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The aim of this study was genetic analyses of claw health in Norwegian Red. Claw health status at claw trimming has, since 2004, been recorded in the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System. The claw trimmer records whether the cow has normal (healthy) claws or if one or more claw disorders are present. Nine defined claw disorders were recorded: corkscrew claw (CSC), heel horn erosion (HH), dermatitis (DE), sole ulcer (SU), white line disorder (WLD), hemorrhage of sole and white line (HSW), interdigital phlegmon (IDP), lameness (LAME), and acute trauma (AT). Data from 2004 to 2011, with a total of 204,892 claw health records, were analyzed. The disorders were defined as binary traits with 1 record per cow per lactation. Further, 3 groups of claw disorders were analyzed: infectious claw disorders (INFEC, containing HH, DE, and IDP); laminitis-related claw disorders (LAMIN, containing SU, WLD, and HSW); and overall claw disorder. The 9 single traits and the 3 groups were analyzed using univariate threshold sire models. Multivariate threshold models were performed for the 5 most frequent single traits (CSC, HH, DE, SU, and WLD) and for CSC together with the grouped traits INFEC and LAMIN. Posterior mean of heritability of liability ranged from 0.04 to 0.23, where CSC had the highest heritability. The posterior standard deviations of heritability were low, between 0.01 and 0.03, except for IDP (0.06). Heritability of liability to INFEC and LAMIN were both 0.11 and for overall claw disorders, the heritability was 0.13. Posterior means of the genetic correlation among the 5 claw disorders varied between 0.02 and 0.79, and the genetic correlations between DE and HH (0.65) and between WLD and SU (0.79) were highest. Genetic correlation between INFEC and CSC was close to zero (0.06), between LAMIN and CSC it was 0.31, and between LAMIN and INFEC it was 0.24. The results show that claw disorders are sufficiently heritable for genetic evaluation and inclusion in the breeding scheme. At present, data are scarce with few recorded daughters per sire. Claw trimming records from more herds would therefore be beneficial for routine genetic evaluation of claw health.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic correlations between claw disorders and feet and leg conformation traits in Norwegian Red cows. A total of 188,928 cows with claw health status recorded at claw trimming from 2004 to September 2013 and 210,789 first-lactation cows with feet and leg conformation scores from 2001 to September 2013 were included in the analyses. Traits describing claw health were corkscrew claw, infectious claw disorders (dermatitis, heel horn erosion, and interdigital phlegmon), and laminitis-related claw disorders (sole ulcer, white line disorder, and hemorrhage of sole and white line). The feet and leg conformation traits were rear leg rear view (new and old definition), rear leg side view, foot angle, and hoof quality. Feet and leg conformation traits were scored linearly from 1 to 9, with optimum scores depending on the trait. Claw disorders were defined as binary (0/1) traits for each lactation. Threshold sire models were used to model claw disorders, whereas the feet and leg conformation traits were described by linear sire models. Three multivariate analyses were performed, each including the 5 feet and leg conformation traits and 1 of the 3 claw disorders at a time. Posterior means of heritability of liability of claw disorders ranged from 0.10 to 0.20 and heritabilities of feet and leg conformation traits ranged from 0.04 to 0.11. Posterior standard deviation of heritability was ≤0.01 for all traits. Genetic correlations between claw disorders and feet and leg conformation traits were all low or moderate, except between corkscrew claw and hoof quality (−0.86), which are supposed to measure the same trait. The genetic correlations between rear leg rear view (new) and infectious claw disorders (−0.20) and laminitis-related claw disorders (0.26), and between hoof quality and laminitis-related claw disorders (−0.33) were moderate. Eight of the 15 genetic correlations between claw disorders and feet and leg conformation traits had 0 included in the 95% highest posterior density interval. These results imply that selection for feet and leg conformation is not an efficient approach to genetically improve claw health in Norwegian Red cattle.  相似文献   

