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中国煤电链温室气体排放系数及其与核电链的比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用全寿命循环分析方法对煤电链的温室气体排放进行了较全面的综合分析,给出了我国煤电链中各个环节及其总的温室气体排放系数,并与核电链的温室气体排放进行了比较。煤电链总的排放系数为1302.3 gCO2/kWh,是核电链的几十倍。与煤电链相比,核电至少不会加剧温室气体的进一步排放。发展核电是能源结构策略调整以减缓温室效应、合理利用资源、保护环境的切实可行的途径。  相似文献   

【路透社网站2006年7月11日报道】2006年7月在圣彼得堡召开的8国峰会将讨论能源问题,其中将包括核电在未来的作用。在切尔诺贝利核灾难发生20年之后,各国政府目前正在重新考虑将核能作为昂贵的石油和天然气的一种替代能源。另外,对天然气供应安全以及温室气体排放的担忧都极大地促进了核电——这种低碳能源的发展。在今年3月召开的8国集团能源部长级会议上,美俄两国曾呼吁全球支持核电发展,以确保能源的稳定供应并减少温室气体的排放。现就8国集团的核电政策略述如下:英国:预计政府出于未来能源供应安全和温室气体减排的考虑将支持新核电厂…  相似文献   

核能是低碳电力的重要来源,有助于实现“双碳”目标。国家层面尚未建立统一规范的核电行业温室气体排放核算体系,核算边界及方法研究有待进一步完善。从温室气体排放核算的关键问题出发,系统梳理了国内外核电温室气体排放核算边界、方法的研究进展,对比重点行业企业温室气体排放核算标准与指南要求,提出了核电生命周期温室气体排放核算研究思路。从核算体系建立、影响因素研究、退役个案研究等方面提出未来研究展望,为我国建立统一规范的核电行业温室气体统计核算体系提供参考。  相似文献   

【日本原子能产业协会网站2003年10月报道】 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊学院工学部2003年10月22~23日就州及国家的能源政策举行了以“威斯康星州核电的未来”为主题的讨论。与会者认为,核电厂由于不会排放氮氧化物等有害物质所以具有经济竞争力,州政府应该认真考虑利用核电的必要性。 威斯康星大学的校长在大会致辞中指出,由于煤炭、天然气等化石燃料能源会排放出大量的二氧化碳等温室气体,所以今后最大的课题就是如何控制温室气体的排放,而核电正是“最安全、最清洁、且经济效益最高的电力资源”。 依照威斯康星州目前的法律,要建造核电厂必…  相似文献   

我国煤电链和核电链对健康、环境和气候影响的比较   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对 90年代中期我国现有煤电链和核电链对健康、环境和气候影响的比较进行了研究。研究的结果是 :( 1)对健康的影响。对公众产生的辐射照射 ,煤电燃料链为 4 2 0人·Sv( GWea) -1,核电燃料链为8.39人·Sv( GWea) -1,煤电燃料链约为核电燃料链的 50倍。就非辐射而言 ,煤电燃料链约比核电燃料链高 1个数量级。对工作人员产生的辐射照射 ,煤电燃料链为 90人· Sv( GWea) -1,核电燃料链为 8.91人·Sv( GWea) -1,煤电燃料链约为核电燃料链的 10倍。从尘肺看 ,煤矿为 2 1.6例 ( GWea) -1,铀矿为 4 .4例 ( GWea) -1,煤矿为铀矿的 5倍。煤电燃料链急性事故死亡率为 35人 ( GWea) -1,核电燃料链为 0 .6人( GWea) -1,煤电燃料链为核电燃料链的 60倍。 ( 2 )对环境的影响。对煤电燃料链 ,可观察到排出 SO2 和NOx 等对森林、农作物等的明显影响。对核电燃料链未发现可察觉的影响。 ( 3)对气候的影响。煤电燃料链温室气体排放系数约为 130 2 g等效 CO2 ( k Weh) -1,核电燃料链为 13.7g等效 CO2 ( k Weh) -1,煤电燃料链为核电燃料链的 95倍  相似文献   

核电是目前可供利用的技术,温室气体排放极低,可以大幅度扩展以减少将来的温室气体排放  相似文献   

许渊源 《中国核电》2017,(1):139-145
随着我国核电装机规模的不断增长,核电在我国能源生产和供应的地位和作用越来越重要,研究核电对我国电力供应的贡献对促进核电高效发展具有重要意义。文章结合电力资源优化模型,定量计算了当前如果没有核电,在总发电成本最小化、碳排放约束的情况下,由其他能源替代核电引起的电力结构变化;以及2020年、2030年核电装机规模持续增长对优化电力供应结构和减少温室气体排放的贡献;提出了保持核电开工建设速度、给予核电与清洁能源同等发电权和调度权等政策建议。  相似文献   

