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The passage of new welfare legislation has intensified questions regarding the relative availability of job opportunities. While unemployment rates nationwide are low, some scholars argue that job opportunities are not evenly distributed between neighborhoods and that whatever opportunities exist do not match the skills of the nearby labor pool. This article examines the number of jobs available to people within very small-scale labor markets in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) and Lorain County, Ohio. Job opportunity indices are then compared for different types of neighborhoods. Results indicate that neighborhood job opportunities do not vary much by neighborhood income level or metropolitan location. However, predominantly African-American neighborhoods at low- and moderate-income levels endure job opportunities far below those of similarly placed white neighborhoods. Fewer than average job opportunities near lower income black neighborhoods make it harder for people without access to private automobiles or reliable mass transit to obtain jobs.  相似文献   

杨璇 《中外建筑》2011,(5):94-95
"街坊式"住宅是一种传统的居住模式。在近几年,城市化进程加大,大量居住区规划建设,在"居住区-居住小区-居住组团"这一经典理论指导下,现有住宅区规划模式产生的弊端逐渐呈现。随着住宅区设施、绿化、建设水平的提高,人们越来越关注对宜居环境的考量。这时,传统的街坊式住宅模式以其开敞又私密的特点引起人们的重视。本文由住宅区规划经典理论的形成背景为切入点,并分析其在应用中产生的弊端,提出街坊模式应当作为经典规划理论的补充以弥补现在住区中产生的问题,并在文正最后指出了两种模式之间的关系。  相似文献   

Foreclosures of single-family mortgages have increased dramatically in many parts of the US in recent years. Much of this has been tied to the rise of higher-risk subprime mortgage lending. Debates concerning mortgage regulation, as well as around other residential finance policies and practices, hinge critically on the social as well as personal costs of loan default and foreclosure. This paper examines the impact of foreclosures of single-family mortgages on levels of violent and property crime at the neighborhood level. Using data on foreclosures, neighborhood characteristics, and crime, the study found that higher foreclosure levels do contribute to higher levels of violent crime. The results for property crime are not statistically significant. A standard deviation increase in the foreclosure rate (about 2.8 foreclosures for every 100 owner-occupied properties in one year) corresponds to an increase in neighborhood violent crime of approximately 6.7 per cent. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

当前,城市建设规模不断扩大,深基坑工程的数量与日俱增,如何保证软土地区的深基坑工程的稳定安全,已经发展成为相关领域迫切解决的问题.时空效应是探基坑工程的施工方法之一,在工程中得到了普遍的应用,并得到了相关部门的高度认可,本篇文章就深基坑工程施工中时空效应的运用进行了深入的研宄.  相似文献   

徐忠 《福建建筑》2010,(12):31-33
本文从深度阐释邻里中心的概念出发,通过对苏州工业园区的现有几家邻里中心的实地调研和对比,并结合笔者新近设计的苏州工业园区唯亭邻里中心,来探讨如何将邻里中心的开放性原则应用到设计中。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between racial/ethnic composition and neighborhood economic change in a multilevel and longitudinal framework. I employ multilevel modeling to examine how neighborhood minority composition is associated with change in neighborhood relative economic status from 1970 to 2010 in the largest 100 metropolitan areas of the USA. In the multilevel framework, the empirical analysis shows that the shares of black and Hispanic residents are consistently negatively related to neighborhood economic gain even when metropolitan-level factors are taken into account. This study also finds that the negative effect of neighborhood minority composition on neighborhood economic gain is differentiated by deindustrialization and minority composition at the metropolitan level. In the longitudinal framework, the findings show that the negative effect of neighborhood minority composition on neighborhood economic gain has declined over time.  相似文献   


Although neither articulated a clear, coherent neighborhood policy, presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan both came into office advocating neighborhood revitalization and increased neighborhood self-sufficiency as key elements of their urban policies. These common policy goals and shared vocabulary prompt two basic questions: How do the Carter and Reagan administration's policies toward neighborhoods differ? And are the differences important? This article uses three criteria to describe the Reagan administration's neighborhood policy and compare it to that of the Carter administration—the level of public spending on neighborhood-level activities, the process used to allocate assistance, and the mechanisms used to implement policy goals. Comparing budgetary appropriations shows that the Reagan administration's cuts in spending on spatially targeted programs and withdrawal of direct funding of neighborhood groups are major changes from Carter policies. The increasing use of tax expenditures and the reliance on market forces to achieve neighborhood policy goals, however, appear to have more significant political consequences for neighborhood groups.  相似文献   

