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舟丹 《中外能源》2013,(7):69-69
我国确立了“以可再生能源替代化石能源。以新能源替代传统能源、以优势能源替代稀缺能源”的替代能源发展总体战略,并将重点确定为发展多元化车用替代燃料。具体为:①鼓励推广应用天然气汽车。1999年启动的“空气净化工程清洁汽车行动”和2006年启动的“节能与新能源汽车”高科技计划都支持研发和推广使用天然气汽车。  相似文献   

国外生物燃料的发展及现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁丽芹  何力  郝平 《节能》2003,(6):45-46
1前言从环境保护和资源战略方面考虑 ,积极探索发展替代燃料是世界各国能源研究人员进行研究的课题之一。控制汽车排放 ,人们要求内燃机 ,尤其是柴油机不仅要对发动机进行结构改进 ,而且也要求改善燃料油的性质。而植物油在内燃机中的首次应用可追溯到 190 0年 ,当时 ,人们曾用花生油以及松油作燃料。美国阿拉巴马州罕茨准尔大学约翰逊环境与能源中心多年来一直致力于可替代燃料的研究 ;欧洲对菜籽油也进行了评估 ;巴西以蓖麻油为原料 ,生产出一种适用于发动机、发电机的可再生生物柴油 ;菲律宾用椰子油制生物柴油作替代燃料。在意大利 ,植…  相似文献   

从能源的发展规律中找到了氢能源必将替代石油能源,从能源与汽车的结合点中找到了加氢站需要替代加油站的关键点,并自主研发了"多气瓶交替循环"加氢站技术。与新能源与可再生能源制氢和燃料电池汽车相结合,整合各种原料制氢、输送电网、电解水制氢机、压缩机、燃料电池汽车等相关产品,构成氢能产业链,并在世界各地推广应用。  相似文献   

醇燃料-未来汽车的石油替代燃料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据我国能源资源状况,并结合现有车用燃料特性,指出寻求并确定符合我国能源特点的石油替代燃料已是当务之急。通过对几种主要替代燃料的分析研究表明:醇类燃料尤其是甲醇是最理想的替代燃料。开展甲醇作为车用燃料的系统研究与应用对于我国能源及汽车工业实现可持续发展至关重要。  相似文献   

可再生燃料标准(RFS)项目是美国联邦政府为提高生物燃料利用量、减少温室气体排放而推出的政策安排,要求相关责任方在2022年前不断增加可再生燃料在交通运输领域的用量,完成法定的年度可再生燃料配比责任量。美国环保署负责项目的具体执行,按照原料、工艺流程、温室气体减排效果等将可再生燃料划分类别,依据法定目标、燃料供应和其他条件为炼油商和进口商设定年度可再生燃料配比责任量,在必要时有权对责任方行使豁免权并适度调整合规目标,同时对可再生燃料配额交易市场进行监管。可再生燃料身份码(RINs)对应于美国生产或进口的每加仑可再生燃料,跟踪可再生燃料的使用情况并监测履约表现。RINs能在市场自由交易,责任方可选择购买RINs完成合规目标。从实施结果上看,传统淀粉乙醇燃料及生物质柴油的使用量达到法定目标,而纤维素生物燃料与先进生物燃料未达到预期目标,环保署不得不连续调整标准。未来环保署仍将拥有年度可再生燃料责任量的制定与调整权并负责市场监管,同时也面临着替代燃料技术水平、地区经济现状、政策调整、公平性等多种不确定因素的挑战。  相似文献   

交通运输用油是影响我国石油消费量的重要因素.汽车的节油与燃料替代对降低石油需求起着关键性的作用.也是实现经济、社会和能源安全以及过渡到低碳经济的关键。汽车节油效果取决于国家的宏观政策。提高传统汽车能源效率、鼓励替代燃料和新能源汽车开发,以及采用智能运输系统、大力发展公共交通是节油减排的有效途径。提高汽车燃料使用效率.即开发节油型汽车、降低燃料消耗、淘汰油耗较高的老旧车型、提高柴油发动机所占比例等。整合强制性燃油经济性标识、标准和财政激励措施等独立的政策形成一揽子计划.通过相互协同作用来增强效果。替代燃料和新能源是石油燃料的有效补充,应加大投入力度。其中最有前景的是天然气、液化石油气等气体燃料。混合动力、纯电动汽车可借鉴国外先进技术,实现跨越式发展。氢燃料电池汽车应加大研发力度。充分利用智能运输系统和先进的物联网系统优化交通结构和货运行程,大力发展公共交通。  相似文献   