本文论述了核能链的外部成本是能源链中最低的能源链,也是排放温室气体最小的能源链;核能是一种安全、清洁的能源。为了合理开发利用自然资源、保护环境、促进我国能源的可持续发展,面对核能没有被社会接受或完全接受这一事实,文章提出了迫切需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

【法国原子能委员会2002年9月26日报道】 在降低环境影响的同时,能更有效而持续地进行能源生产是全球未来发展的关键。 国际原子能机构(IAEA)估计,在今后20年内,世界的能源需求将增加57%,而且主要集中在城市。 由于能源需求将大幅增加,因此必须从现在开始控制因化石燃料消耗而产生的温室气体排放,必须寻找能降低温室气体排放的、高质量且可持续的能源生产方法。核能无疑是可满足上述要求的一种能源:拥有长期的资源保障,如果使用得当,核燃料可在数千年内保证供应;无温室气体产生。在法国目前的能源结构中,核电占76%,可替代能源(主要是水利)…  相似文献   

【美国Bloomberg新闻网2006年8月23日报道】欧洲能源委员会委员支持核电应用,因为核电可以最大限度地减少温室气体排放。“我们需要使所有想增加电力装机容量的国家都可以选择核能,”欧盟能源委员Andris Piebalgs在挪威的一次国际会议上发言说,“核能是欧盟当前最大的无碳排放能源。”Pieblags说,“在未来数十年里”欧洲将仍然以石油和天然气为主要能源,与核电和可再生能源不同,这些化石燃料会向大气中排放二氧化碳。他表示,核发电量占欧盟总发电量的约32%,核电厂的燃料——铀主要分布在那些比石油和天然气生产国存在“更小的地缘政治危险…  相似文献   

We present the role of nuclear energy in a sustainable future. This addresses the social, economic and environmental concerns of us all. Nuclear energy today avoids the emission of nearly two billion tonnes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) each year, thanks to over 400 reactors operating worldwide.

Nevertheless, there is no real recognition of real incentives for large-scale non-emitters like nuclear energy and for emissions avoidance in current Kyoto and other policies. These approaches rely heavily on conservation, renewables and efficiency. These measures alone also will not significantly reduce the atmospheric greenhouse burden, because the world is still growing. Also, our (the world's) future economic growth (in all countries) is tied to energy and electricity use. Our prosperity, the alleviation of poverty and the sustainability of the world depend on having a supply of emissions-free and safe energy.

Recent price hikes in fossil fuels and power blackouts also emphasize our need for reliable, safe and cheap power, as is offered by nuclear energy when coupled with effective and secure waste disposal.

A particularly important role for nuclear power in the future will be its links to the hydrogen economy. It is now recognised that the introduction of hydrogen into the transportation sector will benefit the environment only when low carbon sources, such as nuclear reactors, are the primary energy source for hydrogen production. The future could well be the Hydrogen Age. We show that a major reduction in GHGs worldwide can be obtained by nuclear-electric production of hydrogen, thus alleviating their potential effects on future generations. We also demonstrate a potential key synergism with renewable wind power in the hybrid production of distributed hydrogen. Thus, nuclear energy supports and enables the World in its journey to a sustainable, safe and secure energy future.  相似文献   

With the growing international consensus concerning the harmful health and environmental impact of fossil energy use, there is on the political level recognition of nuclear power's potential role in delivering large quantities of energy without releasing common environmental pollutants and greenhouse gases. The energy consumption in Korea has greatly increased with rapid economic growth and industrialization since 1970. The average annual growth rate was 8% in 1970s and more than 10% in 1980s and 1990s except during the '98 financial crisis.

Due to the lack of domestic energy resource bases, the rapid economic growth and industrialization has to be supported by the imported energy. Thus, the imported energy dependence of total energy supply has rapidly increased from 47.5% in 1970 to 97.5% in 1997. The fossil fuels share of energy consumption grew up to 88.2% in 1997. This resulted to CO2 emission of 140 million ton-C, which account for 1.8% of world greenhouse gases emission. (MOCIE, 2000) Because of rapid industrialization, Korea has relatively higher energy intensive industries compared to most of the developed countries with 3.1 ton-C/capita and 0.49 ton-C/million Won.

