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Bacteria have evolved an array of mechanisms enabling them to resist the inhibitory effect of antibiotics, a significant proportion of which target the ribosome. Indeed, resistance mechanisms have been identified for nearly every antibiotic that is currently used in clinical practice. With the ever-increasing list of multi-drug-resistant pathogens and very few novel antibiotics in the pharmaceutical pipeline, treatable infections are likely to become life-threatening once again. Most of the prevalent resistance mechanisms are well understood and their clinical significance is recognized. In contrast, ribosome protection protein-mediated resistance has flown under the radar for a long time and has been considered a minor factor in the clinical setting. Not until the recent discovery of the ATP-binding cassette family F protein-mediated resistance in an extensive list of human pathogens has the significance of ribosome protection proteins been truly appreciated. Understanding the underlying resistance mechanism has the potential to guide the development of novel therapeutic approaches to evade or overcome the resistance. In this review, we discuss the latest developments regarding ribosome protection proteins focusing on the current antimicrobial arsenal and pharmaceutical pipeline as well as potential implications for the future of fighting bacterial infections in the time of “superbugs.”  相似文献   

The special issue “Antimicrobial Polymers” includes research and review papers concerning the recent advances on preparation of antimicrobial polymers and their relevance to industrial settings and biomedical field. Antimicrobial polymers have recently emerged as promising candidates to fight microbial contamination onto surfaces thanks to their interesting properties. In this special issue, the main strategies pursued for developing antimicrobial polymers, including polymer impregnation with antimicrobial agents or synthesis of polymers bearing antimicrobial moieties, were discussed. The future application of these polymers either in industrial or healthcare settings could result in an extremely positive impact not only at the economic level but also for the improvement of quality of life.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the biological and clinical implication of the Recruitment-Secretory Block (“R-SB”) phenomenon. The phenomenon refers to the reaction of the liver with regard to protein secretion in conditions of clinical stimulation. Our basic knowledge of the process is due to the experimental work in animal models. Under basal conditions, the protein synthesis is mainly carried out by periportal (zone 1) hepatocytes that are considered the “professional” synthesizing protein cells. Under stimulation, midlobular and centrolobular (zones 2 and 3) hepatocytes, are progressively recruited according to lobular gradients and contribute to the increase of synthesis and secretion. The block of secretion, operated by exogenous agents, causes intracellular retention of all secretory proteins. The Pi MZ phenotype of Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) has turned out to be the key for in vivo studies of the reaction of the liver, as synthesis and block of secretion are concomitant. Indeed, the M fraction of AAT is stimulated for synthesis and regularly exported while the Z fraction is mostly retained within the cell. For that reason, the phenomenon has been designated “Recruitment-Secretory Block” (“R-SB”). The “R-SB” phenomenon explains why: (a) the MZ individuals can correct the serum deficiency; (b) the resulting immonohistochemical and electron microscopic (EM) patterns are very peculiar and specific for the diagnosis of the Z mutation in tissue sections in the absence of genotyping; (c) the term carrier is no longer applicable for the heterozygous condition as all Pi MZ individuals undergo storage and the storage predisposes to liver damage. The storage represents the true elementary lesion and consequently reflects the phenotype-genotype correlation; (d) the site and function of the extrahepatic AAT and the relationship between intra and extracellular AAT; (e) last but not least, the concept of Endoplasmic Reticulum Storage Disease (ERSD) and of a new disease, hereditary hypofibrinogenemia with hepatic storage (HHHS). In the light of the emerging phenomenon, described in vitro, namely that M and Z AAT can form heteropolymers within hepatocytes as well as in circulation, we have reviewed the whole clinical and experimental material collected during forty years, in order to evaluate to what extent the polymerization phenomenon occurs in vivo. The paper summarizes similarities and differences between AAT and Fibrinogen as well as between the related diseases, AATD and HHHS. Indeed, fibrinogen gamma chain mutations undergo an aggregation process within the RER of hepatocytes similar to AATD. In addition, this work has clarified the intriguing phenomenon underlying a new syndrome, hereditary hypofibrinogenemia and hypo-APO-B-lipoproteinemia with hepatic storage of fibrinogen and APO-B lipoproteins. It is hoped that these studies could contribute to future research and select strategies aimed to simultaneously correct the hepatocytic storage, thus preventing the liver damage and the plasma deficiency of the two proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling is widely utilized in subjects including but not limited to physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and engineering. Impressive progress has been made in development of theories, algorithms and software packages. To divide and conquer, and to cache intermediate results have been long standing principles in development of algorithms. Not surprisingly, most important methodological advancements in more than half century of molecular modeling are various implementations of these two fundamental principles. In the mainstream classical computational molecular science, tremendous efforts have been invested on two lines of algorithm development. The first is coarse graining, which is to represent multiple basic particles in higher resolution modeling as a single larger and softer particle in lower resolution counterpart, with resulting force fields of partial transferability at the expense of some information loss. The second is enhanced sampling, which realizes “dividing and conquering” and/or “caching” in configurational space with focus either on reaction coordinates and collective variables as in metadynamics and related algorithms, or on the transition matrix and state discretization as in Markov state models. For this line of algorithms, spatial resolution is maintained but results are not transferable. Deep learning has been utilized to realize more efficient and accurate ways of “dividing and conquering” and “caching” along these two lines of algorithmic research. We proposed and demonstrated the local free energy landscape approach, a new framework for classical computational molecular science. This framework is based on a third class of algorithm that facilitates molecular modeling through partially transferable in resolution “caching” of distributions for local clusters of molecular degrees of freedom. Differences, connections and potential interactions among these three algorithmic directions are discussed, with the hope to stimulate development of more elegant, efficient and reliable formulations and algorithms for “dividing and conquering” and “caching” in complex molecular systems.  相似文献   

