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真菌毒素是某些真菌在生长过程中产生的有毒次级代谢产物,它们的种类繁多,玉米在生长及贮藏过程中经常会受到它们的感染;一定条件下,它们会和糖类或其他基质结合形成结合态形式,被称为隐蔽型真菌毒素,隐蔽型真菌毒素是当前研究的热点。阐述了玉米中常见的真菌毒素,例如:呕吐毒素、黄曲霉毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮、伏马菌素、T-2和HT-2等的毒理学性质和检测方法,着重介绍了其隐蔽型毒素的形成、结构、毒理学性质和检测方法,旨在为今后的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

真菌毒素污染是造成食品安全问题的重要因素之一,是目前和将来很长一段时间内全球食品安全领域研究的热点与焦点之一。真菌毒素是真菌在生长过程产生的次生代谢产物,其污染范围广泛,尤其易污染谷物类等粮食作物。由于其具有致畸、致癌、致突变等特性,易延伸至食物链,对人和动物健康带来严重危险。因此为了降低和控制其危害,首先需要严格检测监测真菌毒素的污染水平,开发高效、快捷的检测方法与配套产品。相对于色谱及其与质谱联用等具有检测结果准确,前处理复杂,检测成本高,不适于现场、高通量检测等常规实验室分析方法,快速检测具有现场、快速、低成本等优势,已成为实际真菌毒素监控中应用最广泛的方法。本文综述了国内外近三年内真菌毒素快速检测领域的最新研究进展,以期为我国食品安全中真菌毒素污染的有效监管提供技术参考。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是真菌产生的毒性次级代谢产物,危害较大的有黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素A、单端孢霉烯族毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮、伏马毒素和麦角类生物碱等。制定真菌毒素的限量标准是真菌毒素一级预防的主要措施。通过对CAC、欧盟、美国和中国粮食中真菌毒素限量标准的对比分析,找出我国现行食品安全国家标准中有关粮食真菌毒素污染控制指标存在的差异,对修订我国粮食中真菌毒素含量的限量标准提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

谷物极易受多种真菌毒素的混合污染,而产生相加或协同毒性作用,威胁人和动物的健康。快速灵敏、高通量同步检测是真菌毒素混合污染监管和保障农产品质量安全的重要措施。因此,本文对国内外谷物中真菌毒素的限量标准和同步检测标准与方法(ELISA、免疫层析、分子技术、生物传感、高效液相色谱法、色谱-质谱联用分析)进行了综述,分析了现有标准和主流同步检测方法的特点与适用条件,总结了谷物中多种真菌毒素同步检测技术存在的问题,并对其未来发展方向与应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

真菌毒素广泛分布于霉变的或受霉菌污染的粮食、谷物、饲料中,对人类和家畜健康造成严重威胁。植物和微生物可以降解真菌毒素为弱毒性的毒素,但是这种降解并不彻底,隐蔽型的真菌毒素依然存在于植物体内或环境中。本文主要从真菌毒素的分布及危害、植物生长和储存过程中降解真菌毒素的不完全性、微生物转化或降解真菌毒素形成“隐蔽型真菌毒素”、隐蔽型真菌毒素降解过程这四个方面进行论述,希望为今后真菌毒素的完全降解研究提供参考。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是由真菌在其污染的食品中产生的有毒代谢产物,可引起人的急性或慢性中毒,因此,建立真菌毒素快速、准确的检测方法对保障食品安全至关重要。适配体是一种短的单链DNA或RNA分子,作为识别元件,适配体具有特异性强、稳定性好和易于合成、修饰的优点。适配体传感器在真菌毒素的检测中应用较广泛,本文总结了各种适配体传感器在真菌毒素检测中的应用研究进展,以期为实现真菌毒素的快速、准确、高效检测提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是在适宜条件下由丝状真菌产生的有毒代谢产物,常见于粮食中,对人类和动物健康构成极大威胁。本文以真菌毒素综述为出发点,简要分析了T-2毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮毒素、黄曲霉毒素、伏马毒素等代表性毒素,探讨了粮油真菌毒素传统检测方法和新兴检测技术的应用,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>真菌毒素的特性及起源真菌毒素,又称霉菌毒素,是指霉菌在其所污染食品中产生的有毒代谢产物,可通过进食进入人或动物体内,引起人或动物的急性或慢性中毒,进而损害机体的肝脏、肾脏、神经组织等。致癌性是真菌毒素对机体最严重和最普遍的危害。真菌毒素可在农作物生长或收获时形成,也会因贮存条件的不适宜而产生。湿度或温度高的环境通常有利于粮食和饲料中霉菌的生长及其毒素的产生。真菌毒素最早于1960年被  相似文献   

