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基于采集的汽车加速与匀速运动时车内的噪声,利用参考语义细分法进行噪声烦恼度主观评价试验。考虑掩蔽效应,依据听音评价问卷调查结果,计算加速噪声后半时段和匀速噪声的时变心理声学参量平均值,利用支持向量机创建参量平均值与烦恼度主观评价值间的回归数学模型,建立基于掩蔽效应的非平稳车内噪声烦恼度评价方法。同时计算全部噪声样本的时变心理声学参量平均值并建立基于心理声学参量的烦恼度评价方法。留一法与十折交叉法检验结果表明,两种评价方法对非平稳车内噪声烦恼度的预测精确有效,而基于掩蔽效应的烦恼度评价方法预测结果更加精确、稳定性更高;在加速噪声烦恼度的预测方面,基于掩蔽效应的烦恼度评价方法具有更好的预测性能。  相似文献   

为了高效而准确地评价与控制车内噪声品质,以B级车稳态工况下副驾位置的车内噪声为研究对象,采用等级评分法对采集到的声音样本进行了主观评价试验,同时计算了7个客观参数。以客观参量为输入,声品质主观结果为输出,引入基于遗传算法的BP神经网络建立了声品质预测模型。实验显示该模型输出结果与实际评分的相关系数达到0.928,检验组的预测最大误差为±8%。以所建模型的连接权值,分析了客观参数对主观评价结果的贡献度,并以影响系数较大的参数为输入重新构建了预测模型。研究结果表明:稳态工况下,车内声品质主要受响度、粗糙度和尖锐度的影响,其预测模型可由这3个参数来描述。  相似文献   

首先对16辆各种型号的轿车进行了加速条件下车内噪声样本的采集,通过噪声信号的主客观分析研究,得出主观评价结果与客观物理参量之间的相关性,明确了加速状态下响度、尖锐度及粗糙度是影响车内声品质的主要因素。而后,对声品质最差的7号车运用噪声主动控制方法进行车内噪声优化实验,通过对比发现,车内噪声的响度、尖锐度及粗糙度都有明显的减少。将数据代入声品质客观计算模型,同时进行主观评价实验,结果表明其评分等级从16级降至12级,从而证明了噪声主动控制方法能有效提高加速条件下车内噪声的声品质。  相似文献   

通过对某生产厂家的空调压缩机进行现场噪声测试,采用评分法对噪声声品质偏好性指标进行主观评价,并计算出A声级、响度和尖锐度值作为声品质的客观评价指标.对主客观评价结果进行相关性分析及线性回归分析,提出了声品质主观偏好性值的预估模型.研究结果表明,压缩机噪声声品质主要受A声级、响度和尖锐度的共同影响.  相似文献   

The gear whine sound of an axle system is one of the most important sound qualities in a sport utility vehicle (SUV). Previous work has shown that, because of masking effects, it is difficult to evaluate the gear whine sound objectively by using only the A-weighted sound pressure level. In this paper, a new objective evaluation method for this sound was developed by using new sound metrics, which are developed based on the increment of signal to noise ration and the psychoacoustic parameters in the paper, and the artificial neural network (ANN) used for the modeling of the correlation between objective and subjective evaluation. This model developed by using ANN was applied to the objective evaluation of the axle-gear whine sound for real SUVs and the output of the model was compared with subjective evaluation. The results indicate a good correlation of over 90 percent between the subjective and objective evaluations. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Yeon June Kang Professor Sang-Kwon Lee received a Ph.D. degree in ISVR (Institute of Sound and Vibration Research) from Southampton University in 1998. He joined Hyundai Motor Research Center in Korea, working with the Automotive Noise and Vibration Control Group from 1985 to 1994. He has been the Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, Inchon, Korea, since March 1999. His research interests are the digital signal processing, NVH (noise vibration harahness), condition monitoring, product sound quality design and active control.  相似文献   

研究现有声品质评价方法,开发一套集声音数据可视化管理、声品质主要评价参数计算、声品质主观评价打分及评价结果自动处理为一体的声品质评价系统,并应用该系统进行稳态车内噪声评价实验,证明了系统的正确性和工程应用价值.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的车内噪声声品质预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了采用支持向量机的车内噪声声品质预测方法,对采集的车内噪声样本采用基于小样本理论的支持向量机回归方法,建立车内噪声声品质客观评价参量与主观评价结果的关系模型对车内噪声声品质进行预测.实例分析表明,选取适当的车内噪声声品质客观评价参量,利用支持向量机回归方法建立的车内噪声声品质预测模型的预测精度较高.  相似文献   

The noise inside a naval vessel is very important in considering the need for hearing protection, improving the working environment and maintaining good communications for crews living on board a naval vessel. The indoor noise of a ship usually is specified by the Aweighted sound pressure level, but other evaluating parameters are required to reflect human senses more effectively. This paper uses additional psychological responses related to room acoustics, such as NR (noise rating), NC (noise criterion), RC (room criterion), PSIL (preferred speech interference level) and loudness to evaluate the noise inside cabins and offices on a naval vessel. Through comparing these psychological responses to the noise against the survey results describing the crew’s degree of satisfaction with the indoor noise aboard the naval vessel, this paper proposes a new evaluation index using a back-propagation neural network algorithm which can represent the sound quality of the indoor noise in a naval vessel.  相似文献   

