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动机是指导个体将行为指向某一特定的目的,并将这一行为维持一段时间的种种内部状态和过程.它是推动学生进行体育学习的内部动力.是影响体育学习的重要变量.在体育教学过程中,可以通过创建和谐的教学氛围、培养学生学习体育的兴趣、提高学生的自我效能感及培养学生对成败的归因来培养和激发学生学习体育的内在动机.  相似文献   

高职院校需要培养高技能型的创新人才,而数学建模在教学教学中,起了至关重要的作用.它使数学与实际相联系,激发学生的学习兴趣,而且使学生掌握计算机的应用,学会应用各种数学软件.所以,数学建模可以做为高职院校数学教学的一个重要部分.  相似文献   

职业高中与普通高中在数学课教学中有很大的差别.职高数学课作为一门工具课,是为专业课服务的.教师在教学中将职高教学教学与专业课教学相结合,既可以提高学生学习的兴趣和改善课堂教学,提高职高教学教学质量,又能为学生学习专业课知识打下良好的基础.  相似文献   

字母教学应该是英语教学基础中的基础,它不但涉及到了单词的记忆,句子的学习,还与语言的习得方式和学习英语的思维方式直接相关,甚至可以说,它的重要性与学生一生的英语学习相关.事实上,这不是教与不教的取舍问题,而是必须教和怎样教的策略问题. 一、小学英语字母教学对词汇教学的益处多数小学教师对字母教学不重视,造成了学生对字母的机械学习,机械把握.  相似文献   

在初中物理教学中,通过不断创设问题情境,激发学生的探求精神;通过创设成功的情境,使学生感受到获得成功的喜悦,调动学生学习的积极性.同时创设问题情境可以把抽象的问题具体化,深奥的道理形象化,枯燥的知识趣味化,从而激发学生发现问题的欲望和探究问题的热情,为学生发现问题和探究问题创造条件.它是物理教学成功的路标.  相似文献   

反思是一线老师常规教学工作的重要环节,它是提升教师素质的重要手段,也是学生学习的重要方法,对学生稳固原有知识,提升理解深度有着重量作用.教学老师要不断从自身观念、教学对象、教学方式上进行反思,以提升教学水平,提高自身素质.要引导学生学会反思,反思学习方式和对知识的掌握,可以帮助学生提高学习效率.  相似文献   

课堂引入在教学中是一个非常重要的阶段,它既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,又可以增长求知欲,消除其他课程的延续性,使学生的思维进入最佳状态,从而达到事半功倍的效果.实验引入法、讲故事引入法、情景引入法、问题引入法、复习引入法等教学方法在物理教学中能取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

在数学教学中通过创设合理、恰当的问题情境可以提高学生的数学学习兴趣水平,可以有效地培养学生的问题意识和问题解决能力,也有利于学习成绩的提高.问题情境是联结数学和生活之间的纽带,在数学学习中发挥着积极的作用.所以,创设适宜的问题情境,能有效地引导学生自我探究,主动学习,从而培养学生终身学习的能力.  相似文献   

"数感",就是对数学的感觉、感受乃至感情.从数学教育心理学的角度看,具体地表现在对日常生活中的数和运算有敏锐的感受力,有意识地从数学的角度去观察、解释和表示客观事物的数量关系、数据特征和空间形式,善于捕捉一般问题中潜在的数学特征.数在人们的生活中起着非常重要的作用,数可以用来表达和交流,可以帮人们认识身边的事物,还可以帮人们解决生活中的问题.数在人们的数学学习中贯穿始终,占有重要的地位.它影响着学生的各科学习,也为学生在数学方面的继续学习莫定了基础.因此,在小学数学教学中培养学生的数感很重要.  相似文献   

学习应该在现实情景或相似的情景中,学生得以解决现实生活中遇到实际问题为目标,因此教学设计不仅需考虑教学目标而且要把教学情景创设看作是教学设计的重要的内容之一.新课的导入虽然很短,但却是教学过程的重要环节和阶段.好的导入可以拨动学生的心弦,充分地调动学生的学习积极性和主动性:课堂中有效的问题能推动学生的学习能力和思维能力的发展,提高学生的实践能力和创新能力.  相似文献   

