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对我国发展纯电动汽车的质疑与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱成章 《中外能源》2010,15(9):11-15
近年来国家对纯电动汽车的扶持力度正在不断加大。然而纯电动汽车、混合动力汽车等以电力作燃料,并非真正意义上的新能源汽车。纯电动汽车所消耗的电力需要由发电厂提供,相当于以煤代油,其外部负效应表现在燃煤电厂的负效应上。燃油汽车和纯电动汽车每辆车每年的能耗折算成标煤分别为1.53t和1.6t,基本上相等,但燃油排放的二氧化碳比燃煤少,所以纯电动汽车并不是低碳汽车。用纯电动汽车替代燃油汽车,很可能是减少了石油进口,但却要增加煤炭进口,并不能从根本上提高我国能源的安全性。发展纯电动汽车需要大量投资,再加上环境污染,经济性很差。鉴于此,建议我国应重新定义新能源汽车,要真正利用新能源作为汽车的动力,寻找适合我国能源资源条件的真正的新能源汽车或替代能源汽车;中国在相当长的时间里节能减排还是主要依靠传统燃油汽车,在重视研发新能源汽车、研究替代燃油汽车的同时,应重视传统燃油汽车的节能降耗;控制汽车消费是最有效的节油措施;节能减排必须要从一次能源算起,我国电源结构以煤电为主,并不适宜发展纯电动汽车。中国要等到第一次和第二次能源大转换完成之后,当天然气、水电、核电在电源结构中占据主体地位时,纯电动汽车才会有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

基于运行工况的纯电动车与汽油车能耗排放比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于济南市城市道路运行工况,对比分析了纯电动汽车和传统燃油汽车的能耗及排?放。根据纯电动汽车及传统燃油汽车的实车道路~,riL数据,利用主成分分析、聚类分析等方法构建了济南市城市道路工况。基于该工况,对比分析了上述两种车辆的能耗和排放,分析得出在该道路工况下纯电动汽车的能耗约为传统燃油汽车的1/2,排放方面也明显低于后者。  相似文献   

金永花  李相俊 《可再生能源》2012,(6):118-123,126
以国产新能源汽车-比亚迪为分析对象,分析和比较了传统燃油汽车和插电式混合动力汽车、纯电动汽车的使用及购买总成本。通过建立插电式混合动力汽车成本计算模型,并考虑汽油价格与电价的变化因素,分析插电式混合动力汽车和纯电动汽车经济性的优势与不足。分析结果表明,插电式混合动力汽车具有较鲜明的经济性,适合更广泛的推广应用;纯电动汽车随着电池性能的提高以及车载电池容量的减少,其经济性也将越来越明显。这对我国新能源汽车的研究开发和推广应用具有现实意义。  相似文献   

罗惠谦  杨芳 《太阳能》2010,(6):34-36
提出了一种控制方法,既可以满足目前燃油汽车加装太阳电池板的要求,也充分考虑了混合动力汽车与纯电动汽车将来使用太阳电池进行供电、充电的可行性。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,汽车的数量不断增加,环境污染问题日益严重。研究节约能源,降低排放,保护环境的汽车,以绿色环保汽车代替燃油汽车是社会可持续发展战略的需要,成为世界各国共同关注的问题。电动汽车是一种节约燃油资源、减少污染甚至零排放的理想绿色汽车,是未来汽车的发展方向。发展最早的是纯电动汽车,但其充电设施不完善,行驶里程受到限制,也存在废旧电池难以回收再利用和二次污染的问题,在此背景下,复合能源电动汽车应运而生。  相似文献   

叙述了中国发展电驱动汽车的可行性和发展良机,指出,电池与充电是发展电动汽车的主要瓶颈,鉴于电动汽车无法取代传统燃油汽车,提出了发展电驱动汽车的对策。  相似文献   

正据人民网—人民日报2014年1月16日报道:2013年美国总计销售纯电动汽车4.6万辆,较上年增长241%。欧洲市场也掀起了汽车电动化热潮。法国雷诺、德国大众及德国宝马都纷纷推出纯电动汽车,2014年还将相继推出插电式混合动力车。目前,对于电动汽车的开发竞争已不再是围绕电动汽车本身的技术,而是如何使电动汽车跑得更快、走得更远。电动汽车的性能和续航能力一直是制约其发展的短板。如今,随着越来越多的针对电力供应的技术革新,电动汽车的性能已经逐渐赶上并超越传统燃油汽车。以电动汽车的领军企业特斯拉为例,工程师利用IGBT(绝缘栅双极型晶体管)取代传统的电容电感来控制输入电流电压,这样的控制更精确、更快速。在高功率的驱使下,电动机  相似文献   

