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富氧燃烧技术是未来实现燃煤电站锅炉CO2捕集和存储可能采取的技术路线之一,但是煤粉在普通空气和CO2气氛条件下的燃烧及传热传质特性有很大的区别,因此有必要对煤粉富氧燃烧技术进行深入的研究。通过总结富氧燃烧技术的最新研究进展,并与传统燃煤电站锅炉空气燃烧技术进行比较,从传热特性、煤的反应性以及污染物排放特性3个方面介绍了富氧燃烧的特点,为将来工业应用做好技术储备。  相似文献   

富氧燃烧被认为是一种具有发展潜力的碳减排技术,是目前国内外研究的主要碳减排技术之一。燃煤燃烧引起的污染物排放一直是当前研究的热点问题,针对富氧燃烧方式,概述了当前富氧燃烧技术中燃煤烟气的污染物,如硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粉尘和重金属汞等的排放特性。在富氧燃烧方式下,硫氧化物、氮氧化物和烟尘的排放量会减少,而重金属汞的排放量会增加。  相似文献   

富氧燃烧技术在循环流化床锅炉中的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对富氧燃烧技术在循环流化床锅炉的研究现状进行了总结,阐述了富氧燃烧的特点,分析了富氧燃烧下循环流化床锅炉污染物排放特性和炉膛换热,温度分布以及锅炉总计结构布置。指出富氧燃烧在循环流化床锅炉中应用是一项值得重点研究的洁净煤燃烧技术。  相似文献   

循环流化床富氧燃烧技术的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
富氧燃烧技术不仅能使分离收集CO2和处理SO2容易进行,还能减少NOx排放,是一种能够综合控制燃煤污染物排放的新型洁净燃烧技术。简要介绍了循环流化床富氧燃烧技术的国内外研究现状,进行了不同氧含量的O2/CO2气氛和O2/N2气氛下的循环流化床煤燃烧试验研究,比较了其燃烧特性及SO2、NOx排放特点,为循环流化床富氧燃烧技术的工业化应用做了基础和重要的准备。  相似文献   

O2/CO2气氛下循环流化床煤燃烧污染物排放的试验研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
富氧燃烧技术不仅能使分离收集CO2和处理SO2容易进行,还能减少NOX排放,是一种能够综合控制燃煤污染物排放的新型洁净燃烧技术。进行了O2/CO2气氛和O2/N2气氛下的循环流化床煤燃烧试验,重点分析了煤燃烧生成的污染物NOX、SO2的排放规律及石灰石脱硫效率,进行了循环流化床富氧燃烧系统的平衡分析并得到了相关试验的证实,为循环流化床富氧燃烧技术的工业应用做了基础和重要的准备。图9表2参9  相似文献   

大量使用矿物燃料所造成的地球温室效应现象越来越严重。近年来,火力发电领域CO_2的捕集、压缩液化及封存技术的研究与工程师范等已成为至关重要的任务。富氧燃烧减排技术是一种既能直接捕集高浓度CO_2,又可以综合控制燃煤污染物排放的新一代洁净煤发电技术。它又被称为O_2/CO_2燃烧技术,或者空气分离/烟气再循环技术。目前,国内外把它作为一种具有发展潜力的碳减排技术研究对象之一。未来将会加快对其研究步伐,围绕富氧燃烧锅炉本体、燃烧器技术、空分系统合理配置和动态调节特性、烟气净化技术来进行钻研。  相似文献   

以180 t/h循环流化床燃煤锅炉为研究对象,对固体回收燃料(SRF)进行了掺烧特性试验研究。结果表明:SRF掺烧比例达到5%时,锅炉燃烧排烟温度略有升高,床温降低幅度在10℃以内,未发现尾部烟道受热面差压有明显变化;掺烧5%时,废气、废水及固废排放指标均正常,同时SO2排放浓度有所降低。  相似文献   

富氧燃烧技术不仅能使分离收集CO2和处理SO2容易进行,还能减少NOX排放,是一种能够综合控制燃煤污染物排放的新型洁净燃烧技术。进行了O2/CO2气氛和O2/N2气氛下的循环流化床煤燃烧试验.重点分析了煤燃烧生成的污染物NOX、SO2的排放规律及石灰石脱硫效率,进行了循环流化床富氧燃烧系统的平衡分析并得到了相关试验的证实.为循环流化床富氧燃烧技术的工业应用做了基础和重要的准备。图9表2参9  相似文献   

