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为了延长无线传感器网络的寿命,解决无线传感器网络中泛洪可能带来的大量资源浪费问题,提出了一种新的广播机制——最大寿命分布式广播(MLDB)策略。该策略基于延时转播机制,选取尽可能少的邻节点为转播节点来减小广播分组在网络中的重复。为了做出更好的选择,在确定转播时延的数值时,综合考虑节点转播带来的新增覆盖面积、未收到广播分组的邻节点数以及节点剩余电量3个因素。这种综合设计使得该策略能够在减小转播冗余提高广播效率的同时延长网络寿命。MLDB是分布式执行的,所有节点仅需维持本地一跳邻节点信息,开销较小。仿真结果表明,MLDB能够在维持像泛洪一样高的广播覆盖率的同时大大减少冗余转播,具有较小的端到端时延,并能够有效延长网络寿命。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络节点能源受限的特征,以系统最小硬件开销为设计原则,提出了一种适用于基于测距的分布式定位方法(3/2-NANDB),该方法可在不增加单个独立节点硬件开销的情况下,利用附加的外部控制系统发射一个旋转定向波束充分挖掘节点间的冗余信息,有效排除节点位置的模糊性,从而可完全确定只有两个邻居节点的节点位置和部分只有一个邻居节点的节点位置,达到减少GPS携带节点数量、最大化网络内部可定位节点数目、扩大网络观察范围和延长无线传感器网络存活时间等目的.而利用该方法的节点二义性排除算法,还可以辅助其他现有的基于三邻居(3-NA)的定位算法提高整体定位性能.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络,如今已经得到广泛应用,随着互联网技术的发展和进步,无线传感器网络的传输技术已经得到了广泛的认可,各个行业开始重视起来,无线传感器网络由于其自身具有强大的处理能力,计算通信能力和其他的存储感知能力,使得这一技术很快在社会竞争中处于优势地位,目前已经在很多领域被广泛应用了,在过去的分布式无线传感器网络通信协议的研究成果的基础上,对于分布式无线传感器网络协议中各个协议体系,进行了进一步的阐述和分析,并对通信协议体系结构中的新的分布体系结构以及当前分布式无线传感器网络通信协议的最近研究成果进行了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

微电子技术、计算机技术、无线通信和传感器技术的飞速发展和日益成熟,推动了低成本、低功耗无线传感器网络WSN(WirelessSensor Network)的发展。无线传感器网络研究具有很广泛的应用前景:军事侦察、环境科学、医疗卫生、工业自动化、商业应用等。传感器网络的研究是很有必要的。这里主要介绍无线传感器网络的概念、结构、特点,及在一些领域的应用情况,并对无线传感器网络未来的发展情况进行了展望。  相似文献   

提出了一种低成本的大规模无线传感器节点分布式定位算法--仅需要选出少量参考节点和利用节点自身的无线收发器即可实现整个网络节点的定位的无锚节点定位算法.该算法首先从网络中所有普通节点中按照一定准则选取5个基准节点,以这5个基准节点作为"锚节点",确定一个坐标系;其他未知节点将根据到基准节点的距离计算出自身坐标.未知节点到...  相似文献   

王梓 《硅谷》2013,(1):117-117,82
无线传感器网络具有高灵活性和高智能度的特点,现在已经在在军事、环境、工业等领域得到了广泛的应用。为了有效的改善传统时间同步算法周期性全网同步存在的能耗问题,本文对现有的时间同步机制进行了详细分析,以实现基于事件触发的时间同步补偿算法的运用,通过这一算法的运用能够实现部分节点的同步,以实现无线传感器同步效果和节能性的提高。  相似文献   

吴俭 《硅谷》2012,(11):49-50,67
通常情况下,如果无限认知传感器网络(WCSN)中没有任何防护措施,就很容易受到大量流量数据的侵入而导致网络堵塞,造成网络性能恶化,网络资源的消耗,极大的缩短网路的生命周期,对无限认知传感器网络造成极大的影响。研究WCSN网络中流量注入的攻击方式,进而有针对性的提出一种分布式防护方案,并作出详尽的分析,以供理论参考。  相似文献   

近些年来,无线传感器网络的巨大前景使得其受到了学术界和工业界越来越多的关注,已经成为科学研究领域的前沿课题之一。本文对无线传感器的基本概念和涉及的研究方向进行了基本的介绍,并针对无线传感器网络,提出了自己的观点与看法。  相似文献   

