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BACKGROUND: The central common pathway, which is the target for ablation in reentrant ventricular tachycardia, can be localized by entrainment mapping techniques. However, localization of the pathway is not always possible because of the elevated pacing threshold and the low voltage and fractionated potentials at the pathway. We examined whether return cycle mapping after entrainment localizes the pathway without pacing at the pathway or recording the potentials from the pathway and determined the required electrode resolution to localize the pathway. METHODS AND RESULTS: Epicardial mapping was performed with 253 unipolar electrodes during and after entrainment of 13 morphologies of ventricular tachycardia that were induced in dogs 4 days after infarction. The return cycle was calculated by subtracting the first activation time from the second activation time after the last stimulus and the return cycle distribution map was constructed for each stimulation site. The return cycle isochrones equal to the ventricular tachycardia cycle length converged on the lines of conduction block irrespective of the stimulation site, and the central common pathway was localized at the region between the intersections of the return cycle isochrones after entrainment from different stimulation sites. The potentials from the central common pathway were not required to localize the pathway, and the mapping accuracy did not change with or without analysis of the potentials from the pathway. According to the correlation between the electrode resolution and the mapping accuracy, an interelectrode distance of 8.5 mm was estimated as sufficient resolution for successful tachycardia termination during radiofrequency ablation guided by return cycle mapping. CONCLUSIONS: Return cycle mapping after entrainment localizes the central common pathway without pacing at the pathway or recording the potentials from the pathway. This new mapping technique could improve the success rate of the ablative procedures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical electrophysiology studies have used, for the most part, models of anatomic reentrant circuits to explain entrainment of ventricular tachycardia. Our studies use activation maps to directly determine mechanisms of entrainment of functional circuits that cause tachycardia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Electrograms were recorded from 192 sites on reentrant circuits in the epicardial border zone of canine myocardial infarcts during sustained ventricular tachycardia. Overdrive stimulation from different sites and at different cycle lengths was investigated. The reentrant circuits were shown to be functional, yet stimulated impulses could enter and repetitively reset the circuits (entrainment), demonstrating the presence of an excitable gap. Entrainment could occur from different stimulation sites with the stimulated impulses from each site activating the circuit with a different pattern. Entrainment, however, did not occur when the stimulated wave fronts obliterated the lines of functional block in the circuit. Fusion on the ECG occurred during entrainment when the stimulated impulses activated the ventricles concurrently with a previous stimulated impulse leaving the reentrant circuit at a different site. The first postpacing QRS was captured but not fused because it was caused by the last stimulated impulse emerging from the circuit. The first postpacing cycle length on the ECG was either equal to or longer than the overdrive cycle length depending on whether there was a fusion QRS during overdrive. The first postpacing cycle length at sites in the reentrant circuit equaled the pacing cycle length. At an appropriately short overdrive cycle length, stimulated impulses blocked in the circuit to terminate reentry. CONCLUSIONS: Functional reentrant circuits causing ventricular tachycardia can be reset and entrained. Activation maps directly show the mechanisms.  相似文献   

