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林坚:重构中国特色空间规划体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正记者:空间规划体系及规划协调是近年学术界热议的焦点问题。为什么要推进空间规划改革?林坚:空间规划体系是由不同类型空间规划构成的,相互独立又相互关联的系统,其中包括法律法规体系、行政体系等。我国现行的空间规划体系具有横向和纵向的脉络,横向上主要包括主体功能区规划、土地利用规划、城乡规划和生态功能区划,纵向上包括国家级、省级、地(市)级、县级、乡镇级等多个层级,但尚未形成统一有序的格局。从规  相似文献   

文章重点分析了荷兰空间规划体系中的协调机制,其先进经验对我国目前开展的多规融合规划体系改革有积极的借鉴意义。荷兰空间规划采用全面整合的手法,构架于各部门规划之上,统筹融合各领域的空间政策和用地安排,是一项综合的协调活动。文章在简析荷兰传统空间规划体系构架的基础上,重点从国家和省级空间规划的编制部门、协调部门与咨询部门三足鼎立的机构设置,空间规划的横纵协调关系,以及规划编制和审批的法定程序四方面进行详细阐述,针对我国规划体系改革和多规合一践行的实际问题,从明确我国各个层级的规划事权、完善立法、厘清技术路线和深度特征、建立横纵协调机制等多个角度提出了具体改革建议。  相似文献   

我国空间规划存在的主要问题之一是"多规"并行格局下的事权不明和冲突。日本在完备的法律指导下,形成了"多规"并行的空间规划体系,与我国有很多相似之处,可以作为我国空间规划优化改革的重要借鉴对象。在分析大量一手文本资料的基础上,对日本的国土形成规划、国土利用规划和专业土地利用规划进行了全面系统的研究,重点探析各类型、各层级规划的主要内容和事权关系。认为日本空间规划之所以能保证顺畅运作,是因为其在明确法律法规保障下,上下层级、相关部门事权具有明晰的边界和完善的协调机制。我国空间规划一直以来存在多规并行却缺乏统筹甚至矛盾冲突的问题,对此,本文从纵向和横向事权的划定、空间规划立法、规划协调机制等角度提出空间规划体系优化改革的三点建议。  相似文献   

针对当前国土规划中对农业空间规划关注不足的问题,对国土空间规划体系中农业空间规划的内容和传导关系进行研究.基于对原有相关规划中农业空间规划的核心内容和传导方式的回顾以及对国土空间规划体系构建要求的分析,提出农业空间规划是一个系统性工程,各层级国土空间规划中的农业空间规划内容各有侧重但上下之间是一个可传导的体系,同时农业...  相似文献   

荷兰空间规划中的韧性理念及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种战略性、基础性的规划手段,空间规划可以通过影响城市结构或土地利用等降低城市面对的多重风险及影响。传统规划对于空间如何应对变化、冲击及不确定性的关注有待提高,"韧性理念"在规划中的引入为协调城市发展目标和城市安全底线提供了一个新的视角。荷兰空间规划在应对气候变化、环境挑战和灾害风险方面取得了较大的成绩,本文结合荷兰空间规划实践,探讨空间规划政策中的韧性理念和特征,以及如何通过规划应对风险和挑战。研究表明,虽然不是所有的韧性特征均能在荷兰空间规划中得到体现,但韧性理念始终贯穿于各级空间规划,且不同层级空间规划所关注的韧性侧重点不同。在研究基础上,建议将韧性理念应用于我国空间规划,为我国在生态文明建设与安全发展背景下完善和优化空间规划提供思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

省级国土空间规划在当前国土空间规划体系中承担着重要的协调作用.从规划体系、责权对等、协同治理出发,以省级国土空间规划为研究对象,构建纵向"层级"传导、横向"类型"传导、实施"过程"传导框架.在此框架下,从指标、分区、政策方面探讨传导内容和方式,形成以国土空间规划编制和体检评估指标为基础的"刚弹结合"的传导指标和配套的传...  相似文献   