嵌入式无线传感器网络研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要叙述了无线传感器网络的发展史,讨论了传感器节点的功耗、成本、组网方面的属性及要求,概述了传感器节点的传感单元、通信单元、处理单元及供电单元等四大基本功能单元和两个辅助单元,介绍了一些常用电池和几款适合嵌入式节点设计的微控制器和射频器件,阐述了无线传感器网络领域一些挑战性的问题以及传感器节点的能量管理问题.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨惠 《硅谷》2010,(8):26-26
无线传感器网络在工程、军事、环境监测、医疗和工业等许多方面潜在的巨大应用价值致使军事部门和工业界都对它非常关注。通过对无线传网络的基本概念和结构的介绍,对当前国内外的研究动态进行归纳总结,达到推动无线传感器网络研究和发展的目的。  相似文献   

To cope with the arbitrariness of the network delays, a novel method, referred to as the composite particle filter approach based on variational Bayesian (VB-CPF), is proposed herein to estimate the clock skew and clock offset in wireless sensor networks. VB-CPF is an improvement of the Gaussian mixture kalman particle filter (GMKPF) algorithm. In GMKPF, Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm needs to determine the number of mixture components in advance, and it is easy to generate overfitting and underfitting. Variational Bayesian EM (VB-EM) algorithm is introduced in this paper to determine the number of mixture components adaptively according to the observations. Moreover, to solve the problem of data packet loss caused by unreliable links, we propose a robust time synchronization (RTS) method in this paper. RTS establishes an autoregressive model for clock skew, and calculates the clock parameters based on the established autoregressive model in case of packet loss. The final simulation results illustrate that VB-CPF yields much more accurate results relative to GMKPF when the network delays are modeled in terms of an asymmetric Gaussian distribution. Moreover, RTS shows good robustness to the continuous and random dropout of time messages.  相似文献   

Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) can be seen as kind of hardware oneway functions, who are easily fabricated but difficult to clone, duplicate or predict. Therefore, PUFs with unclonable and unpredictable properties are welcome to be applied in designing lightweight cryptography protocols. In this paper, a Basic Key Distribution Scheme (Basic-KDS) based on PUFs is firstly proposed. Then, by employing different deployment modes, a Random Deployment Key Distribution Scheme (RD-KDS) and a Grouping Deployment Key Distribution Scheme (GD-KDS) are further proposed based on the Basic-KDS for large scale wireless sensor networks. In our proposals, a sensor is not pre-distributed with any keys but will generate one by the embedded PUF when receiving a challenge from the gateway, which provides perfect resilience against sensor capture attacks. Besides, the unclonable and unpredictable properties of PUF guarantee the key uniqueness and two-way authentication. Analysis and experiment results show that our proposals have better performances in improving the resilience, secureconnectivity, and efficiency as compared to other schemes.  相似文献   

Strip Wireless Sensor Networks (SWSNs) have drawn much attention in many applications such as monitoring rivers, highways and coal mines. Packet delivery in SWSN usually requires a large number of multi-hop transmissions which leads to long transmission latency in low-duty-cycle SWSNs. Several pipeline scheduling schemes have been proposed to reduce latency. However, when communication links are unreliable, pipeline scheduling is prone to failure. In this paper, we propose a pipeline scheduling transmission protocol based on constructive interference. The protocol first divides the whole network into multiple partitions and uses a pipelined mechanism to allocate active time slots for each partition. The nodes in the same partition wake up at the same time for concurrent transmission. Multiple identical signals interfere constructively at the receiver node, which enhances received signal strength and improves link quality. Simulations show that the proposed scheme can significantly reduce the transmission latency while maintaining low energy consumption compared with other schemes.  相似文献   

Sensitivity or importance analysis has been widely used for identifying system weaknesses and supporting system improvement and maintenance activities. Despite the rich literature on the sensitivity analysis of many mission‐critical and safety‐critical systems, no existing work has been devoted to wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this paper, we first analyze link and node importance with respect to the infrastructure communication reliability of WSN systems. The binary decision diagrams based algorithms are implemented to evaluate and compare three importance measures: structural importance measure, Birnbaum's measure, and criticality importance measure. The effects of node degree, choice of the destination node, data delivery models, as well as mission time on the importance analysis results are investigated through examples. Results from this work can facilitate the design, deployment, and maintenance of reliable WSN for critical applications. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An IoT-based wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises many small sensors to collect the data and share it with the central repositories. These sensors are battery-driven and resource-restrained devices that consume most of the energy in sensing or collecting the data and transmitting it. During data sharing, security is an important concern in such networks as they are prone to many threats, of which the deadliest is the wormhole attack. These attacks are launched without acquiring the vital information of the network and they highly compromise the communication, security, and performance of the network. In the IoT-based network environment, its mitigation becomes more challenging because of the low resource availability in the sensing devices. We have performed an extensive literature study of the existing techniques against the wormhole attack and categorised them according to their methodology. The analysis of literature has motivated our research. In this paper, we developed the ESWI technique for detecting the wormhole attack while improving the performance and security. This algorithm has been designed to be simple and less complicated to avoid the overheads and the drainage of energy in its operation. The simulation results of our technique show competitive results for the detection rate and packet delivery ratio. It also gives an increased throughput, a decreased end-to-end delay, and a much-reduced consumption of energy.  相似文献   

