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1990年代以来,城市治理和城市战略规划开始盛行于西方国家,两者交互影响、共同发展,成为引发西方城市管理和城市规划变革的重要动因.20世纪末,城市治理和城市战略规划也分别被我国城市管理学界和城市规划行业引入,成为各自领域学术研究和实践探索的热点.但在实践层面,两者在我国按照各自的逻辑展开,两者之间应有的密切关系及其对中国城市发展的重要意义尚未引起足够的重视.在当前我国积极推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的背景下,城市规划学界和城市管理学界应积极推进城市战略规划从一种城市规划形式向城市治理核心工具转型,成为城市政府实现“善治”的政策平台和指导城市层面其他规划与公共政策的“元规划”.  相似文献   

文章以意大利灵格多、比考卡和热那亚老港区这3个老旧工业地块的转型为例,在比较和分析3个地方政府介入转型的方式、成效及其问题的基础上,指出地方政府介入的核心目标是在后工业化时代管控与引导由各类不同性质部门主导的转型过程以实现工业地块及其转型所承担的工业城市复兴的预期、介入的关键是建构与实施主体相适应的介入模式以及合理运用一系列公共资源从而及时和有效应对转型过程中的各种不确定性。虽然两国差异巨大,但3个案例的思路和经验仍可为我国地方政府介入城市老旧工业地块转型实现城市空间重塑和功能调整提供借鉴。  相似文献   

20世纪末期,城市发展出现了从以增长为中心到面向治理的转型,战略规划也从西方国家引入中国.近年来,随着中国经济发展进入新常态,在国家层面大力推进新型城镇化、提升城市治理能力及深化规划改革的战略要求下,战略规划也要求从增长向治理开始转型.厦门借鉴国外优秀案例,制定面向城市治理的美丽厦门战略规划,创新规划定位与指导思想、内容与表达形式、方法与组织过程;突出战略规划的治理功能,强调战略规划的人本回归;通过战略规划引领社会、产业和城市转型,同时引领规划转型;推进统筹规划和规划统筹,使规划成为统筹城市发展和转型的有力抓手.  相似文献   

<正>城市政府为何要转型?"十一五"时期,我国由政府主导的经济模式,开始寻求向市场主导转变。国务院为此下发《关于深化经济体制改革的意见》。意见要求:"加快政府职能转变。进一步推进政企分开、政资分开、政事分开,推动各级政府强化社会管理和公共服务职能"。  相似文献   

20世纪末期,城市发展出现了从以增长为中心到面向治理的转型,战略规划也从西方国家引入中国.近年来,随着中国经济发展进入新常态,在国家层面大力推进新型城镇化、提升城市治理能力及深化规划改革的战略要求下,战略规划也要求从增长向治理开始转型.厦门借鉴国外优秀案例,制定面向城市治理的美丽厦门战略规划,创新规划定位与指导思想、内容与表达形式、方法与组织过程;突出战略规划的治理功能,强调战略规划的人本回归;通过战略规划引领社会、产业和城市转型,同时引领规划转型;稚进统筹规划和规划统筹,使规划成为统筹城市发展和转型的有力抓手.  相似文献   

地方政府是组织编制与实施城乡规划的主体。然而,长期以来,由于城市总体规划存在审批周期冗长、规划内容繁杂及事权关系不清等弊端,使得地方政府对其又爱又恨,编制战略规划成为地方政府规避总体规划弊端的方法之一。文章以湖北省黄石市2049战略规划与城市总体规划为比较研究的对象,从地方政府的视角剖析战略规划与城市总体规划在编制目标、过程、内容及实施等方面的异同,分析二者存在的"最大公约数",从城市共识、全域治理和机制保障等方面提出战略规划与城市总体规划协同对接、形成合力的建议。  相似文献   

2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19,以下简称"新冠肺炎")在全球蔓延,并成为对我国城市治理体系和治理能力的一次重大考验,城市应急治理模式向"基于社区"转型的必要性开始凸显。对国外社区应急治理模式展开系统梳理,关注组织机制和信息化管理两个维度。同时结合当下新冠肺炎疫情中我国应急模式转型的具体表现,对我国公共卫生导向下的城市社区应急治理模式提出纵向传导、横向参与和多阶段内容完善3方面的转型优化建议,进一步推进城市治理体系和治理能力现代化建设。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,市场机制的引入推动了我国城市更新的转型。基于管治理论,对2000年以来广州城市更新转型进行实证分析发现,政府出资主导的福利型更新管治正在逐渐向政府与市场合作的引导型管治转型。管治模式转型加快了城市更新的实施效率,常态化的城市更新政策兼顾了长期效益和短期效率。政府与市场建立了基于"委托—代理"的契约式合作关系,以实现城市发展日程。政府单向主导基于社会稳定的土地再开发利益分配方案难以获得参与者的集体认同,使城市更新陷入"政府不放权,改造无动力"的困境。破除当前管治模式的弊端,还需从政府单向治理走向多元合作治理。  相似文献   