Several claw shape measurements, horn hardness, and horn growth and wear were recorded monthly at 12 dairy farms to investigate the effect of floor type and changes in these traits over time. Herds were either housed on a slatted floor (SL), solid concrete floor (SC), grooved floor (GR), or on a straw yard (SY). Twenty cows per farm were selected and stratified by parity. Information on claw traits was recorded on right lateral hind claws between October 2002 and May 2003. In addition, lesion development of interdigital dermatitis and heel erosion (IDHE) and digital dermatitis (DD) was studied in both rear feet. No differences in claw traits were detected among groups on different floor types, with the exception of claw angle. Claw angles were smallest in cows on SY. Claws of cows on SC were steeper than those on SL and GR. The study provided no evidence that floor-related differences in claw lesions were related to differences in horn growth, wear, and resulting claw shape. Lesions of IDHE developed gradually over time and did not differ among flooring types. Cows in SY had the smallest lesion scores for DD, whereas cows on SL had significantly less DD than cows on SC and GR. Incidence of DD fluctuated over time. Development of different stages of DD was monitored in-depth. Both early and healed stages were rather changeable and often turned into other disease stages. Classical ulcerative lesions (stage M2) persisted for a long time, with 20% of the initially unaffected claws having active lesions of DD within 5 mo. The M2 lesions generally did not cure effectively after claw trimming, and frequent use of footbaths resulted in a poor prognosis for recovery.  相似文献   

Routine recording of claw health status at claw trimming of dairy cattle has been established in several countries, providing valuable data for genetic evaluation. In this review, we examine issues related to genetic evaluation of claw health; discuss data sources, trait definitions, and data validation procedures; and present a review of genetic parameters, possible indicator traits, and status of genetic and genomic evaluations for claw disorders. Different sources of data and traits can be used to describe claw health. Severe cases of claw disorders can be identified by veterinary diagnoses. Data from lameness and locomotion scoring, activity information from sensors, and feet and leg conformation traits are used as auxiliary traits. The most reliable and comprehensive information is data from regular hoof trimming. In genetic evaluation, claw disorders are usually defined as binary traits, based on whether or not the claw disorder was present (recorded) at least once during a defined time period. The traits can be specific disorders, composite traits, or overall claw health. Data validation and editing criteria are needed to ensure reliable data at the trimmer, herd, animal, and record levels. Different strategies have been chosen, reflecting differences in herd sizes, data structures, management practices, and recording systems among countries. Heritabilities of the most commonly analyzed claw disorders based on data from routine claw trimming were generally low, with ranges of linear model estimates from 0.01 to 0.14, and threshold model estimates from 0.06 to 0.39. Estimated genetic correlations among claw disorders varied from ?0.40 to 0.98. The strongest genetic correlations were found among sole hemorrhage (SH), sole ulcer (SU), and white line disease (WL), and between digital/interdigital dermatitis (DD/ID) and heel horn erosion (HHE). Genetic correlations between DD/ID and HHE on the one hand and SH, SU, or WL on the other hand were, in most cases, low. Although some of the studies were based on relatively few records and the estimated genetic parameters had large standard errors, there was, with some exceptions, consistency among studies. Various studies evaluate the potential of various data soureces for use in breeding. The use of hoof trimming data is recommended for maximization of genetic gain, although auxiliary traits, such as locomotion score and some conformation traits, may be valuable for increasing the reliability of genetic evaluations. Routine genetic evaluation of direct claw health has been implemented in the Netherlands (2010); Denmark, Finland, and Sweden (joint Nordic evaluation; 2011); and Norway (2014), and other countries plan to implement evaluations in the near future.  相似文献   

Two hundred fifty multiparous and primiparous cows were assigned to a study at approximately 70 d prepartum to determine the effect of trace mineral source on lactation performance, claw integrity, and fertility. Cows received treatments from 3 wk prepartum through wk 35 postpartum. Treatments consisted of 1) all supplemental Zn, Mn, Cu, and Co provided in sulfate form (Sulfate) and 2) 360 mg of Zn, 200 mg of Mn, 125 mg of Cu, and 12 mg of Co supplied daily by Sulfate minerals replaced with similar amounts of minerals supplied by Availa-4 (CTM). Individuals involved with daily animal care or data recording, or both, were blinded to treatment assignments. Cows from all treatments were housed in common pens, and treatments