在第84届日内瓦国际汽车展上,混合动力和纯电动跑车吸引了多方瞩目。电动汽车(EV)的历史则可以追溯到19世纪30年代,它的出现时间要早于1886年卡尔·本茨发明的燃油汽车,—度是最大的公路用车。之后,由于汽油价格便宜,内燃机效率高,电启动器的发明等原因,而逐渐被燃油汽车所替代。  相似文献   

本文介绍了混合动力电动汽车(HEV)的优点、主要技术总成、发动机和电动机的组合方式,混合动力汽车的排放,指出混合动力汽车在遇到堵车时的燃油消耗量、尾气排放量等要远远低于仅靠汽、柴油内燃机驱动的车辆,在动力性能、续驶里程、使用方便性等方面大大优于仅靠电力驱动且需要反复充电的纯电动车。  相似文献   

新能源汽车发展现状及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李晓丹 《中国能源》2009,31(8):43-45,18
本文对新能源汽车包括清洁替代燃料汽车、混合动力汽车、纯电动汽车的定义、分类和特点进行了总结,综述了各类新能源汽车最新技术进展及其性能,通过分析新能源汽车应用现状,指出纯电动汽车和燃料电池汽车推广应用需解决的问题,对各类新能源汽车的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

王敏 《中外能源》2014,(5):23-27
我国正面临空气污染的严重威胁,而多个国家的经验告诉我们,推广天然气汽车是改善空气质量的有效手段。我国目前重点出台扶持政策推广纯电动汽车,但效果欠佳,主要原因一是充电不方便,二是充电时间长,三是销售价格高且性价比低,这些问题在短期内恐无法解决。相对于纯电动汽车,天然气汽车不存在上述问题,更具有在短期内推广的优势。天然气加气站普及建设更加便利,完全可以将效益不好的加油站改装为加气站,或改装为油气混合站;天然气汽车一般几分钟就可完成加气,与加油时间基本相当;同时价格低,成本回收快,更易被市场和用户所接受;另外在二氧化碳减排方面,天然气汽车也不逊于电动汽车。目前影响我国天然气汽车发展的主要问题是优惠政策少,油气价差小,加气困难,管网建设未能大范围普及。建议应推行差别定价,对天然气汽车充气实行比工业和化工用气更低的价格,并辅以财税优惠;研究推行油气混合站,加强在加油站增设充气设施的研究和实践;同时要加快天然气管网建设,充分利用国内外两个市场,推动我国天然气汽车的发展。  相似文献   

混合动力车用柴油机电控系统的开发研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了混合动力汽车的特点和动力传动系统的配置,详细叙述了柴油机电控系统的工作原理、电控单元的硬件和软件结构,并进行了发动机台架试验,结果表明:本系统能精确地控制柴油机的运行;将本系统应用于混合动力功能样车的整车道路试验,能与电机、自动变速箱及电池组等混合动力其它电控系统有效配合,实现混合动力的相关功能。  相似文献   

Electric vehicle virtual energy storage technology can effectively improve the utilization of renewable energy. Aiming at the impact of the uncertainty of electric vehicle on the power grid, an optimized dispatching method of hybrid energy storage systems based on multiobjective optimization in the scenario of tracking plan output is proposed in this paper. The predicted value of the photovoltaic power obtained by the particle swarm optimization (PSO)-back propagation (BP) neural network is used to formulate the planned output of photovoltaic power generation, and the principle component analysis algorithm is used to extract the main features affecting photovoltaic power generation to further improve the prediction accuracy of photovoltaic output power. From the perspective of the service life of electric vehicles, a two-stage optimal control method of hybrid energy storage systems based on the complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) is used to achieve energy distributions between electric vehicles and supercapacitors. Fully consider the benefits of electric vehicle users and the capacity of tracking plans, a multiobjective optimization model of hybrid energy storage systems to track planned output is established, and the nondominated sorted genetic algorithm-III is adopted to solve the model. The validity of the model is verified by a simulation test of actual operating data of a business park in China. The simulation results show that after the optimized control, the average absolute error of the deviation power reduces from 1.092 to 0.0528 MW, power fluctuating times of electric vehicles decreases from 151 to 80, and the daily income benefit increases from $404.468 to $483.116 in the cloudy day. The method proposed in this paper can effectively improve the controllability of renewable energy, and provide a theoretical basis for the application of electric vehicle virtual energy storage technology.  相似文献   

基于汽车传统空调系统的制冷性能受发动机工况影响严重,且停车时无法使用等现状,将其改进为独立蓄电池供能、无刷直流电机驱动的电动空调系统。此系统确保正常制冷需求的同时,又可实现停车后开启空调。对改进后的电动空调系统进行参数匹配,并通过Matlab/Simulink模拟,充分说明其可行性。  相似文献   

