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We present a new intuitive UI, which we call cross‐boundary brushes, for interactive mesh decomposition. The user roughly draws one or more strokes across a desired cut and our system automatically returns a best cut running through all the strokes. By the different natures of part components (i.e., semantic parts) and patch components (i.e., flatter surface patches) in general models, we design two corresponding brushes: part‐brush and patch‐brush. These two types of brushes share a common user interface, enabling easy switch between them. The part‐brush executes a cut along an isoline of a harmonic field driven by the user‐specified strokes. We show that the inherent smoothness of the harmonic field together with a carefully designed isoline selection scheme lead to segmentation results that are insensitive to noise, pose, tessellation and variation in user's strokes. Our patch‐brush uses a novel facet‐based surface metric that alleviates sensitivity to noise and fine details common in region‐growing algorithms. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our cutting tools can produce user‐desired segmentations for a wide variety of models even with single strokes. We also show that our tools outperform the state‐of‐art interactive segmentation tools in terms of ease of use and segmentation quality.  相似文献   

We present a method for generating scales and scale‐like structures on a polygonal mesh through surface replacement. As input, we require a triangular mesh that will be covered with scales and one or more proxy‐models to be used as the scale's shape. A user begins scale generation by drawing a lateral line on the model to control the distribution and orientation of scales on the surface. We then create a vector field over the surface to control an anisotropic Voronoi tessellation, which represents the region occupied by each scale. Next we replace these regions by cutting the proxy model to match the boundary of the Voronoi region and deform the cut model onto the surface. The result is a fully connected 2‐manifold that is suitable for subsequent post‐processing applications like surface subdivision.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel modeling system, called B‐Mesh, for generating base meshes of 3D articulated shapes. The user only needs to draw a one‐dimensional skeleton and to specify key balls at the skeletal nodes. The system then automatically generates a quad dominant initial mesh. Further subdivision and evolution are performed to refine the initial mesh and generate a quad mesh which has good edge flow along the skeleton directions. The user can also modify and manipulate the shape by editing the skeleton and the key balls and can easily compose new shapes by cutting and pasting existing models in our system. The mesh models generated in our system greatly benefit the sculpting operators for sculpting modeling and skeleton‐based animation.  相似文献   

Easy Mesh Cutting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper considers the problem of interactively finding the cutting contour to extract components from a given mesh. Some existing methods support cuts of arbitrary shape but require careful and tedious input from the user. Others need little user input however they are sensitive to user input and need a postprocessing step to smooth the generated jaggy cutting contours. The popular geometric snake can be used to optimize the cutting contour, but it cannot deal with the topology change. In this paper, we propose a geodesic curvature flow based framework to overcome all these problems. Since in many cases the meaningful cutting contour on a 3D mesh is locally shortest in the sense of some weighted curve length, the geodesic curvature flow is an ideal tool for our problem. It evolves the cutting contour to the nearby local minimum. We should mention that the previous numerical scheme, discretized geodesic curvature flow (dGCF) is too slow and has not been applied to mesh segmentation. With a careful observation to dGCF, we devise here a fast computation scheme called fast geodesic curvature flow (FGCF), which only needs to solve a smaller and easier problem. The initial cutting contour is generated by a variant of random walks algorithm, which is very fast and gives reasonable cutting result with little user input. Experiment results on the benchmark mesh segmentation data set show that our proposed framework is robust to user input and capable of producing good results reflecting geometric features and human shape perception.  相似文献   

We present a fast, robust and high‐quality technique to skin a mesh with reference to a skeleton. We consider the space of possible skeleton deformations (based on skeletal constraints, or skeletal animations), and compute skinning weights based on an optimization scheme to obtain as‐rigid‐as‐possible (ARAP) corresponding mesh deformations. We support stretchable‐and‐twistable bones (STBs) and spines by generalizing the ARAP deformations to stretchable deformers. In addition, our approach can optimize joint placements. If wanted, a user can guide and interact with the results, which is facilitated by an interactive feedback, reached via an efficient sparsification scheme. We demonstrate our technique on challenging inputs (STBs and spines, triangle and tetrahedral meshes featuring missing elements, boundaries, self‐intersections or wire edges).  相似文献   

Shape interpolation has many applications in computer graphics such as morphing for computer animation. In this paper, we propose a novel data‐driven mesh interpolation method. We adapt patch‐based linear rotational invariant coordinates to effectively represent deformations of models in a shape collection, and utilize this information to guide the synthesis of interpolated shapes. Unlike previous data‐driven approaches, we use a rotation/translation invariant representation which defines the plausible deformations in a global continuous space. By effectively exploiting the knowledge in the shape space, our method produces realistic interpolation results at interactive rates, outperforming state‐of‐the‐art methods for challenging cases. We further propose a novel approach to interactive editing of shape morphing according to the shape distribution. The user can explore the morphing path and select example models intuitively and adjust the path with simple interactions to edit the morphing sequences. This provides a useful tool to allow users to generate desired morphing with little effort. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using various examples.  相似文献   