为研究链格孢霉侵染番茄后的产毒机制,本实验将链格孢霉孢子悬液接种于蕃茄上,并分别置于4 ℃和25 ℃下培养,15 d内进行3 次取样。样品经高分辨质谱检测后,使用MZmine、Xcalibur软件对检测结果进行分析,原质谱数据集经Mzmine软件处理后导入全球天然产物社会分子网络平台,采用基于特征的分子网络(feature-based molecular networking,FBMN)建立真菌毒素及代谢物分子网络,实现对链格孢毒素代谢通路的可视化分析。结果表明,接种后番茄在4 ℃下未产生任何毒素,25 ℃下链格孢酚(alternariol,AOH)、链格孢甲基醚(alternariol monomethyl ether,AME)、细链格孢菌酮酸(tenuazonic acid,TeA)、腾毒素(tentoxin,TEN)在5、10、15 d时均被检出,链格孢霉烯(altenuene,ALT)直至15 d时才被检出,3 次取样中TeA含量均最高。利用MZmine软件的碎片诊断过滤功能和Xcalibur软件精确分子质量技术验证了AOH和AME硫酸盐结合的隐蔽型真菌毒素的存在。FBMN分析结果表明3 种毒素(AOH、AME、TeA)有明显的代谢通路,代谢产物的种类较多,而未在番茄中检测到TEN和ALT代谢产物。本研究阐明了链格孢霉毒素在番茄中的产生及代谢机制,可为番茄中链格孢毒素的有效控制及番茄的贮藏保鲜提供理论支持。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是真菌在饲料或食品中生长所产生的次级代谢产物,通过食物链可在人和动物体内不断蓄积,且较难通过代谢排除,给人体和畜牧业构成了较大威胁。因此,真菌毒素的监测成为了预防真菌毒素污染的重要途径之一。近年来,随着纳米材料科学的飞速发展和研究人员在真菌毒素检测方面的不断深入研究,基于纳米材料的适配体生物传感在真菌毒素检测领域得到了广泛应用。与传统检测方法相比,适配体与纳米材料联用检测技术更加快捷、方法更加简单、成本更加低廉。因此,本文归纳了近几年有关真菌毒素快速检测方面的文献,分析总结了以纳米材料为基础的适配体生物传感器用于真菌毒素的快速检测研究,以及有关食品安全现阶段面临的主要问题,期望对真菌毒素检测的相关研究发展起到一定的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to give a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge on plant metabolites of mycotoxins, also called masked mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are secondary fungal metabolites, toxic to human and animals. Toxigenic fungi often grow on edible plants, thus contaminating food and feed. Plants, as living organisms, can alter the chemical structure of mycotoxins as part of their defence against xenobiotics. The extractable conjugated or non‐extractable bound mycotoxins formed remain present in the plant tissue but are currently neither routinely screened for in food nor regulated by legislation, thus they may be considered masked. Fusarium mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, fumonisins, nivalenol, fusarenon‐X, T‐2 toxin, HT‐2 toxin, fusaric acid) are prone to metabolisation or binding by plants, but transformation of other mycotoxins by plants (ochratoxin A, patulin, destruxins) has also been described. Toxicological data are scarce, but several studies highlight the potential threat to consumer safety from these substances. In particular, the possible hydrolysis of masked mycotoxins back to their toxic parents during mammalian digestion raises concerns. Dedicated chapters of this article address plant metabolism as well as the occurrence of masked mycotoxins in food, analytical aspects for their determination, toxicology and their impact on stakeholders.  相似文献   


