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甘肃省水利厅结合牧区的现状特点,从气候、地形地貌、地理位置,把牧区分为3大片,即河西、甘南、陇南中东部,又根据各片的具体特点,从自然、社会状况、气象、草地资源、水利现状、供水现状、水资源分布及利用、供需平衡等方面加以分析,制定出符合牧区的发展规划。规划成果实施后,将给牧区带来显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,促进牧区的社会发展。  相似文献   

新中国成立50多年来的水利工程建设,为平谷的社会经济可持续发展创造了有利条件.40万平谷儿女发扬艰苦创业,只争朝夕的精神,兴利除害,开源节流,在平谷大地上初步建成了山、水、林、田、路综合治理,顶、坡、沟立体开发,拦、蓄、灌、排、节有机结合的水利设施防护体系,全区水利基础设施得到了长足发展.  相似文献   

2月21日,春节长假后的第一天,早上9点刚过,水利厅党组书记、厅长黄柏青率领厅党组成员朱兆华、彭泽英、吕英明、黄河鸿、蔡端丰、王建成、邱德华、林旭钿、刘敏等向厅机关各处室和设计院、水职院、水科院、水文局的干部职工拜年,送去新年的问候和厅党组的关怀,  相似文献   

写作要求中文摘要应包括以下要素:(1)目的——研究、研制、调查等的前提、目的和任务,所涉及的主题范围。(2)方法——所用的原理、理论、条件、对象、材料、工艺、结构、手段、装备、程序等。(3)结果——研究的结果、数据,被确定的关系,观察结果,得到的效果,性能等。(4)结论——结果的分析、研究、比较、评价、应用,提出的问题,今后的研究课题,假设,启发,建议,预测等。  相似文献   

延庆地区的湿地保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1湿地的定义及其沿革 对许多人来说,湿地是一个十分生疏的的概念,只是近年来,随着环境问题的突出,人们开始关注湿地."湿地"一词源自英文Wetland,是对地球三大生态系统(海洋、湿地与森林)中的与水发生关联的生态系统的总称.例如无论是天然或人工的湖泊、沼泽、滩涂、水库、蓄洪区、鱼塘、芦苇荡、荷花淀、烂泥坑……更大一些的有海滩、泛洪平原,只要水深不超过6 m的水域,无论咸淡,一律被称做湿地.  相似文献   

历代古典宫殿、教堂、寺庙、宗祠、园林、民宅以及桥梁古道,无论是雕龙画凤,还是斗拱飞檐等古法神工,越是历经风雨沧桑,沉积下来的"宝光"就越浓!一切古建筑文物都无不反映当时政治、经济、文化以及民风习俗的兴衰,无不体现我们先民的勤劳、智慧、心血和汗水,应该说,古建筑就是一部教科书,它记录了历史的文明与兴衰,寄托了人类的思想与灵魂的变迁。众所周知,人类在不断改造自己,推动社会发展的文明进程中,无论是帝王将相、才子佳人,还是文人墨客、富商豪爵,上到天官重臣,下至庶民百姓,学文习武,生活劳作都会受到古建筑古色、古香、古气陶冶。  相似文献   

城管,是城市管理监察部门的简称,是城市管理的综合执法组织。城管的职责包括市容环境卫生、违法建设处罚、违法占路处罚、无照经营处罚、城市节水管理、停车管理、园林绿化管理、施工现场管理、拆迁工地管理、城市河湖管理、"黑车"管理……总之,城管"无所不管",肩上的责任相当重大,然而,由于职权不清、相关部门之间缺乏配合、执法观念滞后等原因,城管执法往往治标不治本,甚至激化了矛盾。  相似文献   

刘涛 《山东水利》2008,(2):38-39,41
在小流域治理工作中,山亭区立足于片麻岩山区山岭起伏、沟壑纵横、地形破碎、土壤贫瘠、植被稀少的实际,以小流域治理为单元,因地制宜,突出建设高标准水平梯田,综合配套拦、蓄、提水工程,围绕特色产业建基地,扶持农业龙头企业,强化工程后期管护,坚持多措并举,综合开发,多形式、多渠道增加农民收入,走出了一条种、养、加于一体的小流域治理特色之路,取得了显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

