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为了找出黄腐酸有机肥在冬小麦上的最佳用量和施肥方法,本试验研究了不同用量的黄腐酸有机肥对新乡和驻马店2个试验点冬小麦产量和成产因素的影响。试验结果表明:施用黄腐酸有机肥对冬小麦增产效果显著。综合2个试验点结果,以处理3、处理4效果最好。如果考虑肥料成本,则以处理3的施肥配方和施肥措施最佳,即基施氮肥90千克/公顷,磷肥90千克/公顷,钾肥90千克/公顷,黄腐酸有机肥150千克/公顷;追施氮肥90千克/公顷,黄腐酸有机肥150千克/公顷。2个试验点影响产量差异的主要因素相同,都表现在亩穗数和穗粒数上,基本苗、最大分蘖变化不大。此外,处理5减产,但与处理1(CK)差异不显著,说明施用黄腐酸可以降低化学肥料用量。  相似文献   

为了研究黄腐酸锌对玉米生长的影响及最佳喷施浓度,开展了对拔节期的夏玉米喷施不同浓度黄腐酸锌的试验。试验结果表明:喷施质量浓度200 mg/L黄腐酸锌溶液的夏玉米株高最高,而喷施质量浓度500 mg/L的黄腐酸锌会抑制夏玉米的株高;喷施3种不同浓度的黄腐酸锌溶液对穗粒数、千粒重和产量均有促进作用,喷施500 mg/L黄腐酸锌溶液的千粒重增重6.0%,喷施200 mg/L黄腐酸锌溶液也有显著的增重效果;喷施200 mg/L黄腐酸锌溶液的穗粒数和产量均为最大,穗粒数增加5.5%,产量达8 636.9 kg/hm~2(增产8.3%),与对照处理差异极显著。因此,夏玉米增产的最佳黄腐酸锌喷施质量浓度为200 mg/L。  相似文献   

采用大区(4个试验点)对比法,设置了2种施肥方案,研究了腐植酸生物有机无机生态肥对玉米生育性状及产量的影响。试验结果表明,4个试验点施用腐植酸生物有机无机生态肥较未施用此肥的处理,均改善了玉米的生育性状,促进了玉米植株健壮生长,株高增高4.4~7.0 cm,玉米穗粒数增加32.3~72.2粒,百粒重提高0.9~1.9 g,玉米亩产量增加54.4~95.2 kg,增产率为11.6%~17.2%。  相似文献   

一、黄腐酸对制种玉米增产效果的研究 为探讨提高制种玉米产量的最佳施肥配比,本试验以玉米品种"Z-Y-18-101"为试材,研究黄腐酸与氮、磷化肥施用量对制种玉米产量的影响.结果表明:施用黄腐酸可有效提高玉米株高、穗长、穗粗、行粒数和单穗粒重,其中株高平均增加2.85%、穗长平均增加5.87%、穗粗平均增加3.61%、行...  相似文献   

以夏玉米为研究对象,设置不同的生物黄腐酸肥料施用量及常规化肥减量处理,研究生物黄腐酸肥料及在化肥减量的基础上对玉米性状、产量、效益的影响。试验结果表明,与常规施肥相比较,夏玉米亩增施10 kg生物黄腐酸肥料,亩增产51.3 kg、增幅8.2%;亩增施20 kg生物黄腐酸肥料,亩增产69.4 kg、增幅11.1%。常规化肥减量20%的条件下,亩增施10 kg生物黄腐酸肥料,夏玉米亩增产26.9 kg、增幅4.3%;在化肥减量30%的条件下,亩增施10 kg生物黄腐酸肥料,夏玉米亩增产18.1 kg、增幅2.9%。施用生物黄腐酸肥料可显著提高夏玉米的行粒数、穗粒数,进而提高其亩产量,在常规化肥减量20%~30%的情况下,可实现玉米的增产、稳产。  相似文献   

