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The use of lumped elements in microwave integrated circuits (MICS) is discussed. The design, fabrication, and performance of networks used in both active and passive circuits are described. Studies on amplifier impedance matching and transforming networks have resulted in the achievement of a 35-dB-gain 6-W-CW 26-percent-efficient amplifier at 2.25 GHz using only lumped elements. Construction of lumped-element low-pass filters and 3-dB quadrature hybrids at S band have produced circuits much smaller than, but with performance comparable to, microstrip distributed circuits. At C band a large-impedance transformer operating as a filter had less than 0.4-dB loss for an impedance transformation close to 20:1. The performance of lumped-element circuits through X band is compared with that of distributed circuits from the standpoint of size, economy, and technological applications. Lumped-element circuits are competitive with distributed circuits through 6 GHz and are practical through 12 GHz.  相似文献   

Ferrite Planar Circuits in Microwave Integrated Circuits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ferrite planar circuit to be discussed in this paper is a general planar circuit using ferrite substrates magnetized perpendicular to the ground conductors. The main subject of this paper is the analysis of an arbitrarily shaped triplate ferrite planar circuit. In particular, the circuit parameters of the equivalent multiport are determined. To analyze ferrite planar circuits in general, two approaches are possible. One approach is based upon a contour-integral solution of the wave equation. In the other approach the fields in the circuit are expanded in terms of orthonormal eigenfunctions. Examples of the application of such analyses are described.  相似文献   

A systematic computer-aided synthesis (CAS) technique of lumped Iossy matching networks is presented in this paper. This exact synthesis procedure can take arbitrary finite quality factor Q for each lumped element in the matching network and therefore facilitate the circuit design for monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC's) where the loss of the passive elements is too large to be neglected. The gain-band-width limitations of some useful lumped Iossy matching networks are discussed in detail and are summarized in a set of gain-bandwidth constraint plots. An interactive computer program LUMSYN is developed to solve this lumped Iossy synthesis problem. LUMSYN is a general-purpose CAS program which can be used by microwave circuit designers with limited background in network synthesis to carry out Iow-noise and power amplifier designs in MMIC's. Finally, a design example of broad-band monolithic microwave low-noise amplifier using a state-of-the-art low-noise submicron gate-length GaAs MESFET is presented to illustrate the computer-aided synthesis of MMIC amplifiers.  相似文献   

GaAs has many desirable features that make it most useful for microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits. The process of selective epitaxial depositions of high purity single-crystal GaAs with various doping concentrations into semi-insulating GaAs substrates has been developed. These high-resistivity substrates (>10/sup 6/ ohm /spl dot/ cm) provide the electrical isolation between devices, eliminating the difficulties and deficiencies normally encountered in trying to obtain isolation with dielectrics, back-etching, p-n junctions, etc. This monolithic approach to integrated circuits thus allows for improved microwave performance from the devices since parasitic are reduced to a minimum. Planar Gunn oscillators and Schottky barrier diodes have been fabricated for use in a completely monolithic integrated millimeter wave (94 GHz) receiving front end. The Gunn oscillators are made in a sandwich-type structure of three selective deposits whose carrier concentrations are approximately 10/sup 18/ - 10/sup/15/ - 10/sup 18/ cm/sup -3/. The Schottky diodes consist of two deposits with concentrations of 10/sup 18/ and 10/sup 17/ cm /sup -3/. The Schottky contact is formed by evaporating Mo-Au onto the 10/sup 17/cm/sup -3/ deposits; all ohmic contacts are on the surface and are alloyed to the N/sup +/ regions.  相似文献   

