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The plug‐in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a technology intended to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector. This paper presents scenarios that show how widely used PHEVs will be in the future, how much CO2 emissions will be reduced by the introduction of PHEVs, and whether there will be serious effects on the power supply system. PHEVs can run on both gasoline and electricity, and therefore we evaluate CO2 emissions not only from gasoline consumption but also from electricity consumption. Consideration of the distribution of daily trip distances is important for evaluating the economical benefits and CO2 emissions resulting from the introduction of PHEVs. Also, future battery costs are very important in constructing PHEV growth scenarios. The growth of the number of PHEVs will make battery costs lower. Thus, we formulate an overall model that combines the passenger car sector and power supply sector, taking account of the distribution of daily trip distances and incorporating a learning curve for battery costs. We use the iteration method to provide a learning curve that is nonlinear. Therefore, we set the battery cost only in the first year of the simulation: battery costs in the later years are calculated in the model. We focus on a 25‐year time period in Japan, starting from 2010, and divided into 5 parts (1st to 5th). The model selects the most economical combinations of car types and power sources. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(2): 31–40, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21098  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the impact of extensive introduction of photovoltaic (PV) systems and stationary battery technology into the optimal power generation mix in the Kanto and Kinki regions. The introduction of solar PV systems is expected to be extensively deployed in the Japanese household sector and utility companies in order to address the concerns of energy security and climate change. Considering this expected large‐scale deployment of PV systems in electric power systems, it is necessary to investigate the optimal power generation mix which is technologically capable of controlling and accommodating the intermittent output‐power fluctuations inherent in PV systems. Against this background, we develop both a solar photovoltaic power generation model and an optimal power generation mix model, including stationary battery technology, which can be used to explicitly analyze the impact of PV output fluctuations at a detailed time interval resolution such as 10 minutes for 365 consecutive days. Simulation results reveal that PV introduction does not necessarily increase battery technology due to the cost competitiveness of thermal power plants in the load‐following requirement caused by PV systems. Additionally, on the basis of sensitivity analysis on PV system cost, dramatic cost reduction proves to be indispensable for PV to supply bulk electricity similarly to thermal and nuclear power plants. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 182(2): 9–19, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.22329  相似文献   

In recent years, the total capacity of wind power generations is increasing drastically. However, the wind power can negatively influence the power grid frequency because of the output instability. In particular, the problem of frequency fluctuation becomes significant at nighttime, when the capacity of Load Frequency Control (LFC) tends to be insufficient. On the other hand, in the transport sector, the Plug‐in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) has been developed as an environmentally friendly vehicle. The batteries of PHEVs are charged mainly during nighttime, when the electricity price is low. Therefore, we propose a charging power control of PHEVs to compensate the LFC capacity in nighttime, and evaluate the expanded allowable capacity of wind power. We obtained the following results. (1) Charging power control can effectively suppress the frequency deviation caused by the output fluctuation of wind power. (2) Even if the number of PHEVs is small, optimum distribution of a daily charge demand could suppress the frequency fluctuation effectively. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 178(4): 39–48, 2012; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21066  相似文献   

质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)通常在为电动车提供电力的同时,也要产生相当数量的废热(约40%~60%)。为了提高质子交换膜燃料电池混合电动车的能量利用率,提出了将温差发电机作为PEMFC的废热回收装置,使其能利用PEMFC低品位的热能进行二次发电并用于锂电池的在线充电。通过对该热电联供系统的热力学分析,得出了温差电池在PEMFC不同运行温度下的发电功率。试验结果显示,此系统可以在提高能量综合利用率的同时,降低对车载锂电池尺寸的设计要求。  相似文献   

由于电动汽车负荷是一个综合性的影响因素复杂的时空负荷,因此在配电网分布式电源规划的时候需要对电动汽车负荷的时空特性加以考虑。基于电动汽车时空特性与分布式电源的时序特性,建立包含可入网电动汽车、分布式电源以及储能装置的配电网分布式电源优化模型。以配电网年度总成本为优化目标,利用蒙特卡洛模拟得到时空特性的电动汽车负荷,依据协调控制策略,采用引入变异和交叉操作的混合粒子群算法对建立的模型进行优化求解。最后通过某实际地区进行算例分析,验证了所建立模型的正确性以及求解方法的有效性。  相似文献   