We present Video Brush, a novel interface for interactive video cutout. Inspired by the progressive selection scheme in images, our interface is designed to select video objects by painting on successive frames as the video plays. The video objects are progressively selected by solving the graph‐cut based local optimization according to the strokes drawn by the brush on each painted frame. In order to provide users interactive feedback, we accelerate 3D graph‐cut by efficient graph building and multi‐level banded graph‐cut. Experimental results show that our novel interface is both intuitive and efficient for video cutout.  相似文献   

We present a non‐rigid surface registration technique that can align surfaces with sizes and shapes that are different from each other, while avoiding mesh distortions during deformation. The registration is constrained locally as conformal as possible such that the angles of triangle meshes are preserved, yet local scales are allowed to change. Based on our conformal registration technique, we devise an automatic registration and interactive registration technique, which can reduce user interventions during template fitting. We demonstrate the versatility of our technique on a wide range of surfaces.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for retargeting human motion to arbitrary 3D mesh models with as little user interaction as possible. Traditional motion‐retargeting systems try to preserve the original motion, while satisfying several motion constraints. Our method uses a few pose‐to‐pose examples provided by the user to extract the desired semantics behind the retargeting process while not limiting the transfer to being only literal. Thus, mesh models with different structures and/or motion semantics from humanoid skeletons become possible targets. Also considering the fact that most publicly available mesh models lack additional structure (e.g. skeleton), our method dispenses with the need for such a structure by means of a built‐in surface‐based deformation system. As deformation for animation purposes may require non‐rigid behaviour, we augment existing rigid deformation approaches to provide volume‐preserving and squash‐and‐stretch deformations. We demonstrate our approach on well‐known mesh models along with several publicly available motion‐capture sequences.  相似文献   

We present a novel method to adaptively apply modifications to scene data stored in GPU memory. Such modifications may include interactive painting and sculpting operations in an authoring tool, or deformations resulting from collisions between scene objects detected by a physics engine. We only allocate GPU memory for the faces affected by these modifications to store fine‐scale colour or displacement values. This requires dynamic GPU memory management in order to assign and adaptively apply edits to individual faces at runtime. We present such a memory management technique based on a scan‐operation that is efficiently parallelizable. Since our approach runs entirely on the GPU, we avoid costly CPU–GPU memory transfer and eliminate typical bandwidth limitations. This minimizes runtime overhead to under a millisecond and makes our method ideally suited to many real‐time applications such as video games and interactive authoring tools. In addition, our algorithm significantly reduces storage requirements and allows for much higher resolution content compared to traditional global texturing approaches. Our technique can be applied to various mesh representations, including Catmull–Clark subdivision surfaces, as well as standard triangle and quad meshes. In this paper, we demonstrate several scenarios for these mesh types where our algorithm enables adaptive mesh refinement, local surface deformations and interactive on‐mesh painting and sculpting.  相似文献   

Surface selection is one of the fundamental interactions in shape modeling. In the case of complex models, this task is often tedious for at least two reasons: firstly the local geometry of a given region may be hard to manually select and needs great accuracy; secondly the selection process may have to be repeated a large number of times for similar regions requiring similar subsequent editing. We propose SimSelect, a new system for interactive selection on 3D surfaces addressing these two issues. We cope with the accuracy issue by classifying selections in different types, namely components, parts and patches for which we independently optimize the selection process. Second, we address the repetitiveness issue by introducing an expansion process based on shape recognition which automatically retrieves potential selections similar to the user‐defined one. As a result, our system provides the user with a compact set of simple interaction primitives providing a smooth select‐and‐edit workflow.  相似文献   

Soft Folding     
We introduce soft folding, a new interactive method for designing and exploring thin‐plate forms. A user specifies sharp and soft folds as two‐dimensional(2D) curves on a flat sheet, along with the fold magnitude and sharpness of each. Then, based on the soft folds, the system computes the three‐dimensional(3D) folded shape. Internally, the system first computes a fold field, which defines local folding operations on a flat sheet. A fold field is a generalization of a discrete fold graph in origami, replacing a graph with sharp folds with a continuous field with soft folds. Next, local patches are folded independently according to the fold field. Finally, a globally folded 3D shape is obtained by assembling the locally folded patches. This algorithm computes an approximation of 3D developable surfaces with user‐defined soft folds at an interactive speed. The user can later apply nonlinear physical simulation to generate more realistic results. Experimental results demonstrated that soft folding is effective for producing complex folded shapes with controllable sharpness.  相似文献   

We present the design of an interactive image‐based modeling tool that enables a user to quickly generate detailed 3D models with texture from a set of calibrated input images. Our main contribution is an intuitive user interface that is entirely based on simple 2D painting operations and does not require any technical expertise by the user or difficult pre‐processing of the input images. One central component of our tool is a GPU‐based multi‐view stereo reconstruction scheme, which is implemented by an incremental algorithm, that runs in the background during user interaction so that the user does not notice any significant response delay.  相似文献   

