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This study presents various models for energy planning for the year 2000 in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico depends on imported oil for 99% of its energy needs. The island has many promising energy sources such as biomass (sugar cane bagasse), photovoltaics (solar energy), ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), and wind power systems (WPS). These energy sources present some trade-offs in costs, pollution level, and fuel importation, which are studied. Uncertainty in future demand is taken into account. Integer variables representing the possible electricity generation plants are defined. The best compromise solution using the global criterion method for multiple objectives is presented. The proven alternatives such as coal-steam plants, nuclear plants, and biomass steam plants could have political constraints. New technologies such as photovoltaics, OTEC, and WPS possess many uncertainties. Should the cost of these alternatives be less than the electricity generated using oil, a combination of these energy sources would represent the best alternatives to solve Puerto Rico's electricity needs.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the research activity conducted by Puerto Rican scientists in science and technology in the period 1990 to 1998. The Science Citation Index (SCI) database was used to analyse scientific production by geographic area, type of insittution, document typology, language coverage, visibility of publications, subjects addressed and collaboration between local and international authors and institutions. Scientific production was observed to nearly double over the period studied and found to be concentrated in the academic sector, primarily in the city of San Juan, specifically in the University of Puerto Rico's Rio Piedras, Medical Sciences and Mayagüez campuses. Puerto Rican scientific production in the period studied was greater than in any other Caribbean country and the sixth largest in all of Latin America. Papers are mainly published in highly visible journals and scientific articles are the vehicle most commonly used to reach the scientific community. Co-operation indices between authors and institutions are high and the principal areas in which research is published are Medicine, Chemistry, Life Sciences and Physics.  相似文献   

The measurement of international scientific collaboration   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
A growing science policy interest in international scientific collaboration has brought about a multitude of studies which attempt to measure the extent of international scientific collaboration between countries and to explore intercountry collaborative networks. This paper attempts to clarify the methodology that is being used or can be used for this purpose and discusses the adequacy of the methods. The paper concludes that, in an analysis of collaborative links, it is essential to use both absolute and relative measures. The latter normalize differences in country size. Each yields a different type of information. Absolute measures yield an answer to questions such as which countries are central in the international network of science, whether collaborative links reveal a centre — periphery relationship, and which countries are the most important collaborative partners of another country. Relative measures provide answers to questions of the intensity of collaborative links.  相似文献   

Glänzel  Wolfgang 《Scientometrics》2001,51(1):69-115
The main objective of this study is the elaboration of national characteristics in internationalscientific co-authorship relations. An attempt is made to find statistical evidence of symmetry andasymmetry in co-publication links, of the relation between international co-authorship and bothnational research profiles and citation impact. Four basic types can be distinguished in the relativespecialisation of domestic and internationally co-authored publications of 50 most activecountries in 1995/96 concerning the significance of the difference between the two profiles.Co-publication maps reveal structural changes in international co-authorship links in the lastdecade. Besides stable links and coherent clusters, new nodes and links have also been found. Notall links between individual countries are symmetric. Specific (unidirectional) co-authorshipaffinity could also be detected in several countries.As expected, international co-authorship, on an average, results in publications with highercitation rates than purely domestic papers. However, the influence of international collaborationon the national citation impact varies considerably between the countries (and within oneindividual country between fields). In some cases there is, however, no citation advantage for oneor even for both partners.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates an integrated method of forecasting the trend of a country’s publications. In this context the paper examines international collaboration in a country’s overall publication and forecasts its future trend. The integrated method is based on regression and scaling relationship. India is taken as a case study for this examination. The study shows some interesting features of India’s publication pattern based on time-series data. One observes exponential nature of her publication growth from 2002 onwards. International collaboration also exhibits exponential growth roughly from the same period. Also one observes the faster growth of international collaborative papers than the overall growth of research papers. The study predicts values of number of internationally collaborative papers for the years 2015 and 2020. The robustness of the method is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

International scientific co-operation (ISC) and awareness are topics of increasing interest for both scientists and science policy makers. In this paper, we adopt primarily the science policy point of view. After a concise overview of the literature we summarize the main results of the research we conducted. The main outcome with respect to ISC is that it increases. However, large differences exist between countries and between scientific disciplines. ISC and awareness constitute a complex phenomenon, affected by several factors, science-internal, as well as external. In the paper several techniques are described, amongst which those that can visualize ISC relations through analytical maps. An important aspect of our research methodology is the combination of various quantitative, bibliometric analyses and qualitative research on the structure of science and the relations between science and society. Finally, we sketch perspectives for future research.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Korean technological development is linked with scientific activities and spreads to industrial fields through knowledge flows. It empirically assesses the linkages between scientific and technological knowledge flows and technological innovation by determining whether the quantity and quality of scientific papers cited by, and the knowledge being absorbed in, Korean patents filed in USPTO varied over time, and between technology fields. We conducted MANOVA and then canonical discriminate analysis. Our findings are: the patterns of both the absorption of scientific knowledge and the diffusion of technological knowledge differ by period and by field, and the speed of knowledge diffusion differs by technology field. This implies that the time required for Korean investment in basic and applied research to impact her industrial innovation differs by technology field.  相似文献   

