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广州市龙归污水处理系统一期工程工程规模及内容:收集及输送管线200.34 km,中途提升泵站2座,污水处理厂1座,近期规模5×104m3/d,远期规模14×104m3/d;污水处理工艺:改良A2/O工艺;污水处理厂出水标准:《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)一级A标准;建设单位:广州市市政园林局、广州市污水治理有限责任公司。(何元春)重庆市万州区李河镇污水处理工程工程内容:城区污水管网工程和污水处理厂工程,其中污水管网主要是完善城区排水系统,将现有部分人工或天然沟渠进行分流制改造,新建污水管网,利用原有部分合流制沟渠作为独立的雨…  相似文献   

长春市南部污水处理厂工程工程处理规模:污水15×104m3/d,采用A/A/O处理工艺;回用水5×104m3/d,采用混凝/沉淀/过滤处理工艺。该工程为亚行贷款项目,总投资约4亿元,目前处于施工图设计阶段。业主单位:长春市水务集团城市排水有限公司。设计单位:中国市政工程华北设计研究院。(本刊编辑部)·工程信息·烟台市辛安河污水处理厂二期工程工程内容:含管网及污水处理厂,处理规模为8×104m3/d,采用A/A/O处理工艺。该工程属于世行贷款项目,总投资约1.9亿元,目前处于初设结束阶段。业主单位:烟台市城市排水管理处。设计单位:中国市政工程华北设计…  相似文献   

为进一步提高污水处理率 ,控制、改善海河流域的水污染 ,天津市正积极新建和扩建一批污水处理厂。 2 0 0 5年前 ,咸阳路污水处理厂工程 (处理规模 :4 5× 10 4 m3/d)、北仓污水处理厂工程 (处理规模 :10× 10 4 m3/d)、纪庄子污水处理厂扩建工程 (处理规模 :2 8× 10 4 m3/d)将建成投产 ,全市的污水处理规模将达到 14 9× 10 4 m3/d。2 0 15年前 ,双林污水处理厂工程 (处理规模 :2 0× 10 4 m3/d)、张贵庄污水处理厂工程 (处理规模 :30× 10 4 m3/d)将建成投产 ,全市的污水处理规模将达到 199× 10 4 m3/d ,污水处理率也将达到 90 %以上。此…  相似文献   

工程内容:污水处理厂(包括厂内处理设施及综合楼等生产生活设施)、城区生活污水管网、工业企业污水管网、处理厂出水的排放管道建设;处理规模:6×104m3/d;投资总额:114925.6万元,污水厂工程投资为6276万元,配套管网工程投资为5245万元;合作方式:合资、准BOT;建设周期:2005年9月  相似文献   

河北省邢台沙河市污水处理厂工程处理规模:5×104m3/d;资金来源:国债;处理工艺:氧化沟;关键设备:格栅、曝气机、螺旋输送机等;进展阶段:已完成土建招标;设计单位:北京京冶设计院;建设单位:沙河市建设局。河北省邢台南宫市污水处理厂工程处理规模:3×104m3/d;合作方式:BOT;资金来源:国债;处理工艺:SBR;关键设备:格栅、曝气机、螺旋输送机等;进展阶段:施工图设计;设计单位:北方设计院;建设单位:南宫市嘉诚水质净化公司。河北省邢台宁晋县污水处理厂工程处理规模:3×104m3/d;资金来源:国债、自筹;处理工艺:氧化沟;关键设备:格栅、曝气机、螺…  相似文献   

介绍西安市污水处理厂改扩建工程中生物处理系统改造前、后的工艺。改造前处理规模为12×104m3/d,采用二级生物处理。改造后处理规模为16×104m3/d,采用丹麦克鲁格公司A2/O工艺和设备,为二级生物处理,其出水可作为工业回用水和市政杂水用。该文还具体介绍了A2/O工艺运行情况及存在的问题。  相似文献   

对污水处理厂可行性研究报告中污水水质、污水处理厂规模的确定、污水处理工艺选择、污泥处理、污水处理厂占地、运行费用以及工程投资等评审参考标准进行了探讨,污水处理厂规模的确定非常重要,污水处理工艺的确定是污水处理厂可行性研究报告的关键,建议采用高效低耗污水处理工艺,例如,氧化沟工艺(OD)、SBR工艺等,其主要经济指标为:吨水投资600-900元,吨水占地0.4-0.6m^2,吨水运行费用0.2-0.5元。  相似文献   

