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转基因食品安全性的争议由来已久,这场争议与消费者、生物技术公司、政府管理者、非政府组织和科学家都密切相关,其主要核心包括转基因食品的上市标注、政府管理者的责任、相关科学研究的目的、转基因作物对环境和健康的影响、对害虫抗药性的影响、对农业生产者的影响和转基因作物对满足全球粮食需求的作用。在风险社会下,转基因食品安全不仅关系着广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,还影响着经济发展与社会稳定,因此需要健全转基因食品安全风险规制体制。本文从转基因食品风险规制路径入手,分析了市场、科学、民主3种风险规制路径的优缺点,再从中国的实际情况出发,结合中国转基因食品的背景以及相关法律法规以及费雪的行政宪政主义,提出了适合中国的转基因风险规制的有效路径,从而在公众对转基因食品安全质疑的情况下,对其进行有效的风险规制,以期为通过法律监管手段提升转基因食品的安全性监管提供理论依据,并为中国转基因食品的风险规制路径的完善提出建议。  相似文献   

食品添加剂的规范和管理是关系食品安全的一项重要内容。美国对于食品添加剂的生产、销售和使用,有着严格的法律规范,形成了一套较为完备的管理办法和措施。本文通过对比中美两国关于食品添加剂的法律法规、标准体系以及监管体系,为完善我国食品添加剂法律规制提供借鉴。本文第一部分主要介绍了美国食品添加剂法律规制的现状,包括美国较为完备的立法体系及严格的监管模式。第二部分分析我国在《食品安全法》为核心的法律体系下食品添加剂法律规制的现状及问题。肯定了我国《食品安全法》对于食品安全监管的重要作用,同时也指出现阶段我国食品添加剂的滥用和误用、违法使用标识、食品添加剂安全标准有待完善、监管机制存在弊端等问题。第三部分通过立法和监管两个层面对中美两国食品添加剂法律规制进行对比研究。从比较法的视野对我国食品添加剂法律规制提出了完善建议,主要包括强化监管执法力度、加强风险评估、完善安全标准和整合监管部门。  相似文献   

我国正处于经济快速发展的重要时期,人们对于生活质量提出更高标准,食品安全已经成为社会关注的重点话题。本文以2021年总膳食研究消费量作为研究数据,通过简单分布法分析我国居民常用食品添加剂使用情况,配合危害指数(HI)法做食品添加剂的累积风险评估。结果显示,食品添加剂大多以多元形式应用,食品添加剂的二元组合、三元组合、四元组合的累积风险较低,不会对我国居民身体健康造成严重威胁。  相似文献   

为了解食品添加剂纳他霉素的安全性,为相关食品安全国家标准修订和食品添加剂行政许可等管理措施提供依据,本研究按照国际通用的食品添加剂风险评估原则和方法,用2002年全国居民营养调查数据作为我国居民食物摄入量数据,以国家标准规定的使用规定作为食品中纳他霉素的含量数据,开展了纳他霉素作为食品添加剂的风险评估工作,结果显示我国居民纳他霉素的膳食摄入量远远低于其每日允许摄入量(ADI),按照国家标准规定使用该添加剂是安全的。  相似文献   

目的 了解佛手凉果食品添加剂的残留水平并评估其人群暴露风险。方法 以国标方法测定佛手凉果中二氧化硫、亚硝酸盐、甜蜜素和三氯蔗糖4种食品添加剂的残留量, 采用点评估方式评价佛手凉果添加剂的暴露水平。结果 二氧化硫、亚硝酸盐、甜蜜素和三氯蔗糖的残留范围分别为2.03~35.34、0.50~1.89、5.00~803.78和1.25~146.94 mg/kg, 4种添加剂的残留量均没超过GB 2760-2014和GB 2762-2017中的相关限量, 4种添加剂的风险指数(risk index, RI)均小于1。结论 4种添加剂的暴露风险较低, 但仍不可忽视在凉果生产消费中对4种添加剂的安全风险管理。  相似文献   

目的 针对《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》(GB 2760—2014)中具有每日允许摄入量(ADI)值和最大使用量的着色剂,开展理论风险评估,了解其使用的安全性和人体健康风险。方法 首先使用丹麦预算法计算着色剂的理论每日最大摄入量。对于预算法评估发现摄入量超过ADI的着色剂,进一步利用我国2012年总膳食研究的食物消费量数据和GB 2760—2014中着色剂的最大使用量,采用简单分布评估法开展理论风险评估。结果 本研究共筛选出21种具有数值型ADI和最大使用限量的着色剂。预算法评估发现其中有15种每日摄入量高于ADI。对这15种着色剂进一步开展简单分布评估,显示我国一般人群的每日平均摄入量均低于ADI,但有2种着色剂的高食物量消费人群(P95)摄入量超过其ADI;消费人群的每日平均摄入量也均低于ADI,但有8种着色剂的P95摄入量超过其ADI。结论 我国批准使用的大部分着色剂在我国人群中的摄入量较低,风险处于可接受水平,但仍有少部分着色剂的高食物量消费人群的每日理论摄入量超过ADI,需要进一步摸清这些着色剂在食品中的实际含量后开展更精确的风险评估,从而确定其对我国人群的健康风险水...  相似文献   