面向列车内装造型设计的旅客视觉意象研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
铁路客车内装设计是提升铁路运输服务质量的一个重要内容。目前的内装造型设计重点仍然集中在功能和结构的改良上,旅客的心理需求和视觉体验方面还有较大提升空间。本研究通过收集选取描述性词汇,分析其相关的视觉意象含义,并选取内装样本进行语义评测。在统计整理试验数据的基础上对视觉意象主因子进行提炼,并结合感性分析将其归纳为雅致、凝静、柔润、宽和四个主因子。研究过程中略去对视觉意象有较大影响的色彩因素,将重点集中在造型设计方法的探讨。在对造型与视觉意象的关联进行探讨的基础上,构建面向列车内装造型设计的视觉意象模型,解析旅客的心理需求与视觉意象主因子的相关性,为提升旅客视觉体验的列车内装造型设计奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于GA-BP的汽车风振噪声声品质预测模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前对于汽车风振噪声的优化研究主要以声压级(Sound pressure level,SPL)作为单一评价指标,既不能全面反映噪声的物理属性,也无法考虑人耳对噪声的主观认知过程。为准确评价风振噪声,引入声品质,运用大涡模拟(Large eddy simulation,LES)对风振噪声进行数值仿真,根据实车道路试验判断仿真的准确性;对仿真结果进行声品质客观评价与主观评价,综合声品质客观评价参数与声品质主观评价试验结果建立BP神经网络预测模型;利用遗传算法(Genetic algorithm,GA),进一步对BP神经网络的结构参数进行优化,建立GA-BP声品质预测模型。研究结果表明,GA-BP声品质预测模型在训练速度和预测精度上都优于BP神经网络预测模型。预测模型基于声品质主客观评价结果,其预测值可以代替传统的声压级评价指标,为风振噪声提供更为准确合理的评价。  相似文献   

车用柴油机噪声品质预测模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
车用柴油机辐射噪声已成为环境污染噪声的重要组成部分,开展车用柴油机噪声品质的预测与评估研究具有重要的理论与实际意义。以Q型车用柴油机为例,研究其在变负荷及转速工况下表面辐射噪声品质情况,为进一步提高整机声品质,开展柴油机结构声学设计奠定了理论基础。研究国内外车用柴油机客观评价特征,选取物理声学特征峭度、冲击量特性以及心理声学特征响度、尖锐度、粗糙度和波动强度参量来描述辐射噪声的客观特征;针对柴油机噪声特点,采用分类对偶比较法开展以专业听审人群为目标的综合满意度评价研究;应用多层感知器神经网络算法建立起该车用柴油机声品质预测模型。研究表明,车用柴油机噪声品质预测模型能够准确地反映客观评价参量与主观满意度之间的非线性映射关系。  相似文献   

随着乘用车日趋饱和,传统的手动变速器正向“精品化”“高扭矩”“轻量化”方向发展。动态换挡性能作为手动变速器感知属性受到越来越多的关注。针对动态换挡性能4种主观测评问题——“力重”、手感“偏硬”、“二次冲击”、“尾端阻滞”提出对应的改进策略,并采用GSA客观测试方法验证了改进策略的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

Two passenger cars were driven at several speeds over several road profiles to evaluate the subjective ratings of steering wheel vibration. A 3-axis translational accelerometer was mounted on the steering wheel to measure the acceleration signal transmitted to the hands. Correlations were determined between the measured accelerations and the subjective ratings of 4 expert drivers and 10 general drivers by using Stevens’ power law. The subjective ratings were found to be more highly correlated with the r.m.q. (root mean quad) values of the frequency-weighted acceleration than the r.m.s. (root mean square) values of the frequency-weighted acceleration. Also, the maximum values of r.m.q. (i.e., the component values in the dominant axis) had the highest correlation with the subjective ratings.  相似文献   

虚拟现实环境下基于舒适性的客车内饰设计,是客车全新内饰设计方法,虚拟现实提供沉浸、真实的设计环境,拓宽了设计人员的视野和想象空间;舒适性工程则强调“以人为本”的设计理念,本文结合目前两种最前rgo人体模型的基础上定制符合中国人的人体模型,进行客车的内饰设计,整个设计环境在虚拟环境中进行,“人”沉浸在虚拟的样客车中,设计并和虚拟客车交互,研究驾驶员的可及性、视野以及乘坐舒适性等,使用户可以感受到虚拟原型的演变和舒适性的演变,大大提高了设计的成功率。  相似文献   