一、发挥财务管理的决策职能,做好企业资金的筹措、投放和运营等工作,促进企业良性运行1.资金筹措决策。资金筹集的主要渠道有:国家财政资金、银行信贷资金、非银行金融机构资金、其他企业资金、民间资金、企业自留资金、外商资金。可以采取的筹资方式有:吸收直接投资、发行股票、银行借款、商业信用、发行债券、发行融资券、租赁筹资。不同的筹资渠道和筹资方式,有不同的契约条件、偿还期限、报酬支付方法,也有不同的使用代价,对利润也会产生不同的影响。财务人员及其决策者,必须把握不同筹资渠道和筹资方式的关系,综合考虑企业的经营状况、财务状况、资本结构、资金成本、投资风险等因素,在众多的组合方案中,通过定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,选择适合本企业发展的最佳方案,以期获得结构优化、配置合理的资本结构,为企业取得最大的经营利润打基础。  相似文献   

正合理规划,民心所向2013年,按照山西省委、省政府"一核一圈三群"的部署,和对太原加快一流省会城市建设步伐,建设美丽太原,"一年一个样、三年大变样"的发展要求,市委、市政府高起点规划,高标准建设,组织实施了一批"改善省城交通环境,解决交通拥堵问题"为主的27项城市路桥工程,总计建设里程196.61公里。建设内容包括:征地、拆迁、回迁安置楼、道路、桥梁、雨污水、照明、电力入地、城市供水、供气、供热等管线铺设、绿化、公厕、城市家具、公交停靠站、交通设施等。截止目前,已完成其中的24项。全市道路总计拆迁483万平米,新修、改造道路105条,累计  相似文献   

1.  Borehole bench marks I–VI practically work just as the settlement marks of the dam and surface cliff bench marks located near the dam. Consequently, with such a scheme of embedding the bench marks it was not possible to fall outside the zone of formation of settlement, and the given borehole bench marks cannot serve as a reliable, independent reference for determining dam settlements.  相似文献   

Conclusion Deformations of the rock foundation of the Bratsk dam occurred mainly during filling of the reservoir and primarily due to the weight of the water operation. During operation, settlements have increased insignificantly with a clear tendency toward their fading away. The maximum settlement, 74 mm, which had been predicted as early as 1966, was reached in 1970; in 1977 it amounted to 74.4 mm. Horizontal deformations have practically stabilized. At the base of the dam, if slight consolidation occurred at all during construction (which, apparently, caused mainly differential settlement of the sections), then it was hardly noted by observations. Despite the explicit stabilization of the processes, observations of settlements and horizontal displacements retain their importance, considering the essential character of the structures, the seismicity of the region, and the slowness of processes characteristic for hydraulic structures. The geodetic base of the Bratsk hydrostation has certain shortcomings: the bench marks are located on a diabase sheet and can settle along with it; the nearness of the diabase rock quarry to the right-bank bench marks; the rather long and complex traverse along the foreshores. Use of the geodetic base is also difficult: the traverses along the foreshores are difficult and dangerous owing to the adjacent high (up to 80 m) steep cliffs, the natural disintegration of which causes rock falls. We consider that it would be more convenient and reliable to embed bench marks with anchors in sandstones below the upper zone of consolidation (depth 100–120 m) in the bank tunnels of the inspection gallery at the 27-m level. Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 8, pp. 43–46, August, 1979.  相似文献   

江垭水电站地下厂房岩锚吊车梁岩台开挖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岩锚梁的岩台开挖是岩锚梁施工的关键技术,施工时,不仅要确保岩台在开挖过程中的稳定,而且也要确保岩台开挖前后的稳定,同时还要确保在后序开挖过程中不对已浇筑的岩锚梁自身结构的稳定性产生影响。江垭电站的岩锚梁施工,以工程地质体制论为理论基础,岩台开挖分4步进行:第1步在岩台以上2m范围内进行预裂爆破;第2步进行岩面光面爆破;第3步在岩台以下2m范围内进行预裂爆破;第4步在第3开挖层进行预裂爆破。岩台开挖  相似文献   