We propose an indicator to “measure” the extent to which co-publication through international collaboration enhances the value of scientific output of an organisation or agency performing academic research. A second order approach is used which combines a quality proxy (impact) and a quantity or size proxy (number of papers published) to yield a trinity of energy like scalar proxies. From these it is possible to define an index of foreign collaboration and another evenness indicator that shows the size and unevenness of the role foreign collaboration plays in the total academic output of the organization.  相似文献   

A bibliometric approach is explored to tracking international scientific migration, based on an analysis of the affiliation countries of authors publishing in peer reviewed journals indexed in Scopus?. The paper introduces a model that relates base concepts in the study of migration to bibliometric constructs, and discusses the potentialities and limitations of a bibliometric approach both with respect to data accuracy and interpretation. Synchronous and asynchronous analyses are presented for 10 rapidly growing countries and 7 scientifically established countries. Rough error rates of the proposed indicators are estimated. It is concluded that the bibliometric approach is promising provided that its outcomes are interpreted with care, based on insight into the limits and potentialities of the approach, and combined with complementary data, obtained, for instance, from researchers’ Curricula Vitae o, survey or questionnaire- based data. Error rates for units of assessment with indicator values based on sufficiently large numbers are estimated to be fairly below 10 %, but can be expected to vary substantially among countries of origin, especially between Asian countries and Western countries.  相似文献   

A. Méndez  I. Gómez 《Scientometrics》1986,10(3-4):207-219
The publications by the Spanish scientists recorded in eight international databases in the years 1978 and 1983 are retrieved. Science indicators able to give a perception of the scientific productivity, the institutions involved, the habits of publishing in foreign or domestic journals and co-authorship are presented. The changes observed in these indicators in the two analysed years are examined and the trend in the evolution of the Spanish science is shown. The time delay in recording items by the databases and coverage of the Spanish journals are also studied.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to apply concepts of the diffusion of innovations research in thestudy of the international diffusion of a formerly national scientific journal, Annales ZoologiciFennici. The study was conducted using bibliometric methodology. The diffusion of the journalwas described through citations of the journal and through the development of the nationaldistribution of its contributors. The compatibility of the journal as well as the decrease ofcomplexity were found to have an influence on diffusion. Bibliometric methods were able torepresent the international diffusion of a scientific journal.  相似文献   

How will the developing countries best employ the advanced biotechnologies, particularly genetic engineering, to help solve their problems and further development? One mechanism to help the Third World gain the requisite capabilities is being set up by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), namely the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). Made up of two components in New Delhi, India, and Trieste, Italy, it has four major functions: to perform research of importance to the Third World; to train scientific personnel from developing countries; to be a conduit for the international transfer of scientific and technical information; and to be the focal point of a network of affiliated national and regional R&D centers. The long and tortuous process of establishing the ICGEB is described. The reasons for the actions taken are analyzed, as are the real and potential problems facing the Centre.  相似文献   

The present study is focused on international collaboration in science, involving more than two countries. The authors developed a promising model to measure and analyse the extent of multilateral co-authorship links in a previous study. The model is based on a series expansion approach which relates a new indicator, the Multilateral Collaboration Index (ρ), to the share of internationally co-authored papers (f). The model was found suitable to classify both the share of international papers, as well as the extent of multilateral links through the deviations from their expectations. A comparative analysis is made of changing collaboration patterns between 1983 and 1993 for 8 selected subfields, as well as all fields combined of the most active 38 countries. As expected an intensification of international scientific collaboration was observed, especially for a number of former COMECON countries. Different types of behaviour for different countries and science subfields emerged.  相似文献   

Programme of meetings — 1989 NATO international scientific exchange programmeEngineering, materials and systems sciences  相似文献   

In a recent study, de Lange and Glänzel introduced a model for the bibliometric analysis of the extent of multinational co-authorship links. They showed that this model can be considered a generalisation of the "fractionation approach" by Nederhof and Moed. The authors analysed international collaboration links (the Multilateral Collaboration Index) as a function of the share of internationally co-authored papers. The measurement of the deviation of individual countries from (sub-)field peculiarities proved, however, complicated. The intensifying international collaboration and, in several fields, the substantial growth of number of multinational papers (involving three or more countries) in the 90s necessitates a detailed analysis of co-publication distributions, that is, of the distributions of partner countries in a given country"s publication output. The main objective of the study is to elaborate such a measure to be used in addition to the share of international publications and the Multilateral Collaboration Index. In addition, a detailed analysis of national citation impact of domestic, bilateral and multilateral papers in the major science fields is conducted. The model, we develop and the statistical analysis that it allows, support the practical conclusion that the ratio of the number of international links and international papers turns out to be roughly proportional to the ratio of full and fractional publication counts.  相似文献   

We introduce a new quantitative measure of international scholarly impact of countries by using bibliometric techniques based on publication and citation data. We present a case study to illustrate the use of our proposed measure in the subject area Energy during 1996–2009. We also present geographical maps to visualize knowledge flows among countries. Finally, using correlation analysis between publication output and international scholarly impact, we study the explanatory power of the applied measure.  相似文献   

Zhou  Ping  Cai  Xiaojing  Lyu  Xiaozan 《Scientometrics》2020,125(2):1331-1347
Scientometrics - Based on publications indexed in the Web of Science, the current study focused on internationally collaborated publications and publications acknowledging government funding of...  相似文献   

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