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随着食品安全问题日益受到重视,果蔬中的农药残留已成为世界各国的研究热点。目前国内外有关果蔬中农药残留降解方法的研究报道很多,本文全面综述了果蔬中农药残留降解的方法和技术,主要从物理、化学和生物降解3个方面阐述。其中物理方法主要包括洗涤、加工和储藏等;化学方法主要是指采用化学试剂、臭氧和光照等方法;而生物方法是利用生物酶破坏农药的结构或者利用基因工程将生物体内能降解农药的酶基因转移到载体基因中,从而降解农药。并对新降解技术如油茶素内酯降解法等进行了展望,以期为进一步研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The need for sustainable food production and the demand for fresh and minimally processed foods have prompted remarkable research in novel food processing technologies that ensure safe and shelf-stable food for a large population. Long-established techniques such as heating, drying, and freezing have been associated with nutrient loss and high energy consumption. This trend has drawn attention to the practice of employing ozone in several food applications owing to its significant disinfectant and antimicrobial efficiency. The aqueous form of ozone has been found to show greater efficacy than its gaseous form, with faster decomposition rates leaving no harmful residues. The current study presents an overview of the latest scientific literature on the properties, chemistry, and generation of aqueous ozone, emphasizing the factors affecting process efficiency. The review scrupulously focuses on food decontamination, starch modification, pesticide degradation, and seed germination effects of aqueous ozone, highlighting the optimum processing parameters and salient findings of some major studies. A brief insight into the limitations and future trends has also been presented. Aqueous ozone has been acclaimed to have the potential to cause significant changes in the food matrix that could result in constructive modifications with outcomes entirely dependent on the processing conditions. Indirect and direct reactions involving hydroxyl radical and molecular oxygen atoms, respectively, form the basis of the ozone reaction in aqueous media, providing a distinctive kind of advanced oxidation process that offers certain crucial benefits. With a shorter half-life in water as compared to air, the rapid decomposition of aqueous ozone to oxygen, leaving no harmful residues, adds to its advantages.  相似文献   

近年来,臭氧技术在降解农药残留方面表现出良好的效果,且不会对果蔬造成二次污染,被认为是一种绿色的处理技术,其应用方式主要有熏蒸法和浸泡法两种。本文结合近年来的研究成果,综述了臭氧气氛熏蒸法和臭氧水浸泡法降解果蔬中多种常见农药的效果,以及对两种方法效果的对比;并介绍了影响臭氧作用效果的因素,包括气相温度和湿度、水温、臭氧气泡大小和pH等,以此为臭氧技术降解果蔬农残的实际应用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

臭氧技术在食品工业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了臭氧的理化性质,臭氧的产生,测定方法以及臭氧的杀菌消毒能力,同时列举了臭氧在国内外应用于食品工业中的诸多实例。臭氧处理水果蔬菜被证明可以延长其货架期,也可以降解农残。臭氧应用于食品,因其分解速度快,所以在食品中无残留。本文就臭氧在食品工业中的应用加以讨论,以期加速臭氧在食品加工中的应用。  相似文献   

臭氧降解蔬菜中农药残留机理与效果研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张宁 《食品与机械》2006,22(4):57-59,66
研究了臭氧降解蔬菜中农药残留机理和效果。结果表明,臭氧对甲胺磷、氧化乐果、敌敌畏、对硫磷和溴氰菊酯均有较强的降解作用。甲胺磷降解速度最快,其次为溴氰菊酯、氧化乐果、敌敌畏、对硫磷。不同种类蔬菜中以叶菜中农药残留最易降解,其次为莱豆、果莱。经5min处理结果比较,臭氧与果蔬清洗剂对叶菜中农药残留的清洗效果相当,对茄果类蔬菜臭氧清洗效果优于果蔬清洗剂。  相似文献   

Ozone Applications in Fruit and Vegetable Processing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ozone, a powerful oxidant, is effective against various kinds of microorganisms on fruits and vegetables. Promising results have been revealed in solving the problems of the food industry like mycotoxin and pesticide residues by ozone application. Spontaneous decomposition without forming hazardous residues in the treatment medium makes ozone safe in food applications. If improperly used, ozone can cause some deleterious effects on products, such as losses in sensory quality. Treatment conditions should be specifically determined for all kinds of products for effective and safe use of ozone.  相似文献   

Ozone, a powerful oxidant, is effective against various kinds of microorganisms on fruits and vegetables. Promising results have been revealed in solving the problems of the food industry like mycotoxin and pesticide residues by ozone application. Spontaneous decomposition without forming hazardous residues in the treatment medium makes ozone safe in food applications. If improperly used, ozone can cause some deleterious effects on products, such as losses in sensory quality. Treatment conditions should be specifically determined for all kinds of products for effective and safe use of ozone.  相似文献   