were dispensed to cows via a computerized feeder. All claws of cows were examined before treatment administration and at 16 and 36 wk postpartum by personnel trained in identifying claw lesions. Cows fed the CTM diet tended to produce more milk and energy-corrected milk than cows fed the Sulfate diet. Cows fed the CTM diet also produced more milk protein and solids (fat + protein) than cows fed the Sulfate diet. Replacing Sulfate minerals with those supplied by CTM decreased incidence of sole ulcers at wk 36 postpartum and tended to decrease incidence of interdigital dermatitis at wk 16 and 36 postpartum. Severity of heel erosion tended to be less for cows fed CTM than cows receiving the Sulfate diet. Despite first service conception rates tending to be greater for cows fed the Sulfate diet, there was no effect of treatment on rate of conception. A greater percentage of cows fed the Sulfate diet tended to be culled from the herd before wk 36 postpartum than cows fed the CTM diet. Replacing Sulfate minerals with CTM resulted in improved lactation performance and claw integrity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and its relationships with milk production traits. Three test-day morning milk samples were collected from 1,953 Holstein-Friesian heifers located on 398 commercial herds in the Netherlands. Each sample was analyzed for somatic cell count, net energy concentration, MUN, and the percentage of fat, protein, and lactose. Genetic parameters were estimated using an animal model with covariates for days in milk and age at first calving, fixed effects for season of calving and effect of test or proven bull, and random effects for herd-test day, animal, permanent environment, and error. Coefficient of variation for MUN was 33%. Estimated heritability for MUN was 0.14. Phenotypic correlation of MUN with each of the milk production traits was low. The genetic correlation was close to zero for MUN and lactose percentage (−0.09); was moderately positive for MUN and net energy concentration of milk (0.19), fat yield (0.41), protein yield (0.38), lactose yield (0.22), and milk yield (0.24), and percentage of fat (0.18), and percentage of protein (0.27); and was high for MUN and somatic cell score (0.85). Herd-test day explained 58% of the variation in MUN, which suggests that management adjustments at herd-level can reduce MUN. This study shows that it is possible to influence MUN by herd practice and by genetic selection.  相似文献   

Lameness of dairy cows is a major welfare and economic problem. Degree of hardness of claws may influence chances for injury or for claw lesions, and exposure of claws to moisture may make them soft. To assess the relationship among hardness of the claw horn, quantity and rate of absorption of water, and incidence of claw lesions, 4 experiments were carried out. In the first 3 experiments, we soaked pieces of the claw horn in water for 12 to 24 h. Soaked claws gained weight and became significantly softer, indicating that water was absorbed. One-third of the total water absorbed in 24 h occurred during the first hour. Base of the abaxial and dorsal walls of the claw was harder than the sole, but became softer more rapidly when soaked in water. In the 4th experiment, significant negative correlations were detected between claw hardness of cows and severity of claw lesions, suggesting that cows with softer claws have the most severe claw lesions. Claw horn tissue absorbs water rapidly and claw hardness decreases with moisture content, suggesting that brief exposures to moist surfaces result in claws that absorb water and consequently become softer. The relationship between hardness and claw lesions indicates that cows with softer claws are at greater risk for lameness.  相似文献   

Impaired claw health is one of the major problems causing production loss and reduced animal welfare in dairy cattle. In response, the Dutch Animal Health Service (GD) Ltd. initiated this study, in which claws of lactating and near-term cows and heifers in 430 herds were trimmed by hoof trimmers and the health status of the rear claws recorded. Only herds with >75% of the animals having feet trimmed were considered, resulting in records on 21,611 animals. Eight claw disorders were scored: digital dermatitis (DD), interdigital dermatitis/heel horn erosions (IDHE), sole hemorrhage (SH), chronic laminitis (CL), sole ulcer (SU), white line disease (WLD), interdigital hyperplasia (HYP), and interdigital phlegmona (IP). The prevalence varied from 0.6% (IP) to 39.9% (SH). More than 70% of the animals had at least one claw disorder. Conformation traits and locomotion were recorded once during the animal's first lactation by trained classifiers of the Royal Dutch Cattle Syndicate and completely independent of the moment of claw trimming. Heritabilities were estimated using a sire model, and ranged from <0.01 (IP) to 0.10 (DD and HYP). Genetic correlations of incidences of claw disorders with locomotion were variable, ranging from 0.13 (SH) to −0.91 (CL). Genetic correlations with the rear leg conformation traits were lower, ranging from 0.04 (ID with rear leg side view) to −0.69 (IP with rear leg rear view).  相似文献   