燃气轮机在更高参数下的低污染排放限制和宽工况范围稳定运行的需求,对燃烧室燃烧提出了新的要求。柔和燃烧作为一种新型燃烧技术,具有燃烧稳定和污染物排放低的优势。高速射流引射掺混是实现柔和燃烧所需条件的一种可行方式。本文主要研究不同燃料掺混方式对柔和燃烧器污染物排放和稳定工作范围的影响。在前期工作基础上设计了可实现燃料不同掺混方式的天然气柔和燃烧器。在常压条件下,通过实验研究了不同当量比、不同燃料/空气掺混方式下天然气柔和燃烧器的污染物排放,并研究了不同掺混方式对燃烧贫燃极限的影响,通过OH~*自发荧光、OH平面激光诱导荧光测量和数值模拟对反应区和流场结构进行了观察和分析。实验结果表明,在相同当量比下,全预混模式下的NO_x排放最低,全预混模式下稳定燃烧的贫熄火当量比为0.57;扩散模式下NO_x排放相对高,但贫熄火当量比可低至0.15,燃烧稳定范围更宽;混合模式下污染物排放水平介于预混和扩散模式之间;非预混模式下较好的贫燃火焰稳定性得益于燃烧室头部扩散燃料周围形成的低速稳定反应区。  相似文献   

  目的  为了解决电站锅炉深度调峰过程中出现稳燃差、水动力不稳定、SCR入口烟温过低等问题,锅炉稳燃改造势在必行。  方法  文章以某660 MW火电机组锅炉灵活性改造为例,提出了两种有效的稳燃改造方案,分析了燃烧及制粉系统改造后对炉膛和NOx排放影响。  结果  两种改造方案均可提升锅炉超低负荷稳燃特性,燃烧及制粉系统改造后对炉膛和NOx排放影响小,在技术可靠性、施工难度及工作量等方面水平相当,相比之下方案一略优。  结论  两种改造方案经理论验证切实可行,可为同类型机组进行灵活性改造提供技术参考。  相似文献   

  目的  “碳达峰、碳中和”战略目标的提出增加了对新能源电力并网的需求,因此有必要提高燃煤发电机组的灵活性运行能力。  方法  文章详细介绍了现有燃煤机组灵活改造技术及常见的评价指标。灵活性改造主要包括:凝结水节流技术、燃煤机组耦合生物质混烧改造技术、燃煤机组制粉系统灵活性技术等;燃煤发电机组灵活性常用评价指标包括:发电机组厂用电率、锅炉热效率、机组发电标准煤耗率等。在此基础上,对灵活性改造技术以及评价指标进行总结和分析。  结果  文章提出了燃煤发电机组灵活性技术改造的7个发展方向及相关建议。  结论  原有机组的结构改进、新能源多形式的嵌入以及多储能协同提高燃煤机组灵活性是后续发展的主要方向,为后续燃煤发电机组适应“双碳”能源规划提供参考。  相似文献   

燃煤电站锅炉飞灰含碳量偏高的原因分析与解决措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶学民  彭波 《锅炉技术》2004,35(3):49-51
在燃煤电站锅炉中 ,当煤粉不能进行完全燃烧时 ,将造成飞灰含碳量的升高。从煤粉细度、煤种特性、燃烧器的结构特性、热风温度、炉内空气动力场和锅炉负荷等方面分析了对飞灰含碳量变化的影响机理 ,指出了飞灰含碳量升高所造成的影响 ,并提出了维持锅炉稳定燃烧 ,降低飞灰含碳量 ,提高锅炉效率的有效措施。  相似文献   

  目的  燃煤电厂的低碳节能路径是缓解我国能源危机与环境污染的重要策略。  方法  文章评述了当前燃煤电厂在燃料供应设计阶段和节能运行维护阶段的低碳节能技术以及低碳技术潜在的发展方向。  结果  对于电厂燃料供应设计阶段的低碳技术应优化生物质/氨与煤的掺烧比例,良好的掺烧比例有利于炉内充分燃烧,降低碳排;电厂节能运行维护阶段吸收技术、吸附技术和气体分离技术是碳颗粒捕集的常用手段,同时储能技术、深度调峰技术、柔性直流供电技术对于CO2减排具有重要作用。  结论  对电厂低碳技术发展进行展望,认为采用综合互补低碳协同方式,并结合电厂运行过程中的监管反馈调控措施,将是促进电厂可持续能源发展的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

