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协同创新是政产学研合作发展的新模式,是通过政府引导对企业、高校、科研院所等组织的资源进行整合,实现资本、人才、技术、信息等资源共享,进行技术创新的合作模式。通过对金湾区局限于实训基地、技术合作和联合共建实验室等产学研合作模式的现状分析;对国内外政产学研合作模式的分析与启示;提出建立完善区域政产学研合作机制体制,加强政府主导,建立多元化的区域服务体系等措施加强金湾区区域政产学研合作机制建设,促进协同创新。  相似文献   

产学研协同创新是驱动我国科技创新的重要基础。产学研协同创新在新的政策背景下,需加强政府对体制的引导作用,要从过去对合作主体层面及价值产出的关注转变到对生态圈协同模式的培养,从而实现产学研合作从1+1到1x1的转变。  相似文献   

在多项政策支持下,产学研协同创新在实践中大放光彩。但是近年来的实践表明,我国西部地区产学研协同创新机制仍不甚完善,无法实现协同创新。到底什么原因阻碍西部地区产学研协同创新呢?为了探究其原因,本文以详实数据和相关案例为支撑,分析我国西部地区产学研协同创新合作现时困境,探究影响产学研协同创新效率及持续性的因素,并从政府、高校、企业等方面提出了维持产学研协同创新持续性的建议。  相似文献   

协同创新作为我国创新体系的重要构成部分,对于推动知识进步、科技成果运用具有重要意义。产学研协同创新是一种资源、技术、知识共享的合作形式,有利于推动知识进步、技术研发和成果运用。但是,由于产学研协同主体成分复杂,且各主体之间的发展目标和理念有所差异,因而在产学研协同创新中知识产权利益分配方面存在分歧,为此,需要进一步明晰合作主体的知识产权共享规制,为促进产学研协同创新中知识产权共享目标的实现提供法律依据。  相似文献   

组织结构作为协同创新的关键要素,会从组织的信息流、组织的柔性、组织的开放程度、组织的经验积累程度、组织的效率等方面对协同创新效果产生影响。协同创新反过来会对组织结构层次、组织灵活性、组织结构模式、全球化以及协作方式等方面产生影响。二者之间存在着动态的、复杂的关系,两者相互促进、互相影响,共同演进。  相似文献   

文章深入阐述新时代新旧动能转换的内涵实质和协同发展产业体系的内涵及其建设重点,从实体经济结构性失衡、科技创新的主体培育与应用衔接缺位、现代金融与实体经济错配和产业开放层次偏低等方面分析了新旧动能转换背景下构建协同发展产业体系所面临的问题。为推动新旧动能转换,提出了构建协同发展产业体系的战略对策:优化实体经济结构,重构实体经济价值链;明确科技创新主体,深化产学研协同创新;创新金融服务机制,改革资本投放方式;健全人力资源资本化机制,打造人才集聚高地以及创设高水平的产业发展环境,营造包容创新的生态等。  相似文献   

针对地方应用型本科高校建筑与土木工程专业学位研究生培养中面临的问题,开展了培养模式研究与实践。依托浙江省山体地质灾害防治协同创新中心,将协同创新中心的各类资源优势、学科优势及科研优势转化为研究生培养优势,构建了多主体协同、产学研融合的专业学位研究生培养模式,并建立了校校(所)协同培养机制、校企协同培养机制与国际协同培养机制。以专业基础牢、实践能力强、兼顾国际视野为培养理念,制定了相应的专业学位研究生人才培养方案和课程体系。实践证明通过高校、科研院所、企业及国际学术组织等多主体协同与产学研融合培养,促进了专业学位研究生的实践创新能力、就业竞争力及国际化视野的提升。  相似文献   

在国家大力推进技术创新的背景下,"产业技术创新战略联盟"是产学研结合模式的创新,其构建和发展对建设创新型国家有着十分重要的意义。我国建筑信息模型BIM产业联盟的建设和发展,顺应了传统建筑行业朝着工业化、集约化和社会化方向发展的趋势,是产学研各主体协同创新共同推动建筑行业逐步迈入信息化、互联化、智慧化时代。本文对我国各省市(区)22家BIM联盟整体情况及发展主要特点进行了调研和梳理,重点总结分析了中国BIM发展联盟创新发展模式,通过对BIM产业联盟SWOT分析,提出加强联盟建设的思考和建议。  相似文献   