Thus, energy policy is being focused on the improvement of energy efficiency and optimum energy mix for the reduction of GHGs. At present, 16 units of Nuclear Power Plant are in operation, 6 units under construction. The nuclear share of electric power generation was 43% last year. This share will be increased up to more than 50% by 2015. In order to meet voluntary GHGs emission target, a drastic switching to non-carbon energy bases would be necessary.  相似文献   

从国家能源安全与能源可持续发展的角度论述了核能的优势地位和作用,及核能在满足能源和电力安全供应需求、缓解生态环境污染和降低温室气体排放等方面的作用。讲述了中国能源安全和可持续发展面临的挑战和严峻形势,指出发展核能是中国优化能源结构的客观要求,是我国未来能源及电力安全供应的重要保证。阐明了发展核能是实现中国能源与电力可持续发展的必然选择,核能利用符合循环经济的原则。研究分析了核电发展对中国未来生态环境保护的贡献,并对中国核能发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Not a few developing countries have been following a policy of positively introducing nuclear power to meet the predicted increase in energy demand in future, however, nuclear power development needs technically and financially advanced infrastructures. It is essential for the developing countries to receive technical and financial supports from a developed country or countries, in relation to procurement of funds, education/training of operation/maintenance personnel, assurance of safety, nuclear nonproliferation and safeguard etc., when they seek to introduce or develop nuclear power. It is expected that the developed countries would actively invest in the introduction or development of nuclear power plants in the developing countries, if the investing countries can get emission reduction credits through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) defined in the Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol of the COP-3.

This paper examines effectiveness of the CDM, when it is used as an institutional means of funds raising and technical infrastructure development that are expected to be the greatest obstacles to introducing nuclear power in the developing countries, and proposes the guidelines which are specifically necessary to realize it. Funds that can be raised by Japan to a nuclear power project of developing country in return of the emission right of greenhouse gases were calculated, substituting coal-fired thermal power plants with nuclear power.  相似文献   

我国核电厂气态流出物中惰性气体监测现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核电厂流出物尤其是气态流出物中的放射性惰性气体监测多为低水平放射性核素,我国运行核电厂的环境监测结果均低于探测限,无法计算照射剂量.探测能力决定了放射性惰性气体排放评价的结果.本文分析了我国各运行核电厂流出物放射性惰性气体监测和排放评价的现状,比较欧盟的相关建议,研究我国核电厂流出物放射性惰性气体监测能力存在的问题,并提出了建议.  相似文献   

四、核动力站对生态环境可能产生的影响核动力站排出的流出物对生态环境可能造成影响的因素是:放射性物质和废热。核动力站排出的非放化学污染物较少。从总体上看,核动力站流出物对生态环境影响的研究还处于初始阶段。研究工作主要限于:辐射和废热对水生物生态系统的影响,其中特别是对鱼类的影响。液态排出物直接排入  相似文献   

Energy for electricity and transportation is a national issue with worldwide environmental and political implications. The world must have energy options for the next century that are not vulnerable to possible disruption for technical, environmental, public confidence, or other reasons. Growing concerns about the greenhouse effect and the safety of transporting oil may lead to reduced burning of coal and other fossil fuels, and the incidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, as well as nuclear waste storage problems, have eroded public acceptance of nuclear fission. Meeting future world energy needs will require improvements in energy efficiency and conservation. However, the world will soon need new central station power plants and increasing amounts of fuel for the transportation sector. The use of fossil fuels, and possibly even fission power, will very likely be restricted because of environmental, safety, and, eventually, supply considerations. Time is running out for policymakers. New energy technologies cannot be brought to the marketplace overnight. Decades are required to bring a new energy production technology from conception to full market penetration. With the added urgency to mitigate deleterious environmental effects of energy use, policymakers must act decisively now to establish and support vigorous energy technology development programs. The U.S. has invested $8 billion over the past 40 years in fusion research and development. If the U.S. fusion program proceeds according to its present strategy, an additional 40 years, and more money, will be expended before fusion will provide commercial electricity. Such an extended schedule is neither cost-effective nor technically necessary. It is time to launch a national venture to construct and operate a fusion power pilot plant. Such a plant could be operational within 15 years of a national commitment to proceed.Prepared Under Contract for the Agency for Advancement of Fusion Power, Inc., George S. Clemens, President.  相似文献   

核电链生命周期的放射性物质排放,不仅包括铀矿开采和水冶、铀纯化和转化、铀同位素分离、核燃料元件制造、核电站运行、后处理和固体废物处置等活动的直接排放,也包括水泥、钢铁和电能消耗的间接排放。本文结合厂址环境特征,对核电链生命周期放射性物质排放的放射性环境影响进行了评估。评估结果表明,2001-2005年、2006-2010年和2011-2013年期间,我国核电链生命周期流出物排放(包括直接排放和间接排放)所致的归一化公众集体剂量分别为7.88、6.31、4.63 人•Sv•(GW•a)-1。直接排放所致剂量水平远高于间接排放,其中,集体剂量的90%来自铀矿开采和水冶,远高于全球平均水平,有必要进一步提高我国采铀工艺技术,减少放射性物质向环境的排放。  相似文献   

方栋  李红 《辐射防护》1996,16(4):297-303
本文指出了环境风险与健康风险的区别和不同能源系统的燃料循环全面环境风险比较在能源发展规划决策中的作用,给出了中国煤电和核电环境风险比较研究第一阶段以统计数据为基础的各类环境影响进行对应比较的结果。它表明产生1TWh电力煤电燃料循环对环境影响远大于核电。  相似文献   

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