The gut microbiota plays a number of important roles including digestion, metabolism, extraction of nutrients, synthesis of vitamins, prevention against pathogen colonization, and modulation of the immune system. Alterations or changes in composition and biodiversity of the gut microbiota have been associated with many gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer. Recent evidence suggests that altered composition and diversity of gut microbiota may play a role in the increased prevalence of metabolic diseases. This review article has two main objectives. First, it underscores approaches (such as probiotics, prebiotics, antimicrobial agents, bariatric surgery, and weight loss strategies) and their prospects in modulating the gut microbiota in the management of metabolic diseases. Second, it highlights some of the current challenges and discusses areas of future research as it relates to the gut microbiota and metabolic diseases. The prospect of modulating the gut microbiota seems promising. However, considering that research investigating the role of gut microbiota in metabolic diseases is still in its infancy, more rigorous and well-designed in vitro, animal and clinical studies are needed.  相似文献   

With cardiovascular diseases affecting millions of patients, new treatment strategies are urgently needed. The use of stem cell based approaches has been investigated during the last decades and promising effects have been achieved. However, the beneficial effect of stem cells has been found to being partly due to paracrine functions by alterations of their microenvironment and so an interesting field of research, the “stem- less” approaches has emerged over the last years using or altering the microenvironment, for example, via deletion of senescent cells, application of micro RNAs or by modifying the cellular energy metabolism via targeting mitochondria. Using autologous muscle-derived mitochondria for transplantations into the affected tissues has resulted in promising reports of improvements of cardiac functions in vitro and in vivo. However, since the targeted treatment group represents mainly elderly or otherwise sick patients, it is unclear whether and to what extent autologous mitochondria would exert their beneficial effects in these cases. Stem cells might represent better sources for mitochondria and could enhance the effect of mitochondrial transplantations. Therefore in this review we aim to provide an overview on aging effects of stem cells and mitochondria which might be important for mitochondrial transplantation and to give an overview on the current state in this field together with considerations worthwhile for further investigations.  相似文献   

