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赤泥沉降槽内固液分离过程的数值仿真研究对沉降槽的高效化生产运行、经济化管理和设计具有重要作用。本文主要阐述了近十几年来国内外学者和专家运用计算流体力学方法并结合商业化计算软件在沉降槽中心桶结构、絮凝剂吸附和耙机设计,以及耦合群体平衡模型(PBM)计算等方面取得的一些重要科研成果,揭示了赤泥沉降槽固液分离计算模型和计算方法的发展历程;针对国内外沉降槽固液分离仿真计算的研究现状,以及固液分离沉降设备亟待解决的问题,展望了沉降槽固液分离数值仿真计算的发展前景,提出未来研究需要更合理、适用性更强的絮凝剂吸附模型,来对沉降槽进行仿真优化计算;最后指出今后沉降槽的发展和研究方向是高分子絮凝剂和沉降槽结构的研究,数值仿真技术仍然是赤泥沉降槽固液分离研究的主要方法和手段,特别是多相流颗粒群体平衡物理场耦合计算。  相似文献   

本文结合试验和生产实践,对影响赤泥沉降分离性能的因素进行了分析,指出赤泥菜液的浓度、絮凝剂的质量和用量、沉降槽结构等是其重要影响因素。为了强化赤泥的沉降分离性能,不但要改善沉降槽结构,还需要选择高效能的絮凝剂并合理使用。  相似文献   

重点探讨了在添加絮凝剂的情况下,稀释矿浆温度、浓度及固含,预脱硅时间和絮凝剂添加量对赤泥沉降分离过程的影响。稀释矿浆温度越高,稀释矿浆固含越低,矿浆浓度越低,赤泥沉降速度越快。  相似文献   

通过正交试验重点探讨了在添加絮凝剂的情况下,固含、沉降温度、絮凝剂添加量对赤泥沉降分离过程的影响。稀释矿浆温度越高、稀释矿浆固含越低,赤泥沉降速度越快;而赤泥沉降速度先随絮凝剂浓度增加而增加,达到一定浓度后沉降速度又会降低。  相似文献   

分析了沉降槽跑浑的原因,提出了解决方法.  相似文献   

孙茜  黄红岗 《有色冶炼》2004,33(2):9-10,21
分析了沉降槽跑浑的原因,提出了解决方法。  相似文献   

在拜尔法生产氩氧化铝赤泥沉降分离过程中,赤泥分离效率的高低直接影响到产品产量和质量。文章针对矿石成分和品位、磨矿粒度、溶出液苛性比值、赤泥浆液固含、沉降槽温度、絮凝荆选型和用量沉降槽结构八个方面对沉降分离主要影响因素作探讨性分析。  相似文献   

张崇力 《有色冶炼》2007,36(4):53-54,58
介绍了赤泥分离沉降槽的检测控制原理以及以控制絮凝剂添加和底流排放为核心的控制系统。详细论述了整个控制系统数学模型的理论基础。  相似文献   

烧结法赤泥沉降中新型絮凝剂的开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在烧结法生产过程中赤泥的沉降分离是一个非常重要的环节,本文通过对絮凝剂在沉降过程中的反应机理的分析、研究,以及对PNA-1与现有絮凝剂(A—2000)的试验对照,选取适应烧结法生产的新型高效絮凝剂,以改善赤泥的沉降性能,从而达到提高设备生产效率和降低生产成本的目的。  相似文献   

赤泥沉降槽控制系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了赤泥分离沉降槽的检测控制原理以及以控制絮凝剂添加和底流排放为核心的控制系统。详细论述了整个控制系统数学模型的理论基础。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical study is presented for the calculation of turbulent flow in compound channels. The flow simulations are performed by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged continuity and Navier–Stokes equations with the k?ε turbulence model for steady-state flow. The flow equations are solved numerically with a general-purpose finite-volume code. The results are compared with the experimental data obtained from the UK Flood Channel Facility. The simulated distributions of primary velocity, bed shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses are used to investigate the accuracy of the model prediction. The results show that, using an estimated roughness height, the primary velocity distributions and the bed shear stress are predicted reasonably well for inbank flows in channels of high aspect ratio (width/depth ≥ 10) and for high overbank flows with values of the relative flow depth greater than 0.25.  相似文献   

冕宁稀土矿泥中锰与稀土分离及回收的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Na2SO3为还原剂,采用还原浸出法处理四川冕宁稀土矿泥,实现了矿泥中锰和稀土的分离,提高了矿泥氯化焙烧时稀土的氯化率。对锰浸出液,用KMnO4氧化,水解聚合法去除杂质铁,生成RE(OH)3法回收稀土,制备出合格的产品MnCO3,并讨论了有关工艺原理与条件。  相似文献   