应用不同的终端用电折算方法将得到消费端不同的能耗量和碳排放量结果,因此在当前节能低碳的形势下,如果折算方法应用不当将无法有效推动终端用户节能减碳的积极性,并可能导致用户错误选择用能技术方式.为此,本文总结并分析了终端用户能耗和碳排放考核及项目评价等政策中电力折算方法的应用.研究表明,我国当前在计算终端能耗和碳排放时存在方法不统一及使用不当等问题.建议从全局角度出发,在现有电价制度下将能源损失和碳排放计入消费端,供应端根据技术标准进行控制,尽快完善电力体制机制,推动全社会的节能减碳.  相似文献   

With the drastic inclination towards reduction of atmospheric issues, hybrid electric vehicles are becoming the major alternative for internal combustion engine vehicles. Compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles are remarkable in terms of efficiency, durability and acceleration capability. However, the major drawback of hybrid electric vehicle is energy storage capability. An electric vehicle requires the energy sources with high specific power (W/kg) and high specific energy (Wh/kg) to reduce the charging time. Generally, fuel cells, batteries, ultracapacitors, flywheels and regenerative braking systems are used in hybrid electric vehicles as energy sources and energy storage devices. All these energy storage devices are connected to the different DC-DC converter topologies to increase the input source voltage. From the recent past, most of the hybrid electric vehicles are using multi-input converters to connect more than one energy source in order to improve the efficiency and reliability of the vehicle. This survey presents an assessment of present and future trend of energy storage devices and different multi-input DC-DC converter topologies that are being used in hybrid electric vehicles. In addition, different electric vehicle architectures are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study models the CO2 emissions from electric (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), and compares the results to published values for the CO2 emissions from conventional vehicles based on internal combustion engines (ICE). PHEVs require fewer batteries than EVs which can make them lighter and more efficient than EVs. PHEVs can also operate their onboard ICEs more efficiently than can conventional vehicles. From this, it was theorized that PHEVs may be able to emit less CO2 than both conventional vehicles and EVs given certain power generation mixes of varying CO2 intensities. Amongst the results it was shown that with a highly CO2 intensive power generation mix, such as in China, PHEVs had the potential to be responsible for fewer tank to wheel CO2 emissions over their entire range than both a similar electric and conventional vehicle. The results also showed that unless highly CO2 intensive countries pursue a major decarbonization of their power generation, they will not be able to fully take advantage of the ability of EVs and PHEVs to reduce the CO2 emissions from automotive transport.  相似文献   

基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
万宇艳  苏瑜 《中国能源》2009,31(6):8-11
低碳经济与物质流分析法(MFA)在科学理念、发展主体、发展目标和路径选择上是统一的。通过物质流分析,从微观方面可以为企业提供生产管理的全部信息,优化物质流管理,为大力发展低碳经济提供新的方法和视角;从宏观方面可以有效调控经济系统与生态环境物质的流动方向,监测CO2排放总量,表明高碳排放原因,为进一步改善经济结构和能源结构提供技术支持。  相似文献   

混合动力电动汽车的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王银辉  刘兴华  仇滔 《内燃机》2003,(3):27-29,31
介绍了混合动力电动汽车的特点.着重分析了混合动力电动汽车的不同结构形式和工作原理、最后指出了发展混合动力电动汽车必须解决的关键技术问题。  相似文献   

Necessitated by the dwindling supply of petroleum resources, various new automotive technologies have been actively developed from the perspective of achieving energy security and diversifying energy sources. Hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles are a few such examples. Such diversification requires the use of power control units essentially for power control, power conversion and power conditioning applications such as variable speed motor drives (dc–ac conversion), dc–dc converters and other similar devices. Power control unit of a hybrid electric vehicle or electric vehicle is essentially the brain of the hybrid system as it manages the power flow between the electric motor generator, battery and gas engine.Over the last few years, the performance of this power control unit has been improved and size has been reduced to attain higher efficiency and performance causing the heat dissipation as well as heat density to increase significantly. Efforts are constantly being made to reduce this size even further. As a consequence, a better high performance cooler/heat exchanger is required to maintain the active devices temperature within optimum range. Jet impingement is one such cooling scheme which has been widely used to dissipate transient and steady concentrated heat loads and can be applied to existing cooling system with minor modifications. The aim of the present study has therefore been to study the various cooling options based on impingement for application in hybrid electric vehicle and other similar consumer products and perform parametric and optimization study on the selected designs. Significant improvements in terms of thermal performance and volume reduction have been shown both experimentally and numerically.  相似文献   

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