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Measurement Techniques - An approach to creating reference tools for reproducing the units of volumetric activity of radon and thoron and radon flux density from the ground surface based on the...  相似文献   

对常规蒙特卡洛法求解挖掘机工作空间的原理、算法流程分析与仿真,发现大量随机点的分布在空间内部,边界随机点分布少,使得求解结果误差较大且效率低下。对挖掘机工作空间边界形成的内在机理分析,发现其边界的界定本质是其中两组油缸取极限值,另一组油缸为变量,而非三组油缸变量耦合,从而使得随机点的分布集中在工作空间边界。采用改进后的蒙特卡洛法对挖掘机的工作空间进行仿真,对比常规法求解,结果证明改进蒙特卡洛法求解高效且误差极小。  相似文献   

一种蒙特卡罗方法在测量不确定度评定中的新算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对现有利用蒙特卡罗方法进行不确定度评定过程的分析,指出了目前评定过程中存在理论上的不衔接,并给出了一种全新的利用蒙特卡罗方法进行不确定度评定的算法,弥补了现有方法的缺憾。  相似文献   

Monte Carlo approach to PSA for dynamic process systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The methodologies employed in the Probabilistic Safety Assessment of technological systems have nowadays reached a high level of maturity. However, there are still some important issues that need further investigations, in order to increase the confidence in the results obtained. Important areas such as human factors, expert judgement and physical modelling are considered to introduce large uncertainties in the probabilistic safety assessments and strong efforts are being devoted lately to the improvement of these aspects within the PSA methodology. Recently, a more ‘dynamic’ approach to PSA analysis has been proposed, with the intention of addressing those problems related to the mutual interactions of the hardware components and the physical evolution of the plant. In the present paper we outline this approach within the framework of the Monte Carlo simulation. The method is shown to provide a flexible environment in which many important issues of the plant's dynamics can be considered, such as the action of control/protection systems and its failures on demand, the effects of the process variables on the system stochastic characteristics and the delay with which a top event can occur. We refer, for our examples, to a simple case study taken from the literature. The limitations of the Monte Carlo method in treating rare-events is also discussed and we address the problem of biasing the probabilities of the control/ protection systems failing on demand.  相似文献   

A quantitative dosimetric comparison was performed between Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and analytic calculations at the (sub) cellular level (V79 cells) for four nucleus-incorporated radiochemicals ((125)I/(123)I/(77)Br-UdR and A (125)IP) and two radiochemicals that localised mainly in the cytoplasm of cells ((125)I-dihydrorhodamine and Na(2)(51)CrO(4)). A microscopic investigation around the decay site of the three DNA-incorporated radionuclides ((125)I/(123)I/(77)Br-UdR) was also carried out. On the whole, deviations between MC and analytic calculations for the absorbed dose and dose rate to the cell nucleus were within ~10%. The dose rate to the nucleus for the radiochemicals that mainly localised in the cytoplasm was greater than that for the nucleus-incorporated ones. Also evident was that the dose rate to the nucleus was approximately the same for the three DNA-incorporated radiochemicals. In contrast to the small differences found between MC and analytic calculations for the (average) absorbed dose to the nucleus, the dosimetric analysis at the microscopic level for the three DNA-incorporated radionuclides showed that the two computational approaches lead to a completely different energy deposition pattern around the decay site.  相似文献   

对小批量生产下的质量控制问题进行研究,在方差已知时的贝叶斯均值控制模型中,推导了蒙特卡罗方法确定模型中质量特性参数后验分布的过程,并且与基于共轭先验分布的理论方法进行比较,通过实例发现,基于蒙特卡罗确定质量特性参数统计值的方法与理论的共轭先验分布方法能达到相同的控制效果,并且蒙特卡罗方法不需要假设质量特性参数的先验分布,在实际的生产中具有较好的普适性。  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗方法在微波功率测量不确定度分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔孝海  曲璐 《计量学报》2008,29(1):77-79
蒙特卡罗方法是一种统计模拟的方法,近年来国际上将其应用于计量学中的不确定度评定.对蒙特卡罗方法进行了系统的描述,就蒙特卡罗方法在计量中的不确定度分析中的应用进行了详细的论述.采用蒙特卡罗方法对微波功率座的测量问题进行了数学建模及蒙特卡罗仿真,对蒙特卡罗方法进行不确定度分析和评定的原理、步骤进行了阐述.给出了微波功率座校准因子的实测值、仿真值及不确定度评定结果.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation algorithms are given which are intended for the calculation of the spectral emissivity of jets of combustion products of solid-propellant rocket motors (SRM). A distinguishing feature of these algorithms is the inclusion of the rotational structure of the spectrum of combustion products. Analysis is made of the prospects for the use of line-by-line (LBL) methods of calculations of the spectral emissivity and hybrid methods which combine simulation methods with statistical models of rotational-line spectrum.  相似文献   