混合动力汽车用开关磁阻电机设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对混合动力汽车中开关磁阻电机启动发电一体化工作要求,研究了开关磁阻电机设计方法,采用Ansoft仿真软件对参数进行了仿真,结果表明开关磁阻电机能作为启动发电机,在混合动力汽车中有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对交直流混合配电网存在强随机性分布式电源接入、电力电子变流器的过载能力受限的特点,提出了考虑电动汽车(EV)集群时空能量可调控特性的交直流混合配电网紧急优化调度方法。基于负荷在紧急状态下的响应特性差异建立紧急响应负荷模型,基于紧急优化调度的实际需要和EV集群中各单元的荷电状态、并离网状态差异性特点建立EV聚合商紧急调控模型;综合考虑调度单元的经济性与系统可靠性,建立紧急优化调度模型;基于改进的IEEE 33节点交直流混合配电网构建2种故障场景,基于最差净负荷功率曲线进行优化求解,并将EV集群与容量相当的传统储能的紧急优化调度结果进行对比,结果验证了所提方法的灵活性、有效性及经济优越性。  相似文献   

电动车用高功率二次电池研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吴锋  李丽 《电池工业》2004,9(2):59-61
对国内外电动车用二次电池的研究现状和发展趋势进行了回顾和展望,特别对我国电动汽车用高功率MH-Ni电池和锂离子电池的研究进展进行了介绍,提出了相关的应用问题与前沿技术,指出了高功率MH-Ni电池和锂离子电池的主要研究重点。  相似文献   

分布式电源和电动汽车的规模化接入对配电网经济运行和电能质量产生了较大影响。分布式电源和电动汽车的功率具有不确定性。为实现分布式电源的合理配置,提出了一种考虑电动汽车不确定性因素的分布式电源优化布置方法。首先,以网络损耗最小、电压偏移最小和系统稳定性高为优化目标,利用机会约束规划方法建立分布式电源优化配置模型。然后,采用支持向量机算法和多目标粒子群算法对上述模型进行求解,得到其Pareto解集。以IEEE 37节点配电网为例对所提模型进行验证,结果表明该模型可以有效得到合理的配置方案。  相似文献   

针对以电池表面温度作为控制目标的常规热管理系统,存在散热滞后、电池内部温升过快以及在较高温升时输出功率受到限制的问题,设计了基于电池内部温度预测的主动散热式热管理系统。系统以测试的电池表面温度、电池材料参数和电池发热量作为输入量,预测电池内部的最高温度及其传热过程,对风机进行预控制,实现电池包温度的平稳控制。实验表明了系统能保证电池工作时温度变化平缓,处在最优温度范围内,避免了电池内部的累积生热量导致的电池温度急剧上升的问题,为混合动力汽车的电池热管理系统设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

高渗透率分布式电源与电动汽车负荷接入配电系统给电网的安全经济运行带来了显著影响。基于这一背景,文中对传统配电系统规划模型进行改进,使其能有效应对配电系统中分布式电源与电动汽车充电站的协调优化问题。应用离散化的多状态模型表征可再生资源的不确定性,构建以系统网损最小为优化目标的协调配置模型,并使用二阶锥松弛技术对所建优化模型进行等价处理。基于IEEE 33节点配电系统,对所建模型的有效性进行验证,结果表明所提方法可有效计及可再生资源不确定性的影响,制定满足工程实际应用需求的协调优化方案。  相似文献   

随着大量电动汽车接入互联电网,其移动的充电模式会给电网带来一定的冲击,反过来,电动汽车作为一种移动式储能单元可参与互联电网调频,但目前的研究都是集中式或分散式的V2G控制上.在电动汽车储能电池动态模型的基础上,构建含电动汽车集群的多区域互联电网负荷频率控制模型,基于广域监测系统,结合模型预测控制实现了多区域电网负荷频率...  相似文献   

小区电动汽车充电负荷实测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过在电动汽车用户住宅配置充电设施和数据采集装置,对参与测试的电动汽车用户的充电行为跟踪记录,获得了私人电动汽车在住宅充电的数据,为电动汽车充电设施规划建设和电动汽车充电负荷特性研究提供了一定依据,并对私人电动汽车在住宅区的充电特性进行了分析,结果表明住宅区电动汽车充电负荷的积聚会造成负荷曲线恶化。  相似文献   