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for student assessment is well established, with an extensive body of research documenting that this is a valid means to assess clinical skills that are fundamental to the practice of medicine. The OSCE consists of a circuit of stations which tests a range of skills and learning to assess undergraduate medical students. A well-constructed OSCE provides important information about candidate performance and the quality of training. It is used at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine (USDSM) in assessment of third year medical students during their Obstetrics Clerkship, and as a teaching tool in the Pediatric Clerkship. On August 10, 1996, the USDSM administered an OSCE for the first time to third year medical students. The purpose of this article is to present state of the art information about setting up OSCE based on our recent experience and to provide practical examples of OSCE questions which can be addressed in the clinical setting. The narrative, references and examples give guidelines for the preparation of OSCE testing. The OSCE provided a standardized way of assessing clinical competence. Both students and faculty were very satisfied with the examination, and felt that the material tested was relevant and appropriate. The OSCE process does serve to identify areas of weakness in the curriculum and/or teaching methods, and thus can serve as a mechanism to improve educational effectiveness.  相似文献   

This lecture addresses the balance between teaching and learning and explores the notion that “we teach too much and our students learn too little.” Research in the areas of teaching and learning, in addition to personal experience in construction education, are used to show how appropriate teaching styles and a learner centered approach can be combined to improve learning and reinforce the belief that the true goal of education should be to produce self-motivated, independent lifelong learners. Data from an informal study of student perceptions are presented to show that much is achieved when faculty make it possible for students to be independent active learners and accept responsibility for their own learning.  相似文献   

在高校健美操教学中,重视培养审美意识的独特的作用,有助于提升健美操课程的价值,促进学生对健美操运动美的感受力、创造力、表现力、鉴赏力。这样在现今多种多样的健身方式中,才能使学生对健美操的教学内容产生更高的兴趣,从而促进他们全面发展、提高其综合素质。  相似文献   

Education is a systematic teaching-learning process involving four main components (teachers, students, knowledge, and the environment) and three main subprocesses (teaching, learning, and evaluation). Throughout the education process, students’ learning is considered as the core subprocess, though various interactions are involved among the variables in the components. The surface-achieving learning approach (achieving motive and surface strategy) is not generally recommended by educational psychologists, but it is the most popular learning approach used by construction engineering students in Hong Kong. In order to investigate the reasons for this phenomenon, a structural surface-achieving learning model is established that includes key learning factors. In this paper, teaching approach, learning approach (achieving motive and surface strategy), year of study, gender, performance, and satisfaction are all considered as major elements of the teaching-learning process. Using the LISREL program, three optimized structural equation models were established separately for the three teaching approaches (transferring, shaping, and traveling). The study confirmed a partial causal relationship among the hypothetical variables and revealed six interesting points: (1) shaping is an exogenous variable that has the least effect on the surface-achieving learning approach among the three teaching approaches; (2) the traveling teaching approach, like the transferring and shaping teaching approaches, causes students to adopt the surface strategy in the learning process; (3) good performance can be obtained even though the surface strategy is adopted by construction students in Hong Kong; (4) students’ performance is a factor encouraging or discouraging educators to use the traveling teaching approach in construction education; (5) satisfaction is an essential variable that induces students to learn with an achieving motive; and (6) female construction students often perform better than their male counterparts.  相似文献   