Claw disorders are important traits relevant to dairy cattle breeding from an economical and welfare point of view. Selection for reduced claw disorders can be based on hoof trimmer records. Typically, not all cows in a herd are trimmed. Our objectives were to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations for claw disorders and investigate the effect of selecting cows for trimming. The data set contained 50,238 cows, of which 20,474 cows had at least one claw trimming record, with a total of 29,994 records. Six claw trimmers scored 14 different claw disorders: abscess (AB), corkscrew claw (CC), (inter-)digital dermatitis or heel erosion (DER), double sole (DS), hardship groove (HG), interdigital hyperplasia (IH), interdigital phlegmon (IP), sand crack (SC), super-foul (SF), sole hemorrhage (SH), sole injury (SI), sole ulcer (SU), white line separation (WLS), yellow discoloration of the sole (YD), and a combined claw disorder trait. Frequencies of the claw disorders for trimmed cows ranged from 0.1% (CC, YD, HG) to 23.8% (DER). More than half of the cows scored had at least one claw disorder. Heritability on the observed scale ranged from 0.02 (DS, SH) to 0.14 (IH) and on the underlying scale from 0.05 to 0.43 in trimmed cows. Genetic correlations between laminitis-related claw disorders were moderate to high, and the same was found for hygiene-related claw disorders. The effect of selecting cows for trimming was first investigated by including untrimmed cows in the analyses and assuming they were not affected by claw disorders. Heritabilities on the underlying scale showed only minor changes. Second, different subsets of the data were created based on the percentage of trimmed cows in the herd. Heritabilities for IH, DER, and SU tended to decrease when a higher percentage of cows in the herd were trimmed. Finally, a bivariate model with a claw disorder and the trait “trimming status” was used, but heritabilities were similar. Heritability for trimming status was relatively high (0.09). Genetic correlations of trimming status with claw disorders were generally moderate to high. To conclude, the effect of selecting cows for trimming on the heritability for claw disorders is negligible. Selecting herds with a high fraction of cows being trimmed tended to decrease heritability. Trimming status, as such, is a heritable trait and correlated with claw disorders and is therefore an interesting trait to include in the genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

A genetic evaluation system was developed for 5 fertility traits of dairy cattle: interval from first to successful insemination and nonreturn rate to 56 d of heifers, and interval from calving to first insemination, nonreturn rate to 56 d, and interval first to successful insemination of cows. Using the 2 interval traits of cows as components, breeding values for days open were derived. A multiple-trait animal model was applied to evaluate these fertility traits. Fertility traits of later lactations of cows were treated as repeated measurements. Genetic parameters were estimated by REML. Mixed model equations of the genetic evaluation model were solved with preconditioned conjugate gradients or the Gauss-Seidel algorithm and iteration on data techniques. Reliabilities of estimated breeding values were approximated with a multi-trait effective daughter contribution method. Daughter yield deviations and associated effective daughter contributions were calculated with a multiple trait approach. The genetic evaluation software was applied to the insemination data of dairy cattle breeds in Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg, and it was validated with various statistical methods. Genetic trends were validated. Small heritability estimates were obtained for all the fertility traits, ranging from 1% for nonreturn rate of heifers to 4% for interval calving to first insemination. Genetic and environmental correlations were low to moderate among the traits. Notably, unfavorable genetic trends were obtained in all the fertility traits. Moderate to high correlations were found between daughter yield-deviations and estimated breeding values (EBV) for Holstein bulls. Because of much lower heritabilities of the fertility traits, the correlations of daughter yield deviations with EBV were significantly lower than those from production traits and lower than the correlations from type traits and