隧道及地下工程在近接施工过程中会产生空间效应的影响,主要表现为先行洞室对后行洞室开挖前的卸荷和后行洞室通过后对先行洞室的二次扰动,如不能有效控制空间效应对洞室开挖稳定性的影响,极有可能导致洞室支护结构的失稳破坏,引发工程事故。以在建成兰铁路柿子园隧道小净距双洞段为研究对象,通过对现场地应力、围岩强度和隧道变形的实测,并用FLAC3D对隧道施工过程进行模拟,计算隧道变形及锚杆、衬砌的受力,分析仰拱开裂及小净距隧道施工的空间效应影响,并形成相应的处理措施。  相似文献   

Rationalism in the Netherlands is characterised by pragmatism. As Charles Rattray explains it is a practical bent that was driven in the 20th century by the exigencies of building cheaply and quickly a large amount of social housing on a relatively small amount of land. It is a strand that has been underscored by a belief in reason across time and a confidence in an analytical approach. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

社区公园的声景观研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵秀敏  王竹  石坚韧 《新建筑》2006,(4):118-122
通过对杭州市翠苑一区社区公园的使用后评价,该公园声景观现状、使用者行为及其空间分布得到了全面的分析,并在声景观要寨选择、空间分区和管理等几个方面加以阐述.形成了完整的社区公园声景观设计方法。居民对该公园声景观的好感度和协调度的评价结果说明了声景观设计应着重考虑与周围环境的相互配合,同时声景观空间分区也具有相对的重要性。该研究成果不仅对社区公园的景观设计提供了基础资料和分析手法,而且通过建成环境的使用后评价丰富了当前的声景观研究。  相似文献   

Neighborhood organizations are rarely involved in policymaking for high-technology industries, and as a result they often oppose new development initiatives. The Oakland Planning and Development Corporation (OPDC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is an exception. That organization has attempted to influence high-tech growth in its community by commissioning a “technology impact analysis” as a tool with which to negotiate with key high-tech participants. OPDC has successfully used the analysis to broaden support and gain resources for its activities in housing and commercial development and land-use planning. OPDC's inability to establish job training and placement links to high-technology industries, however, points to difficulties in neighborhood-level planning for advanced technology economic development.  相似文献   

This article examines the proposition that city neighborhoods can fare better under policies that promote a city's recovery than they can when recovery is not an objective, and that the greatest benefit may be expected in neighborhoods that have severely lost residents and commercial services. Depleted neighborhoods are the natural arena for a recovery undertaking.

Lest readers suppose that this article is something which it is not, it should be said at the outset that an undertaking to achieve a city's recovery—at least in the rigorous definition used here—is not known to me. In the absence of an example that can be appraised, support for the proposition must be sought in an analysis of circumstances and potential policies that would make a recovery undertaking practical.

The potential policies depend upon a set of related ideas which could benefit from further development and refinement (to which it is hoped interested readers will contribute) and above all from tests in particular neighborhoods in several cities.

Foremost among these ideas is that of recovery itself. Others which will be elaborated in due course are compatible redevelopment of depleted neighborhoods, the changing nature of cities as expressed in changes in hospitality to different kinds of employment, and finally strategic planning as an alternative at neighborhood and city levels to both comprehensive planning, on the one hand, and single-purpose planning, on the other. Although precision is not possible, depleted neighborhoods, as referred to here, will be distinguished from other kinds.  相似文献   

The notion that sprawl, in the form of low-density, auto-dependent neighborhoods, is inimical to neighborhood social bonds is a recurrent theme in the planning literature. Although this seems like common sense, relatively little empirical evidence exists to support this notion. This article tests this thesis using data from a cross-sectional survey of adults in Atlanta, Boston, and Los Angeles and from the 1990 decennial census. Although residential density was found to be unrelated to the formation of neighborhood social ties, it was significantly and substantially related to the degree to which residents of a neighborhood relied on their automobiles.  相似文献   