Recent pieces of evidence have emerged on the relevance of microorganisms in modulating responses to anticancer treatments and reshaping the tumor-immune microenvironment. On the one hand, many studies have addressed the role of the gut microbiota, providing interesting correlative findings with respect to etiopathogenesis and treatment responses. On the other hand, intra-tumoral bacteria are being recognized as intrinsic and essential components of the cancer microenvironment, able to promote a plethora of tumor-related aspects from cancer growth to resistance to chemotherapy. These elements will be probably more and more valuable in the coming years in early diagnosis and risk stratification. Furthermore, microbial-targeted intervention strategies may be used as adjuvants to current therapies to improve therapeutic responses and overall survival. This review focuses on new insights and therapeutic approaches that are dawning against pancreatic cancer: a neoplasm that arises in a central metabolic “hub” interfaced between the gut and the host.  相似文献   

Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs), such as inflammatory bowel diseases and inflammatory arthritis (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis), are marked by increasing worldwide incidence rates. Apart from irreversible damage of the affected tissue, the systemic nature of these diseases heightens the incidence of cardiovascular insults and colitis-associated neoplasia. Only 40–60% of patients respond to currently used standard-of-care immunotherapies. In addition to this limited long-term effectiveness, all current therapies have to be given on a lifelong basis as they are unable to specifically reprogram the inflammatory process and thus achieve a true cure of the disease. On the other hand, the development of various OMICs technologies is considered as “the great hope” for improving the treatment of IMIDs. This review sheds light on the progressive development and the numerous approaches from basic science that gradually lead to the transfer from “bench to bedside” and the implementation into general patient care procedures.  相似文献   

African swine fever (ASF) is a contagious viral hemorrhagic disease of domestic pigs and wild boars. The disease is notifiable to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and is responsible for high mortality and serious economic losses. PCR and real-time PCR (qPCR) are the OIE-recommended standard methods for the direct detection of African swine fever virus (ASFV) DNA. The aim of our work was the simplification and standardization of the molecular diagnostic workflow in the lab. For validation of this “easy lab” workflow, different sample materials from animal trials were collected and analyzed (EDTA blood, serum, oral swabs, chewing ropes, and tissue samples) to identify the optimal sample material for diagnostics in live animals. Based on our data, the EDTA blood samples or bloody tissue samples represent the best specimens for ASFV detection in the early and late phases of infection. The application of prefilled ready-to-use reagents for nucleic acid extraction or the use of a Tissue Lysis Reagent (TLR) delivers simple and reliable alternatives for the release of the ASFV nucleic acids. For the qPCR detection of ASFV, different published and commercial kits were compared. Here, a lyophilized commercial kit shows the best results mainly based on the increased template input. The good results of the “easy lab” strategy could be confirmed by the ASFV detection in field samples from wild boars collected from the 2020 ASFV outbreak in Germany. Appropriate internal control systems for extraction and PCR are key features of the “easy lab” concept and reduce the risk of false-negative and false-positive results. In addition, the use of easy-to-handle machines and software reduces training efforts and the misinterpretation of results. The PCR diagnostics based on the “easy lab” strategy can realize a high sensitivity and specificity comparable to the standard PCR methods and should be especially usable for labs with limited experiences and resources.  相似文献   

The gut microbiome has attracted increasing attention from researchers in recent years. The microbiota can have a specific and complex cross-talk with the host, particularly with the central nervous system (CNS), creating the so-called “gut–brain axis”. Communication between the gut, intestinal microbiota, and the brain involves the secretion of various metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), structural components of bacteria, and signaling molecules. Moreover, an imbalance in the gut microbiota composition modulates the immune system and function of tissue barriers such as the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Therefore, the aim of this literature review is to describe how the gut–brain interplay may contribute to the development of various neurological disorders, combining the fields of gastroenterology and neuroscience. We present recent findings concerning the effect of the altered microbiota on neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as multiple sclerosis. Moreover, the impact of the pathological shift in the microbiome on selected neuropsychological disorders, i.e., major depressive disorders (MDD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is also discussed. Future research on the effect of balanced gut microbiota composition on the gut–brain axis would help to identify new potential opportunities for therapeutic interventions in the presented diseases.  相似文献   

