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研究了对开源社区软件间进行开发的各项数据,采用挖掘存储库数据的方式获得一种可以客观量化开源软件成功度的简易方法,确保开源软件开发团队能够全面掌握开发软件的成功程度及整个开发团队的情况,找到开源软件取得成功的各项因素.本方法利用开源社区存储库数据,实现了对开源软件质量、团队活性、用户参与度、软件规模各项要素的客观、准确描述,确保开源软件团队可以深入掌握开发软件的成功情况.  相似文献   

杨程  范强  王涛  尹刚  王怀民 《软件学报》2017,28(6):1357-1372
随着软件协同开发技术与社交网络的深度融合,社交化开发范式已成为当前软件创作与生产的重要方式。这一软件开发模型的灵活性与开放性,吸引了大规模的外围贡献者加入到开源社区中,形成了巨大的软件生产力。在开源社区中,这些分布广泛、规模巨大的外围贡献者主要以一种无组织的松散方式进行协同。他们需要花费大量的时间和精力,在海量的开源项目中寻找到自己真正感兴趣的项目并进行长期贡献。为了提高大规模群体协同的效率,本文提出一种基于多维特征的开源项目个性化推荐方法(即RepoLike)。该方法从开源项目自身流行度、关联项目技术相关度以及大众贡献者之间的社交关联度等三个维度度量开发者和开源项目之间的关联关系,并利用线性组合和Learning To Rank方法构建推荐模型,从而为开发者提供个性化的项目推荐服务。通过大规模的实证实验表明,RepoLike在推荐20个候选项目时的推荐命中率超过25%,能够有效地为开发人员提供有价值的推荐服务。  相似文献   

随着近年来开源软件的蓬勃发展,现代化软件的开发和供应模式极大地促进了开源软件自身的快速迭代和演进,也提高了社会效益.新兴的开源协作的软件开发模式,使得软件开发供应流程由较为单一的线条转变为复杂的网络形态.在盘根错节的开源软件供应关系中,总体安全风险趋势显著上升,日益受到学术界和产业界的重视.针对开源软件供应链,厘清了其关键环节,基于近10年的攻击事件,归纳了开源软件供应链的威胁模型和安全趋势,并通过对现有安全研究成果的调研分析,从风险识别和加固防御这两个方面总结了开源软件供应链安全的研究现状,最后对开源软件供应链安全所面临的挑战和未来研究方向进行了展望和总结.  相似文献   

如何从海量的、公共可获取的互联网资源中快速定位和获取高质量、满足自身特定需求的开源软件资源是当前软件开发技术核心竞争力的一个重要体现.本文研究了互联网上开源软件各种可信证据的存在及分布形式,给出了相关数据的定位和自动化获取方法;提出了面向互联网的开源软件自动化评估证据框架,用于解决互联网数据到软件可信证据的映射问题;提出面向互联网上海量软件资源的开源软件可信证据查询平台实现方法,用于解决软件可信证据的自动化获取及使用问题;基于该系统能够极大的提高评估效率,使得用户准确、快速、全面的了解相关软件项目的各种信息.最后,通过两个典型的开源软件实例证实了上述证据框架和方法的可行性.  相似文献   

软件复用是软件开发中避免重复劳动的解决方案。开源软件的源代码、邮件列表、缺陷报告和问答文档等软件资源中蕴含了规模庞大、结构复杂、语义关联丰富的软件知识。如何获取知识、组织知识,以及如何在软件复用过程中方便地检索软件知识是亟待解决的问题。为了解决这些问题,面向开源软件项目,构建了软件知识图谱,并提供了基于软件知识图谱的软件知识检索。主要工作包括:针对4种不同类型的软件资源,提出了软件知识实体的提取原则与方法;提出了软件知识实体之间关联关系构建的方法;实现了两种软件知识检索机制,并以文字列表和图形可视化相结合的方式展现检索结果;设计了软件知识图谱构建框架。基于上述工作,设计并实现了一个面向开源软件项目的软件知识图谱构建工具。实例证明,所构建的软件知识图谱可以更好地帮助软件开发人员进行软件知识的检索与应用。  相似文献   