重庆市涪陵第二水厂扩建工程(原规模为6×104m3/d,新增规模为4×104m3/d),包括新建取水泵站、净水处理构筑物和输水管道等几部分。针对长江原水浊度较高的特点,采用了两级高效反应沉淀池、均质石英砂滤料气水反冲洗滤池处理工艺。两年多的运行实践表明,该工程不仅达到并优于原设计要求,而且投资省、运行费用低、占地少,为其他类似老水厂的扩建提供了新思路。  相似文献   

黑龙江某污水处理厂二期扩建新增处理规模为1×104 m3/d,远期规模为2×104m3/d。处理厂二级生化处理采取Biolak工艺,运行费用低,抗冲击负荷能力强,能够较好地适应东北地区的冬季低温环境。该扩建工程可保证该污水处理厂容纳该地区新增污水量,确保出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)中的一级B标准。详细介绍了该扩建工程的工艺流程、设计参数和技术特点。  相似文献   

1厦门市中水资源及回用现状目前厦门已经建成投产的污水处理厂有7座,污水处理率达72.08%。污水总处理规模近期可达55.9×104m3/d,远期可达140.5×104m3/d,出水均达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)一级标准。另外还有不少酒店、宾馆及企业都建有污水处理设施,其出水水质基本上能达到生活杂用水的水质标准,可用于厂区绿化、洗车、冲厕等。按回收处理后的70%可以安全回用计算,若将其返回到对城市供水水质要求较低的用户上,相当于增加了等量的城市供水量。但目前厦门的再生水利用率只有10%,经过处理后中水回用的范围比较小,只有员当湖周…  相似文献   

The objective of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is to prevent pollution. However, it is necessary to assess their sustainability in order to ensure that pollution is being removed, not displaced. In this research, the performance of 24 WWTPs has been evaluated using a streamlined Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with Eutrophication Potential (EP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP) as environmental indicators, and operational costs as economic indicators. WWTPs were further classified in six typologies by their quality requirements according to their final discharge point or water reuse. Moreover, two different functional units (FU), one based on volume (m3) and the other on eutrophication reduction (kg PO43− removed) were used to further determine sustainability. A correlation between legal requirements and technologies used to achieve them was found: Organic matter removal plants were found to be less costly both in environmental and economic terms if volume was used as the functional unit, while more demanding typologies such as reuse plants showed a trade-off between lower EP and higher cost and GWP; however, this is overcome if the second FU is used instead, proving the sustainability of these options and that this FU better reflects the objectives of a WWTP.  相似文献   

An extension of the frequently applied equal filling degree control algorithm is proposed for integrated control of sewer system and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Under dry weather conditions (DWC), this control synchronizes sewer storage volume activation at pumping stations (PS) throughout the sewer system with the intermittent aeration at the WWTP. This is in contrast with the frequently advocated influent load equalization at WWTPs. The concept is demonstrated on a case study using an integrated system composed of detailed models for sewer system and WWTP where it reveals considerable potential for energy savings and effluent quality improvement. Moreover, the integrated control allows for the reduction of combined sewer overflows during wet weather events and decreased sedimentation potential in the sewer system. Neither weather predictions nor structural changes at the WWTP or in the sewer system are required. The control concept is applicable to about 50 Flemish WWTPs.  相似文献   

重庆市鸡冠石污水处理厂是我国西南地区规模最大的污水处理厂,目前运行规模旱季为60×104m3/d,雨季为135×104m3/d,出水水质执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002)的一级B标准。为响应国家节能减排的号召,该厂利用尾水发电,即污水处理量为(55~60)×104m3/d,发电量为18 000~19 300 kW.h/d,占污水厂用电总量的15%以上,4~5年即可收回投资。这为污水厂降低运行成本、合理利用处理出水开辟了新的领域。  相似文献   

中小型城市污水处理厂技术经济调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网络调查和实地走访等方式对我国已建的100余座污水处理厂进行了技术经济调查.对工艺类型、投资、规模、成本等关键参数进行了统计分析,得出了不同工艺类型的建造投资与流量的函数关系;比较了不同工艺类型的直接运行成本和总成本;按照污染物单因子(BOD、COD、SS、氨氮、磷)计算得出单位污染物的处理成本.为了便于优化设计和科学决策,还利用现行手册中的典型设计,拟合计算出主要单体处理构筑物的费用模型.  相似文献   

Of all the costs associated with the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), those associated with energy use tend to be the most significant. From this point of view, it is hence logical that energy efficiency and saving strategies should be one of the current focuses of debate amongst those involved with the management of WWTPs. The present study's objective is to determine the correlation between size and energy consumption for a WWTP. To this end, 90 WWTPs currently in service were analysed and their energetic impact quantified in terms of kWh/m3 of water treated. The results obtained demonstrate that energy consumption ratio increases as the size of WWTPs decreases, either in terms of treatment volume or population equivalent served.  相似文献   