longevity. Fertility EBV were correlated unfavorably with EBV of milk production traits but favorably with udder health and longevity. Integrating fertility traits into a total merit selection index can halt or reverse the decline of fertility and improve the longevity of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The human-animal relationship in dairy cattle is reflected in the trait “temperament” in breeding programs and is mainly based on observations by farmers. However, farmers' knowledge of an individual cow's temperament decreases with an increased herd size, and this has been the case in many countries during the last decades. The aim of this study was to investigate if temperament recorded by classifiers and automatic milking systems is heritable, and estimate the genetic relationship with farmer-assessed temperament. Farmer-assessed temperament is defined as the overall assessment of the individual cows' temperament at milking and handling. Data on handling temperament were recorded by Danish classifiers from October 2016 to April 2017 on a 1 to 9 scale specially designed for this purpose. Data from automatic milking systems were recorded from January 2010 until April 2017, where connection time and number of attachments per teat were classified as milking temperament traits. Estimated heritabilities were relatively low for handling temperament (0.13) and farmer-assessed temperament (0.10). For milking temperament traits, connection time showed higher heritability than number of attachments per teat (0.36 and 0.26, respectively). The genetic correlation between farmer-assessed temperament and handling temperament was highly favorable (0.84). The genetic correlations between handling temperament and the 2 milking temperament traits, connection time and number of attachments per teat, were low (?0.02 and ?0.10, respectively). Moderate genetic correlations were estimated between farmer-assessed temperament and connection time (?0.29) and between farmer-assessed temperament and number of attachments per teat (?0.37). The genetic correlations and heritabilities suggest a basis for further investigations of the possibility of including handling or milking temperament traits (or both) in the breeding program for temperament in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(6):4184-4197
Claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL) are a leading cause of lameness in dairy cattle, and the development, effect, and pathology of these lesions remains an open area of interest within dairy cattle health. Current literature typically attempts to measure the effect of risk factors on the development of CHDL over a relatively short time period. Further understanding of the interaction of CHDL and the long-term effect of early CHDL in a cow's life remains an important area of research which is so far mostly unexplored. In this study 57,974 cows from 1,332 herds were selected and their regular claw trimming records containing important claw health information were used to model the long-term effect of lesions in a cow's lifetime in a 6-state multistate model. A multistate model predicts the time before transition from any one state to another and the probability of transition to a future state. The 6 lesion states that were modeled were as follows: never had a lesion, first recorded lesion event, no recorded lesion after first lesion event, second or subsequent recorded lesion event, no recorded lesion after second or subsequent lesion event, and culled. The effect of various cow level covariates on the transition probabilities between various states was tested. For the first time, this study shows the importance and effect of the first lesion and other cow level factors on long-term claw health. Model results showed that the timing and severity of the first recorded lesion event significantly influenced the likelihood of a future lesion being present. Cows with CHDL present within the 180 d of first calving had a short-term increased risk and long-term decreased risk of a future lesion, compared with cows that present with CHDL later than 180 d of first lactation. Moreover, presence of a severe first lesion increased a cow's risk of a future lesion being present. The model was used to evaluate the relative difference between high-risk cows (age of first calving ≥793 d, breeding values in the lowest quartile) and low-risk cows (age of first calving ≤718 d, breeding values in the highest quartile). Our results indicated that these low-risk cows present with a lesion on an average 3 mo later than high-risk cows. Furthermore, results from the model evaluation of a simulated herd with cows with breeding values in the higher quartile indicated that cows present with a CHDL on an average 7.5 mo later compared with a herd where cows have breeding values distributed in a lower quartile.