Several applications in shape modeling and exploration require identification and extraction of a 3D shape part matching a 2D sketch. We present CustomCut, an on‐demand part extraction algorithm. Given a sketched query, CustomCut automatically retrieves partially matching shapes from a database, identifies the region optimally matching the query in each shape, and extracts this region to produce a customized part that can be used in various modeling applications. In contrast to earlier work on sketch‐based retrieval of predefined parts, our approach can extract arbitrary parts from input shapes and does not rely on a prior segmentation into semantic components. The method is based on a novel data structure for fast retrieval of partial matches: the randomized compound k‐NN graph built on multi‐view shape projections. We also employ a coarse‐to‐fine strategy to progressively refine part boundaries down to the level of individual faces. Experimental results indicate that our approach provides an intuitive and easy means to extract customized parts from a shape database, and significantly expands the design space for the user. We demonstrate several applications of our method to shape design and exploration.  相似文献   

There is a vast number of applications that require distance field computation over triangular meshes. State‐of‐the‐art algorithms have quadratic or sub‐quadratic worst‐case complexity, making them impractical for interactive applications. While most of the research on this subject has been focused on reducing the computation complexity of the algorithms, in this work we propose an approximate algorithm that achieves similar results working in lower resolutions of the input meshes. The creation of lower resolution meshes is the essence of our proposal. The idea is to identify regions on the input mesh that can be unfolded into planar regions with minimal area distortion (i.e. quasi‐developable charts). Once charts are computed, their interior is re‐triangulated to reduce the number of triangles, which results in a collection of simplified charts that we call a base mesh. Due to the properties of quasi‐developable regions, we are able to compute distance fields over the base mesh instead of over the input mesh. This reduces the memory footprint and data processed for distance computations, which is the bottleneck of these algorithms. We present results that are one order of magnitude faster than current exact solutions, with low approximation errors.  相似文献   

A common weathering effect is the appearance of cracks due to material fractures. Previous exemplar‐based aging and weathering methods have either reused images or sought to replicate observed patterns exactly. We introduce a new approach to exemplar‐based modeling that creates weathered patterns on synthetic objects by matching the statistics of fracture patterns in a photograph. We present a user study to determine which statistics are correlated to visual similarity and how they are perceived by the user. We then describe a revised physically‐based fracture model capable of producing a wide range of crack patterns at interactive rates. We demonstrate how a Bayesian optimization method can determine the parameters of this model so it can produce a pattern with the same key statistics as an exemplar. Finally, we present results using our approach and various exemplars to produce a variety of fracture effects in synthetic renderings of complex environments. The speed of the fracture simulation allows interactive previews of the fractured results and its application on large scale environments.  相似文献   

We present a new solution for temporal coherence in non‐photorealistic rendering (NPR) of animations. Given the conflicting goals of preserving the 2D aspect of the style and the 3D scene motion, any such solution is a tradeoff. We observe that primitive‐based methods in NPR can be seen as texture‐based methods when using large numbers of primitives, leading to our key insight, namely that this process is similar to sparse convolution noise in procedural texturing. Consequently, we present a new primitive for NPR based on Gabor noise, that preserves the 2D aspect of noise, conveys the 3D motion of the scene, and is temporally continuous. We can thus use standard techniques from procedural texturing to create various styles, which we show for interactive NPR applications. We also present a user study to evaluate this and existing solutions, and to provide more insight in the trade‐off implied by temporal coherence. The results of the study indicate that maintaining coherent motion is important, but also that our new solution provides a good compromise between the 2D aspect of the style and 3D motion.  相似文献   

We present novel visual and interactive techniques for exploratory visualization of animal kinematics using instantaneous helical axes (IHAs). The helical axis has been used in orthopedics, biomechanics, and structural mechanics as a construct for describing rigid body motion. Within biomechanics, recent imaging advances have made possible accurate high‐speed measurements of individual bone positions and orientations during experiments. From this high‐speed data, instantaneous helical axes of motion may be calculated. We address questions of effective interactive, exploratory visualization of this high‐speed 3D motion data. A 3D glyph that encodes all parameters of the IHA in visual form is presented. Interactive controls are used to examine the change in the IHA over time and relate the IHA to anatomical features of interest selected by a user. The techniques developed are applied to a stereoscopic, interactive visualization of the mechanics of pig mastication and assessed by a team of evolutionary biologists who found interactive IHA‐based analysis a useful addition to more traditional motion analysis techniques.  相似文献   

We present ‘Smart Scribbles’—a new scribble‐based interface for user‐guided segmentation of digital sketchy drawings. In contrast to previous approaches based on simple selection strategies, Smart Scribbles exploits richer geometric and temporal information, resulting in a more intuitive segmentation interface. We introduce a novel energy minimization formulation in which both geometric and temporal information from digital input devices is used to define stroke‐to‐stroke and scribble‐to‐stroke relationships. Although the minimization of this energy is, in general, an NP‐hard problem, we use a simple heuristic that leads to a good approximation and permits an interactive system able to produce accurate labellings even for cluttered sketchy drawings. We demonstrate the power of our technique in several practical scenarios such as sketch editing, as‐rigid‐as‐possible deformation and registration, and on‐the‐fly labelling based on pre‐classified guidelines.  相似文献   

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