Learning by experience involves being able to reflect on a personal happening and through a process of analysis, come to understand it. Such an activity should result in 'deep learning' when carried out in a structured way. Higher education establishments are keen to develop such learning methods in students, as a secondary effect of this form of learning is to create student independence from the teacher. This is a much sought after ability as recent government changes have meant higher student numbers without a corresponding rise in teacher numbers. This threatens the quality of student knowledge unless it is compensated for in some way. This study sets out to examine the learning of two student groups. The experimental design was that of group comparison using matched pairs of students. One group, the experimental group, were exposed to reflective teaching methods, whilst the other group (the control group) were exposed to conventional teaching methods only. At the end of a set period of time, the learning achieved in both groups was estimated using an especially designed test paper. The results obtained from both groups were compared and it was found that there was no significant difference obtained in the learning between the groups (P>5%) Therefore, we concluded that students learnt just as well using reflective methods when compared to the conventional methods of learning. However, the potential for enhancement of learning was evident and invites further investigation. All the students in this study were on the Diploma in Higher Education (Nursing) course. The subject area used throughout the study was in the biological sciences.  相似文献   

Construction contract modules are delivered to second-year architectural technology and construction/construction management students undertaking foundation and undergraduate degree programs. Feedback and assessment results from recent years showed that students generally found these modules difficult. Studies were conducted to further understand students’ experiences and expectations, to assess quality of teaching, and to evaluate the dissemination of theoretical and practical knowledge during the delivery of construction contract modules. The objective was to review the methods used for teaching, learning, and assessment of construction contract modules and make recommendations to inform and improve future module development and delivery. This paper is based on a first-time experience of teaching a law-related subject to construction students. Reflection on the teaching and assessment methods implemented during the term and on student responses permits conclusions to be drawn on how best to improve students’ learning experience and simultaneously maintain the university’s quality standards.  相似文献   

There are various teaching approaches that instructors may adopt in their quest to teach effectively, and students can choose from a range of learning approaches to help them achieve good grades. This study investigates the effectiveness of personal learning approaches adopted by undergraduates and the teaching approaches employed by instructors in the context of construction engineering courses. The research questions are as follows. (1)?What are the students’ learning approaches that lead to better academic achievement? (2)?What are the instructors’ teaching approaches that give rise to better academic achievement? The study also aims to construct a model to predict a student’s likely academic performance in a construction engineering course. The research design is a self-administered survey. Using a structured questionnaire consisting of questions relating to learning strategies and teaching approaches, data were collected from undergraduates who majored in construction engineering. Statistical analyses undertaken include Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression modeling. Pearson correlation analysis shows that both the Growing Teaching approach and the students’ Achieving Motive learning approach are significantly correlated with academic performance. A robust grade prediction model was developed, whereby a student’s grade in a construction engineering course may be predicted using one teaching approach (Growing Teaching) and three learning approaches (Achieving Motive, Achieving Strategy, and Deep Motive). To help students obtain higher grades in a construction engineering course, instructors should adopt the Growing Teaching approach, and students should adopt the Achieving Motive learning approach. Because students who adopt the Deep Motive learning approach are penalized with lower grades, it is recommended that instructors modify their teaching methods and approaches so that students do not take shortcuts in their learning without deeper regard for higher-order learning outcomes.  相似文献   

阐述了高等职业教育实施因材施教的必要性和可行性.探讨高职院校只有采取灵活多样、适用的教学改革措施,实施因材施教,才能办出特色,提高教育质量.  相似文献   

Participative methods are commonly used in executive training programs and permit the learning of interpersonal and leadership skills and the development of sensitivity. Such learning cannot be achieved from lectures or reading since they require practice and are seldom used in college teaching, often because participation is seen as limited to small classes. This article describes how full participation can be obtained in large classes and educational costs reduced by utilizing students as trainers. By dividing classes into groups or pairs, situations can be created in which students must (a) converse in a foreign language, (b) resolve a conflict, (c) conduct an interview, or (d) solve a problem together. Individuals can read and listen by themselves but they cannot discuss or experience conflict by themselves. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

论述了国际金融课程推行双语教学的必要性,指出国际金融双语教学是培养具有良好语言素质的外贸人才的必要途径。同时。提出开展双语教学应选用英文原版专业教材,培养和引进具有国际金融专业背景的师资,采用配套的多媒体设施等。  相似文献   

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