Masked mycotoxins are biologically modified phase II metabolites formed by plant defense mechanisms through glucosylation catalyzed by uridine diphosphate -glucosyltransferases. Most of the current reports focus on the occurrence of masked mycotoxins in Europe, America, Africa, and cover other geographic regions, e.g. China and Japan. High proportions of masked mycotoxins co-occurring with their parent forms in various cereal-based food and feedstuff could clearly increase total exposures and pose additional health risks to humans and animals. In contrast to the parent mycotoxins, the data on the toxicity of masked mycotoxins are still scarce, however, the poor existing information showed that masked mycotoxins generally exhibit significant in vitro and in vivo toxicities lower than those of their parent forms, especially for deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside, which is the only thoroughly investigated masked mycotoxin. Although the lower toxicity level of masked mycotoxins, these are probably hydrolyzed into their free forms by intestinal microorganisms in the digestive tract of mammals and thus contribute to unpredicted toxicity. The metabolic characteristics of reported masked mycotoxins are species-specific. The most relevant animal model of human sensitivity, the pig, is most sensitive to masked mycotoxins. This review focuses on updates in the current knowledge on country-specific natural-occurrence data in global surveys, as well as in vitro and in vivo toxicology and metabolic investigations of masked mycotoxins.  相似文献   

Contamination of agricultural and food products by some fungi species that produce mycotoxins can result in unsafe food and feed. Mycotoxins have been demonstrated to have disease‐causing activities, including carcinogenicity, immune toxicity, teratogenicity, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and hepatotoxicity. Most of mycotoxins are heat stable and cannot be easily destroyed by conventional thermal food processing or domestic cooking methods. Postharvest approaches to prevent growth of mycotoxin‐producing fungi and detoxify mycotoxins from contaminated food are important topics in food safety research. Physical, chemical, and biological methods have been applied to prevent fungal growth or mycotoxin production, or to reduce mycotoxin content in the postharvest period and contribute toward mitigating against the effects of mycotoxins on human health. This literature review aims to evaluate postharvest approaches that have been applied to control both fungi growth and mycotoxin content in food and discuss their potential for upscaling to industrial scale.  相似文献   

QuEChERS技术在食品真菌毒素检测中的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
真菌毒素是丝状真菌产生的有毒代谢产物,对人类和动物的健康构成严重威胁。因此,建立食品中多种真菌毒素的高效提取和净化方法,有利于降低真菌毒素的暴露风险,保障食品安全。QuEChERS方法具有简单、快速、回收率高、试剂用量少、安全等优点,可运用于真菌毒素的检测。该文概述了该方法在食品中真菌毒素分析检测方面的应用,根据QuEChERS技术的特点,探讨应用QuEChERS技术对真菌毒素进行预处理过程中,提取、盐析和净化步骤所应用的方法及对真菌毒素提取效率的影响,总结QuEChERS技术在食品真菌毒素检测中的应用,并对该技术现阶段应用中亟待解决的问题提出了展望和建议。  相似文献   

镰孢菌毒素的主要类型及其收获前后的生物防控方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰孢菌毒素是镰孢菌属真菌产生的多种有毒性的次级代谢产物的总称,在自然界中分布极为广泛,是常见的污染粮食和饲料的真菌毒素种类,严重威胁人畜健康。近年来镰孢菌毒素污染粮食和饲料的问题日益严重,已成为普遍关注的食品安全和饲料安全热点问题之一。由于农产品收获后的物理、化学的脱毒方法存在着脱毒不彻底、营养成分流失和化学试剂残留对人畜健康的不确定性等问题;因此以生物技术为基础的综合防控镰孢菌及其毒素危害的方法成为了近年来的研究热点之一。本文将重点介绍镰孢菌毒素的主要类型及其对动植物的危害,阐述农产品收获前后生物防治镰孢菌及其毒素危害的方法,并探讨各种防控方法的优缺点以及未来可能的研究方向,以期为镰孢菌毒素综合防控策略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Regulations in the EU on Mycotoxins in Foods   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
W.J.deKoe 《食品科学》2002,23(11):146-155
作为整个食品安全的重要组成部分,食品安全的重要性早在1992年国年营养会议和1996年世界食品峰会就已经被许多国家的政府认识到了。最近欧盟(EU)颁布了食品安全的法律(178/2002)。食品的质量和安全受许多因素的威胁,包括天然毒素。在广阔的天然毒素范围内,真菌毒素是研究得最广泛的,并且引起了高度的关注,因为它们普遍存在并且对人体和动物健康存在着潜在危害。真菌毒素由某些真菌类产生,它在有利的温度和湿度条件下,入侵农田里的大范围农作物,并入侵收获季节后的生产产品。1994年欧盟(EU)在他们的食品科学委员会对几种真菌毒素:黄曲酶毒素,棕曲霉毒素,棒曲霉素和脱氧雪镰刀菌烯醇发表观点后起动了调整食品中某些真菌毒素标准化的进程。  相似文献   