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for major milk fatty acids and milk production traits. One morning milk sample was collected from 1,918 Holstein-Friesian heifers located in 398 commercial herds in the Netherlands. Each sample was analyzed for total percentages of fat and protein, and for detailed fatty acid percentages (computed as fatty acid weight as a proportion of total fat weight). Intraherd heritabilities were high for C4:0 to C16:0, ranging from 0.42 for C4:0 to 0.71 for C10:0. Saturated and unsaturated C18 fatty acids had intraherd heritability estimates of approximately 0.25, except for C18:2 cis-9, trans-11, which was 0.42. Standard errors of the heritabilities were between 0.07 and 0.12. Genetic correlations were high and positive among C4:0 to C14:0, as well as among unsaturated C18, but correlations of C4:0 to C14:0 with unsaturated C18 were generally weak. The genetic correlation of C16:0 with fat percentage was positive (0.65), implying that selection for fat percentage should result in a correlated increase of C16:0, whereas unsaturated C18 fatty acids decreased with increasing fat percentage (−0.74). Milk fat composition can be changed by means of selective breeding, which offers opportunities to meet consumer demands regarding health and technological aspects.  相似文献   

Data from 3,200 Holstein cows from 3 commercial dairy farms in Germany were used to estimate heritabilities and breeding values for liability to udder diseases (UD), fertility diseases (FD), metabolic diseases (MD), and claw and leg diseases (CLD) using single-trait threshold sire models. A total of 92,722 medical treatments recorded from 1998 to 2003 were included in the analysis. Approximate genetic correlations between persistency of milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, and persistency of milk energy yield and liability to the health traits were calculated based on correlations between EBV. Posterior means of heritability of liability ranged from 0.05 to 0.08 for UD, from 0.04 to 0.07 for FD, from 0.08 to 0.12 for MD, and from 0.04 to 0.07 for CLD. Approximate genetic correlations of the disease traits with the persistency traits were favorable, except for MD in all lactations, which were unfavorable, and UD, which were around zero. Highest correlations in the range of 0.13 to 0.46 were found between the different persistency traits and CLD.  相似文献   

A national genetic evaluation program for hoof health could be achieved by using hoof lesion data collected directly by hoof trimmers. However, not all cows in the herds during the trimming period are always presented to the hoof trimmer. This preselection process may not be completely random, leading to erroneous estimations of the prevalence of hoof lesions in the herd and inaccuracies in the genetic evaluation. The main objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for individual hoof lesions in Canadian Holsteins by using an alternative cohort to consider all cows in the herd during the period of the hoof trimming sessions, including those that were not examined by the trimmer over the entire lactation. A second objective was to compare the estimated heritabilities and breeding values for resistance to hoof lesions obtained with threshold and linear models. Data were recorded by 23 hoof trimmers serving 521 herds located in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. A total of 73,559 hoof-trimming records from 53,654 cows were collected between 2009 and 2012. Hoof lesions included in the analysis were digital dermatitis, interdigital dermatitis, interdigital hyperplasia, sole hemorrhage, sole ulcer, toe ulcer, and white line disease. All variables were analyzed as binary traits, as the presence or the absence of the lesions, using a threshold and a linear animal model. Two different cohorts were created: Cohort 1, which included only cows presented to hoof trimmers, and Cohort 2, which included all cows present in the herd at the time of hoof trimmer visit. Using a threshold model, heritabilities on the observed scale ranged from 0.01 to 0.08 for Cohort 1 and from 0.01 to 0.06 for Cohort 2. Heritabilities estimated with the linear model ranged from 0.01 to 0.07 for Cohort 1 and from 0.01 to 0.05 for Cohort 2. Despite a low heritability, the distribution of the sire breeding values showed large and exploitable variation among sires. Higher breeding values for hoof lesion resistance corresponded to sires with a higher prevalence of healthy daughters. The rank correlations between estimated breeding values ranged from 0.96 to 0.99 when predicted using either one of the 2 cohorts and from 0.94 to 0.99 when predicted using either a threshold or a linear model.  相似文献   