食品农药残留不仅是经济问题、市场问题,更是涉及到民众生命健康问题。当前制约食品农药残留检测瓶颈是缺少灵敏、快速、安全、经济方法,将纳米材料引入食品农药残留检测,不仅解决这个瓶颈问题,也成为分析化学一个研究热点,取得许多创新性研究成果;将纳米材料与生物学、免疫学、电化学及材料技术相结合,应用到检测食品残留农药方法中,是检测农药残留重要发展趋势。本文综述纳米材料应用于食品农药残留检测中研究进展。  相似文献   

农药残留导致的食品安全事件威胁人们的健康和生命。现阶段食品中的农药残留具有品类多、残留量低且施用未知等特点,检测难度较大。因此,开发食品中农药残留高通量非靶向检测技术具有重要意义。色谱-质谱联用技术因具有高分离、高鉴别、高通量、非靶向等优点,在农药残留检测领域得到了广泛应用。本文对近10年国内外基于色谱-质谱联用技术的食品中农药残留高通量非靶向检测相关报道进行归纳和总结,简要介绍食品中多农药残留检测的现状,重点从多维色谱及高分辨质谱技术的开发、吸附材料及样品前处理技术的改进、化学计量学方法的优化等方面阐述色谱-质谱联用技术在食品中农药残留检测中的应用进展,并对其存在的问题提出相关建议,以期为色谱-质谱联用技术在食品中多农药残留检测领域的相关研究应用提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   

食品污染物残留的快速检测技术应用综述及展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,食品安全问题层出不穷,食品安全问题正受到人们前所未有的关注。食品中的有害物质严重威胁人类的身体健康,对其含量进行快速准确分析具有重要意义。快速检测技术比通常的检测技术具有更快的检测速度,且装置便携、易于实现在线现场检测,在食品安全分析中发挥了重要作用;本文简单介绍了快速检测技术在食品污染物残留检测中的运用,包括检测食品中的农药残留、兽药及饲料添加剂残留、重金属残留、生物性污染物残留等,对检测方法的优点和不足做了透彻的分析,并展望其发展方向,以期为进一步开展食品安全快速分析研究提供参考。  相似文献   

农药残留膳食暴露风险评估为化学品风险管理、食品安全与人类健康领域的重点关注问题,有效的定量风险评估模型是开展农药残留膳食暴露评价的基础工具。本文结合国内外农药残留膳食暴露风险评估研究进展,旨在归纳农药残留膳食暴露风险评估模型,包括确定性评估模型、概率性评估模型和累积性评估模型;根据模型演变、适用情形与评估需求,比对分析模型间优缺点,探讨模型不确定度、评估软件、数据库应用等关键因子。同时立足我国农药残留膳食风险评估现状,展望模型相关参数整合的紧迫性与重要性,为完善农药残留膳食暴露风险评估体系建设提供科学参考。  相似文献   

拟除虫菊酯类农药是一类高效、低毒、广谱杀虫剂, 大量用于农业生产, 其残留广泛分布于食物链中, 对人类的食品安全构成威胁。随着人类生活水平的提高, 人们对食品质量安全愈加重视。因此, 建立各种食品基质中拟除虫菊酯类农药残留量可靠的分析测定方法十分必要。而在整个样品分析过程中, 前处理环节是瓶颈。本文重点对近年来不同基质源食品中拟除虫菊酯类农药残留分析的样品前处理技术和方法进行综述, 主要总结了植物源食品(水果、蔬菜和食用油等)和动物源食品(肉、蛋、奶以及水产品等)基质中菊酯类农药残留提取、净化和富集等前处理步骤, 同时, 对常用的前处理方法的优点和限制因素进行了比较, 并对具有发展前景的前处理技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

北京市蔬菜中农药残留现状及慢性膳食暴露评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解北京市蔬菜中农药残留污染现状及对北京市居民的膳食风险水平。方法采集2013年北京市主要蔬菜生产基地和大型批发市场的蔬菜样品,采用NY/T 761-2008和GB/T 20769-2008等方法检测样品中的33种农药残留,分析北京市蔬菜中农药残留现状,并结合大城市居民的蔬菜消费情况和食品安全指数法对北京市居民从蔬菜中摄入农药风险进行慢性膳食暴露评估。结果 2013年北京市抽检的蔬菜中农药残留检测合格率达99.2%(502/506),农药超标的蔬菜为白菜类和绿叶菜类,拟除虫菊酯类农药检出频次较高,其构成比占40.8%,检出超标的农药为吡虫啉、毒死蜱、哒螨灵和百菌清;对所有检出农药进行慢性膳食暴露评估结果表明,百菌清的日摄入量相对较高,然而包括百菌清在内所有检出农药的食品安全指数值均小于1。结论北京市蔬菜中农药残留量的安全风险均在可接受范围内,百菌清是潜在的风险因子,应重点防患蔬菜中百菌清的残留风险。  相似文献   