几种汽车替代燃料的技术经济比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着世界经济的发展和人们物质生活水平的不断提高,世界各国对能源的需求量不断增加。能源问题成为世界各国最关心的问题之一,寻找新的替代能源势在必行,分析了目前世界对一次能源,特别是石油的需求增长情况,指出了能源使用中存在的一些问题,并针对汽车燃料的使用情况,从物理化学性质,能量特点,排放特点及经济性几个方面比较了几种汽车替代能源,通过比较发现在几种替代燃料中,氢能的综合经济效益最高,但目前在生长、储运及加载的成本等方面还存在一些问题,尚不能大规模投入使用。在这样的情况下,甲醇是比较合适的汽车替代燃料。  相似文献   

可再生能源在各应用场景中取代传统化石能源比例越来越高,但在能源危机日趋加深的今天,以天然气与石油为代表的化石燃料仍然是今天能源市场的主力。由于短期内化石燃料的不可替代性,将可再生能源在合成燃料技术中利用。如今,风电和光伏被提出作为合成燃料能源的主要选择之一。避免直接使用生物质,例如生产生物质衍生燃料,主要原因包括土地利用短缺、有限的生物质可利用性、对食品供应的干扰以及对环境和生物圈的其他影响。因此,必须对这一技术进行详细分析,以满足其需求并在2050年满足100%可再生能源系统的标准。本文的目的是确定生产合成燃料的潜在途径,特别关注一步法供电解与CO2再循环相结合。  相似文献   

宁成浩 《中国能源》2013,35(8):6-8,31
本文通过对美国和中国化石能源利用现状的分析,将化石能源利用归纳为原料用途和燃料用途两种方式,并结合世界可再生能源和新能源发展趋势,提出化石能源从燃料向原料转变的战略判断。为了实现这一战略构想,除了要大力发展可再生能源及新能源用以替代化石能源的燃料用途外,还要重点发展以煤炭深加工转化为核心的化石能源科技,最终构建无碳电力系统与碳资源转化系统相融合的新型能源体系。我国应在现有基础上,进一步加大煤炭深加工转化技术研发、示范和产业化步伐,为化石能源从燃料向原料转变做出贡献。  相似文献   

为了能够更广泛的利用可再生能源,产生了替代能源的概念。狭义的替代能源仅仅是指一切可以替代石油的能源:而广义的替代能源是指可以替代目前使用的石化燃料的能源。大多数的新能源都是替代能源,包括太阳能、核能、风能、海洋能等。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the political, economic and environmental impacts of producing hydrogen from biomass. Hydrogen is a promising renewable fuel for transportation and domestic applications. Hydrogen is a secondary form of energy that has to be manufactured like electricity. The promise of hydrogen as an energy carrier that can provide pollution-free, carbon-free power and fuels for buildings, industry, and transport makes it a potentially critical player in our energy future. Currently, most hydrogen is derived from non-renewable resources by steam reforming in which fossil fuels, primarily natural gas, but could in principle be generated from renewable resources such as biomass by gasification. Hydrogen production from fossil fuels is not renewable and produces at least the same amount of CO2 as the direct combustion of the fossil fuel. The production of hydrogen from biomass has several advantages compared to that of fossil fuels. The major problem in utilization of hydrogen gas as a fuel is its unavailability in nature and the need for inexpensive production methods. Hydrogen production using steam reforming methane is the most economical method among the current commercial processes. These processes use non-renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen and are not sustainable. It is believed that in the future biomass can become an important sustainable source of hydrogen. Several studies have shown that the cost of producing hydrogen from biomass is strongly dependent on the cost of the feedstock. Biomass, in particular, could be a low-cost option for some countries. Therefore, a cost-effective energy-production process could be achieved in which agricultural wastes and various other biomasses are recycled to produce hydrogen economically. Policy interest in moving towards a hydrogen-based economy is rising, largely because converting hydrogen into useable energy can be more efficient than fossil fuels and has the virtue of only producing water as the by-product of the process. Achieving large-scale changes to develop a sustained hydrogen economy requires a large amount of planning and cooperation at national and international alike levels.  相似文献   