The conversion of municipal solid waste (MSW) to energy can conserve more valuable fuels and improve the environment by lessening the amount of waste that must be landfilled and by conserving energy and natural resources. The importance of utilizing MSW was recognized in the 1991 U.S. National Energy Strategy, which sought to “support the conversion of municipal solid waste to energy.” One route to utilizing the energy value of MSW is to burn it in a steam power plant to generate electricity. Coal has long been the predominant source of energy for electricity production in the U.S.; therefore, a considerable science and technology base related to coal combustion and emissions control can be, and has been, applied with substantial benefit to MSW combustion. This paper compares the combustion of coal and MSW in terms of fuel characteristics, combustion technology, emissions, and ash utilization/disposal. Co-combustion of coal and MSW is also discussed. MSW issues that can be addressed by research and development are provided.The major environmental issues that designers of MSW combustion systems have had to address are emissions of trace organic compounds, particularly polychlorinated dioxins and furans, and trace elements such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. Emission of trace organics is generally the result of a poorly designed and/or operated combustion system; modern MSW systems use good combustion practices that destroy organic compounds during the combustion process. Proper control of air/fuel mixing and temperature, and avoidance of “quench” zones in the furnace, help to ensure that potentially harmful organics are not emitted. Computer codes and other design and troubleshooting tools that were developed for coal combustion systems have been applied to improve the performance of waste-to-energy systems.Trace element emissions from both coal and MSW combustion result primarily from vaporization of elements during the combustion process. Most of the trace elements that are vaporized condense on fly ash as the combustion products cool downstream of the furnace and can be effectively controlled by using an efficient particulate removal device. However, volatile elements, particularly mercury, are emitted as a vapor. Several mechanisms are available to capture mercury vapor and some are in use. The development of satisfactory control technology for mercury is a topic currently of high interest in coal burning.The potential for leaching of trace elements and organics from MSW residues after disposal raises issues about the classification and management of ash. Results of laboratory leaching tests, especially for lead and cadmium, have not been consistently supported by field experience. Careful interpretation of the available test protocols is needed to make sure that residues are properly managed.Because of the large scale of coal-fired boilers for electricity production, co-firing of MSW with coal in such boilers could consume large quantities of waste. Several short-term demonstrations have shown that co-firing is feasible. The issues involved in co-firing are emissions of trace elements, trace organics, and acid gases; boiler slagging and fouling; and long-term effects, such as corrosion and erosion of boiler tubes.Areas where research and development has contributed to improved MSW combustion include (a) the formation mechanisms of polychlorinated dioxins/furans, especially low-temperature, catalytic mechanisms, (b) methods of combustion air distribution in incinerators that result in better combustion and reduced emission of organic compounds, (c) the use of gas reburning to control NOx and reduce emission of organic compounds, (d) practical methods for removing organic compounds and mercury from MSW flue gas, (e) the performance of electrostatic precipitators in removing MSW fly ash, particularly when co-firing MSW and coal in existing coal-fired boilers, and (f) burning MSW in fluidized beds or of pulverizing refuse-derived fuel and firing it in suspension-fired, pulverized coal boilers.  相似文献   

The utilization of powdery semi-coke as a power fuel in pulverized coal-fired power plants has become a new and potential technique to consume the excess powdery semi-coke.The characteristic of low volatile results in poor combustion performance and high NO_x emission,and to co-fire with bituminous coal is a practical strategy to address this problem.However,the co-combustion characteristics and the inherent interaction between semi-coke and coal remain insufficiently understood.In addition,the influences of secondary air arrangement,the boiler operation load,and the fuel type on co-combustion process are still unclear,which is urgent to be further explored.In the present study,experiments and numerical simulations were jointly utilized to inquire into the co-combustion behaviors and NO_x emission features of semi-coke and coal.The results demonstrated that the"out-furnace method"was a suitable choice for small-capacity boiler when the proportion of semi-coke was 33%,due to the limited combinations of the semi-coke injection position.It was recommended that semi-coke was preferred to be injected from the middle layers of the furnace under the"in-furnace method"to improve the overall co-combustion performance.The critical value of the separated over fire air ratio in this study was 27.5%,over which a slight drop of carbon content in fly ash could come about.Moreover,the elevation in the proportion of separated over fire air gave rise to the significant decline of NO_x concentration.The constricted secondary air arrangement was preferred to be employed due to the high boiler efficiency.The separated over fire air and the surrounding air needed to maintain a wide-open degree to prevent the increase of NO_x emissions and the coking of nozzles.For the load reduction regulation method adopted in this study,the NO_x concentration first rose and then dropped,while the burnout ratio decreased obviously as the operation load was reduced.Different combinations of coal and semi-coke generated significant influences on co-combustion behaviors within the furnace.The NO_(x )generated by high-volatile fuel (bituminous coal) combustion was mainly affected by volatile-N,while the NO_(x )generated by low-volatile fuel (semi-coke) was mainly impacted by char-N.This study is of guiding significance for the efficient and clean utilization and beneficial to the large-scale application of powder semi-coke in power plants.  相似文献   