针对传统A计权声压级评价指标对噪声低频成分衰减较大,常常出现车内声压级达标,声品质不合格的问题。引入心理声学参数的响度参量,利用虚拟仿真技术分析评价车内声学特性。建立驾驶室声-固耦合有限元模型,结合试验激励数据,进行基于模态的声学响应计算。在Matlab平台上,建立车内声品质客观心理声学参数响度的计算模型,对比预测驾驶室内场点的声压级和响度分布,结合声压级和响度结构板块贡献量分析,研究声压级和响度参量评价驾驶室结构特性的差别并识别驾驶室主要噪声源。以此为基础指导优化驾驶室结构阻尼铺设位置,综合提高车内声学品质。  相似文献   

评价信息隐藏方法的隐藏质量是信息隐藏研究的一个重要部分。针对传统的主客观评价方法存在的缺点和不足,提出了一种图像信息隐藏质量的评价方法。选取对图像信息隐藏比较敏感的10个图像质量评价量(IQMs),作为评价信息隐藏质量的特征量。利用主成分分析法对各特征量进行分析,排除各特征量之间的线性相关性,选择主成分量实现了对几种图像信息隐藏方法的综合评价。该方法灵活、高效,评价结果符合人眼视觉特性,是比较实用的图像信息隐藏质量评价方法。  相似文献   

In Korea, the national noise evaluation system for transportation noise was divided into two kinds of noise metrics: WECPNL (weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level) for aircraft noise and L Aeq for other noises. For administrative and political application of these metrics, a trade-off between them must be maintained. Traditionally, conversion between noise metrics has included correlations between the two metrics based on measured physical quantity. However, conversion between two noise metrics should consider the subjective or emotional aspects of people exposed to noise. In the present study, a field study was conducted in 11 sites in the vicinity of Gimpo airport to propose a rational method to convert Korean WECPNL into DENL (day-evening-night average sound level). Annoyance models for aircraft noise in terms of Korean WECPNL and DENL were established by linear regression analyses for 382 useful data. CBA (conversion based on noise annoyance) was proposed by using the two annoyance models. The validity of the proposed equivalent annoyance method was demonstrated by comparing among dose-response relationships in terms of measured DENL, DENL estimated by the CBA, and DENL estimated by the three empirical relations between WECPNL and DENL.  相似文献   

考虑人眼主观评价在彩色融合图像质量评价中的重要作用,设计了52人的彩色融合图像质量主观评价实验。采用"目标背景的感知对比度","清晰度","颜色协调性","颜色自然感"4个单一评价指标以及"基于目标探测的图像感知质量","基于场景理解的图像感知质量"2个综合评价指标对绿地、海天和城镇3类典型场景、8种融合算法获得的240幅彩色融合图像进行了主观评价,并依此进行指标分值归整及相关性分析,建立了2个综合指标的预测模型。实验结果表明:彩色融合图像的"颜色协调性"和"颜色自然感"有较高的相关性;基于目标探测的图像感知质量可用"目标背景的感知对比度"和"清晰度"来描述,基于场景理解的图像感知质量可用"颜色协调性"和"清晰度"来描述。但是对于不同的场景,每个指标的影响效果不同,所以预测模型中的权重系数不同。  相似文献   

基于伪WIGNER-VILLE分布的汽车关门声品质评价参数研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汽车关门声品质评价是汽车噪声、振动和声振粗糙度(Noise vibration and harshness,NVH)的重要研究内容之一.针对汽车关门声品质评价问题,基于伪WIGNER-VILLE分布,研究提出一个新的声品质评价参数——基于伪WIGNER-VILLE分布的声品质评价参数(Sound metric based on pseudo WIGNER-VILLE distribution,SMPWVD).在进行汽车关门声品质评价时,先采集汽车关门声音信号,计算其伪WIGNER-VILLE分布,再对得到的伪WIGNER-VILLE分布系数进行数值处理,即可得到新的声品质评价参数——SMPWVD.为评价该参数的有效性,将该参数与传统的声品质评价参数(响度,尖锐度)一起,分别与主观评价试验得出的关门声品质偏好性绩效值进行相关性分析.结果表明,所提出的新评价参数SMPWVD与声品质主观偏好性绩效值有更高的相关性,能更准确地评价汽车关门声品质.  相似文献   

Human hearing is very sensitive to sound, so a subjective index of sound quality is required. Each situation of sound evaluation is composed of Sound Quality (SQ) metrics. When substituting the level of one frequency band, we could not see the tendency of substitution at the whole frequency band during SQ evaluation. In this study, the Design of Experiments (DOE) is used to analyze noise from an automotive Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. The frequency domain is divided into 12 equal parts, and each level of the domain is given an increase or decrease due to the change in frequency band based on the “loud” and “sharp” sound of the SQ analyzed. By using DOE, the number of tests is effectively reduced by the number of experiments, and the main result is a solution at each band. SQ in terms of the “loud” and “sharp” sound at each band, the change in band (increase or decrease in sound pressure) or no change in band will have the most effect on the identifiable characteristics of SQ. This will enable us to select the objective frequency band. Through the results obtained, the physical level changes in arbitrary frequency domain sensitivity can be determined.  相似文献   

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