为研究隔离桩在基坑开挖卸荷-加载作用下对邻域既有地铁隧道的隔离保护效果,本文采用相似物理模型试验与数值模拟相结合的方法,分别对隔离桩的不同影响因素进行了研究。研究结果表明:在侧方中部基坑卸荷-加载作用过程中,管片发生斜向基坑内侧的移动,同时结构发生逆时针方向的扭转现象;管片初始土压力呈“葫芦形”分布,当基坑卸荷完成和加载完成后,管片左下方和右上方土压力增大,右下方和左上方土压力略微减小。施加隔离桩后,管片位移和自身扭转现象明显减弱,土压力减小但变化规律保持不变。当隔离桩在影响区以下稳定土体内具有一定长度时,适当增大桩间距和桩顶埋入深度仍可取得较好的隔离效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the distributional consequences of contrasting welfare systems are enhanced, replicated or countered by housing systems in England and the Netherlands. It adopts the monetised concepts of ‘net housing income’ and ‘net housing resources’, which are commensurable with disposable income and income-based measures of poverty. It was found that both housing systems exert a poverty-reducing impact compared to disposable income alone. The absolute reduction is greatest in England, suggesting that its housing system counters the high levels of income poverty produced by the welfare system, although the comparative levels of poverty between the two countries remain unchanged, which may signify that the distribution of disposable income is replicated in housing. However, the synthetic concept of ‘housing poverty’ reveals that the poverty-reducing impact of housing income/ resources arises because by themselves they are distributed far less equally than is disposable income, so creating a much higher rate of ‘housing poverty’. Crucially, ‘housing poverty’ occurs predominantly among those who are not income poor. This allows welfare and housing systems to combine to reduce poverty in an act of progressive dissonance, suggesting a hitherto unexpectedly high degree of independence between the two.  相似文献   

周建立  王文倩 《安徽建筑》2009,16(4):23-23,43
文章以铜陵市托莱多小区设计为例,对现代小区设计在“生态景观及景观均好性”、“新都市主义与街坊关系”、“人车分流”等几个方面进行规划理念的探讨。  相似文献   

丛蕾 《规划师》2012,28(11):117-122
历史住区保护不同于精英化的单体建筑和历史街区保护,其更新方式更多地依赖于自身及社会力量,政府制定合理的激励政策是形成自我更新机制的关键。研究在回顾美国历史住区发展历程的基础上,结合德国村等案例对美国当前历史住区保护更新的主要途径进行分析。实践证明,只有具有自我更新能力的历史住区才是具有生命力的住区,这种住区的形成离不开公共政策的激励、专业化的组织管理、私人资本的投入及当地居民的自发力。我国的历史住区保护应重视历史住区配套公共政策的制定,开展针对历史住区保护与更新的公共刺激政策的研究工作,从社会规划的层面关注历史住区中居民的生存问题。  相似文献   

中国与"丝绸之路经济带"沿线国家开展农业合作是沿线国家的共同诉求,也是推进"一带一路"建设的重要举措,更是解决中国农业发展步入新常态后面临诸多问题的有效之策。以中国农业步入新常态后面临的供给侧结构性改革为研究背景,在对"丝绸之路经济带"沿线主要国家农业发展现状梳理的基础上,分析了中国与"丝绸之路经济带"沿线国家在农业生产上存在的互补性,尝试性地从农业产业园区建设、农业生产技术合作和粮食安全网络构建三个方面提出了中国与"丝绸之路经济带"沿线国家开展农业合作的有效路径,并为保证路径顺利实施提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

用数值模拟的方法对沈阳地区某住宅小区夏季的热湿环境进行分析,建立该住宅小区的数学模型,利用Fluent和Airpak软件进行数值模拟,对比分析水系位于小区内西侧、南侧和东侧等不同位置时,住宅小区人行高度1.5 m处的温度、相对湿度(RH)、预测平均评价与不满意百分比(PMV-PPD)以及平均空气龄(MAA)的分布。不同位置的水系对小区内热环境的影响是不同的,且当水系位于小区内东侧时对小区热环境的改善是最好的。  相似文献   

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