腐植酸有机肥在水稻上的增产效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究不同用量腐植酸有机肥与化肥配施对水稻增产效果的影响,筛选腐植酸有机肥的最佳施用方法和施用量。试验结果显示,施腐植酸有机肥对水稻增产增收效果显著。与不施肥处理(处理1)和纯施化肥处理(处理2)比较,罗山试验点分别增产28.2%~78.5%和15.5%~39.3%,固始试验点分别增产29.2%~75.2%和15.4%~35.6%。其中,以基施氮肥8千克/亩和腐植酸有机肥60千克/亩(处理8)效果最好,产值分别增加78.5%和75.2%;其次是氮肥8千克/亩和腐植酸有机肥20千克/亩基施处理(处理7)、氮肥8千克/亩和腐植酸有机肥30千克/亩基施和追施各半处理(处理5),且处理8、处理7和处理5三者间均无显著差异。从产量构成因子来看,腐植酸有机肥促进水稻增产主要是增加了有效穗数和每穗实粒数。综合考虑肥料投入成本和增加产值,以处理7最为经济。因此,农业生产上推荐氮肥8千克/亩和腐植酸有机肥20千克/亩基施。此外,在氮肥4千克/亩和腐植酸有机肥20千克/亩基施和追施各半施用(处理6)的情况下,水稻未减产,说明施用腐植酸有机肥可以适当降低氮肥用量。  相似文献   

活化腐植酸肥料在玉米上的肥效研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米为研究对象,通过大田肥效试验,对比研究了史丹利含活化腐植酸第四元素复合肥料与未活化腐植酸肥料在玉米上不同施用效果。结果表明,施用活化腐植酸肥料处理的玉米生物学指标整体上最佳,且其产量构成指标及玉米产量均为最佳,与未活化腐植酸肥料处理相比,穗长增加6.4%,秃尖率降低51.9%,籽粒干重增加15%,百粒重增加6.8%,玉米产量增加1320 kg/hm2,增产率达14.4%。综上,说明史丹利含活化腐植酸第四元素复合肥料促进玉米增产效果更佳。  相似文献   

<正>该研究以"丰利德1号"玉米为试验试材,研究叶面喷施不同浓度的黄腐酸钾对夏玉米产量的影响。结果表明,黄腐酸钾喷施浓度低于133mg/L时,随喷施浓度的增加,穗粒数、千粒重、产量均表现出逐渐增加的趋势;黄腐酸钾喷施浓度大于133mg/L时,随浓度的增加,夏玉米株高表现出先增后减的趋势,穗粒数、千粒重、产量均表现出逐渐降低的趋势。以喷施浓度200mg/L黄腐酸  相似文献   

试验研究了玉米秸秆带状还田对当年土壤养分含量和玉米产量的影响,为黑龙江省黑土区秸秆还田策略提供理论依据。试验在黑龙江省高纬度寒区开展,于2022年春季设置秸秆离田(CK)、整株秸秆带状还田(T1)、粉碎秸秆带状还田(T2)和粉碎秸秆配施有机肥带状还田(T3)4个处理。结果表明:短期内,秸秆带状还田不同模式对土壤养分指标和玉米产量构成指标有不同影响,与CK相比,T3处理土壤有机质和全氮含量分别增加7.62%和9.75%,电导率减少9.21%,玉米穗长增加8%以上,行粒数增加6.98%,单棒重增加23.61%,产量增加24.05%。通过主成分分析和典型相关分析,发现秸秆不同带状还田模式对土壤有机质和全氮影响的权重高于其他养分指标,对玉米产量构成指标影响较大的是单棒重、穗长和百粒重;土壤有机质、全氮含量与玉米单棒重、穗长和百粒重呈正相关性,而土壤电导率与玉米单棒重、穗长和百粒重呈负相关性。  相似文献   

以秸秆造纸余料为主要原料,经高温喷浆造粒制得黄腐酸有机肥,富含源自秸秆的天然腐殖酸和各种矿质营养元素。黄腐酸有机肥在花生上进行的肥效试验结果表明:施用黄腐酸有机肥对花生增产效果显著,以化肥与3倍化肥量的黄腐酸有机肥一次基施效果最佳,与不施肥处理相比,亩增产花生166.2~187.0 kg。  相似文献   

冬小麦不同时期和品种叶面喷施黄腐酸钾的增产效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过4个试验探讨在冬小麦生长后期叶面喷施不同次数、不同浓度的黄腐酸钾,对不同小麦品种的穗粒数、千粒重及产量的影响。结果表明:在冬小麦挑旗期、灌浆期各喷施1次67 m g/L黄腐酸钾增产幅度最大,与其他供试小麦品种相比,济麦22产量增加最多,比对照增产39.9%,穗粒数比对照增加30.2%,千粒重增加15.0%。高浓度黄腐酸钾对小麦产量有抑制作用,供试小麦品种对高浓度黄腐酸钾的敏感度依次为:济南17>济麦22>山农17。  相似文献   