Use of ozone in the food industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone is a strong oxidant and potent disinfecting agent. Even though it is new for the US, it has been utilized in European countries for a long time. Ultraviolet radiation (188 nm wavelength) and corona discharge methods can be used to generate ozone. The bactericidal effects of ozone have been documented on a wide variety of organisms, including Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria as well as spores and vegetative cells. In this review, chemical and physical properties of ozone, its generation, and antimicrobial power of ozone with two suggested mechanisms were explained as well as many advantages of ozone use in the food industry. There are numerous application areas of ozone in the industry such as food surface hygiene, sanitation of food plant equipment, reuse of waste water, treatment and lowering biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of food plant waste. Treating fruits and vegetables with ozone has been found to increase shelf-life of the products. Notably, when ozone is applied to food, it leaves no residues since it decomposes quickly. In this review, use of ozone in food industry was discussed.  相似文献   

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a rich source of micronutrients. However, many foodborne illnesses have been linked to the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables as they are reported to harbor contaminants such as microorganisms and pesticides. Recently reported foodborne outbreaks have been linked to a diverse group of fruits and vegetables due to the presence of various pathogens including Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes. Also, the increased use of pesticides has resulted in the deposition of chemical residues on the surface of fruits and vegetables, which has led to the adverse health conditions such as cancer, birth defects, and neurodevelopmental disorders. Fresh commodities are subjected to various treatments to prevent or minimize these outbreaks, and the main targets of such treatments have been the elimination of pathogens and degradation of toxic chemical residues. Here, we have discussed various decontamination methods including simple household washing, chemical treatments, and modern technologies with their mode of action for microbial and pesticide removal. The simple household processes are not very effective in the removal of pathogenic organisms and pesticides. The use of modern techniques like cold plasma, ozone, high hydrostatic pressure, and so on, showed better efficacy in the removal of microorganisms and pesticides. However, their industrial use is limited considering high installation and maintenance cost. In this review, we suggest combined methods based on their mode of decontamination and suitability for a selected fruit or vegetable for effective decontamination of microbes and pesticide together to reduce the treatment cost and enhance food safety.  相似文献   

葡萄酒具有丰富的营养价值和良好的保健功效,近年来深受人们的喜爱。葡萄栽培中滥用农药会使其残留在葡萄上并最终转移到葡萄酒中,长期饮用会损害人体健康。随着人们食品安全意识的提高,葡萄酒的农药残留问题逐渐受到关注,因此建立适合葡萄酒中农药残留的分析方法对保障食品安全有非常重要的意义。目前研究葡萄酒中农药残留分析的方法很多,其中以色谱技术为主。本文对近年来应用于检测葡萄酒中农药残留的色谱分析方法——气相色谱法、气相色谱质谱法、气相色谱串联质谱法、高效液相色谱法、液相色谱串联质谱法和气/液相色谱-高分辨质谱法的优点和限制因素进行了概述,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

食品、药品中的农药残留安全问题引起社会越来越多的关注, 农药残留检测方法为食品、药品安全监管提供技术支撑。高分辨质谱法由于具有较高的分辨率和质量精确度, 近年来在农药残留检测中的应用越来越多, 尽管高分辨质谱法能在一定程度上降低基质干扰, 但样品前处理仍然是必要的。样品前处理可以减少基质干扰成分, 提取、富集目标检测物, 对农药残留检测方法的准确度、灵敏度和重现性具有重要影响。本文对近年来高分辨质谱法检测农药残留所应用的前处理方法进行概述, 主要包括QuEChERS法、固相萃取法、极性农药快速提取法、在线前处理法等, 介绍了各前处理方法的原理和应用现状, 对不同前处理方法的优缺点进行分析, 并对高分辨质谱法检测农药残留所应用的样品前处理的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

Fresh produce has been recognised as a healthy food, thus there is increasing consumer demand for fresh fruit and vegetables. The shelf‐life of fresh produce, however, is relatively short and is limited by microbial contamination or visual, textural and nutritional quality loss. There are many methods to reduce/eliminate microorganisms present in food and ozone treatment is one of them. The use of ozone by the fresh produce industry is a good alternative to chemical treatments, e.g. the use of chlorine. The effectiveness of ozone as an antimicrobial agent has previously been reviewed and has been updated here, with the latest findings. The main focus of this review is on the effects of ozone on the fresh produce quality, defined by maintenance of texture, visual quality, taste and aroma, and nutritional content. Furthermore, ozone has been found to be efficient in reducing pesticide residues from the produce. The treatments that have the ability to reduce microbial contamination of the product without having an adverse effect on its visual, textural and nutritional quality can be recommended and subsequently incorporated into the supply chain. A good understanding of all the benefits and limitations related to the use of ozone is needed, and relevant information has been reviewed in this paper. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

有机磷农药残留是重要的食品安全问题之一,有必要对食品中的有机磷农药进行监测。但植物源性食品成分复杂,进行有机磷农药检测前必须通过前处理进行提取和纯化。因此选择高效的有机磷农药残留前处理技术是非常重要的环节,已经成为当前研究者关注的重点。本文总结了有机磷农药分析的前处理方法的原理以及应用,包括传统提取法、加速溶剂萃取法、固相萃取法、QuEChERS法,介绍了有机磷农药的快速检测方法,包括分子印迹技术、酶抑制法、纳米材料富集法,并展望了对植物源性有机磷前处理技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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