李志星  余跃  王涛  蔡孟栾  王怀民 《软件学报》2023,34(9):4056-4068
人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)的飞速发展得益于开源社区的开放协同,大量的开发者通过提交PR(pull-request)为AI开源软件做贡献.然而,外部贡献者所提交的PR质量参差不齐,开源项目管理团队需要对PR进行代码审查,并要求贡献者根据审查意见对PR进行修订. PR的修订过程对AI开源软件的质量有着重要的影响,因此对该过程进行更加全面、深入的实证研究很有必要.首先,从TensorFlow开源软件社区中收集一组PR的修订历史,通过对PR的代码提交信息以及审查评论进行定性分析,归纳总结PR修订类型的分类体系.其次,根据此分类体系人工标注一组修订数据集,并基于此数据集定量分析不同修订类型的频率分布、次序分布以及关联关系.研究结果表明:TensorFlow开源社区中的PR存在3大类共11种不同类型的修订,其中完善类修订出现的频率最高;此外,相比于其他类修订和完善类修订,修正类修订更常发生在PR的早期更新中;与结构相关的修订更有可能与其他类型的修订同现或邻现,配置修订以及变基修订有较大概率会接连出现.实证研究结果可帮助AI开源实践者和研究者更好地理解PR的修...  相似文献   

当前,基于P/R的分布式协同开发已经成为开源社区中的主导软件开发方式。开发者通过Fork复制软件项目的版本库,创建自身分支,并在新建分支中进行独立开发。由于P/R协同开发模型具有开放性、透明性和并行化等特征,开发人员在Fork项目时难以掌握项目的Fork概况,不知道其他开发人员是否已通过Fork开展相同或类似的开发工作,从而容易产生重复性的贡献和冗余性开发。针对这个问题,提出一种Fork摘要的自动生成方法以帮助项目管理者加强项目管控,避免冗余贡献,增强合作交流。该方法首先爬取开源社区中具有Feature和Bug标签信息的Issue数据,采用随机森林方法训练一个分类器模型,以对Fork特征进行分类;随后收集Fork分支的软件开发活动数据,采用TextRank算法生成Fork详细信息以解释Fork的主要目的;最后设计了一组组合规则及相应的算法来整合Fork的类别、特征和其他信息,以形成完整的Fork摘要。为了检验所提方法在指导分布式协同开发方面的有效性,在Github上进行了30组人工测试和60组实际案例测试。结果表明,所提方法生成的Fork摘要的准确率达到67.2%,实验中76%的项目管理者认为Fork摘要有助于更好地管理项目,加强沟通与合作。  相似文献   

自2000年以来,中国有越来越多的软件开发者或开发团队加入到开源社区中来,但人们对开源的认识似乎仅仅只限于将它理解为免费的“拿来主义”。实际上,很多业界巨头都纷纷投入资本来支持一些著名的开源项目,如IBM投入数百万美元开发Eclipse项目,Sun和HP资助Gnome项目开发,Netscape公司将Firefox浏览器代码捐赠给Mozilla基金会。开源为何能够引起如此多厂商的兴趣?开源与商业之间是否存在统一的一面?各大开源厂商所采取的商业模式又是如何的?中国的开源软件发展应该从中获得什么启示?带着这些问题,本刊记者特邀采访了著名开源运动领袖、Apache之父——布莱恩·贝伦多夫(Brian Behlendorf)先生。  相似文献   

文章提出一种面向开源软件特征的开源软件选择方法,首先从开源软件的基本特性、评估策略和内在特征三个方面建立其特征,并将特征纳入到开源软件的分类中。其次再根据不同用户的需求的特征与开源软件的分类建立选择机制,使用户需求选择特征与开源软件特征进行对应,从而建立起开源软件选择方法。然后通过该方法来选择面向开源软件开发工具为例进行验证表明,该策略有效且可用性强。  相似文献   

