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在基于关系数据库和对象关系映射的持久对象框架中,对象之间通常通过对象引用和各种集合属性将对象相互关联起来,组合成更为复杂的复合对象。应用程序对这些复合对象的访问则是通过使用这些属性逐个访问成员对象来完成。这种在多个成员对象之间的导航操作导致了客户端和后端数据库系统之间的获取操作大幅度增加,从而导致严重的性能问题。对象预取技术根据某种策略,将应用程序可能访问到的对象成组或批量地预先从数据库中装载到客户端,从而减少了应用程序对后端数据库系统进行查询的次数。本文对现有各种对象预取技术并对其进行分析分类,在此基础上,提出了一种基于多级访问模式的对象预取技术。最后,介绍了该算法在软件构件平台StarC-CM的持久对象框架中的实现。  相似文献   

多个成员对象之间的访问大幅度增加了客户端和后端数据库系统之间的读取操作,从而给系统带来了严重的性能问题。针对这一问题,提出了一种解决方案,在客户端增加一个缓存来减少对象获取操作,建立多层访问的对象查询预取模式,从而大幅提高对象持久化系统的访问效率和可用性。  相似文献   

负载均衡是大规模基于对象存储系统必须要考虑的重要问题。本文为此以系统总响应时间为代价函数,以对象被访问频率为依据,建立了一种将对象复制与对象迁移统一在内的动态负栽均衡模型,并充分利用存储设备的智能实现系统的动态负载均衡。仿真结果表明,在存在大量热点访问和对象分布不均匀的情况下,启用对象复制和对象迁移的负载均衡算法能最大程度地减少系统的平均总响应时间。  相似文献   

随着计算机应用的普及和存储需求的膨胀,存储系统正在由NAS和SAN转向了OBS。本文介绍了三种存储系统的访问模式,在OBS基础上,提出了存储设备对象,这不仅丰富了对象的内涵,还总结出一种统一对象存储访问模型,对不同存储对象设备实行访问协议的映射,使之更具有普适性。  相似文献   

姚荻  冯丹 《计算机科学》2010,37(9):290-293
在基于对象的存储结构中,客户端与基于对象的存储设备(OSD)直接交互,可以提高访问性能.但是,这给存储系统带来了安全风险.提出了一套用于对象存储系统的新的安全机制,该机制在对象存储访问的主要通信环节均采用安全密钥交换措施,并对双方身份进行双向认证,避免了多类网络攻击,从而提高了对象存储系统的安全性.  相似文献   

对象存储设备端数据管理策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对象存储系统中,数据由智能化的对象存储设备管理.当前,对象存储设备端主要提供对象接口,传统的设计主要由通用文件I/O来封装.但是,通用文件系统在管理平坦命名空间时,尤其在长期使用后性能退化严重.因此,提出基于扩展Hash的对象文件系统XOBFS(extensible hashing object-based storage file system),将磁盘空间划分成多个区域单元,区域中定长块分配策略与位图管理空闲块方式结合;对象属性用扩展Hash管理,在Hash桶中采用相同对象属性相邻存放策略.XOBFS应用在对象存储设备端,具有元数据规模小、长期使用性能不退化、对属性进行有效管理等特点.测试结果表明,基于大对象的XOBFS的吞吐率优于传统文件系统.  相似文献   

预取作为一种主动缓存技术可用于提高缓存命中率,但其效果好坏很大程度上取决于所采用的预取策略。本文提出了一种代理服务器下基于对象的限定预取策略,通过调整代理服务器中预取空间的大小,防止无效页面占用过多的缓存空间,提高了缓存的利用率,从而获得较高的命中率。实验表明,基于对象的限定预取策略命中率远远高于LRU策略,并且相对于基于对象的LRU策略也有明显的改善。  相似文献   

刘群  冯丹  王芳 《计算机工程》2008,34(15):70-71,7
当大量用户并行访问对象存储设备(OSD)时,OSD可能成为限制系统性能的瓶颈。该文提出一种基于网络磁盘阵列的对象存储系统,网络磁盘阵列包括外设和网络2个通道,可直接与客户端进行数据传输。该系统具有基于对象存储系统的特点,且系统容量可扩展性和整体性能较高。  相似文献   

为了降低访问时延,提升用户体验,当前网络交互性能改进的主要手段包括缓存技术与预取技术。当前的缓存替换机制主要考虑对象的访问时间与访问频度,然而Web对象本身存在语义性。本文首先对实际Web数据访问情况进行分析,发现访问间隔的变化率对于命中率的影响具有更高的准确性,进而提出一种基于对象属性的缓存替换策略,该策略通过统计近期缓存对象的平均访问间隔,并结合该对象的标签属性作为对象在缓存中的价值。实验结果表明该策略比基于Aging的缓存策略和基于协作式中心化决策缓存策略提升7%-10%的命中率。  相似文献   