以清华大学为例,利用社会网络分析方法,对其专利合作关系进行网络分析,从可视化的角度展示合作主体分布以及相互之间的关联。运用社会网络分析工具NodeXL统计其合作情况,从微观的视角对清华大学专利合作的不同子网络进行可视化分析,并揭示清华大学开展产学研协同创新活动不同合作模式的差异。最后从三个方面总结清华大学产学研合作的影响因素,从而为其他高校开展创新活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

实施协同创新计划是推动中医药学研究生教育改革的必然途径。广州中医药大学通过建立协同创新运行机制、创建具有中医药特色的协同创新中心、加强科研平台构建、加快导师队伍发展、规范管理文件和优化培养过程等措施来推动中医药学研究生教育改革。针对协同创新计划实施过程中如何真正实现产学研各方主体深度融合这一核心问题,提出今后的改革重点应当是进一步创新资源整合方式、明确配置主体和完善配置机制。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study of the North West England has identified two new approaches to regionalism. ‘Hybrid regionalism’ puts forward an alternative between old regionalism (in terms of a holistic tier of regional government above local authorities) and new regionalism (or complete reliance on voluntary collaboration for self-interest). This study has verified the hypothesis that hybrid regionalism, which involves the central establishment and steering of regional collaboration with a sustainable development objective, is effective in encouraging non-governmental involvement, relational innovation among ‘less likely’ partners, and the formulation of policies that are cross-sectoral and focused on their regional remit (spatial policy fitness) as opposed to parochial and/or central interests. Another approach to regionalism identified in this study is ‘departmental new regionalism’ in which national growth targets, rather than the self-interest of localities, institutionalize and control collaboration. This approach to regionalism could lead to non-governmental involvement but more limited relational innovation, especially between local governments, and a resultant strategy which would be oriented towards the region's contribution to the wider economy.  相似文献   

以论文合作为媒介的知识网络是新时期研究城市创新系统的重要视角.研究基于2002—2006年和2012—2016年Web of Science上科研论文合著数据,利用大数据技术和社会网络分析,以地级以上城市为节点,构建中国城市知识创新网络,进而探讨其等级与区域特征的时空演化及原因.结果发现:(1)从空间格局看,2006—...  相似文献   

In this article we explore the role of innovation champions and the ways innovation is championed and promoted in five selected UK megaprojects. To date, this research area is surprisingly under-explored in the megaproject management literature. The study is based on thirty interviews with innovation champions to capture their own perceptions and narratives on the ways innovation is stimulated and promoted in megaprojects, combined with relevant textual materials. Innovation was commonly defined as a step change or best practice that creates value that could be financial, environmental, societal etc. The data demonstrate the role of CEOs and their collaboration with innovation champions and academic partners in introducing innovation into the vocabulary of megaprojects, developing and formalising innovation strategy, and transferring experiences across megaprojects. The data show the ways different communication channels are used to promote innovations by champions such as forums, portals, platforms, campaigns, events etc.  相似文献   

It is often argued that integrated design (ID) is a powerful way to enhance collaboration in construction projects. This collaboration is seen as a way of improving innovation to create more sustainable buildings. Contrary to the traditional silo-type and linear design process, ID is based on upfront stakeholder involvement and a holistic approach to project decision-making. Although ID’s premises are theoretically-founded, a close empirical look at its practices shows that numerous challenges compromise its results and efficiency. This study examines the ID process through an iterative process that includes the construction of a conceptual framework and its empirical validation. We examine three green construction projects in Canada. Based on the analysis of 26 interviews with key project stakeholders and more than 198 construction documents, the study assembles – and ultimately applies – a multi-lens framework based on four themes: the fragmented nature of construction; risk perception; stakeholders’ commitment; and efficiency in the design process. Results show that three tensions arise in ID practices: between collaboration and process efficiency, between short-term and long-term goals, and between integrated methods and traditional ones. The study sheds light on ID limits and reveals how stakeholders can improve their interactions to design more sustainable buildings.  相似文献   