Procainamide depresses conduction velocity and prolongs refractoriness in myocardium responsible for reentrant VT, but the mechanism by which the induction of VT is suppressed after procainamide administration remains to be determined. In the present study, the relationship between electrophysiological parameters and the noninducibility of VT was assessed during procainamide therapy with a special reference to the change of an excitable gap. Clinically documented monomorphic sustained VT was induced in 30 patients and, utilizing the phenomenon of transient entrainment, the zone of entrainment was measured as the difference between the cycle length of VT and the longest paced cycle length interrupting VT (block cycle length) which was determined as the paced cycle length decreased in steps of 10 ms, and used as an index of the excitable gap. The effective refractory period was measured at the pacing site and the paced QRS duration was used as an index of the global conduction time in the ventricle. The cycle length of VT, the block cycle length, and the width of the zone of entrainment were determined and compared between the responders and nonresponders. In 15 patients, these parameters were determined at the intermediate dose and related to subsequent noninducibility at the final dose. At the final doses of procainamide, VT was suppressed in 8 (26.7%) of 30 patients. However, the cycle length of VT, the block cycle length, and the width of the zone of entrainment were unable to predict the drug efficacy, i.e., noninducibility. The change in the effective refractory period at the pacing site or the width of the paced QRS duration was not different between the responders and nonresponders. Among the variables, only the width of the zone of entrainment showed a significant narrowing in the responders at the intermediate dose of procainamide, and it was smaller than that of the nonresponders. The significant narrowing of the width of the zone of entrainment was associated with the subsequent noninducibility of VT at the final dose. The present study showed that the baseline cycle length of VT, the block cycle length, the drug induced change of the effective refractory period, or the paced QRS duration was not a predictor of the noninducibility after procainamide administration. However, a significant narrowing of the width of the zone of entrainment at the intermediate dose was associated with the noninducibility of VT at the final dose.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Postinfarction ventricular tachycardia (VT), anteroseptal aneurysm, and ventricular dysfunction are commonly associated and predict a poor long-term prognosis. Surgical left ventricular reconstruction, which includes double plication of the anterior and septal wall, can improve ventricular function. This article analyzes the long-term efficacy of such a procedure to control recurrence of VT in a group of 50 consecutive patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study group consisted of 50 consecutive patients operated on between December 1986 and December 1994. The group comprised 44 men and 6 women. The mean age was 56+/-11 years. All patients had spontaneous VT following an anterior myocardial infarction. Twenty-five patients had two or more episodes of VT (eight presented as cardiac arrest, nine as syncope). Coronary artery disease was limited to the left anterior descending artery in 27 patients. An anteroseptal aneurysm was present in 49 patients. All patients had VT induced by programmed ventricular stimulation before surgery, and left ventricular reconstruction was performed without intraoperative mapping in all cases. Total mortality, VT recurrence, and sudden death rate were the endpoints of the study. In-hospital mortality was 8%. Postoperative left ventricular ejection fraction improved from 0.38 to 0.50 (P<0.05). Only two patients had postoperative inducible VT. Overall survival, VT recurrence rate, and sudden death rate were 73%, 12%, and 10%, respectively, after a median follow-up period of 6.25 years (0 to 8 years). CONCLUSION: Visually guided left ventricular reconstruction with septal and anterior wall plicature can be utilized effectively to treat recurrent VT associated with postinfarction anteroseptal aneurysm.  相似文献   

Isolated right ventricular aneurysms are rare. Postinfarction right ventricular aneurysm associated with a ventricular septal defect is a very unusual complication. We present such a case that was successfully treated surgically.  相似文献   

We report a case of verapamil-sensitive idiopathic ventricular tachycardia in which a mid-diastolic potential (MDP) 45 msec preceding the Purkinje potential (P potential) was recorded. Pacing during the tachycardia caused concealed entrainment, and the stimulus-QRS interval was equal to the P potential-QRS interval. The interval between the last pacing stimulus and the next P potential (postpacing interval) was longer than the ventricular tachycardia cycle length, but the MDP was orthodromically activated. These findings suggest that the MDP was on the reentrant circuit and the P potential was not on the reentrant circuit, but a bystander.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the reversibility of retrograde ventriculo-atrial block by isoproterenol in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). DESIGN: Three case reports and their electrophysiological features. PATIENTS: Three patients with documented or suspected paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. INTERVENTIONS: At routine electrophysiology study, no supraventricular tachycardia was inducible in the baseline state. Infusion of isoproterenol (1 to 5 micrograms/min) was given and stimulation procedures were repeated. RESULTS: At baseline, all three patients had discontinuous antegrade atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction, but very poor (two patients) or absent (one patient) ventriculo atrial conduction prevented induction of AVNRT. During infusion of isoproterenol, retrograde conduction was enhanced so that 1:1 retrograde occurred to cycle lengths of 300, 340 and 260 ms. AVNRT was then inducible in all patients, reproducing their clinical symptoms. CONCLUSION: Absent or poor ventriculo-atrial conduction in patients with suspected AV node reentry does not preclude the development of tachycardia with sympathomimetic enhancement. Isoproterenol should be given to attempt reversal of retrograde block in these patients.  相似文献   

