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A finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is used to numerically study the power absorption of broadband terahertz (0.1 ~ 1.5 THz) electromagnetic waves in a partially ionized uniform plasma layer under low pressure and atmosphere discharge conditions. The power absorption spectra are calculated numerically and the numerical results are in accordance with the analytic results. Meanwhile, the effects on the power absorption are calculated with different applied magnetic fields, collision frequencies and electron number densities, which depend strongly on those parameters. Under the dense strongly magnetized plasma conditions, the absorption gaps appear in the range of 0.3 ~ 0.36 THz, and are enlarged with the increasing electron number density.  相似文献   

Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Inc. has initiated a 2-year-long experimental project to test the scientific feasibility of achieving controlled fusion using the dense plasma focus (DPF) device with hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fuel. The goals of the experiment are: first, to confirm the achievement of high ion and electron energies observed in previous experiments from 2001; second, to greatly increase the efficiency of energy transfer into the plasmoid where the fusion reactions take place; third, to achieve the high magnetic fields (>1 GG) needed for the quantum magnetic field effect, which will reduce cooling of the plasma by X-ray emission; and finally, to use p-B11 fuel to demonstrate net energy gain. The experiments are being conducted with a newly constructed dense plasma focus in Middlesex, NJ which is expected to generate peak currents in excess of 2 MA. Some preliminary results are reported.  相似文献   

We investigate the Terahertz(THz) plasma waves in a two-dimensional(2D) electron gas in a nanometer field effect transistor(FET) with quantum effects, the electron scattering,the thermal motion of electrons and electron exchange-correlation. We find that, while the electron scattering, the wave number along y direction and the electron exchange-correlation suppress the radiation power, but the thermal motion of electrons and the quantum effects can amplify the radiation power. The radiation frequency decreases with electron exchange-correlation contributions, but increases with quantum effects, the wave number along y direction and thermal motion of electrons. It is worth mentioning that the electron scattering has scarce influence on the radiation frequency. These properties could be of great help to the realization of practical THz plasma oscillations in nanometer FET.  相似文献   

A model for the nonlinear properties of obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitary waves in a two-electron populated relativistically quantum magnetized plasma is presented. By using the standard reductive perturbation technique, the Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) equation is derived and this equation gives the solitary wave solution. It is observed that the relativistic effects, the ratio of the cold to hot electron unperturbed number density and the magnetic field normalized by electron cyclotron frequency significantly influence the solitary structures.  相似文献   

Boronization with carborane(C2B10H12)by ICRF been applied routinely to the walls of HT-7 super-conducting tokamak for the reduction of impurity influx.especially carbon and oxygen.Significant suppression of metallic impurties and radiating power fraction are achieved.The imporved confinement for both particle and energy is observed in full range of operation parameters.Energy balance analysis shows that electron heat diffusion coefficient is strongly reduced.Measurements by Langmuir probes at the edge plasma show that poloidal velocity shear after boronization is changed to a profile to profile favoring to good confinement.The main emphasis of this paper is to describe effects of boronization on aspects of the enhanced plasma performance.  相似文献   

The instability of terahertz(THz)plasma waves in two-dimensional(2D)quantum electron gas in a nanometer field effect transistor(FET)with asymmetrical boundary conditions has been investigated.We analyze THz plasma waves of two parts of the 2D quantum electron gas:gated and ungated regions.The results show that the radiation frequency and the increment(radiation power)in 2D ungated quantum electron gas are much higher than that in 2D gated quantum electron gas.The quantum effects always enhance the radiation power and enlarge the region of instability in both cases.This allows us to conclude that 2D quantum electron gas in the transistor channel is important for the emission and detection process and both gated and ungated parts take part in that process.  相似文献   

The nitridation of Al surfaces is obtained by irradiating nitrogen ions from APF device. The Vickers Micro-Hardness values are improved approximately three times for the nitrided samples comparing to the non-nitrided ones. The X-ray diffraction analysis is carried out in order to explore the phase changes in the near surface structure of the metals. The Nuclear Reaction Analysis shows the depth of the nitride composed on the metal surfaces clearly and quantitatively. The results of Scanning Electron Microscopy indicate changes in surface morphology which are the emergence of a smooth and uniform film scattered on the surface of the nitrided specimens.  相似文献   

为有效进行辐射剂量探测,设计了有源在线监控模块。针对监控模块辐射测量值标定这一难题,提出了基于量子粒子群的融合算法实现对测量值与剂量值之间的高精度逼近。使用聚类和数据融合算法实现了拟合数据的自主最佳分段,避免了分段选择的主观性。仿真结果表明,融合算法能有效减少计数率较小时拟合函数的误差,提高各数据段测量值与剂量率之间的拟合精度,与整体拟合函数相比,进一步提高了拟合的精度。  相似文献   

In a quasi-two-dimensional model, the scattering of incident ordinary electromag- netic waves by a dipole-electrostatic drift vortex is studied with first-order Born approximation. The distribution of the scattering cross-section and total cross-section are evaluated analytically in different approximate conditions, and the physical interpretations are discussed. When the wavelength of incident wave is much longer than the vortex radius (kia〈〈1), it is found that the angle at which the scattering cross-section reaches its maxim depends significantly on the approximation of the parameters of the vortex used. It is also found that the total scattering cross-section has an affinitive relation with the parameters of the plasma, while it is irrelevant to the frequency of the incident wave in a wide range of parameters of the vortex. In a totally different range of parameters when incident wave is in the radar-frequency range (then kia 〈〈 1, the wavelength of incident wave is much shorter than the vortex radius), the numerical procedure is conducted with computer in order to obtain the distribution and the total expression of the scattering crosssection. Then it is found that the total scattering cross-section in the low frequency range is much larger than that in high frequency range, so the scattering is more effective in the low frequency range than in high frequency range.  相似文献   