刘丽霞 《食品与机械》2021,37(12):76-79,131
通过对比研究美国、欧盟、日本、澳大利亚等国的转基因食品的法律规制,分析其各自模式特点,并认真研究制度差异成因,寻求完善中国转基因食品风险法律规制途径。  相似文献   

部分食品企业利用消费者对食品添加剂的忧虑心理,把"不添加或不含有食品添加剂"作为噱头,通过食品标识大肆炒作。食品添加剂反面标识属于自愿标识,是食品企业商业言论自由权的表现形式,但在经济利益驱动下食品企业极易滥用权利。食品添加剂反面标识的泛滥,严重损害了消费者、竞争者的合法权益,扰乱食品市场秩序,阻碍食品添加剂产业发展,亟需有效法律规制。食品添加剂反面标识法律规制的现实基础是其严重的社会危害性,法理基础是权利不得滥用。目前,我国对食品添加剂反面标识的法律规制存在制度缺失、维权困难、责任过轻、执法不力等诸多缺陷,应当通过健全食品标识管理制度、食品安全信用档案公开制度、食品违法行为举报奖励制度、食品标识监管制度等予以完善。  相似文献   

食品微生物风险评估一直是国际上食品安全研究的热点。食源性致病菌引起的食品安全风险是全球性问题,发展中国家面临的情况更为严峻,我国政府高度重视食品安全工作,不断加强风险分析体系能力建设。从2010年以来,国家食品安全调查数据提示致病微生物导致的食物中毒事件的报告数一直高于化学性危害和有毒动植物造成的危害。因此加强我国微生物定量风险评估以减少与发达国家的差距,从国家层面上势在必行。  相似文献   

目的 为对湖北省食品中添加剂进行风险分析,为相关部门制定管理措施提供依据,降低食品安全潜在的危害因素及概率.方法 本文主要运用水晶球软件,应用蒙特卡洛模拟法,对湖北省食品中甜蜜素和安赛蜜的每日平均暴露量和风险概率进行评估.结果 腌菜制品中甜蜜素的每日平均暴露量和风险熵最高,分别为3.98E-4 g/kg·BW·d和0....  相似文献   

Powdered henna leaf as used as a cosmetic in the Middle East has been tested for its antimicrobial qualities against a series of common organisms. It has been shown to be effective against bacteria and some common fungi, but to have only limited potency against Candida albicans and Trichosporon beigelii. Le henne utilisé comme agent anti-microbien La poudre de henné, préparée à partir des feuilles séchées de Lawsonia inermis, est largement utilisée comme produit cosmétique au Moyen et en Extrěme-Orient. Elle a également une longue renommée en tant qu'agent antiseptique et conservateur, utilisée par les pharaons égyptiens pour la conservation des momies. Le henné est également connu pour de prévenir l'infection de la peau et du cuir chevelu. C'est pourquoi il a été décidé de tester son pouvoir d'inhibition sur les germes pathogènes communs en laboratoire. On a d'abord testé la stérilité de la poudre de henné; on a trouvé qu'elle contenait à la fois des bacilles non-pathogènes et l'Aspergillus niger, mais aucun autre microbe pathogène humain reconnu. On a démontré qu'une suspension de 10% de poudre de henné sèche du commerce dans de l'eau distillée stérile inhibe la prolifération de Pseudomonas pyocyanea, Escherichia coli, Straphylococcus aureus, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis et Trichophyton mentagrophytes en culture. Le succès a été moins flagrant pour inhiber la prolifération des Trichosporon beigelii et l'opération a échoué pour le Candida Albicans. Le henné utilisé en solution sur la peau humaine perd ses propriétés inhibitrices à l'encontre des germes précités. On en a donc conclu que le henné a des propriétés anti-microbiennes, mais avec un spectre limité.  相似文献   