生物质能汽车的动力系统技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源和环境问题成为本世纪世界各国共同面临的两个重大问题。寻找新的"清洁代用燃料"是人类的必然选择。生物质能源是一种可作为车辆发动机燃料的新型清洁低廉的可再生能源,因此研究和开发生物质能汽车动力系统技术有利于改变我国能源消费结构、维护国家能源安全和环境保护。介绍了生物质燃料汽车动力系统技术,主要包括固体燃料裂解气化技术、气体燃料净化技术以及使用燃气式发动机技术等。为研究和开发使用生物质燃料汽车提供了一定的指导和参考信息,为其今后的深入研究提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

The whole life of methanol fuel, produced by microalgae biomass which is a kind of renewable energy, is evaluated by using a method of life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA has been used to identify and quantify the environment emissions and energy efficiency of the system throughout the whole life cycle, including microalgae cultivation, methanol conversion, transport, and end-use. Energy efficiency, defined as the ratio of the energy of methanol produced to the total required energy, is 1.24, the results indicate that it is plausible as an energy producing process. The environmental impact loading of microalgae-based fuel methanol is 0.187mPET2000 in contrast to 0.828mPET2000 for gasoline. The effect of photochemical ozone formation is the highest of all the calculated categorization impacts of the two fuels. Utilization of microalgae an raw material of producing methanol fuel is beneficial to both production of renewable fuels and improvement of the ecological environment. This Fuel methanol is friendly to the environment, which should take an important role in automobile industry development and gasoline fuel substitute.  相似文献   

介绍了二甲醚(DME)的特点,结合我国能源结构的实际情况,详细论述了其在能源行业的应用前景,特别是替代民用LPG燃料和车用柴油燃料的应用前景,分析了基于DME为燃料相关系统的关键技术、应用前景及主要障碍。通过与柴油、LPG、天然气的物性对比,就二甲醚的推广所要解决的技术问题进行了分析,提出相关解决方案,并对二甲醚在燃料市场的应用方向进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The ever-increasing energy demand, depleting fossil fuel reserves, and rising temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions have necessitated the transition towards the generation of green and clean energy through renewable energy sources. Solar energy is one such renewable energy source that has received significant attention owing to its abundance and inexhaustibility. However, solar energy alone cannot replace fossil fuels in the energy portfolio. There exists a need to develop another clean energy source that can potentially act as an alternative to conventional fuels. Hydrogen proves to be an ideal candidate in this domain and can be sustainably generated by water electrolysis by powering the electrolyzer using solar energy. The hydrogen thus synthesized has net zero carbon emissions and is a suitable asset for decarbonizing the environment. This review encompasses the generation of hydrogen using PV-Electrolyzer systems and addresses the challenges associated with the same. Overcoming these drawbacks can ensure a strong position for hydrogen as an alternative fuel in the energy infrastructure. By employing electrolyzers that are fueled by renewable energy and then using that hydrogen to feed a fuel cell, this study aims to clarify the potential and constraints of producing green hydrogen. Since this area of research has not yet been fully investigated, a review article that enables and encourages academics to develop original solutions is urgently needed.  相似文献   

通过节约油料可以降低运输成本、提高经济效益。汽车节能与环保技术成为汽车技术领域的热点问题。从整车轻量化、提高燃油发动机性能、采用替代燃料和采用新能源发动机等方面论述了目前主要的汽车节能技术。  相似文献   