The contamination of foods and feed with mycotoxins is a commonly known problem. Intense investigations have been conducted to study the occurrence, toxicity, and recently also the prevention and detoxification strategies of mycotoxins in human and animal food chains. Most of the studies have emphasized on "traditional" mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, and trichothecenes. However, one of the most common grain-contaminating genus of fungi, Fusarium spp., is also capable of producing other toxic secondary metabolites - the so-called emerging mycotoxins such as fusaproliferin, beauvericin, enniatins, and moniliformin. So far, only limited data is available on these metabolites. This is not only due to their late recognition but especially the late understanding of their role as mycotoxins. This paper summarizes the existing data on the chemistry, analytical techniques, biosynthesis, production, toxicity, and occurrence data on fusaproliferin, beauvericin, enniatins, and moniliformin. Based on the available studies, attention should be paid to the studies on the distinct significance of these compounds in the human and animal food chains.  相似文献   

真菌毒素是一类由丝状真菌在适宜条件下产生的有毒次级代谢产物, 极易污染粮谷类食品、食用油及乳制品等, 具有肝毒性、肾毒性、致畸性、致癌性、免疫抑制及破坏生殖系统等毒性, 对人体危害极大, 是继农药残留、兽药残留、重金属污染后, 影响农产品质量安全的又一类关键风险因子, 极大的制约了我国农产品的出口贸易, 同时也造成了我国食品安全的又一问题。本文重点介绍了农产品中真菌毒素的类型品种、毒性特点以及不同检验方法的适用范围、限量及检出限, 阐述了真菌毒素限量标准的研究进展和标准内容, 通过比对国内外真菌毒素的研究种类和进展, 分析目前真菌毒素污染现状及存在的问题, 提出应对策略, 对真菌毒素污染检测的发展进行了展望, 对今后保障饮食安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In this review, we present the current information on development and applications of biological control against phytopathogenic organisms as well as mycotoxigenic fungi in Malaysia as part of the integrated pest management (IPM) programs in a collective effort to achieve food security. Although the biological control of phytopathogenic organisms of economically important crops is well established and widely practiced in Malaysia with considerable success, the same cannot be said for mycotoxigenic fungi. This is surprising because the year round hot and humid Malaysian tropical climate is very conducive for the colonization of mycotoxigenic fungi and the potential contamination with mycotoxins. This suggests that less focus has been made on the control of mycotoxigenic species in the genera Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium in Malaysia, despite the food security and health implications of exposure to the mycotoxins produced by these species. At present, there is limited research in Malaysia related to biological control of the key mycotoxins, especially aflatoxins, Fusarium‐related mycotoxins, and ochratoxin A, in key food and feed chains. The expected threats of climate change, its impacts on both plant physiology and the proliferation of mycotoxigenic fungi, and the contamination of food and feed commodities with mycotoxins, including the discovery of masked mycotoxins, will pose significant new global challenges that will impact on mycotoxin management strategies in food and feed crops worldwide. Future research, especially in Malaysia, should urgently focus on these challenges to develop IPM strategies that include biological control for minimizing mycotoxins in economically important food and feed chains for the benefit of ensuring food safety and food security under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

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