Claw lesions are the third most important health issue in dairy cattle, after mastitis and reproductive disorders, and genomic selection is a key component for long-term improvement of claw health. The objectives of this study were to assess the feasibility of a genomic evaluation for claw health in French Holstein cows, explore possibilities to increase evaluation accuracy, and gain a better understanding of the genetic determinism of claw health traits. The data set consisted of 48,685 trimmed Holstein cows, including 9,646 that were genotyped; 478 genotyped sires were also used. Seven claw lesion traits were evaluated using BLUP, genomic BLUP, BayesC, and single-step genomic BLUP, and the accuracies obtained using these approaches were measured through a validation study. The BayesC approach was used to detect quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions associated with the 7 individual traits (digital dermatitis, heel horn erosion, interdigital hyperplasia, sole hemorrhage circumscribed, sole hemorrhage diffused, sole ulcer, and white line fissure) based on their Bayes factor. Annotated genes on these regions were reported. Genomic evaluation approaches generally did not allow for greater accuracies than BLUP, except for single-step genomic BLUP. Accuracies were moderate, but best and worst validation animals were correctly discriminated and showed significant differences in lesion frequencies. A total of 192 QTL regions were identified, including 13 with major evidence or involved for 2 of the traits. A high number of genes were present on these regions, and several had functions associated with the immune system. In particular, the EPYC gene is located close to a major evidence QTL for resistance to digital dermatitis that is also a QTL for interdigital hyperplasia (on chromosome 5, around 20.9 MB) and has been associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in cattle. Genomic selection can be used to improve resistance to individual claw lesions, and several possibilities exist to improve accuracies of genomic evaluations.  相似文献   

The manner in which the claws contacted the ground at the walk was evaluated in 18 healthy heifers. The animals were filmed before and after claw trimming while walking on a treadmill using high-speed cinematography (500 frames/s). For each limb, 4 consecutive steps were recorded from a side and a frontal plane. The objectives of the study were to evaluate 1) the order of claw contact with the treadmill surface, 2) the initial claw contact area, and 3) the effect of trimming on claw contact patterns. The heifers placed their front feet on the ground in a plane sagittal to the shoulders, whereas the hind feet were advanced more toward the median plane. Before trimming, the lateral claws contacted the ground before the medial in 83% of front and 100% of hind limbs. Trimming changed the percentage to 92% in the front and to 97% in the hind limbs. The percentage with which the heel of the lateral claws became the region of initial contact with the ground increased from 47 to 64% in the front feet and from 50 to 78% in the hind feet. In the medial claws of the forelimbs, claw trimming shifted the region of initial contact from the toe to the abaxial wall and heel. In the hind limbs, the main region of initial contact of the medial claws became the abaxial wall. Weight bearing by the medial claw became visibly apparent only during the midstance, propulsion, and push-off phases. “Heel first” contact of the lateral claws in the front and hind limbs may be the normal gait pattern in cattle. On hard surfaces, this pattern may lead to overload and predispose to disease, especially in the hind limbs.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11225-11232
The main objective of this study was to assess the genetic background of colostrum yield and quality traits after calving in Holstein dairy cows. The secondary objective was to investigate genetic and phenotypic correlations among laboratory-based and on-farm–measured colostrum traits. The study was conducted in 10 commercial dairy herds located in northern Greece. A total of 1,074 healthy Holstein cows with detailed pedigree information were examined from February 2015 to September 2016. All cows were clinically examined on the day of calving and scored for body condition. All 4 quarters were machine-milked, and a representative and composite colostrum sample was collected and examined. Colostrum total solids (TS) content was determined on-farm using a digital Brix refractometer. Colostrum fat, protein, and lactose contents were determined using an infrared milk analyzer, and energy content was calculated using National Research Council (2001) equations. Dry period length (for cows of parity ≥2), milk yield of previous 305-d lactation (for cows of parity ≥2), age at calving, parity