Numerical Simulation of Flows in Cut-Throat Flumes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical simulation is presented to obtain the flow characteristics of cut-throat flumes in rectangular open channels. Cut-throat flumes with a horizontal floor are used as simple devices for flow measurement in open channels. Since the flow in the throat section is highly three dimensional and curvilinear, the three-dimensional turbulence Reynolds stress model was applied in the present study to obtain the flow parameters such as the water surface profiles, the pressure distributions, and the mean velocity distributions. The volume of fluid scheme was used to determine the shape of the free surface by computing the fraction of each near-interface cell of a fixed grid that is partially filled with water. The previously published experimental data as well as data based on a new test related to cut-throat flumes were used to validate the simulation results.  相似文献   

黑色风化矿泥氯化焙烧浸出液RE与Mn的萃取法分离   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
田君  池汝安  朱国才  徐盛明 《稀土》2000,21(2):30-33
采用 P50 7萃取剂对黑色风化矿泥氯化焙烧浸出液中 RE与 Mn进行了 7级分馏萃取分离 ,分别获得了纯度为 99.5%的 RECl3溶液和 Mn Cl2 溶液 ,经碳酸氢铵沉淀 ,分别获得大颗粒晶型碳酸稀土产品和工业级碳酸锰产品 ,稀土和锰的萃取分离收率均大于 98%。  相似文献   

用造纸厂白泥废渣作脱硫剂脱除烟气中的SO2,做了传统湿式钙法与钙-钙双碱法两种工艺的对比实验,研究了影响钙-钙双碱法脱硫效率的因素。实验结果表明,运用钙-钙双碱法脱硫工艺不结垢,能连续、稳定脱硫,脱硫效率大于90%,达到了以废治废的目的。  相似文献   

修饰聚合物盐水液-固萃取体系分离钪(Ⅲ)和镨(Ⅲ)的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
究了Sc和Pr在聚乙二醇 亚氨基二乙酸 (简称PEG IDA)混合Tween 80 盐 水液 固萃取体系中的分配行为 ,讨论了修饰物用量、萃取酸度、吐温用量及分相盐种类和浓度对其萃取率的影响 ,筛选出最佳萃取分离条件 ,控制萃取酸度 ,实现了Sc和Pr的分离。并用pH电位法在 3 0℃的 0 .1mol·L- 1 KNO3溶液中测定了PEG IDA的离解常数以及PEG IDA与Sc和Pr形成的配合物的稳定常数 ,研究了稳定常数与稀土在PEG IDA修饰聚合物 盐 水液 固亲和萃取体系中分配行为的关系 ,并据此对该体系富集分离稀土的机制进行了初步探讨。结果表明 :Sc和Pr是通过与PEG IDA形成配合物而被萃入固相的。  相似文献   

The article provides an overview of the methods used for processing of red mud to extract rare earth elements (REEs). Red mud is a toxic and highly alkaline waste. Several methods have been adopted and been practiced all over the world for the processing of red mud. Complex processing of red mud is cost-effective since red mud contains elements such as iron, aluminum, titanium, calcium, and rare earth metals. It has been observed that the acid leaching of red mud can almost completely recover the rare earth elements in the solution with various individual techniques and also a combination of them. Therefore, the choice of extraction method depends on the form in which the element occurs in the solution. However, relatively low concentrations of rare earth in the solution and significant amounts of impurities increase the cost of getting the final commercial products. To ensure the cost-effectiveness of the process involving rare earth’s extraction from red mud, it is necessary to increase their content by several times. This article presents the various studies that have been carried out in these aspects and the possibility of making this resource a sustainable one for REE extraction with a special focus on scandium replenishment.  相似文献   

结合理论和生产实际,总结某公司拜尔法氧化铝生产中赤泥沉降操作经验,详细阐述了高分子絮凝剂在拜耳法赤泥沉降过程中的配制与使用。  相似文献   

Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Flows in Open-Channel Junctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An open-channel junction flow is encountered in many hydraulic structures ranging from wastewater treatment facilities to fish passage conveyance structures. An extensive number of experimental studies have been conducted but a comprehensive three-dimensional numerical study of junction flow characteristics has not been performed and reported. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model is developed to investigate the open-channel junction flow. The main objective is to present the validation of a three-dimensional numerical model with high-quality experimental data and compare additional simulations with classical one-dimensional water surface calculations. The three-dimensional model is first validated using the experimental data of a 90° junction flow under two flow conditions. Good agreement is obtained between the model simulation and the experimental measurements. The model is then applied to investigate the effect of the junction angle on the flow characteristics and a discussion of the results is presented.  相似文献   

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