Under low input subsistence farming systems, increased pressure on land use and decreased fallow periods have led to a decline in soil productivity. The soils in sub-humid region of Ghana are generally poor and require mineral fertilizer to increase crop productivity. This paper presents the use of Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) to simulate the long term influence of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on maize (Zea mays L.) yield in Sub-humid Ghana. The APSIM model was evaluated at two sites in Ejura, on a rainfed experiment carried out on maize in 2008 major and minor seasons, under various nitrogen and phosphorus rates. The model was able to reproduce the response of maize to water, N and P, and hence simulated maize grain yields with a coefficient of correlation (R2) of 0.90 and 0.88 for Obatanpa and Dorke cultivars, respectively. A 21-year long term simulation, with different rates of N and P mineral fertilizer application, revealed that moderate application of N (60?kg?N?ha?1) and 30?kg P ha?1 improves both the long term average and the minimum yearly guaranteed yield. Variability in grain yield increased with increasing application of N fertilizer in both seasons. Treatments with P fertilizer application shows a similar trend for the major season and reverse trend for the minor season, thereby suggesting an interactive effect with rainfall amounts and distribution. Application of 30?kg P ha?1 significantly increased the response to N. The response to mineral fertilizer (N and P) applications varied between seasons, suggesting the need to have a range of fertilizer recommendations to be applied based on seasonal weather forecast.  相似文献   

包膜控释氮肥对玉米增产效应的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用包膜控释氮肥在玉米上进行肥效试验研究。结果表明,与普通氮肥(尿素)相比,控释氮肥由于其本身控制释放和缓慢释放的特点,能使耕作层土壤速效氮含量在玉米生育期内维持较高的水平,满足玉米生长对氮素的吸收需求,尤其能满足玉米中后期对养分高强度吸收的需求;显著提高玉米生长中后期植株体内氮素含量,加速氮磷钾向籽粒的转移,从而提高生物产量、经济产量和玉米品质。同等和减半施氮量条件下,玉米产量和氮素利用率都有显著提高。  相似文献   

在驻马店市地力为中、低水平的砂姜黑土上进行冬小麦田间试验,研究控施尿素在小麦上一次性施肥技术。结果表明:两个试验点产量最高的为控释尿素A(一次性基施处理),达到7 500.4 kg/hm~2和8 145.1 kg/hm~2,与等氮量处理相比提高了180.1 kg/hm~2和224.9 kg/hm~2;在最佳施氮量的基础上减施20%的氮肥,与农民习惯施肥相比产量差异不显著,总体表现为不降低冬小麦产量,降低了施肥次数和劳动强度。  相似文献   

The response of corn (Zea mays L.) to broadcast P applications and to small amounts of fertilizer placed with the seed (fws) was measured in three field trials conducted for 10 years. Five rates of P (0, 11, 22, 45, and 90 kg ha–1 yr–1) were applied with and without 4.0-6.4-3.2 kg N, P, K ha–1 placed with the seed (fws) in a factorial arrangement of treatments. The fws treatment delayed emergence at all sites, reduced final emergence at two of the three sites, increased seedling dry weights at the 4 to 6 leaf stage and reduced the time to 50% silking at two of the three sites. Ear moisture content at harvest was reduced by fws at all sites which indicated that fws advanced maturity. The fws treatment increased grain yield at two of the sites by 1.3 and 2.3%, respectively. Broadcast P applications increased seedling dry weight at all sites but decreased the time to 50% silking only at one site. Broadcast P decreased ear moisture content and increased grain yield at two sites. There was a significant fws by broadcast P interaction in the most P deficient soil such that response to broadcast P was lessened by fws. The interaction was strongest during the early stages of growth and decreased with maturity resulting in no fws by broadcast P interaction for grain yield.  相似文献   

含稀土有机复混肥的研制及其在甘蔗上的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在考虑土壤肥力、甘蔗营养特性的基础上,研制出含有改性配方稀土、甘蔗滤泥和氮、磷、钾的甘蔗专用肥。3年9个大田试验的平均结果表明:甘蔗施用含稀土有机复混肥后,平均产量为88 680 kg/hm2,平均田间锤度为 19. 8%,理论产糖量平均为 10 530 kg/hm2,比不含稀土,但含等量氮、磷、钾、有机质的有机复混肥增产 8 415 kg/hm2,增产率为10.5%,田间锤度提高1%,增糖16.4%。  相似文献   