Throughout the last decades of the 20th century, the biological threat evolved from primarily a government-controlled weapon to a tool of terrorism. One of the consequences of this trend is the near impossibility of foreseeing when and how an act of bioterrorism will occur. The suitability of food products for such an act stems from the multitude of microorganisms that may be used for contamination and the vulnerability of the products during and after processing. Tests that would enable the detection of a large variety of microorganisms quickly, reliably, and economically should also provide satisfactory means to prevent acts of malicious biocontamination of food products. Until such means become available, a priority-based approach to the problem is probably the most practical. Priorities should be determined based on a systematic risk assessment to define the relative likelihood of a certain microorganism being used in an act of malicious food contamination. Criteria to be evaluated are availability, weaponization processes, delivery of an effective dose, probability of early detection, and the microorganism's resistance to the conditions to which it will be exposed. Because the results of such an assessment may vary according to prevailing conditions, the assessment must be based on the existing circumstances. The results of the assessment should then be applied to the various procedures of food processing, which should further reduce the number of potential microbial threats. Existing methods of screening food for contaminating microorganisms and existing food safety and security procedures such as hazard analysis and critical control point programs may have to be modified to become suitable for the detection of acts of bioterrorism.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, occur widely on many staple foods and cause a broad range of detrimental health effects in animals and humans. As a consequence, maximum tolerated levels (MTLs) have been legislated in many countries. However, in developing countries where food safety compliance can be low and significant levels of the food supply are locally consumed by the producers or purchased at local markets, more comprehensive strategies are required. In this regard, risk analysis with its components of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, is an important tool in dealing with food safety issues. Risk assessment for aflatoxin B1 in Africa has been performed using the carcinogenic potency, established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and applying it to typical food products and consumption across the continent, to illustrate the significant health implications caused by the intake of high levels of contaminated foods. Highlighted in this assessment is the fact that even low levels of contamination, which might of themselves fall within legislated limits, can have serious health implications due to high levels of consumption, i.e. meeting a MTL does not of itself guarantee food safety. Recent developments have highlighted the growth retardation and immune suppression caused by aflatoxin exposure in human populations in west Africa. Using the limited data available on both these health effects, a first step has been taken to incorporate them into a risk assessment paradigm quantifying the risk of immunosuppression, malnutrition and stunting in children exposed to aflatoxins and highlighting again how excessive consumption of foods meeting MTLs can carry significant health risks.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of aflatoxins in food in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, occur widely on many staple foods and cause a broad range of detrimental health effects in animals and humans. As a consequence, maximum tolerated levels (MTLs) have been legislated in many countries. However, in developing countries where food safety compliance can be low and significant levels of the food supply are locally consumed by the producers or purchased at local markets, more comprehensive strategies are required. In this regard, risk analysis with its components of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, is an important tool in dealing with food safety issues. Risk assessment for aflatoxin B(1) in Africa has been performed using the carcinogenic potency, established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and applying it to typical food products and consumption across the continent, to illustrate the significant health implications caused by the intake of high levels of contaminated foods. Highlighted in this assessment is the fact that even low levels of contamination, which might of themselves fall within legislated limits, can have serious health implications due to high levels of consumption, i.e. meeting a MTL does not of itself guarantee food safety. Recent developments have highlighted the growth retardation and immune suppression caused by aflatoxin exposure in human populations in west Africa. Using the limited data available on both these health effects, a first step has been taken to incorporate them into a risk assessment paradigm quantifying the risk of immunosuppression, malnutrition and stunting in children exposed to aflatoxins and highlighting again how excessive consumption of foods meeting MTLs can carry significant health risks.  相似文献   

Active packaging materials able to release antimicrobial compounds into foodstuff can be used in order to avoid or slow down the bacterial growth during storage. In this work the use of two techniques to control the release of the chosen active compound (lysozyme) from a polymeric material into the foodstuff is proposed: a monolayer cross-linked PVOH film and a multilayer structure made of cross-linked PVOH layers are developed and studied. Lysozyme release tests into water were performed in order to compare the release kinetics from the investigated films. Results suggest that by means of both structures it is possible to control the rate at which lysozyme is released from the PVOH film. The antimicrobial activity of lysozyme released from the investigated films was tested against a suspension of Micrococcus lysodeikticus. Results show that the incorporation of lysozyme into PVOH does not lead to a loss of activity of the enzyme.

Industrial relevance

The increased use of gently processed foods requires packaging to be an integral part of the preservation concept. Consequently additional antimicrobial activity from the packaging material can aid in shelf life extension.This paper concentrates on the release rate of lysozyme, a naturally occuring antimicrobial agent (eg. salvia, mothers milk, raw milk), from multilayer films. A comperision of mono- and multilayer films containing lysozyme regarding their effectiveness on M. lysodeikticus as target organism was also performed. Both aims were met leading to a controlled release of lysozyme with no loss of activity.  相似文献   

基于防腐防霉剂构效关系研究,合成出一种具有α、β-不饱和羰基结构的新型食品抗菌剂——富马酸甘油甲酯(GMF),并对其进行抗菌活性研究,结果表明,GMF抑菌谱较广,对常见的细菌、酵母均具有较强的抑制作用,可以有效延长其生长适应期,且效果优于常用抗菌刑苯甲酸,此外,GMF在不同pH条件下均能表现出良好的抗菌活性,是一种具有广阔开发前景的抗菌剂.  相似文献   

壬基酚是目前最受关注的环境激素之一,由于其常被用作塑料增塑剂,因此有可能残留于塑料食品包装材料中,对消费者健康造成影响。基于风险评估的基本步骤,对壬基酚的毒理学性质进行了综述,并结合从市场上采集的30种食品包装材料中壬基酚迁移量的检测结果,对目前我国塑料食品包装材料中壬基酚对消费者的健康影响进行了风险评估,结果发现,存在一定的风险,需要采取相应的风险控制措施。  相似文献   

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