number, season of calving, time interval between calving and first colostrum milking, and milk yield were recorded. Each trait (colostrum yield and quality traits) was analyzed with a univariate mixed model, including fixed effects of previously mentioned factors and the random animal additive genetic effect. All available pedigrees were included in the analysis, bringing the total animal number to 5,662. Estimates of (co)variance components were used to calculate heritability for each trait. Correlations among colostrum traits were estimated with bivariate analysis using the same model. Mean percentage (±SD) colostrum TS, fat, protein, and lactose contents were 25.8 ± 4.7, 6.4 ± 3.3, 17.8 ± 4.0, and 2.2 ± 0.7%, respectively; mean energy content was 1.35 ± 0.3 Mcal/kg and mean colostrum yield was 6.18 ± 3.77 kg. Heritability estimates for the above colostrum traits were 0.27, 0.21, 0.19, 0.15, 0.22, and 0.04, respectively. Several significant genetic and phenotypic correlations were derived. The genetic correlation of TS content measured on-farm with colostrum protein was practically unity, whereas the correlation with energy content was moderate (0.61). Fat content had no genetic correlation with TS content; their phenotypic correlation was positive and low. Colostrum yield was not correlated genetically with any of the other traits. In conclusion, colostrum quality traits are heritable and can be amended with genetic selection.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5562-5569
The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milk urea (MU) content in 3 main Danish dairy breeds. As a part of the Danish milk recording system, milk samples from cows on commercial farms were analyzed for MU concentration (mmol/L) and the percentages of fat and protein. There were 323,800 Danish Holstein, 70,634 Danish Jersey, and 27,870 Danish Red cows sampled with a total of 1,436,580, 368,251, and 133,922 test-day records per breed, respectively, included in the data set. Heritabilities for MU were low to moderate (0.22, 0.18, and 0.24 for the Holstein, Jersey, and Red breeds, respectively). The genetic correlation was close to zero between MU and milk yield in Jersey and Red, and −0.14 for Holstein. The genetic correlations between MU and fat and protein percentages, respectively, were positive for all 3 dairy breeds. Herd-test-day explained 51%, 54%, and 49% of the variation in MU in Holstein, Jersey, and Red, respectively. This indicates that MU levels in milk can be reduced by farm management. The current study shows that there are possibilities to influence MU by genetic selection as well as by farm management.  相似文献   

The genetic correlations (ra) of milk lactose percentage (LP), lactose yield (LY), and ratios of LP to other milk solids with udder, metabolic, and fertility disorders have not been assessed in dairy cattle so far. To evaluate the potential role of milk lactose as indicator of cow health, 142,285 lactation records of 84,289 Austrian Fleckvieh cows were analyzed with univariate and bivariate animal models. Milk traits were on a 150-d basis and health traits were coded as binary (0/1). Other than LP and LY, 3 new phenotypes were defined and included in the present study, namely the lactose-to-fat, lactose-to-protein, and lactose-to-solids ratios. The most heritable trait was LP (0.566 ± 0.008) and heritability of LY was much lower (0.145 ± 0.005). Heritability estimates close to 0.50 were assessed for the ratios. The frequency of health disorders was higher in multiparous cows yielding milk with low LP (≤4.553%) compared with cows yielding milk with high LP (≥5.045%). Heritabilities of health traits were in the expected ranges, with the highest estimate for ovarian cysts (CYS; 0.037 ± 0.004) and the lowest for retained placenta (0.005 ± 0.001). Mastitis (MAS) genetically correlated with LY (0.518 ± 0.057); considering that the amount of synthesized lactose is the key regulator of milk volume, this result confirmed that high-producing cows are more genetically susceptible to MAS than low-producing animals. Similar to MAS, ketosis (KET) was also positively genetically associated with LY (0.420 ± 0.077) and a weak and unfavorable ra between KET and lactose-to-protein ratio was estimated (0.159 ± 0.077). The ra of LY with milk fever (MFV) and CYS were approximately 0.20. The ra of LP with MAS, KET, and MFV were negative (?0.142 on average), supporting the idea that LP is a potential health indicator. Genetic correlations between health traits ranged from zero (retained placenta with MAS and CYS) to 0.463 ± 0.090 (MAS and MFV). Results of the present study suggest that LP has potentiality to be used as indicator trait to improve udder health in Austrian Fleckvieh population.  相似文献   

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