A case history of a 38 year old teacher with AVNRT is described. She had been treated for 11 years with 11 antiarrhythmic drugs in various combinations. No treatment prevented recurrence of arrhythmia. During long term treatment with class IA, IC, II, III and IV antiarrhythmic drugs, various side effects occurred. There was also suspicion of proarrhythmic effect, especially of prajmaline. Some of the drugs terminated tachycardia while administered intravenously. But often deep hypotonia, heart automatism disturbances and even asystole occurred, MAS syndrome occurred 5 times. The patient was referred to our laboratory to perform percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of the slow pathway. The procedure was performed without any complications. Efficacy of the ablation was proved by electrophysiologic study before and after intravenous atropine administration. During the 11 months follow-up the patient had no tachycardia. She is on no antiarrhythmic medication and continues her normal activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of breech labor management using the WHO partograph on fetal and maternal outcomes of labor. METHOD: All 1,740 breech presentations in a larger multicenter hospital-based study in South East Asia of the use of the WHO partograph in labor management were studied. The partograph was introduced into each hospital during the study and a before and after analysis of various labor outcomes was conducted. RESULTS: There were 923 breech presentations prior to implementation of the partograph and 817 after. The overall Cesarean section rate was 29.7% (21.6% emergency and 7.6% elective). Introducing the partograph reduced Cesarean sections for multigravida from 27.1% to 19.3% (non-significant) but had no impact on the rate for primigravida (38.5% to 38.7%). Prolonged labor (> 18 hours) was reduced significantly among multigravida and primigravida (p < 0.05), despite a reduced use of oxytocin. Intrapartum stillbirths fell (non-significantly) from 1.9% to 1.1% (all parities combined). Fetal outcome, as measured by intrapartum deaths and Apgar scores < 7 at 1 minute, was significantly better (P < 0.05) when delivery was by Cesarean section rather than vaginally, regardless of use of the partograph. CONCLUSION: The use of the WHO partograph in the management of breech labor reduces prolonged labor and (among multigravida) Cesarean sections and improves fetal outcome. In this study, however, Cesarean section was a safer method of delivery for the baby, regardless of use of the partograph.  相似文献   

In patients with congenital heart disease who have undergone palliative surgical interventions postoperative arrhythmias frequently complicate the clinical course. Intraatrial reentrant tachycardias (IARTs) are one of the most common forms of postoperative arrhythmias in these patients and can lead to significant morbidity and even mortality. Drug therapy and/or antitachycardia pacing have been disappointing. Ablative therapy with radiofrequency energy offers a potential for cure for these patients but the conventional approach using multielectrode recordings and fluoroscopic guidance is technically difficult and provides limited success. Recent development of a novel nonfluoroscopic technology with electroanatomical mapping using the CARTO mapping/ablation system has shown promising results in defining the arrhythmia circuit, facilitating diagnosis, and guiding ablative therapy. Based on our preliminary experience, a systematic approach to postoperative IART using electroanatomical mapping is described. Further studies are needed to fully evaluate the impact of this new technology on the management and therapy of IART.  相似文献   