开放空间在自然生态环境保护与居民户外游憩娱乐方面起着举足轻重的作用。开放空间规划控制是保障城市开放空间基本品质的重要依据。本研究对美国开放空间保护政策、规划法规、技术规范与标准进行了系统分析,并阐释了其开放空间规划层级、类型和内容框架等方面的内容。提出在我国建立多层次协调,系统规范,开放空间保护与游憩功能并重的开放空间规划控制体系的建议。  相似文献   

王启轩  任婕 《城市规划》2021,45(2):65-72
我国流域层面的国土空间规划,已经被明确纳入国土空间规划体系框架之内.在既有规划实践中,以流域空间为主体的规划虽已存在,但内涵不一.本文研究国内外流域规划的发展概况,并借鉴发达国家流域规划经验,主要发现和启示为:我国现行流域综合规划是水资源规划体系下,以水资源利用、防洪减灾、水生态保护等为核心的规划,存在空间属性不足和管理职能错配等问题;国外流域规划多以水资源综合利用与管理为主要目标,美国田纳西河流域综合性的规划管理模式值得我国流域国土空间规划借鉴;流域国土空间规划应该以“流域”为空间主体,以水资源为核心内容,规划内容要充分体现全域空间管控的综合性,管理机构改革需重视流域治理的跨地区协调.  相似文献   

霍兵 《城乡建设》2016,(4):11-12
建立国家空间规划体系,编制适应我国新型城镇化要求的全国空间规划,推动新型城镇化的发展,必须制订和完善相关立法,使我国新型城镇化走上法制轨道. 第一,明确国家空间规划的法律体系和法律地位. 立法的主要目的是理顺国土空间规划与主体功能区划、全国城镇体系规划、国土规划、区域规划以及与城市规划和各行业规划法律关系.应以此法作为城乡规划的基本法,配合土地、建筑等相关的法律,形成我国空间规划的完整的法律体系.  相似文献   

从“多规合一”到空间规划体系重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析我国地方层面的“多规合一”的实践,认为目前的“多规合一”工作主要在于规划协调,但源于我国空间规划体系的问题未能解决,“多规合一”仍面临法律与机制的障碍,改革我国空间规划体系才能从根本上解决多规矛盾、实现治理体系与治理能力现代化;通过比较研究,分析借鉴日本、德国、新加坡等国家在空间规划体系构建、各级事权划分、法律法规体系、行政协调机制等方面的经验;结合具体实践,分析厦门“多规合一”的实践成效,介绍厦门以“空间战略规划”承接上位规划、统筹专项规划的空间规划体系模式,阐述厦门“空间战略规划”的编制内容、统筹协调方法与面临困惑;总结地方层面的创新探索,进而对我国空间规划体系改革提出重构空间规划体系、完善相关法规、整合配套机制等建议.  相似文献   

The planning process in a planning studio demonstrates a microcosm of diverse concepts of ideologies and identities seeking acknowledgment and spatial recognition.In the modern world of multiple and dynam icidentities and ideologies,aspiring for the self-recognition of regions, towns, and communities, aplace-based identity has become a core aspect that needs to be taken into planning consideration.The analytic planning method used is iterative of both top–down and bottom–up approaches,thereby creating multi-dimension and coherent planning alternatives where spatial solutions arise from communities along theirc hanging processes.We present two spatialal ternative plans that were developed in the studio course and are based on this line of thinking. Results were very dynamic aspiring complex plans, which are also highly applicable and flexible, thereby addressing a wide range of ideologies and identities.  相似文献   