GaAs has many desirable features that make it most useful for microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits.The process of selective epitaxial depositions of high purity single-crystal GaAs with various doping concentrations into semi-insulating GaAs substrates has been developed. These high-resistivity substrates (> 10 /sup 6/ ohm cm) provide the electrical isolation between devices, eliminating the difficulties and deficiencies normally encountered in trying to obtain isolation with dielectrics, back-etching, p-n junctions, etc. This monolithic approach to integrated circuits thus allows for improved microwave performance from the devices since parasitics are reduced to a minimum. Planar Gunn oscillators and Schottky barrier diodes have been fabricated for use in a completely monolithic integrated millimeter wave (94GHz) receiving front end.The Gunn oscillators are made in a sandwich-type structure of three selective deposits whose carrier concentrations are approximately 10 /sup 18/ -10 /sup 15/ -10 /sup 18/ cm /sup -3/.The Schottky diodes consist of two deposits with concentrations of 10 /sup 18/ and 10 /sup 17/ cm /sup -3/.The Schottky contact is formed by evaporating Mo-Au onto the 10 /sup 17/ cm /sup -3/ deposits; all ohmic contacts are on the surface and are alloyed to the N+ regions.  相似文献   

A computer program for the analysis and design of distributed lumped circuits, including microwave integrated circuits, is discussed. It is capable of frequency-domain analysis, optimization of transducer power gain, reflection coefficient, and/or noise figure. Also, the program can compute the return difference with respect to any admittance parameter so that the stability of the circuit can be determined by the Nyquist criterion. The program handles complex impedances, resistors, capacitors, inductors, transmission lines, independent current sources and grounded voltage sources, voltage-controlled current sources, and multiport elements, such as transistors and circulators, described by their scattering or admittance parameters. It contains a free-format input. The implementation is based on the indefinite admittance matrix, sparse matrices, adjoint networks, the Fletcher-Powell or Fletcher minimization algorithm, and Bode's feedback theory.  相似文献   

Tremendous technological strides have been made in recent years in the development of miniaturized microwave components and modules using microstrip transmission lines in combination with both semiconductor and ferrite technology. This technology growth has been spurred by rapidly increasing microwave systems complexity and diversity and the need for lower cost, more reliable, and smaller microwave assemblies. This paper describes the design and performance of various ferrimagnetic components as functional blocks for use in microwave integrated modules. The design and performance of the following components are described as well as their utilization in various multifunction modules: junction circulators both fixed bias and latching including their use as isolators, duplexers, switches, modulators, and other signal processing circuits; ferrimagnetic planar phase shifters; various combinations of these circuit elements where both all ferrimagnetic and composite ferrimagnetic/dielectric substrates are utilized.  相似文献   

本文介绍Ku波段GaAs单片集成电路的设计、研制和测量结果。该单片电路的匹配网络采用对FET进行计算机分析和电路模拟相结合的方法进行设计。研制成功了一个两级单片电路,其尺寸为1.9×3.2×0.1mm,在14.5~15.4GHz的频率范围内,输出功率P_0≥100mW,增益G_P≥5dB,带内增益起伏△G_P≤±0.75dB。  相似文献   

硅衬底微波集成电路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
毛军发 《微波学报》2001,17(1):54-61
硅衬底微波集成电路具有诱人的发展前景。本文阐述了硅材料用作微波集成电路衬底的优点,分析了硅衬底微波传输线、无源元件以及锗硅异质结双极晶体管(SiGeHBT)的电性能,介绍了目前国外硅衬底微波集成电路研究的进展,并对数字电路与RF及微波电路在硅衬底上混合集成的特点与应用作了讨论。  相似文献   

Advances in developing transitions in microwave integrated circuits during the last ten years are reviewed. Some typical structures of transition are introduced, Transition structures can be classified into two basic types: one is transition between the same ]rind of transmission lines on different planes of a common substrate, the other transition between different types of transmission lines.Furthermore, future development of transition structures is discussed.  相似文献   

将有源器件的S参数引入到FDTD迭代中,传统方法采用了逆傅立叶变换和复杂的卷积技术.为了避免繁琐的卷积运算,本文首先把测量的S参数转化为Y参数,采用Vector Fitting技术拟合得到Y参数的s域有理多项式,然后通过差分技术或者Z变换技术将Y参数引入到FDTD运算中.另外,为了提高该方法的计算效率及稳定性,利用FDTD方法提取分布元件部分的时域特征模型(TDCM),再结合本文方法全波分析微波有源电路,达到了更好的效果.最后,作为例子模拟了一个微波FET放大器电路,验证了本文方法的有效性和精度.  相似文献   