国内车用发动机代用燃料研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈敏 《柴油机》2003,(5):8-11
综合介绍了国内有关天然气、液化石油气、乳化柴油这几种车用发动机代用燃料的研究情况;并认为以压缩天然气作为代用燃料的车用发动机将在大、中城市得到推广。  相似文献   

朱成章 《中外能源》2013,(10):20-26
我国能源结构从长期看仍将以煤为主,缺油少气。从我国能源结构来讲,生物质利用的最好方式不是发电.因生物质可以生产液体和气体燃料,而风能、太阳能、水能却只能发电。我国秸杆综合利用取得明显成效.在农业和畜牧业的利用领域还可能进一步拓宽,作为燃料利用的量还可能进一步缩减。从我国还在进行的第一次能源大转换来看,我国生物质使用量已大大减少,但还有相当的数量。要减少作为能源使用的生物质传统利用量,把它用于饲料、肥料和工业原料等还有发展前景的用途。在一次能源消费以化石能源为主的时期,中国存在液体燃料和气体燃料短缺的问题,以后进入第三次能源转换时期,新能源和可再生能源替代化石能源之后,液体燃料和气体燃料短缺的问题将会更加突出。因此,生物质应用于生产液体燃料和气体燃料,而不是用于发电。而且生物质发电厂投资高、燃料成本不断上涨,使发电成本高+生物质发电将长期缺乏竞争力。我国发展生物质液体燃料已具备一定的条件.前几年中石油、中石化和中海油已开始种植可提炼生物液体燃料的能源林。我国非粮生物质液体燃料生产基地正在积极建设之中。我国发展生物质气体燃料也具有一定优势,在沼气、气化和城镇有机废物处理方面都积累了一定的经验。总之生物质生产液体燃料和气体燃料是一种既适应我国当前、又适应未来能源需求的有效措施。  相似文献   


Natural resources of the world are shrinking day by day with ever increasing population and man's growing need for commercialization of petroleum, natural gas, coal, etc. Therefore, there is a need for finding an alternative fuel that could replace these conventional fuels. Hydrogen seems to be an ideal candidate, since hydrogen is a cleaner source of energy. Fuel cell is a good device that converts hydrogen directly into electrical energy efficiently. However, availability of hydrogen is a problem. There are many conventional methods for producing hydrogen, like thermochemical process, catalytic reforming of hydrocarbons, and electrolysis of water, but these methods are not economical and are mostly non-renewable. Biological means of producing hydrogen offers a renewable source of hydrogen production. Cyanobacteria can split water into hydrogen. Anabaena sp. is found to produce more hydrogen than other species of cyanobacteria; however, if this has to be cultured only for hydrogen production, it may not be commercially viable. Spirulina sp. has a good food value and can produce hydrogen as a byproduct. In order to reduce the cost of the fuel cell, the platinum anode may be replaced by a carbon electrode impregnated with suitable inexpensive metal that may have good catalytic activity such as Co-Al oxide spinel and nickel. Studies towards the photobiological production of hydrogen were undertaken. Hydrogen based fuel cell was assembled and fabricated and these studies are being reported.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the environmental problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels as vehicle fuel have become more and more serious in the world. Many countries are carrying out the research on the alternative energy sources and the clean energy. Meanwhile, China has begun to focus on the development of the gas mixture containing hydrogen as the vehicle fuel, mainly hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas (HCNG) and coke oven gas (COG). Application status of HCNG and COG as the vehicle fuel in China were reviewed and their existing problems were analyzed. The analysis results shows that the relevant regulations standards of HCNG vehicle, COG vehicle and their refueling stations have not been formulated and unified yet and the optimal hydrogen ratio of the HCNG requires further experimental investigation and theoretical analysis. In addition, as a country with substantial COG wasted, China can make better use of the wasted hydrogen contained in COG to realize the miniaturization and closed production of the COG without pollution. HCNG and COG as vehicle fuel are beneficial for the development of the hydrogen energy, which can alleviate the crisis of global energy shortage and effectively reduce the production and emission of sulfur oxides. Therefore, the prospects of HCNG and COG as the vehicle fuel are good in China.  相似文献   

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