郭御风  李琼  罗莉  刘光明 《计算机科学》2010,37(12):283-286
对象存储重新划分了传统文件系统的功能,并将存储管理功能下放到智能存储设备中。采用基于对象接口,利用智能存储设备的计算能力改善存储性能,获得了更好的可扩展性、安全性以及跨平台无缝共享能力,目前正得到广泛的研究和应用。对象存储控制器是对象存储系统的核心部件,是对象存储系统性能发挥的关键。介绍了一种新型的基于SOC的对象存储控制器的设计和实现。测试结果表明,设计的对象存储控制器在性能、可靠性、成本和功耗方面都具有巨大优势。最后介绍了几种正在研究的对象存储控制器的并行优化方法。  相似文献   

When implementing persistent objects on a relational database, a major performance issue is prefetching data to minimize the number of round-trips to the database. This is especially hard with navigational applications, since future accesses are unpredictable. We propose the use of the context in which an object is loaded as a predictor of future accesses, where a context can be a stored collection of relationships, a query result, or a complex object. When an object O's state is loaded, similar state for other objects in O's context is prefetched. We present a design for maintaining context and for using it to guide prefetch. We give performance measurements of its implementation in Microsoft Repository, showing up to a 70% reduction in running time. We describe several variations of the optimization: selectively applying the technique based on application and database characteristics, using application-supplied performance hints, using concurrent database queries to support asynchronous prefetch, prefetching across relationship paths, and delayed prefetch to save database round-trips. Received May 3, 2000 / Accepted October 26, 2000  相似文献   

Since recent applications such as XML applications, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and CAD/CAM systems require highly efficient data management, they are built on Object-Relational DBMS (ORDBMS). The applications are called navigational applications, and they navigate the composite objects connected via the reference and the collection attributes in the ORDBMS. When a navigational application accesses an object, it first checks whether the object is stored in the object cache. If not, the object must be fetched from the database in the server, which is a costly operation. Prefetching identifies the objects that are most likely to be accessed in the near future by the navigational applications and stores them in the object cache in advance. Since prefetching reduces the number of object fetches, it is crucial for improving the application performance. However, the experimental result by Han et al. [16] showed that the improvement ratio of application performance is much lower than the reduction ratio of the number of object fetches.In this paper, we claim that the number of disk accesses in the server also considerably affects the application performance, and we propose a technique for minimizing disk accesses to improve the performance of the prefetch method by Han et al. [16] and hence the navigational application. The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows. (1) For the iterative and the recursive patterns, we propose methods for creating materialized views based on the type-level path access logs proposed in [15]. We refer to the materialized views as the type-level access pattern views. (2) We then present the algorithms for minimizing the number of disk accesses using the type-level access pattern views when prefetching the objects from the database in the server. (3) We present an implementation technique that, given a prefetch request from the client, quickly finds the most efficient type-level access pattern view. (4) We perform a series of experiments using a variety of databases to show that the proposed technique significantly improves the overall performance of the navigational application. Experimental result shows that we reduce the number of disk accesses by up to 33.0 times and improve the performance by up to 21.4 times.  相似文献   

位置相关信息服务中访问数据涉及到复杂的空间计算,导致访问数据的延迟时间较长,而数据预取能够显著提高数据的访问速度,缩短访问数据的时间。基于LDD的预取策略如DDP考虑了数据距离,但是没有考虑数据的访问概率和更新频率及数据大小。针对以上问题提出基于价值的数据预取(CDP)策略,一些重要的数据预取因素如访问概率、更新频率、数据项大小、数据距离和有效范围等都包含在价值函数里,根据价值函数值的大小来选择被预取的数据。通过实验对比,CDP比DDP策略能更有效的提高缓存命中率。  相似文献   

在当前网络地理信息系统(以下简称WebGIS)中,空间数据等大型数据在用户访问请求下,从远程服务器端向客户端传输时,往往引起传输延迟,延长了响应请求的时间,降低了效率.预取本来是用在操作系统中提高高速缓存存储器(Cache)性能的一种技术,但在WebGIS中,采用适当的预取机制可以减少用户在浏览器端的等待时间,提高客户端的工作效率.本文分析了几种预取机制,并根据GIS空间对象的特点,对预取机制在WebGIS上的应用作了讨论,以期提高WebGIS的性能.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose and evaluate a new data-prefetching technique for cache coherent multiprocessors. Prefetches are issued by a functional unit called a prefetch engine which is controlled by the compiler. We let second-level cache misses generate cache miss traps and start the prefetch engine in a trap handler. The trap handler is fast (40–50 cycles) and does not normally delay the program beyond the memory latency of the miss. Once started, the prefetch engine executes on its own and causes no instruction overhead. The only instruction overhead in our approach is when a trap handler completes after data arrives. The advantages of this technique are (1) it exploits static compiler analysis to determine what to prefetch, which is hard to do in hardware, (2) it uses prefetching with very little instruction overhead, which is a limitation for traditional software-controlled prefetching, and (3) it is accurate in the sense that it generates very little useless traffic while maintaining a high prefetching coverage. We also study whether one could emulate the prefetch engine in software, which would not require any additional hardware beyond support for generating cache miss traps and ordinary prefetch instructions. In this paper we present the functionality of the prefetch engine and a compiler algorithm to control it. We evaluate our technique on six parallel scientific and engineering applications using an optimizing compiler with our algorithm and a simulated multiprocessor. We find that the prefetch engine removes up to 67% of the memory access stall time at an instruction overhead less than 0.42%. The emulated prefetch engine removes in general less stall time at a higher instruction overhead.  相似文献   