In a factorial design lysimeter experiment with corn, in a sandy loam soil, two irrigtion frequencies (low (IL) and high (IH)) and two ways of fertilizer placement (shallow (FS) and deep (FD)), were applied. The plants did not suffer from stress under either water regime.Tillering, degree of grain filling and distribution of nitrogen between the grain and vegetative plant parts, indicated an enhanced plant development in the FS treatment.The IH-FS treatment showed the highest root density in the upper soil layer and the highest grain yield and reduced-nitrogen yield in grain. Results indicate that fertilizer placement influences root density distribution in the soil profile and consequent corn yield.  相似文献   

Initial and residual effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizers on grain yield of a maize/bean intercrop grown on a deep, well-drained Humic Nitosol (66% clay, 3% organic carbon) were evaluated. Enriched (15N) N fertilizer was used to study the fate of applied N in two seasons: using urea (banded) at 50 kg N ha–1 in one season, and15N-enriched urea (banded), calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN, banded), and urea supergranules (USG, point placement) were applied in the other season (different field) at 100 kg N ha–1. Nitrogen fertilizer significantly (P = 0.05) increased equivalent maize grain yield in each season of application with no significant differences between N sources, i.e., urea, CAN, and USG. Profitmaximizing rates ranged from 75 to 97 kg N ha–1 and value: cost ratios ranged from 3.0 to 4.8. Urea gave the highest value: cost ratio in each season. Most (lowest measurement 81%) of the applied N was accounted for by analyzing the soil (to 150 cm depth) and plant material. Measurements for urea, CAN, and USG were not significantly different. The high N measurements suggest low losses of applied N fertilizer under the conditions of the study. Maize plant recovery ranged from 35 to 55%; most of this N (51–65%) was in the grain. Bean plant recovery ranged from 8 to 20%. About 34–43% of the applied N fertilizer remained in the soil, and most of it (about 70%) was within the top soil layer (0–30 cm). However, there were no significant equivalent maize grain increases in seasons following N application indicating no beneficial residual effect of the applied fertilizers.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted at Kadawa, northern Nigeria, during 1975–77 to study the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer use under maize (Zea mays L.)—wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation; the study also examined the impact of continuous N use on some soil properties. Grain and straw dry matter yields, grain N content, crop N uptake and whole plant N concentration of wheat at different growth stages increased significantly with increasing levels of N application. Per cent increases in mean grain yield of N treated plots over control were 77, 131 and 141 for maize and 195, 308 and 326 for wheat at 60, 120 and 180 kg N per ha levels, respectively. The calculated N rates for maximum yield were 177.5 and 164.0 kg N per ha for maize and wheat, respectively. Short-term beneficial effect of dung on maize yield was ascribed to its additional N supply. Urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) were equally good for both maize and wheat; full and split N application gave no significant difference in yield. The values for mean fertilizer N recovery over all the crops were 64, 58 and 44% respectively, at 60, 120 and 180 kg N per ha levels.Nitrogen application at the highest rate (180 kg per ha) reduced the soil pH significantly in the top 40 cm of the soil profile. The magnitude of soil acidification at levels of N below 120 kg per ha was not appreciable in this study. High N application also depleted the soil of its cations at differential rates. Other factors such as N source, time of N application and addition of dung along with N fertilizer did not have much influence on the rate of short-term soil acidification due to N fertilizer use.  相似文献   

通过设置不同追肥用量,研究了追施水溶性生物腐植酸有机肥对马铃薯产量的影响。结果表明:施用水溶性生物腐植酸有机肥后,与对照相比,马铃薯均有不同程度的增产,增幅范围为4.02%~43.51%,单株结薯数增加了0.1~1.0个/株,单株块茎重增加了0.007~0.080千克/株。叶面喷施水溶性生物腐植酸有机肥的增产效果随着用量的减少而减弱。当追肥用量为50.01 L/hm^2时,为最佳经济用量,其产投比达9.95,比C K提高12.91%;继续增加用量,经济效益反而有所下降。在马铃薯现蕾期后,连续喷施水溶性生物腐植酸有机肥能起到增产、增收的效果。  相似文献   

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