In two patients, ventricular parasystole (VP) was associated with ventricular tachycardia (VT), and in one patient, catheter ablation was successful. In patient 1, with dilated cardiomyopathy, VP led to VT, which converted to ventricular fibrillation. In patient 2, VP led to symptomatic nonsustained polymorphic VT. The origin of parasystolic focus was determined by endocardial mapping, and a radiofrequency current was delivered to patient 2. Both VP and VT disappeared immediately, and no recurrence has been observed during a follow-up of 8 months. Catheter ablation to the parasystolic focus was effective and a relationship between VP and VT was strongly suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to prospectively compare in random fashion an anatomic and an electrogram mapping approach for ablation of the slow pathway of atrioventricular (AV) node reentrant tachycardia. BACKGROUND: Ablation of the slow pathway in patients with AV node reentrant tachycardia can be performed by using either an anatomic or an electrogram mapping approach to identify target sites for ablation. These two approaches have never been compared prospectively. METHODS: Fifty consecutive patients with typical AV node reentrant tachycardia were randomly assigned to undergo either an anatomic or an electrogram mapping approach for ablation of the slow AV node pathway. In 25 patients randomly assigned to the anatomic approach, sequential radiofrequency energy applications were delivered along the tricuspid annulus from the level of the coronary sinus ostium to the His bundle position. In 25 patients assigned to the electrogram mapping approach, target sites along the posteromedial tricuspid annulus near the coronary sinus ostium were sought where there was a multicomponent atrial electrogram or evidence of a possible slow pathway potential. If the initial approach was ineffective after 12 radiofrequency energy applications, the alternative approach was then used. RESULTS: The anatomic approach was effective in 21 (84%) of 25 patients, and the electrogram mapping approach was effective in all 25 patients (100%) randomly assigned to this technique (p = 0.1). The four patients with an ineffective anatomic approach had a successful outcome with the electrogram mapping approach. On the basis of intention to treat analysis, there were no significant differences between the electrogram mapping approach and the anatomic approach with respect to the time required for ablation (28 +/- 21 and 31 +/- 31 min, respectively, mean +/- SD, p = 0.7) duration of fluoroscopic exposure (27 +/- 20 and 27 +/- 18 min, respectively, p = 0.9) or mean number of radiofrequency applications delivered (6.3 +/- 3.9 vs. 7.2 +/- 8.0, p = 0.6). With both the anatomic and electrogram mapping approaches, the atrial electrogram duration and number of peaks in the atrial electrogram were significantly greater at successful target sites than at unsuccessful target sites. CONCLUSIONS: The anatomic and electrogram mapping approaches for ablation of the slow AV nodal pathway are comparable in efficacy and duration. If the anatomic approach is initially attempted and fails, the electrogram mapping approach may be successful at sites outside the areas targeted in the anatomic approach. With both the anatomic and electrogram mapping approaches, there are significant differences in the atrial electrogram configuration between successful and unsuccessful target sites.  相似文献   

Bone marrow cells from 15 patients with normal deoxyuridine (dU) suppression test results, 3 healthy subjects, and 11 patients with megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 or folate deficiency were examined for misincorporation of uracil into DNA. Cells were incubated with [5-3H] uridine for 2 hours and their DNA extracted. The DNA was hydrolyzed to deoxyribonucleosides with DNase 1, phosphodiesterase and alkaline phosphatase, and any dU present was separated from other deoxyribonucleosides by Aminex A6 chromatography. The quantity of dU/mg DNA and the radioactivity in the dU peak/mg DNA were then calculated. The results clearly showed that there was markedly increased uracil misincorporation into the DNA of vitamin B12- or folate-deficient marrow cells. Misincorporation of uracil into DNA may be an important biochemical lesion underlying both the megaloblastic change and the ineffectiveness of hematopoiesis in vitamin B12 and folate deficiency.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Localization of early activated endocardial areas during ventricular tachycardia (VT) is mandatory for performance of surgical or radiofrequency catheter interventions. The use of a multielectrode catheter may shorten the procedure time and increase the accuracy of the procedure compared with single-electrode mapping techniques. This study was performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a 32-bipolar-electrode mapping catheter in patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: The basket-shaped mapping catheter (BMC), integrated with a computerized mapping system, allowed on-line reconstruction of endocardial activation maps. Twenty patients with VT were studied before surgery (n=4) or radiofrequency catheter ablation (n=16). End-diastolic left ventricular (LV) volume was 280+/-120 mL, with an LV ejection fraction of 33+/-14%. The volume encompassed by the BMC was 164+/-27 mL (130 to 200 mL); the deployment time was 46+/-11 minutes. Endocardial activation time during sinus rhythm was 105+/-34 ms; 14+/-5 electrodes could be used to stimulate the heart. Cycle length of VT was 325+/-83 ms. Earliest endocardial activation was recorded 58+/-42 ms before the onset of the surface ECG. Complications were pericardial effusion (n=2) and transient cerebral disorientation (n=1). CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous multielectrode endocardial mapping in patients with VT is feasible and relatively safe. The use of this technique shortens the time patients have to endure VT.  相似文献   

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