The effect of co-combustion of Vietnamese anthracite with Australian bituminous coal on the performance of a commercial circulating fluidized bed boiler was observed in the Tonghae thermal power plant.The temperature in the cyclone exit of the boiler increased slightly, which caused a decrease in the desulfurization efficiency as the co-combustion ratio of the bituminous coal increased from 40 to 100%. The unburned carbon fraction also increased. Consequently, the fine particles of the bituminous coal had lower combustion reactivity than those of the anthracite.NOx emissions decreased as the bituminous coal ratio increased, although the fraction of nitrogen in the bituminous coal was higher than that in the anthracite. However, the emission of dust was found to increase due to an increase in the amount of CaO and MgO in the fly ash, which could lower the efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator.From these results, we concluded that the complete switch from the anthracite to Australian bituminous coal was possible, although the efficiency and the operation stability became lower than before. Additionally, as a future study, it is necessary to monitor the instability of the temperature increase and its effect on the prolonged clinker formation in the boiler.  相似文献   

循环流化床燃烧技术具有高效,低污染,燃料适应性广的优点,燃用福建无烟煤的循环流化床锅炉在福建沿海地区得到了广泛开展,取得了许多的成果,但是普遍存在的问题是飞灰含炭量太高,热效率不高。在一台75 t.h-1的循环流化床锅炉上对三种不同粒度的福建无烟煤进行了燃烧试验,测量了炉膛各段的温度水平,获得了粒度对底渣、飞灰的粒径分布及其含炭量和热效率等的影响特性,并针对燃用福建无烟煤的循环流化床锅炉的优化燃烧提出了一些建议,对锅炉的运行具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

循环流化床锅炉飞灰中碳的形成机理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对循环流化床(CFB)锅炉飞灰含碳量分布及飞灰残碳形态的测量、CFB燃烧温度下焦炭失活过程的试验研究以及流化床条件下煤颗粒燃烧过程的分析.探讨了循环流化床锅炉飞灰中碳的形成机理.结果表明:实际运行的CFB锅炉飞灰中含碳量具有明显的不均匀性,残碳集中于25~50 μm的飞灰颗粒内;真实密度和XRD测量均表明,焦炭失活的2个条件是温度和时间,温度高于800℃,焦炭失活开始发生,并且随着时间的增加,失活程度提高;焦炭颗粒长时间停留在主循环回路中,反应活性下降,由于颗粒的碎裂和磨耗,形成了飞灰中粒径较小的残碳;煤中的细小煤粒首次通过炉膛时未燃尽且未被分离器收集,形成了飞友中较大颗粒的残碳.  相似文献   

刘万海 《江西能源》2014,(1):47-50,77
火力发电厂燃煤锅炉燃烧的调整和优化直接影响到电厂的经济运行,飞灰含碳量是锅炉效率一个重要的调整和控制指标。通过分析燃煤的各种成分,结合机组运行中负荷的变化规律,采取合理的配风方式,对炉膛的燃烧及时进行调整,采取相应的控制方法,达到降低飞灰含碳量的目的,以提高锅炉的效率。  相似文献   

  [目的]  为了解决经典迭代剪切稀疏化算法在飞灰含碳量软测量模型应用中计算量过大问题,提出了一种基于样本分布特征的LS-SVM稀疏化算法。  [方法]  算法在计算样本特征空间距离基础上,融合密度和离散度构建全局代表性指标,并按此指标对原始样本集进行排序和剪切,完成稀疏化。为验证算法性能将提出的算法应用到某1 000 MW火电机组飞灰含碳量软测量模型,训练样本集取自机组现场试验数据。  [结果]  结果表明:本算法能在适当牺牲误差性能的情况下大大消减样本容量,显著降低飞灰含碳量LS-SVM软测量模型训练及在线预测计算量。  [结论]  所提LS-SVM稀疏化算法在保证误差值降低0.01%的情况下,将样本空间从90个缩小到30个,既减小了计算规模,又保证了计算精度。所提算法可在PLC等计算性能受限的工业控制器中实现飞灰含碳量在线软测量功能,并可推广至发电厂其他参数软测量系统。  相似文献   

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