Conventional studies on buffer-constrained flowshop scheduling problems have considered applications with a limitation on the number of jobs that are allowed in the intermediate storage buffer before flowing to the next machine. The study in Lin et al. (Comput. Oper. Res. 36(4):1158?C1175, 2008a) considered a two-machine flowshop problem with ??processing time-dependent?? buffer constraints for multimedia applications. A???passive?? prefetch model (the PP-problem), in which the download process is suspended unless the buffer is sufficient for keeping an incoming media object, was applied in Lin et al. (Comput. Oper. Res. 36(4):1158?C1175, 2008a). This study further considers an ??active?? prefetch model (the AP-problem) that exploits the unoccupied buffer space by advancing the download of the incoming object by a computed maximal duration that possibly does not cause a buffer overflow. We obtain new complexity results for both problems. This study also proposes a new lower bound which improves the branch and bound algorithm presented in Lin et al. (Comput. Oper. Res. 36(4):1158?C1175, 2008a). For the PP-problem, compared to the lower bounds developed in Lin et al. (Comput. Oper. Res. 36(4):1158?C1175, 2008a), on average, the results of the simulation experiments show that the proposed new lower bound cuts about 38% of the nodes and 32% of the execution time for searching the optimal solutions.  相似文献   

局部离群点挖掘算法研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
离群点可分为全局离群点和局部离群点.在很多情况下,局部离群点的挖掘比全局离群点的挖掘更有意义.现有的基于局部离群度的离群点挖掘算法存在检测精度依赖于用户给定的参数、计算复杂度高等局限.文中提出将对象属性分为固有属性和环境属性,用环境属性确定对象邻域、固有属性计算离群度的方法克服上述局限;并以空间数据为例,将空间属性与非空间属性分开,用空间属性确定空间邻域,用非空间属性计算空间离群度,设计了空间离群点挖掘算法.实验结果表明,所提算法具有对用户依赖性少、检测精度高、可伸缩性强和运算效率高的优点.  相似文献   

Stride prefetching is recognized as an important technique to improve memory access performance. The prior work usually profiles and/or analyzes the program behavior offline, and uses the identified stride patterns to guide the compilation process by injecting the prefetch instructions at appropriate places. There are some researches trying to enable stride prefetching in runtime systems with online profiling, but they either cannot discover cross-procedural prefetch opportunity, or require special supports in hardware or garbage collection. In this paper, we present a prefetch engine for JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It firstly identifies the candidate load operations during just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and then instruments the compiled code to profile the addresses of those loads. The runtime profile is collected in a trace buffer, which triggers a prefetch controller upon a protection fault. The prefetch controller analyzes the trace to discover any stride patterns, then modifies the compiled code to inject the prefetch instructions in place of the instrumentations. One of the major advantages of this engine is that, it can detect striding loads in any virtual code places for both regular and irregular code, not being limited with plain loop or procedure scopes. Actually we found the cross-procedural patterns take about 30% of all the prefetchings in the representative Java benchmarks. Another major advantage of the engine is that it has runtime overhead much smaller (the maximal is less than 4.0%) than the benefits it brings. Our evaluation with Apache Harmony JVM shows that the engine can achieve an average 6.2% speed-up with SPECJVM98 and DaCapo on Intel Pentium 4 platform, in spite of the runtime overhead.  相似文献   

Leung  K. Y.  Wong  Eric W. M.  Yeung  K. H. 《World Wide Web》2004,7(3):297-314
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) have been used on the Internet to cache media content so as to reduce the load on the original media server, network congestion, and latency. Due to the large size of media content compared to normal web objects, current caching algorithms used in the Internet are no longer suitable. This paper presents a high-performance prefetch system that accommodates user time-varying behavior. A hybrid caching technique, which combines prefetch and replacement algorithms, is also introduced. The robustness of the cache system against imperfect user request information is evaluated using three request noise models. Two prefetch performance indices are also presented to help content administrators in deciding when to update the user request profile for caching algorithms.  相似文献   

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