More than a year ago, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, with the world approaching its fourth wave. During this period, vaccines were developed in a much shorter period than thought possible, with the initiation of the pertinent vaccination. However, oral cavities have come under renewed scrutiny worldwide because saliva, a mixture of salivary secretions, pharyngeal secretions, and gingival crevicular fluid, have not only been shown to contain infective viral loads, mediating the route of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via droplet, aerosol, or contagion, but also used as a sample for viral RNA testing with a usefulness comparable to the nasopharyngeal swab. The oral cavity is an important portal for ingress of SARS-CoV-2, being an entryway to the bronchi, alveoli, and rest of the lower respiratory tract, causing inflammation by viral infection. Moreover, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, a host receptor for SARS-CoV-2, coupled with proteases responsible for viral entry have been found to be expressed on the tongue and other oral mucosae, suggesting that the oral cavity is the site of virus replication and propagation. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the aspiration of oral bacteria (such as periodontal pathogens) along with saliva into the lower respiratory tract may be a complicating factor for COVID-19 because chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes are known COVID-19 comorbidities with a greater risk of disease aggravation and higher death rate. These comorbidities have a strong connection to chronic periodontitis and periodontal pathogens, and an oral health management is an effective measure to prevent these comorbidities. In addition, oral bacteria, particularly periodontal pathogens, could be proinflammatory stimulants to respiratory epithelia upon its exposure to aspirated bacteria. Therefore, it may be expected that oral health management not only prevents comorbidities involved in aggravating COVID-19 but also has an effect against COVID-19 progression. This review discusses the significance of oral health management in SARS-CoV-2 infection in the era of “the new normal with COVID-19” and COVID-19 prevention with reference to the hypothetical mechanisms that the authors and the other researchers have proposed.  相似文献   

Glutathione has long been suspected to be the primary low molecular weight compound present in all cells promoting the oxidative protein folding, but twenty years ago it was found “not guilty”. Now, new surprising evidence repeats its request to be the “smoking gun” which reopens the criminal trial revealing the crucial involvement of this tripeptide.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (HSPs), such as HSP27, are ubiquitously expressed molecular chaperones and are essential for cellular homeostasis. The major functions of HSP27 include chaperoning misfolded or unfolded polypeptides and protecting cells from toxic stress. Dysregulation of stress proteins is associated with many human diseases including neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is characterized by the presence of aggregates of α-synuclein in the central and peripheral nervous system, which induces the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and in the autonomic nervous system. Autonomic dysfunction is an important non-motor phenotype of PD, which includes cardiovascular dysregulation, among others. Nowadays, the therapies for PD focus on dopamine (DA) replacement. However, certain non-motor symptoms with a great impact on quality of life do not respond to dopaminergic drugs; therefore, the development and testing of new treatments for non-motor symptoms of PD remain a priority. Since small HSP27 was shown to prevent α-synuclein aggregation and cytotoxicity, this protein might constitute a suitable target to prevent or delay the motor and non-motor symptoms of PD. In the first part of our review, we focus on the cardiovascular dysregulation observed in PD patients. In the second part, we present data on the possible role of HSP27 in preventing the accumulation of amyloid fibrils and aggregated forms of α-synuclein. We also include our own studies, highlighting the possible protective cardiac effects induced by L-DOPA treatment through the enhancement of HSP27 levels and activity.  相似文献   