大型自由和开源软件进化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑巍 《计算机工程与设计》2008,29(11):2821-2823
大型自由和开源软件的各种版本源代码和相关开发信息是软件工程研究者研究开源软件项目的重要数据源.归纳开源软件项目的数据源及数据收集方法,给出Linux、FreeBSD操作系统内核的软件进化的分析方法和相关分析结果.重点分析了系统和主要子系统的复杂性进化趋势及推动进化主要原因,提出了快速测算大型开源软件复杂性的方法.得出系统目前以超线性方式进化,而进化的主要推动力是适应系统硬件资源的进化.  相似文献   

This article compares the organization and practices for software reuse in integration‐oriented software product lines (SPLs) and open source software projects. The main observation is that both approaches are successful regarding large variability and reuse, but differ widely in their practices and organization. To capture practices in large open source projects, we describe an open compositional model, which reflects their more decentralized organization of software development. We capture key practices and organizational forms for this and validate these by comparing four case studies of this model. Two of these studies are based on published SPL case studies, for the other two we analyze the practices in two large and successful open source projects based on their published developer documentation. Our analysis highlights key differences between the practices in the two open source organizations and the more integrational practices used in the other two cases. Finally, we discuss which practices are successful in which environment and how the current practices can move towards more open, widely scoped and distributed software development. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A framework for creating hybrid-open source software communities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract The open source software (OSS) model is a fundamentally new and revolutionary way to develop software. The success of the OSS model is also setting the stage for a structural change in the software industry; it is beginning to transform software industry from manufacturing to a service industry. Despite the success of the OSS model, for‐profit organizations are having difficulty building a business model around the open source paradigm. Whereas there are some isolated empirical studies, little rigorous research has been done on how traditional organizations can implement and benefit from OSS practices. This research explores how organizations can foster an environment similar to OSS to manage their software development efforts to reap its numerous advantages. Drawing on organizational theory, we develop a framework that guides the creation and management of a hybrid‐OSS community within an organization. We discuss the implications of this framework and suggest areas for future research.  相似文献   

To what extent can software ‘travel’ to organizations and countries for which it was not designed for, and how important are local contexts for a successful design and implementation of generic software? Information systems researchers have differing views on this, some emphasizing the strengths of the generic and others the importance of contextual aspects. Contributing to this debate, Pollock and Williams have coined the term generification in order to describe how large vendors succeed in globalizing software packages through management by community, content and social authority. In this paper, we explore an approach that we call open generification, which extends Pollock and Williams' work in the sense that we acknowledge the need for and the feasibility of generic software, but propose an alternative model for the governance of it. Open generification is not about managing the community of users attached to a software package by homogenization or segmentation but aims at addressing the diverse needs of the community the software is expected to serve. Our empirical basis is a longitudinal study of the development of an open‐source health information system software (District Health Information software version 2), which is being used in more than 47 countries. Its success is attributed to a continuous interplay between generic and specific software and continuous cycles of embedding (implementing the global in the local context) and disembedding (taking local innovations into the global). We identify and discuss the contingent mechanisms of this interplay.  相似文献   

开发者通常会为其开源代码选择不同的开源许可证来约束其使用条件,以期能有效地保护知识产权和维持软件的长远发展.然而,现有的开源许可证种类繁杂,开发者难以了解不同开源许可证间的差异,并且难以通过现有的开源许可证选择工具做出合适的选择——其使用要求开发者了解开源许可证相关条款并明确自己的业务需求.学术界虽然对开源许可证已有研...  相似文献   

We sought to gain understanding of voluntary developers’ involvement in open source software (OSS) projects. Data were collected from voluntary developers working on open source projects. Our findings indicated that a voluntary developer's involvement was very important to his or her performance and that involvement was dependent on individual motivations (personal software needs, reputation and skills gaining expectation, enjoyment in open source coding) and project community factors (leadership effectiveness, interpersonal relationship, community ideology). Our work contributes theoretically and empirically to the body of OSS research and has practical implications for OSS project management.  相似文献   