Characteristics and economics of three power generation systems which utilize solar energy were investigated and compared for systems located in five different regions. The three systems investigated were a solar thermal system, a solar photovoltaic system, and a CO2‐capturing hybrid power generation system utilizing solar thermal energy (referred to as the hybrid system) which has been proposed by the authors. The net generated power energy and the net exergetic efficiency of the hybrid system have been estimated to be larger and higher, respectively, than those of the others. Economic evaluation reveals that the unit cost of generated power energy of the solar thermal system changes most widely corresponding to the change in solar radiation condition and that the cost of the hybrid system changes the least. In general, the most economical system has been estimated to be the solar thermal system in a location which is superior in solar condition and to be the hybrid system in a not so good solar condition. The solar photovoltaic system has the possibility of being the most economical if its construction cost is greatly improved, though the hybrid system is still the most economical under considerably worse solar conditions such as in Osaka. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 127(3): 1–12, 1999  相似文献   

为了满足混合动力车对电机驱动系统功能的要求,采用电机控制专用芯片TMS320F2812对混合动力车电机驱动系统硬件电路进行设计,详细分析了驱动电路及功率变换电路的设计过程,并给出软件部分的部分流程图。通过仿真分析证明该系统具有良好的静、动态性能。  相似文献   

混合电动车用PWM整流器控制方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了PWM整流电路各种控制方法的优缺点,提出了将空间电压矢量控制和定频滞环优化矢量电流控制相结合的复合控制策略,既保证了系统有好的静态特性,又保证了系统的快速跟随性。对空间电压矢量方法进行了改进,在不改变系统输出特性的前提下,使开关频率降低了50%。仿真结果证明复合控制方法使系统具有控制精度高,调节时间短,超调量小等优点,能够满足混合电动汽车能量回馈系统的要求。  相似文献   

光伏电源的大规模并网可能致使配电网电压越限,受调压设备调压能力的限制,从网源侧角度考虑的调压方法易出现调压效果不理想的情况。针对光伏电源并网引起的配电网电压越限问题,通过对负荷侧电动汽车进行建模并分析其入网对配电网电压的影响,在一定情况下,将其作为可调度资源与光伏电源配合以控制配电网电压。通过考虑电动汽车用户需求响应,以各可控资源的优化控制成本最小为目标,建立了电动汽车与光伏电源联动的配电网电压调控模型,并对其进行优化求解以实现配电网内能源资源的最优利用,减小系统电压波动。算例分析中根据不同气象条件构建了两个场景,分析结果均验证了该策略的有效性。  相似文献   

助力电机和减速装置是纯电动汽车电动助力转向系统(EPS)的核心部件,由于机构本身的惯量以及摩擦阻尼等因素影响EPS系统的转向性能,针对EPS系统响应慢、回正控制不灵敏的问题,提出一种基于模糊控制策略的控制方法来减小EPS系统的回正阻力,从而改善EPS系统的转向性能。其中,建立了EPS系统数学模型,对在实时行驶工况下纯电动汽车的EPS系统电机电流、电机转矩、方向盘转矩为控制对象,为了验证该控制策略的可行性,搭建了纯电动汽车EPS系统硬件在环实验环境,实验结果表明,所采用的模糊PID控制策略能很好的改善实时工况下的EPS系统转向性能。  相似文献   

杨帆 《电池工业》2014,(3):153-156
锂离子电池作为电动汽车的主要储能动力源,是影响电动汽车动力性和经济性的主要因素。锂离子动力电池系统的SoC使用范围的设计是动力电池系统设计的难点,目前尚无统一认识。为了更好地利用电池,本文从功率需求、容量需求、效率、寿命等角度对锂离子电池系统SoC使用范围进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel operating method using prediction of photovoltaic (PV) power for a photovoltaic–diesel hybrid power generation system. The system is composed of a PV array, a storage battery, a bidirectional inverter, and a diesel engine generator (DG). The proposed method enables the system to save fuel consumption by using PV energy effectively, reducing charge and discharge energy of the storage battery, and avoiding low‐load operation of the DG. The PV power is simply predicted from a theoretical equation of solar radiation and the observed PV energy for a constant time before the prediction. The fuel consumption of the proposed method is compared with that of other methods by a simulation based on measurement data of the PV power at an actual PV generation system for 1 year. The simulation results indicate that the amount of fuel consumption of the proposed method is smaller than that of any other methods, and is close to that of the ideal operation of the DG. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 151(3): 8–18, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20116  相似文献   

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