重庆市空间规划体系改革实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪以来,我国空间规划体系的改革工作已持续十多年时间.至近期国家“多规合一”试点,相关改革工作已取得较大成效,但实践及研究的关注点仍有待拓展.重庆自2013年以来,以规划全覆盖工作为切入,积极进行了空间规划体系改革的探索:一是以城乡规划为基础,整合专项规划和其他部门专业规划,构建覆盖“全域”“全要素”的“五级三类”规划编制体系;二是结合地方行政管理实际,强化市级层面的横向统筹,提升基层机构设置完善,努力实现空间规划“全过程”管控;三是加快法规和标准体系等方面建设,将空间规划体系改革成果法定化,做好“全域”“全要素”“全过程”空间管控的支撑.重庆的地方改革以保留现行体制为重点,由内至外构建协调型、整合型空间规划体系,但空间规划多头并行的结构性矛盾无法根本解决.立足编制、管理、法规、信息支撑四个方面,建立由“一个规划、一个机构、一套法规、一个平台”组成的空间规划体系应是其发展方向.  相似文献   

This article explores the new planning regimes and planning processes in post-socialist countries and their ability to influence the spatial transformation of cities. It views planning institutions as culturally embedded in the overall process of economic, social, and political transition, while recognizing the power of specific local imperatives and market pressures to shape their response. The research draws on empirical evidence in four countries and their capital cities to highlight the links between the transition to democracy, markets, and decentralized governance on the spatial transformation in post-socialist cities. The main argument is that the new planning institutions have different ability to direct these processes of change, depending on the legal framework, the availability of plans, and the institutionalization of the plan-implementation process. Despite the diverse mosaic of urban experiences in Prague, Riga, Belgrade, and Tirana, planning institutions are viewed as path dependent, influenced by a common socialist legacy. Further, changes in the exogenous environment – economic, social, and institutional – are perceived to be important sources of convergence, but tend to shape different planning responses and policy choices. The research explores these differences as well as the new patterns of spatial transformation in three principal domains: (1) spaces of production/consumption reflecting the economic transition; (2) differentiation in residential spaces associated with the social transition; and (3) new approaches to planning and service delivery resulting from the transition in governance. Central to the arguments in the article is that transition of this magnitude has created a complex urban world in which the patterns of divergence are going to become more explicit in the future, producing spatial and temporal differentiation among post-socialist cities.  相似文献   

The fragmented and overlapped planning administration, evolved from the planned economy, is the institutional foundation of the spatial planning system in China. Together with the problems of development control, spatial plan coordination of FYP, land use planning and urban planning in urban China thus has been concerned for a long time. This paper explores the dilemmas and relevant mechanisms of spatial plan coordination by a case study of Suzhou city. The empirical analysis shows that local spatial plans were highly constrained by the sectoral codes, hierarchic regulations and the controlling system of various quotas beyond the city level. The primary contradictions among the three plans were rooted in the planning parameters of the land area for construction and the spatial regulation on land use. The sectorally improved planning administration increased the complexity of plan coordination on the one hand. On the other hand, embedded in the different philosophies of the central and local governments over land governance, various spatial plans have become their complicated arenas and the planning process was mixed by central control and local initiatives. Subsequently, under the nested institutions of planning making, local spatial planning was manipulated and intervened, and thus spatial plan coordination failed.  相似文献   


The city of Lahti, Finland, has developed a unique policy of combining city strategy work with strategic master planning in an iterative process. It thereby offers insights to research on strategic spatial planning, exemplifying how institutional frameworks of statutory planning can be utilized as resources in strategic planning. Three lessons from the Lahti case are drawn: (1) utilize the moments of opportunity in the institutional environment of statutory planning, (2) shift the focus from the level of ‘strategic plans’ to the policy level of strategy work, (3) develop strategic planning as a platform for diverse ‘languages’.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the production of two dwelling configurations which have developed concurrently in Jerusalem over the last two decades against a background of continued ethno-national contestation and extensive colonization of the city’s spaces on one hand, and of growing liberalization of planning processes on the other. The first housing pattern is the planning and construction of luxury apartments in the form of gated communities in West Jerusalem’s city center. These compounds mainly house religious Jewish immigrants from Western countries. The second housing activity is the recent proliferation of local zoning plans submitted by Palestinians in East Jerusalem to the Israeli planning authorities, plans whose purposes are to legalize, expand and save their houses from possible demolition. Though at first sight the hyper-planned compounds of West Jerusalem and the unplanned neighborhoods of East Jerusalem seem fully antithetical to each other, we argue that both are an outcome of the same tensions between neoliberalization of the Israeli planning system, especially in the realm of housing development and ongoing colonization of the city’s urban spaces. We conclude that the privatization of space and spatial planning is integrated into and complements the older patterns of organizing the ethno-national space.  相似文献   

