相结合,提出了一种有效的图像分割方法——IPSOC。该方法首先对待分割图像进行多尺度非下采样Contourlet变换,然后利用其最高级低频系数重构图像,计算重构图像与其均值图像的二维直方图中类间离散度矩阵的迹,并以之作为分割图像的目标函数来搜索最佳分割阈值。为加快阈值搜索速度,以改进的粒子群优化算法作为阈值分割的并行搜索策略,通过对基本粒子群优化算法进行个体及全局最优信息的实时更新,防止粒子停滞操作和阈值保持次数限定搜索终止条件等几个方面的改进,快速有效地获得分割图像。实验结果表明,该方法与基于遗传算法和人工鱼群算法的分割方法相比,明显提高了图像分割速度和分割质量。  相似文献   

提出了改进的mFCM算法,该算法引入自适应加权系数控制邻域像素对中心像素的影响程度,充分利用像素的邻域特性对Chen聚类算法的目标函数进行改进。为了实现快速聚类,该算法的开始使用快速FCM确定初始聚类中心。实验结果表明,相对于标准FCM和FCM_S1算法,改进算法既能快速有效地分割图像,又能提高对噪声的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In order to reduce the time of lung tissue image segmentation, we proposed a fast 2-D Otsu lung tissue image segmentation algorithm based on improved PSO. Firstly, in the 2-D Otsu algorithm, the search scope of 2-D gray threshold is limited in a long and narrow region, which is the neighbourhood of the diagonal from the third region to the first region of the 2-D gray histogram, and the search scope and the computation are reduced, operation speed is improved. Secondly, In the PSO algorithm, the position of the particles is adjusted during iterating based on the principle of symmetric disposition, so as to avoid PSO falling into local optimal solution and improves the accuracy of threshold searching. Finally, a lung CT image with 1280×960 resolutions is segmented by our algorithm and other traditional algorithms, and a comparison is given. The segmentation threshold of our method is 85, the difference is less than 5 comparing with that of other traditional algorithms, and it shows that our method has almost the same searching precision as the traditional algorithms. The time cost is only 162ms, which is far less than the traditional algorithms, and it shows that our method improve the segmentation speed. It can be concluded that our method can not only satisfy the requirement of segmentation precision, but also meet the requirement of operation speed.  相似文献   

针对目前还没有较好的方法确定模糊C均值FCM聚类中C值和各个初始聚类中心这一问题,提出一种先用进化聚类快速确定初始聚类中心和聚类个数C,后用模糊C均值FCM聚类的算法,算法时间复杂度和空间复杂度与C均值FCM基本相当。应用该算法在人物图像和遥感图像中进行了分割实验验证,算法在分割的准确性和模糊边界的分隔上取得令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

为了解决多主体图像分割的交互分割问题,提出了一种基于SLIC超像素的自适应图像分割算法。首先利用SLIC对图像进行超像素分割处理,把原图像分割为大小相似、形状规则的超像素,以超像素中心点的五维特征值作为原始数据点通过自适应参数的DBSCAN算法聚类,确定多主体数目和分割边界。算法不需要用户交互,自适应确定分割数目。为了验证算法的有效性,在伯克利大学标准数据集BSDS500上与人工标注的分割图像进行比较, 前期的超像素处理使算法在时间上有很好的提升,对于一幅481×321像素的图像,只需要1.5 s就可以获得结果。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效解决多主体图像分割中的人工交互问题,同时在PRI和VOI的指数对比上也优于传统算法,本文算法可以在保证分割效果的基础上自适应确定分割数目,提高分割效率。  相似文献   

A parallel algorithm for syntactic image segmentation is introduced. Stochastic tree grammar is used as a context-generating model. It is shown that when this context-generating process is in the equilibrium state, a matched filter can be designed and applied in parallel to the image. This process can be used for image segmentation in a syntactic pattern recognition system to enhance the performance of the succeeding recognition process.  相似文献   

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