The Spectral-Domain Approach for Microwave Integrated Circuits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey is given of the so-called spectral-domain approach, an analytical and numerical technique particularly suited for the solution of boundary-value problems in microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits, The mathematical formulation of the analytical part of that approach is described in a generalized notation for two- and three-dimensional strip and slot-type fields. In a similar way, the numerical part of the technique is treated, keeping always in touch with the mathematical and physical background, as well as with the respective microwave applications. A discussion of different specific aspects of the approach is presented and outlines the peculiarities of shielded-, covered-, and open-type problems, followed by a brief review of the progress achieved in the last decade (1975-1984). we survey closes with considerations on numerical efficiency, demonstrating that spectral-domain computations can by speeded up remarkably by analytical preprocessing. The presented materal is based on ten years of active involvement by the author in the field and reveals a variety of contributions by West German researchers previously not known to the intenational microwave community.  相似文献   

本文介绍了MMIC的结构和研究开发现状,还对未来的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

This paper is intended as a review of developments which allow ferrite materials in a planar geometry to be used in the realization of magnetic devices which are compatible in form with other microwave integrated circuits. These devices include phase shifters (reciprocal and nonreciprocal), latching circulators, isolators, and phase and amplitude modulators. The application of some of these devices is demonstrated in the form of electronically steerable array antennas.  相似文献   

This paper is intended as a review of developments which allow ferrite materials in a planar geometry to be used in the realization of magnetic devices which are compatible in form with other microwave integrated circuits. These devices include phase shifters (reciprocal and nonreciprocal), latching circulators, isolators, and phase and amplitude modulators. The application of some of these devices is demonstrated in the form of electronically steerable array antennas.  相似文献   

The impedance measurement of small, microwave lumped elements of the order of 1 mm has been extended up to 12 GHz by a technique in which the frequency and Q of a resonant transmission line are perturbed by the connection of a lumped element. With the use of low-loss resonant coaxial lines, the technique has been applied to the measurement of lumped-element capacitors ranging from 0.4 to 3.6 pF and inductors ranging from 1.1 to 4.3 nH. Conductor Q values for capacitors as high as 1700 at 1.4 GHz and 100 at 12 GHz have been measured and estimates of dielectric Q values for capacitors of over 5000 have been obtained. Single-turn 1.1-nH inductor Q's of 40 at 1 GHz and 90 at 7 GHz have also been measured. The capacitors and single-turn inductors are found to have constant C and L values up to 12 GHz.  相似文献   

使用现有的微波电路CAD软件,对几种微带直流偏压电路进行了优化设计,并用HP8510网络分析仪测试了所设计的这几种偏压电路的性能.结果表明,经过优化设计,这几种偏压电路的工作带宽均可达到倍频程以上.  相似文献   

Design of bandpass filters for microwave integrated circuits (MICS) utilizing dielectric resonators is discussed. Synthesis methods for both Tschebycheff and Butterworth responses are derived. Experimental results with S- and X-band filters are presented, and the agreement between theory and experiments is shown to be fairly good. Limitations on this technique due to poor temperature stability are also discussed.  相似文献   

主要介绍了微波混合集成电路ESD设计的一些探索工作,对两种不同功能和形式的混合集成电路的抗静电能力和电路中的薄弱部位进行了研究和分析.依据实验摸底结果并结合电路的自身特点,有针对性地进行ESD保护电路设计,既有效提高了电路的抗静电能力,又保证电路的微波电性能不受较大的影响.试验结果表明,运用这种电路后,使得HE393B宽带放大器防静电能力从300 V提高到1 500 V,HE010电压产生器达到800 V.  相似文献   

通过封装内部气氛、芯片显微、能谱等分析手段对国内某研究所研制砷化镓微波单片集成电路高温加速寿命试验后的样品进行了失效分析,对其失效机理进行探讨,得出:封装气密性不好、工艺造成的缺陷是引起失效的主要原因,也是造成国内产品质量与可靠性不如国外同类产品的重要原因。  相似文献   

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