The integration of landscape connectivity criteria into spatial planning through ecological networks formed by coherent open space systems has received increasing attention in Europe in the last few decades. In Spain, such integration began recently, in parallel with the development of a supralocal comprehensive spatial planning policy, which was practically non-existent a decade ago. An assessment of such integration is reported here, specifically on ecological networks inclusion within the spatially explicit zoning regulations of 11 regional and 66 subregional plans which had been approved in Spain until the end of 2012. At the same time, a survey was conducted among 22 Spanish and 14 European practitioners in order to detect possible deficiencies and opportunities to optimise this integration in Spain through a comparison with other European countries. An increasing integration of ecological networks into supralocal plans was observed, especially in subregional plans approved in the last five years, coinciding with a period of greater development in supralocal spatial planning policy, the end of the Spanish speculative housing bubble and new national legislation which encourages the promotion of ecological networks. However, the integration process is very uneven because homogeneous guidelines are not applied in the different regions. Spanish practitioners discerned wide room for improvement. The integration of ecological networks into multiscale spatial planning should be optimised in Spain, including improvements in local planning, strategic environmental assessment and training of planners in this topic.  相似文献   

侯丽  于泓 《城市规划》2021,45(3):24-32
以规划许可的法定规划依据为标准,本文比较了世界各国的"类"详细规划在历史发展、制度传统、社会需求与地方治理模式之间的趋同与分异,尤其以英国地方规划、德国B-Plan和美国区划为重点,说明在相似的技术工具之下,其治理逻辑与制度范式所存在的多样性和复合性,以及顺应需求和认识而变化的必然。在国际比较基础上,文章进一步提出了详细规划作为地方治理的技术工具和社会政策,其中的国家与地方分工、适合的精细化管理尺度选择、分类管控需求,以及在制度设计上寻求刚性与弹性兼容、保持动态平衡的普遍要求。  相似文献   

Strategic spatial planning and the longer range   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article is focused around a discussion of the nature of strategic spatial planning, as exemplified in the planning literature and in examples from Vancouver, Hong Kong and China more generally. The primary author, John Friedmann, argues that too much attention in planning practices has been given to the production of strategic plans and too little to locally‐based studies of the dynamics of urban socio‐spatial development. In commentaries from the perspectives of planning academics and practitioners from different parts of the world, the discussion is enlarged to link the spatial planning discussions to the management literature on strategic planning, to stress the well‐established process emphasis in much contemporary strategic spatial planning work, to raise some positive roles for formal plans in planning processes and to highlight recent European experiences in strategic spatial planning.  相似文献   

武廷海 《城市规划》2019,43(8):9-17
国家关于统一规划体系与统一国土空间规划体系的顶层设计已经完成,在当前及未来一段时期内,需要进一步深化规划体系改革,明确国土空间规划体系中城市规划的地位和作用。建议在市县级国土空间规划中发挥城市规划在城市空间产品供给过程中的独特优势,城市总规发挥宏观的导控作用,城市详规发挥底层的管控作用,将城市规划融入国土空间规划体系,为引领城市高质量犮展提供规划保障;相应地,要增强中长期发展规划的研究和支禕,为国土空间规划体系中的城市规划制定与实施提供战略指引。此外,要适应国土空间规划体系新要求发展城乡规划学。  相似文献   

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