社区是现代城市的重要组成部分,也是社会治理的重要基础和载体。国内社区经历了"单位制""、街居制"和"社区制"3个历史阶段。伴随着我国社会经济的转型发展,其治理模式也呈现出多元化的趋势。目前我国城市社区治理主要有从封闭走向半市场化的原单位社区,政府、市场与社会多元治理主体共存的商品房社区以及政府管理为主、市场为辅的安置保障房社区3种类型。然而,当前社区治理在实践层面却存在着一定问题,包括城市基层政府定位不明、权责模糊,社区自治组织权力受限、功能难以发挥,各组织间矛盾突出以及居民治理参与热情低等。因此就社区规划转型入手,从政府、社会以及居民3个方向提出了相关改善建议。  相似文献   

建筑业高质量发展对新时代我国经济发展模式的转变至关重要,其实现有赖政府充分发挥行业治理作用。通过梳理“高质量发展”相关理论成果,从发展标准、方式和过程 3 个维度界定建筑业高质量发展的科学内涵,构建建筑业高质量发展下的政府治理职能分析框架,据此提出高质量发展要求下我国政府治理职能的提升对策与建议。研究结果表明,在支撑建筑业的高质量发展阶段,我国政府亟待从战略规划、政策制定、制度创新、服务供给和市场监管等多项职能出发,提升政府对建筑业高质量发展的综合治理能力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article presents a critical review of Beijing's Olympic redevelopment, and of the social, economic, and political impacts of hosting mega events as a means of urban image construction. Through an analysis of Olympic projects, city marketing initiatives, and their impact on the city's material and cultural landscape, this article postulates that Beijing's spatial restructuring and image construction program played an important role in exacerbating the profound inequalities that have come to epitomize China's transition to capitalism within an autocratic political system. Acting as a developmental engine legitimating large‐scale urban transformations, the Olympics have helped concentrate economic and political power in the hands of a coalition of government leaders and private investors and allowed their interests to dominate the planning agenda. Beijing's spectacular Olympic preparations have in many ways acted as a propaganda tool and an instrument of pacification to divert popular attention from the shortcomings of China's rapid economic transformation, accompanied by rampant land speculation, corruption, and uneven development.  相似文献   

在新自由主义浪潮席卷全球背景下,西方发达国家的城市治理模式纷纷由传统的管理主义转变为企业主义,引发了城市空间演化轨迹出现新的动态。改革开放以来,中国以分权化和市场化为导向的制度变迁具有鲜明的新自由主义色彩,推动了在城市土地开发中具有利益取向的企业化地方政府的形成。基于租差理论的视角,通过考察企业化地方政府作用于城市空间演化的机制及其空间效应,本文认为当前中国城市空间演化是企业化地方政府逐利的城市土地开发行为所留下的空间烙印;企业化地方政府分享租差的诉求和行为具有一定的合理性,但也容易使其患上严重的"土地财政依赖症";在"增长优先"理念指引下,企业化地方政府倾向于引导资本流入有利于获取最大化租差的区位,而资本流入的空间不平衡,也引发了城市空间的不均衡发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Literature on China's urban development discusses the nature and role of the local state. A set of concepts have been proposed, such as the “entrepreneurial state” (ES) and “local developmental state,” and an ongoing debate attempts to ascertain whether the state is “entrepreneurial” in nature. This article uses a newly emerged urban phenomenon, chuangyi chanye jiju qu (CCJQs) or “creative industry clusters,” in which the central government is not involved, to explore the nature of local governments, their role in urban development, and the ways in which they perform this role. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. The findings of this research reveal a strong revenue‐oriented nature of local governments, highlighting the “entrepreneurial state” as an important dimension in their character: they transform spontaneously emerged urban cultural spaces into a new mechanism generating revenues for both urban growth and their own economic benefit. Local governments promote CCJQ development with place promotion strategies, and they are directly involved in CCJQ‐related businesses as market players rather than as independent bodies that effectively control and regulate the CCJQ market through policies and regulations. Further, this article reveals a “public–public” coalition as an important mechanism for local state participation.  相似文献   

我国行政规划现实法制分散不统一,涉及规划类型众多。以城市轨道交通建设为例,纵向经历线网规划和建设规划,横向涉及国民经济和社会发展规划、城市规划、土地利用规划和环境保护规划。不同规划衔接不畅导致程序层面的规划冲突,公权力控制与私权利保障不足导致实体层面的规划冲突。对此,我国行政规划法制的完善思路包括:一是明确专业性规划的法律地位;二是短期明确行政机关职权、提高公众参与程度;三是长远建构针对专业性规划的规划确定裁决程序。  相似文献   