Communication reliability of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is essential to ensure the correct and reliable operation of the network. Two distinct communication paradigms exist in WSNs: infrastructure communication and application communication, and a practical communication task typically involves both types of communications. To the best of our knowledge, no reliability studies on WSNs have been dedicated to combining the two communication paradigms. In this paper, we advance the state‐of‐the‐art by proposing a phased‐mission framework to analyze the communication reliability of WSNs considering both infrastructure communication and application communication, as well as K‐coverage requirements. WSNs containing two types of sensor nodes (energy harvesting sensor nodes and battery‐powered sensor nodes) are modeled. Corresponding to the two types of sensor nodes, two different link reliability models are first presented. Binary decision diagram (BDD) based algorithms are then developed for the phased‐mission communication reliability analysis of WSNs. Case studies are given to illustrate the application of the proposed algorithms. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的首要设计目标是延长网络生命期,网络的拓扑控制是实现这一目标的支撑 基础。针对传统拓扑控制方案所获拓扑的连通冗余度高或结构健壮性低等弊端,将问题转化 为多判据最小生成树模型,提出了一种基于遗传算法的拓扑控制方案。仿真实验结果 表明,该方案可获得具有网络整体功耗低、结构健壮性高和节点间通信干扰小等特点的拓扑 结构,因而能够有效地延长传感器网络生命期。  相似文献   

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises a massive number of arbitrarily placed sensor nodes that are linked wirelessly to monitor the physical parameters from the target region. As the nodes in WSN operate on inbuilt batteries, the energy depletion occurs after certain rounds of operation and thereby results in reduced network lifetime. To enhance energy efficiency and network longevity, clustering and routing techniques are commonly employed in WSN. This paper presents a novel black widow optimization (BWO) with improved ant colony optimization (IACO) algorithm (BWO-IACO) for cluster based routing in WSN. The proposed BWO-IACO algorithm involves BWO based clustering process to elect an optimal set of cluster heads (CHs). The BWO algorithm derives a fitness function (FF) using five input parameters like residual energy (RE), inter-cluster distance, intra-cluster distance, node degree (ND), and node centrality. In addition, IACO based routing process is involved for route selection in inter-cluster communication. The IACO algorithm incorporates the concepts of traditional ACO algorithm with krill herd algorithm (KHA). The IACO algorithm utilizes the energy factor to elect an optimal set of routes to BS in the network. The integration of BWO based clustering and IACO based routing techniques considerably helps to improve energy efficiency and network lifetime. The presented BWO-IACO algorithm has been simulated using MATLAB and the results are examined under varying aspects. A wide range of comparative analysis makes sure the betterment of the BWO-IACO algorithm over all the other compared techniques.  相似文献   

Recently, Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become very popular research topics which are applied to many applications. They provide pervasive computing services and techniques in various potential applications for the Internet of Things (IoT). An Asynchronous Clustering and Mobile Data Gathering based on Timer Mechanism (ACMDGTM) algorithm is proposed which would mitigate the problem of “hot spots” among sensors to enhance the lifetime of networks. The clustering process takes sensors’ location and residual energy into consideration to elect suitable cluster heads. Furthermore, one mobile sink node is employed to access cluster heads in accordance with the data overflow time and moving time from cluster heads to itself. Related experimental results display that the presented method can avoid long distance communicate between sensor nodes. Furthermore, this algorithm reduces energy consumption effectively and improves package delivery rate.  相似文献   

Security is a vital parameter to conserve energy in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Trust management in the WSN is a crucial process as trust is utilized when collaboration is important for accomplishing trustworthy data transmission. But the available routing techniques do not involve security in the design of routing techniques. This study develops a novel statistical analysis with dingo optimizer enabled reliable routing scheme (SADO-RRS) for WSN. The proposed SADO-RRS technique aims to detect the existence of attacks and optimal routes in WSN. In addition, the presented SADO-RRS technique derives a new statistics based linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for attack detection, Moreover, a trust based dingo optimizer (TBDO) algorithm is applied for optimal route selection in the WSN and accomplishes secure data transmission in WSN. Besides, the TBDO algorithm involves the derivation of the fitness function involving different input variables of WSN. For demonstrating the enhanced outcomes of the SADO-RRS technique, a wide range of simulations was carried out and the outcomes demonstrated the enhanced outcomes of the SADO-RRS technique.  相似文献   

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