Real-time computer applications in nuclear, particle and plasma physics are discussed with emphasis on the Aleph and Delphi projects  相似文献   

It is considered excitement of local non-uniformities in plasma by unstable ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) waves. New version of these processes based on the approach of finite wave amplitude is suggested. Some features of ITG-waves in this approximation are discussed. First of all qualitative distributions of values of plasma density fluctuations and temperature fluctuations perturbed by ITG-waves inside non-uniform plasma along minor tokamak radius are estimated. It is shown the obtained dependencies based on the suggested model qualitatively correspond to the experimental data.  相似文献   

In this paper energetic ion beams of a 90 kJ filippov type plasma focus were utilized to irradiation aluminum samples. The working gases were pure D2, and D2+Kr2%. The phenomena of melting, micro cracks, evaporation, and sputtering of the surface layer have been noticeable on the samples. Surface smoothing was remarkable when a heavy rare element added to D2. Adding Kr to the D2 filling gas lead to collapsing bubbles and greater surface damage. Micro hardness of surface layer tends to decrease particularly in the central region of the sample where destruction is more intense. The decrease in micro hardness for D2+2%Kr is more than that compared to deuteron ion treated sample.  相似文献   

The coded aperture imaging (CAI) technique has been applied to investigate the spatial distribution of DD fusion in a deuterium filled 1.6 kJ plasma focus (PF) device operated in its neutron-optimized regime. The coded mask has been fabricated in Havar alloy with 20 × 20 pixels and 57 square holes (14% open area) using a Singer-set Cyclic Difference pattern. Five CAI cameras were employed simultaneously: one placed on-axis (0°) and four at 45° to the PF axis. CR-39 polymer nuclear track detectors were used to register proton tracks from D(d,p)T reactions. The detectors were covered by 75 μm Kapton film to stop all energetic charged particles (mostly deuterons) other than the 3 MeV fusion protons. A de-convolution algorithm was applied to the measured proton track coordinates to obtain images of the fusion source from the five directions. Typically (2–8) × 104 proton tracks were registered by each detector per shot. Also two beryllium fast-neutron detectors were employed simultaneously to measure the associated neutron yield and anisotropy. The CAI images show the fusion source is a cigar-shaped region around the pinch column with no indication of plasma column instabilities. The proton anisotropy is comparable to the measured neutron anisotropy.  相似文献   

In this article we studied the feasibility of proton-boron (p11B) fusion in plasmoids produced by plasma pinch devices like plasma focus facility as commercially sources of energy. In plasmoids fusion power for 76 keV < Ti < 1,500 keV exceeds bremsstrahlung loss (W/Pb = 5.39). In such situation gain factor and the ratio of Te to Ti for a typical 150 kJ plasma focus will be 7.8 and 4.8 respectively. Also with considering the ion viscous heating effect W/Pb and Ti/Te will be 2.7 and 6 respectively. Strong magnetic field will reduces ion–electron collision rate due to quantization of electron orbits. While approximately there is no change in electron–ion collision rate, The effect of quantum magnetic field makes ions much hotter than electrons which enhances the fraction of fusion power to bremsstrahlung loss.  相似文献   

We provide correlated observations of enhanced dayside whistler-mode waves and energetic electron acceleration collected by the CLUSTER and GOES satellites during the 23~24 September 2001 storm.Energetic(>0.6 MeV) electron fluxes are found to increase significantly during the recovery phase and the main phase,by a factor of ~50 higher than the prestorm level.These high electron fluxes occur when strong dayside whistler-mode waves are present.Two-dimensional(2D) numerical simulations are carried out and the results demonstrate that the dayside whistler-mode wave can contribute to such enhancements in electron flux within 24 h,consistent with the observation.  相似文献   

In order to develop a more economical pretreatment method for electroless nickel plating, a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma at atmospheric pressure was used to improve the hydrophilicity and adhesion of poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nonwoven fabric. The properties of the PET nonwoven fabric including its liquid absorptive capacity (WA), aging behavior, surface chemical composition, morphology of the surface, adhesion strength, surface electrical resistivity and electromagnetic interference (EMI)- shielding effectiveness (SE) were studied. The liquid absorptive capacity (WA) increased due to the incorporation of oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing functional groups on the surface of PET nonwoven fabric after DBD air-plasma treatment. The surface morphology of the nonwoven fibers became rougher after plasma treatment. Therefore, the surface was more prone to absorb tin sensitizer and palladium catalyst to form an active layer for the deposition of electroless nickel. SEM and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements indicated that a uniform coating of nickel was formed on the PET nonwoven fabric. The average EMI-SE of Ni-plating of PET nonwoven fabric maintained a relatively stable value (38.2 to 37.3 dB) in a frequency range of 50 to 1500 MHz. It is concluded that DBD is feasible for pretreatment of nonwoven fabric for electroless nickel plating to prepare functional material with good EMI-SE properties.  相似文献   

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