MBR工艺在无锡三座城市污水厂中的应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
膜生物反应器(MBR)是一种新型高效的污水处理技术,在城市污水处理与回用及升级改造中具有良好的应用前景。从工程概况、运行效果及技术经济指标入手,对无锡三座采用MBR工艺的城市污水厂(硕放污水厂、梅村污水厂及新城污水厂)进行了分析比较。结果表明,各污水厂出水水质基本能实现稳定排放并达到GB 18918—2002的一级A标准;增加后置缺氧段的硕放污水厂脱氮除磷效果优于其他两座污水厂;各污水厂能耗为0.6~0.7 kW.h/m3,膜化学清洗药剂消耗费用约5 000元/月;因进水碳源不足,视天气及冲击负荷影响,各污水厂均不定期投加醋酸,以保证出水水质达标。根据三座污水厂的运行情况,指出膜组件和生物段的合理布置及优化,是未来城市污水MBR工艺处理的研究方向。  相似文献   

超磁分离水体净化技术在北小河污水处理厂的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北小河污水处理厂二期一级强化处理工程设计规模为2×104m3/d,采用超磁分离水体净化技术。介绍了一级强化处理的工艺流程、主要处理系统设计及运行效果,并对超磁分离水体净化处理技术的工作原理及技术特点进行了分析。超磁分离水体净化技术作为物化处理的一项新技术,以其泥水分离速度快、占地省、处理水量大、运行成本低等优势逐渐受到业界的关注,在城市污水处理厂升级改造工程方面具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

复合垂直流人工湿地净化污水厂二级出水的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在间歇运行条件下,采用复合垂直流人工湿地净化污水处理厂二级出水,考察了其净化效果及影响因素.结果表明,该系统能够有效降低污水厂二级出水中的氮和磷,适用于城市污水的深度处理.在0.4 m~3/(m~2·d)的低水力负荷条件下,系统对COD、氨氮、总氮和PO_4~(3-)P的去除率分别为87.4%、82.15%、60.32%和30.15%;当排空时间为2 h时,系统的处理效果最好,对氨氮、总氮、PO_4~(3+)-P的去除率分别为84.44%、65.46%和40.33%.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):189-202
Adopting a systems-approach to an urban water and wastewater system, while applying a triple bottom line strategy to management, entails a careful analysis of all the sub-systems and components thereof with a view to improving service levels, optimising expenditure, augmenting investments, and also reducing the life-cycle environmental impacts associated with setting up, maintaining and operating the system. The scope for optimising expenses is system-wide, though it varies from one sub-system to another, depending on inherent lock-ins and external factors beyond the direct control of the water and wastewater utility. Optimising the consumption of energy and chemicals and improving the cost-efficiency thereof, is always on the agenda of water treatment plants (WTPs) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). This paper analyses the consumption of and the expenditure on chemicals and energy at Oslo's WTPs and WWTPs over time. Energy and chemicals for water and wastewater treatment, on an average account for 10.8% of the total operational expenses in the water supply sub-system and 13.7% for the wastewater handling sub-system. There is a perceptible increase in this share from 5.2% in 2004 to 14.9% in 2009 for water and 12.3% to 14.2% for wastewater. Chemicals cost more than energy for the WWTPs, while it was the other way round for the WTPs. The total real cost of energy and chemicals per cubic metre, in year-2007 currency, was between 4 and 5.2 Euro cents for the WTPs, and between 1 and 4.5 Euro cents for the WTPs. The total (WTP + WWTP) per-capita real costs of energy and chemicals, expressed in year-2007 currency, rose from around 10 Euros in year 2000 to about 12.2 Euros in year 2007.  相似文献   

The fast development of laboratory methods has revealed increased amounts of trace concentrations of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP) in waste waters in the Czech Republic. This paper focuses on the expected costs to solve this problem by quaternary treatment of waste water based on activated carbon filtration. The one‐time investment costs in 155 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with a capacity of over 10 000 population equivalent (PE) would represent an amount of around 300 million EUR. The increase in end‐user operating costs would be 0.4 EUR/m3, which would mean a 15% increase in water and sewage costs. A sociological survey showed that most respondents (65%) would agree with an increase in price but only by 10%. Currently the cost of the quaternary treatment of wastewater is based primarily on estimates. Therefore changes in legislation leading to stricter limits and an increase in the efficiency of wastewater treatment should be preceded by additional applied research.  相似文献   

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