Regular physical activity in cyclic sports can influence the so-called “angiogenic switch”, which is considered as an imbalance between proangiogenic and anti-angiogenic molecules. Disruption of the synthesis of angiogenic molecules can be caused by local changes in tissues under the influence of excessive physical exertion and its consequences, such as chronic oxidative stress and associated hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, sports injuries, etc. A review of publications on signaling pathways that activate and inhibit angiogenesis in skeletal muscles, myocardium, lung, and nervous tissue under the influence of intense physical activity in cyclic sports. Materials: We searched PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Clinical keys, and e-LIBRARY databases for full-text articles published from 2000 to 2020, using keywords and their combinations. Results: An important aspect of adaptation to training loads in cyclic sports is an increase in the number of capillaries in muscle fibers, which improves the metabolism of skeletal muscles and myocardium, as well as nervous and lung tissue. Recent studies have shown that myocardial endothelial cells not only respond to hemodynamic forces and paracrine signals from neighboring cells, but also take an active part in heart remodeling processes, stimulating the growth and contractility of cardiomyocytes or the production of extracellular matrix proteins in myofibroblasts. As myocardial vascularization plays a central role in the transition from adaptive heart hypertrophy to heart failure, further study of the signaling mechanisms involved in the regulation of angiogenesis in the myocardium is important in sports practice. The study of the “angiogenic switch” problem in the cerebrovascular and cardiovascular systems allows us to claim that the formation of new vessels is mediated by a complex interaction of all growth factors. Although the lungs are one of the limiting systems of the body in cyclic sports, their response to high-intensity loads and other environmental stresses is often overlooked. Airway epithelial cells are the predominant source of several growth factors throughout lung organogenesis and appear to be critical for normal alveolarization, rapid alveolar proliferation, and normal vascular development. There are many controversial questions about the role of growth factors in the physiology and pathology of the lungs. The presented review has demonstrated that when doing sports, it is necessary to give a careful consideration to the possible positive and negative effects of growth factors on muscles, myocardium, lung tissue, and brain. Primarily, the “angiogenic switch” is important in aerobic sports (long distance running). Conclusions: Angiogenesis is a physiological process of the formation of new blood capillaries, which play an important role in the functioning of skeletal muscles, myocardium, lung, and nervous tissue in athletes. Violation of the “angiogenic switch” as a balance between proangiogenic and anti-angiogenic molecules can lead to a decrease in the functional resources of the nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems in athletes and, as a consequence, to a decrease in sports performance.  相似文献   

In the present work, we establish novel “environmentally-friendly” oil-in-water nanoemulsions to enhance the transdermal delivery of bakuchiol, the so-called “bioretinol” obtained from powdered Psoralea corylifolia seeds via a sustainable process, i.e., using a supercritical fluid extraction approach with pure carbon dioxide (SC-CO2). According to Green Chemistry principles, five novel formulations were stabilized by “green” hybrid ionic surfactants such as coco-betaine—surfactin molecules obtained from coconut and fermented rapeseed meal. Preliminary optimization studies involving three dispersion stability tests, i.e., centrifugation, heating, and cooling cycles, indicated the most promising candidates for further physicochemical analysis. Finally, nanoemulsion colloidal characterization provided by scattering (dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering as well as backscattering), microscopic (transmission electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy), and spectroscopic (UV–Vis spectroscopy) methods revealed the most stable nanocarrier for transdermal biological investigation. In vitro, topical experiments provided on human skin cell line HaCaT keratinocytes and normal dermal NHDF fibroblasts indicated high cell viability upon treatment of the tested formulation with a final 0.02–0.2 mg/mL bakuchiol concentration. This excellent biocompatibility was confirmed by ex vivo and in vivo tests on animal and human skin tissue. The improved permeability and antiaging potential of the bakuchiol-encapsulated rich extract were observed, indicating that the obtained ecological nanoemulsions are competitive with commercial retinol formulations.  相似文献   

To protect themselves, plants accumulate an armoury of antimicrobial secondary metabolites. Some metabolites represent constitutive chemical barriers to microbial attack (phytoanticipins) and others inducible antimicrobials (phytoalexins). They are extensively studied as promising plant and human disease-controlling agents. This review discusses the bioactivity of several phytoalexins and phytoanticipins defending plants against fungal and bacterial aggressors and those with antibacterial activities against pathogens affecting humans such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus involved in respiratory infections of cystic fibrosis patients. The utility of plant products as “antibiotic potentiators” and “virulence attenuators” is also described as well as some biotechnological applications in phytoprotection.  相似文献   

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