在快速建设的大背景下,我国城市规划的社会过程被长期忽视,来自社会学理论下的审视更是稀缺。引入社会资本视角,讨论社会主体及其社会资本在城市规划社会过程中的重要性,根据"信任-网络-规范"结构对社会资本进行分类,发现我国传统型社会资本存量丰富,现代公民型社会资本缺乏。通过构建社会资本、社会过程、城市规划三者的逻辑关系组织,进而提出了"社会过程预测—社会资本需求与存量分析—社会过程重塑"的分析框架。基于此框架,对我国城市总体规划进行了简要分析,认为针对社会资本需求的特殊性,需要引入社会资本分析框架对不同类型的具体规划行动进行分析,提升社会资本的使用率,完善规划的社会过程并营造公民型社会资本,为我国城市规划社会过程的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

Due to the unbalanced and confrontational state-citizen relationship, China's urban redevelopment has been accompanied with continuous violent conflicts, which to a large extent damages the public image of Chinese government in recent years. This article first overviews the governance dilemma underlying China's violent demolition from the perspective of institutional arrangement, and then argues a collaborative approach can be a remedy for the dilemma. After the introduction and definition of collaborative governance, this article demonstrates its application in preventing violent demolition with the Caojiaxiang project in Chengdu as a case. It is found that collaborative governance is advantageous in enhancing the legitimacy of governance, increasing the potential to find effective solutions, and enhancing the trust between government and citizens. Despite the disadvantages of collaborative governance, including limited effect and the dependence on social capital, quality of stakeholders' interaction and leadership, this paper argues the success of Caojiaxiang project may be duplicated given the following institutional requirements are met: 1) an institutional procedure to establish and operate evictees' association in urban redevelopment projects; 2) an effective complaint system for the upper-level government to monitor the malpractice of lower-level government; and 3) an judicial system independent of local governments and legal proceeding over any illegal behavior in demolition.  相似文献   

选取广州大坦沙垃圾焚烧发电厂和广州番禺垃圾焚烧发电厂选址为例进行比较分析,探讨地方政府与公众在邻避设施规划中的互动与角色。指出在邻避设施规划中,城市规划领域健全的制度环境是维持政府与公众良性互动的关键。地方政府应在承当主要领导力角色的同时,谨慎避免在邻避设施规划中的绝对权力。公众具备公民意识是进步的表现,但公众也应当认识和学习承担相应的社会责任。建立政府和社会的协作关系是城市管治的出路之一。  相似文献   

处于转型期的中国地方政府热衷于经营型的城市更新,注重短期现实经济利益的获取,由此导致了大量的经济与社会问题。文章在分析了当前经营型城市更新导致的经济与社会负面效应后,指出必须建树更加综合的城市经营目标,实现城市经营与城市更新的良性结合与互动。  相似文献   

The federal government of Australia seeks to determine the selection and forms of financing of infrastructure projects in cities, and to prescribe how cities are planned and managed. This role is rationalised through reference to the UK City Deals model and is made possible by vertical fiscal imbalance (the tax revenue it raises considerably exceeds its expenditure responsibilities). Referring to the Constitution, this role is assigned to state governments that are responsible for planning, infrastructure investment and service delivery in the cities. The cities themselves comprise multiple local governments that are ‘creatures’ of state government legislation. State government metropolitan strategic plans and projects inevitably serve the interests of the constituencies needed to win the next state elections. There is no recognition of a metropolitan constituency. Documenting the economic and social disadvantages arising from Australia's form of metropolitan governance, and providing an example for expensive infrastructure mishaps arising from federal and state governments prioritising different transport modes and projects, the paper argues for the creation of representative, accountable and fiscally autonomous metropolitan governments.  相似文献   

The nature and politics of urban development in Auckland have undergone rapid transformation following amalgamation of eight separate authorities in 2010. Institutions governing metropolitan planning and infrastructure provision were rescaled to form the Auckland ‘Super City’ Council in 2010, with an ambitious vision to become the world's most liveable city and ongoing political contestation between the local and central government. Amalgamation of Auckland's governance was conceived and imposed by the central government as part of a broader economic strategy for “competitive cities”. However, Auckland Council's first strategic plan adopted a contrasting agenda, centred around the goal of “liveability”. Auckland's recent developments illustrate the challenges of a distinctly post-suburban polity. The majority of employment is located in suburban areas and the city has variegated and overlapping patterns in spatial form generated through inconsistent infrastructure interventions across local and national authorities. Conflicting urban policy agenda at national and local scales shows a tension between the pursuit of economic development and provision for collective needs. The politics of post-suburban development create specific challenges for Auckland's governance. Liveability and economic competitiveness are treated as complementary terms in political rhetoric, however trade-offs emerge at a smaller spatial scales. Public concern over housing affordability and risks to the financial stability of New Zealand's economy have led to central government intervention and renegotiation of authority between different tiers of government for land use and infrastructure provision. Auckland's position as New Zealand's largest city and economic centre frequently blurs the distinction between issues of local and national significance. Auckland's governance challenges are not unique, however the current tensions are exacerbated by its dominance in a small and geographically-isolated nation.  相似文献   

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