提出了在使用蒙特卡罗进行B类标准不确定度评定时,利用对偶变量的方差减小技术提高B类不确定度评定的速度和精度的一种算法.  相似文献   

The calculation of dose rates after shutdown is an important issue for operating nuclear reactors. A validated computational tool is needed for reliable dose rate calculations. In fusion reactors neutrons induce high levels of radioactivity and presumably high doses. The complex geometries of the devices require the use of sophisticated geometry modelling and computational tools for transport calculations. Simple rule of thumb laws do not always apply well. Two computational procedures have been developed recently and applied to fusion machines. Comparisons between the two methods showed some inherent discrepancies when applied to calculation for the ITER while good agreement was found for a 14 MeV point source neutron benchmark experiment. Further benchmarks were considered necessary to investigate in more detail the reasons for the different results in different cases. In this frame the application to the Joint European Torus JET machine has been considered as a useful benchmark exercise. In a first calculational benchmark with a representative D-T irradiation history of JET the two methods differed by no more than 25%. In another, more realistic benchmark exercise, which is the subject of this paper, the real irradiation history of D-T and D-D campaigns conducted at JET in 1997-98 were used to calculate the shut-down doses at different locations, irradiation and decay times. Experimental dose data recorded at JET for the same conditions offer the possibility to check the prediction capability of the calculations and thus show the applicability (and the constraints) of the procedures and data to the rather complex shutdown dose rate analysis of real fusion devices. Calculation results obtained by the two methods are reported below, comparison with experimental results give discrepancies ranging between 2 and 10. The reasons of that can be ascribed to the high uncertainty on the experimental data and the unsatisfactory JET model used in the calculation. A new dedicated JET benchmark experiment will be performed trying to solve these issues.  相似文献   

高速飞行器气动光学传输效应的工程计算方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
气动光学传输效应对飞行器光学成像探测系统的性能有着十分重要的影响,它使探测器接受的图像产生偏移、抖动和模糊。文章分析了目标光线通过流场时的光学传输特性,建立了流场光学传输特性的工程计算模型,描述了气动光学传输效应对成像探测系统影响的经验模型。在此基础上,对气动光学传输效应产生的像偏移、抖动和模糊进行了数值仿真,仿真结果表明,气动光学传输效应对成像探测系统的影响与飞行器的飞行参数、成像探测系统参数和探测器积分时间等密切相关。  相似文献   

采用蒙特卡罗模拟方法计算了中能X射线自由空气电离室在入射不同能量光子时的电子损失修正因子.根据此结果,获得中能X射线基准电离室在5个辐射束规范下的电子损失修正因子,为中能X射线空气比释动能的绝对测量和国际比对提供了重要数据.  相似文献   

A novel method is presented for assessing the convergence of a sequence of statistical distributions generated by direct Monte Carlo sampling. The primary application is to assess the mesh or grid convergence, and possibly divergence, of stochastic outputs from non‐linear continuum systems. Example systems include those from fluid or solid mechanics, particularly those with instabilities and sensitive dependence on initial conditions or system parameters. The convergence assessment is based on demonstrating empirically that a sequence of cumulative distribution functions converges in the Linfty norm. The effect of finite sample sizes is quantified using confidence levels from the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic. The statistical method is independent of the underlying distributions. The statistical method is demonstrated using two examples: (1) the logistic map in the chaotic regime, and (2) a fragmenting ductile ring modeled with an explicit‐dynamics finite element code. In the fragmenting ring example the convergence of the distribution describing neck spacing is investigated. The initial yield strength is treated as a random field. Two different random fields are considered, one with spatial correlation and the other without. Both cases converged, albeit to different distributions. The case with spatial correlation exhibited a significantly higher convergence rate compared with the one without spatial correlation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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