肖中文  徐杰 《吉林水利》2010,(3):1-2,11
本文结合松原大桥工程施工控制基础标石建设实例,对大型工程施工控制基础标石的形状、结构、埋设深度进行设计,考虑当地的特点,设计的原则是标石不受冻融、振动、沉降对标体安全稳定性的影响;采用先进的方法进行现场埋设,标型新颖、风格别致。经建标两年后的观测检验符合设计要求,标体安全稳定,精度可靠。本文力求能给类似工程建设基础标石提供一些参考作用。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用磁致伸缩位移传感器和双金属标测量坝体垂直位移的测量装置,介绍了磁致伸缩位移传感器和双金属标的原理,阐述了磁致式双金属标测坝变形装置的结构及工作原理、磁致式双金属标遥测仪的硬件组成及软件实现。该装置实现了大坝的垂直位移测量,目前已在国内部分水电站成功应用。  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998 two workshops were held to evaluate how consistent observers were at classifying sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) marks on Great Lakes lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) as described in the King classification system. Two trials were held at each workshop, with group discussion between trials. Variation in counting and classifying marks was considerable, such that reporting rates for A1–A3 marks varied two to three-fold among observers of the same lake trout. Observer variation was greater for classification of healing or healed marks than for fresh marks. The workshops highlighted, as causes for inconsistent mark classification, both departures from the accepted protocol for classifying marks by some agencies, and differences in how sliding and multiple marks were interpreted. Group discussions led to greater agreement in classifying marks. We recommend ways to improve the reliability of marking statistics, including the use of a dichotomous key to classify marks. Laboratory data show that healing times of marks on lake trout were much longer at 4°C and 1°C than at 10°C and varied greatly among individuals. Reported A1–A3 and B1–B3 marks observed in late summer and fall collections likely result from a mixture of attacks by two year classes of sea lamprey. It is likely that a substantial but highly uncertain proportion of attacks that occur in late summer and fall lead to marks that are classified as A1–A3 the next spring. We recommend additional research on mark stage duration.  相似文献   

介绍了在溪洛渡水电站左岸导流洞中、下层开挖施工中成功运用预裂爆破、梯段爆破、光面爆破的情况,包括爆破方案的选择、爆破参数的试验选择,预裂爆破、梯段爆破、光面爆破的施工方法等。  相似文献   

详细介绍了台阶式消能这一新型消能工的消能原理,新疆两个水利工程和两个水电站工程岸边表孔溢洪道(洞)采用台阶消能技术的设计和水工模型试验成果,可供相似工程参考.  相似文献   

The impact of river incision induced by channelization and gravel mining on the structure of ground beetle assemblages in riparian habitats was investigated on three montane rivers in southern Poland. Ground beetles were collected on three benches of different elevation in 11 incised and 14 vertically stable cross sections of the rivers. In total, 5821 individuals representing 106 species were collected. The effect of river incision on the diversity and abundance of ground beetles depended on bench height. Only on the lowest bench, inundated about once per year on average, species richness of the assemblages was significantly reduced in incised river cross sections. On this bench, the abundance of the specialists of exposed riverine sediments, i.e. small and medium‐sized predators with high dispersal power and spring breeding strategy, was highly negatively affected by river incision. On the highest bench, large, brachypterous species with spring and autumn breeding strategy, typical of undisturbed habitats, were more abundant in incised cross sections. As this bench is practically not subjected to flooding even in vertically stable cross sections, these species probably benefited from the occurrence of riparian forest along most incised river sections, whereas the riparian areas along vertically stable sections are subjected to higher agricultural pressure. This study shows that in the mountain region where high precipitation helps to maintain moisture of the riparian habitats, river incision has a negative impact only on the specialists of exposed riverine sediments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

傅萌 《人民长江》2012,43(1):33-35
为保证糯扎渡水电站地下厂房岩锚梁岩台的开挖质量,将岩台所在的区域分2层、5区进行开挖,2层的开挖高度分别为3.45 m和4.75 m,均采用中部拉槽,两边保护层跟进的方式掘进,岩台区最后开挖;精心进行爆破设计,包括爆破孔网参数、装药结构等;精心控制斜岩面光爆孔钻孔质量;对岩台的下拐点和断层区域进行精心保护。取得了满意的开挖效果。对质量控制的全过程作了详细介绍,可供同类工程参考。  相似文献   

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