随着智能移动设备和社交媒体的发展,出现了越来越多面向最终用户的应用软件.如何充分了解最终用户的需求,从而减少软件项目的风险,成为亟待解决的问题.在各类软件项目中,开源软件项目的开发具有特殊性,体现在参与人员的广泛性、多层次性,以及用户需求的多面性和不稳定性等方面.在项目成熟度评估的基础上,提出了开源软件项目的立项评估模型,并详细介绍了成熟度评估的方法及基于成熟度的开源软件项目立项评估流程,通过一个项目实例分析了在该模型基础上的立项评估过程.  相似文献   

Until recently, organizations willing to acquire application systems have had no choice but to adopt proprietary software. With the advent of open‐source software (OSS), a new model for developing and distributing software has entered the stage. OSS has evolved from a generally horizontal infrastructure towards more highly visible applications in vertical domains, giving information systems (IS) managers more degrees of freedom in their selection of enterprise application software (EAS). Although a large body of research exists on the relative importance of evaluation criteria for proprietary EAS, the role of OSS in the EAS evaluation process has received little attention so far. To address this research gap, this study represents the first empirical investigation to compare the relative importance of evaluation criteria in proprietary and open‐source EAS selection. Through an online survey, we evaluated the responses of IS managers of 358 organizations to a conjoint study spawning 8592 trade‐off pair comparisons and 3580 purchase evaluations on proprietary and open‐source enterprise resource planning (ERP) and Office software packages. The results show that the relative importance of evaluation criteria significantly varies between proprietary and open‐source ERP systems. Implementation factors such as ease of implementation and support are much more crucial in the evaluation of open‐source than of proprietary ERP systems, which is generally due to IS managers' risk mitigation behaviour. Interestingly, there are no major differences in the ranking of evaluation criteria between proprietary and open‐source Office systems. We conclude our paper with a detailed discussion of our findings and their implications for researchers, companies, EAS vendors and open‐source communities.  相似文献   

随着开源概念的逐步深入,开源软件成为软件发展的潮流.同时,开源软件的使用受各类开源许可证约束.开源参与者在开发过程中该如何为自己的开源软件选择合适的许可证,确保高效合理地使用社区群体智慧劳动成果,仍是一个亟需解决的问题.为此,首先分析和解读了开放源代码促进会认证的常用开源许可证,通过对许可证条款内容和结构的研究,得到开源许可证框架及许可证兼容性推导模型,并将该模型应用于对我国自主研发的木兰宽松许可证的分析和解读.最后,基于上述工作研发了开源许可证选择工具,为开源开发者对许可证的理解和合规使用提供了参考和决策支持.  相似文献   

To learn about what drives people to devote their time and expertise to creating and supporting free/open source software, a survey with Likert-scaled items measuring different types of motivations was sent to contributors of several open source projects. Open-ended comments were used to illustrate the Likert-scaled items and open-ended questions allowed respondents to express their reasons for participating in these open source communities. Results indicate that the open source contributors (n = 110, 38 paid to work on OSS projects and 72 volunteers) are motivated primarily by a sense of altruism as well as the desire to create and learn. Payment did not significantly impact the reasons for contributing to OSS projects. The comments and open-ended questions validated the findings and indicated that building a “Utopian” community – the desire to help for the greater good worldwide – is one of the most important motivators. Also, respondents revealed that they join and persist as members of open source communities because they enjoy the freedom to create and share free software, tools and knowledge with others inside and outside the community.  相似文献   

Employees of commercial software firms who participate in open source software projects are found to be allegiant to both their company and the open source community. In this paper we examine how these employees' dual allegiance influences their knowledge sharing behaviour. We adopt Husted and Michailova's model on dual allegiance and knowledge sharing in inter‐firm R&D collaborations to the context of open source software firms. We argue that the type of allegiance the individual holds towards their employing firm and the open source community has a strong influence of how they share knowledge with other community members. We use the examples of two open source software firms in New Zealand to ground the empirical inspiration of our paper and to illustrate our key ideas and arguments. We discuss the knowledge governance challenges imposed by employees' dual allegiance and how managers of open source software firms can balance the demands of the open source community and the interests of the clients.  相似文献   

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