The architects of inter-organizational R&D projects organize collaboration by structuring the activities and the knowledge base of the project. How do these two dimensions interplay and what are the implications on the project execution? The paper aims at developing new perspectives on inter-organizational multi-actor R&D projects using an exploratory inductive multi-case study of projects funded by the European Union's Research and Innovation Programmes. The projects have been studied simultaneously in terms of activity coordination and knowledge integration as well as the implications of their interplay on collaboration, project resilience and project management. The paper provides empirical evidence about six patterns of project architecture. The workflow-integrated architecture disintegrates the knowledge base, provides a lower collaboration potential and may require high management efforts, while a workflow-decomposed architecture makes project management easy but provides little added value from the inter-organizational setting. Nearly decomposable architectures offer the highest collaboration potential under contingent conditions.  相似文献   

Public service innovation is common in planning and urban policy, but the long-term sustainability of new policy instruments depends on the development of new administrative practices in local government to maintain continual progress. This article analyses the case of a large-scale experiment on organisational change that was conducted in collaboration between two separate municipal departments of the city of Copenhagen. Experience with emerging new patterns of intra- and inter-organisational interaction documents suggests that service innovation and organisational change in this case mutually reinforce each other in a virtuous circle of innovation.  相似文献   

This paper aims to estimate the impact of collaboration in innovation activities with partners in different geographical areas on innovative performance. By using the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel, this study provides evidence that the benefits of collaboration differ across different dimensions of the geography. We find that the impact of extra-European cooperation on innovation performance is larger than that of national and European cooperation, indicating that firms tend to benefit more from interaction with international collaborators as a way to access new technologies or specialized and novel knowledge that they are unable to find locally. We also find evidence of the positive role played by absorptive capacity, concluding that it implies a higher premium on the innovation returns to cooperation in the international case and mainly in the European one.  相似文献   

Having received considerable attention from central government and local authorities, French innovation clusters (the so-called ‘pôles de compétitivité’) are beginning to be studied by academic researchers and evaluated by consultants. The core of their activity consists of collaborative projects, which are characterised by specific management and Human Resources practices located at the junction of different cultures and employment statuses. Almost four years after they were launched, what can we say about the dynamic of these collaborative projects? What is the reality of such collaboration when it involves multiple partnerships bringing together employees from different occupational cultures and Human Resources Management systems?The aim of this longitudinal research, which is based on the observation of two collaborative projects in one of the most largest clusters in France, is to discuss management and HR issues in such a setting. A literature review highlights the need to open up the ‘black box’ of collaboration within projects and encourages examination of both manager's coordination efforts and the actors' motivation to cooperate, as well as the role played by HRM practices. Thus observation of the conduct of the projects over two years reveals that collaboration, far from being a given within these projects, is the product of a process of social construction that might be fostered by better managerial support.  相似文献   

While the paradigm of sustainable development has largely influenced architecture projects worldwide, Green Building Certifications (GBCs) have become the new (increasingly mandatory) standard of project performance. Numerous studies have concentrated on the influence of sustainable development (SD) in the final product: the building. However, more research is still needed in order to understand how GBCs have influenced building processes, particularly collaboration and innovation within architecture projects. In order to fill this gap, this study presents results from 19 interviews with professionals in the built environment and examines three architecture projects conducted in Canada that received a widely popular GBC and were significantly influenced by SD principles during the design and building process. The research applies recent frameworks for exploring stakeholders’ interests on GBCs and the collaboration and innovation practices developed by them. Research results show that processes within these projects are shaped by at least four tensions that can either enhance or hinder collaboration and innovation: strategic–tactical, collaborative–competitive, participative–effective and individual–collective. The study highlights the importance of understanding GBC as a process and not only as a final outcome, and thus, to better manage these tensions so that they contribute to product and process performance.  相似文献   

We discuss the common hypothesis of complete graph representation according to which, in collaborative projects, all partners interact with each other in homogeneous ways. More precisely, this research aims to determine the heterogeneity in terms of existence and frequency of interactions between dyads of organizations that jointly participated in collaborative projects. From a survey of participants involved in innovation projects approved by a French cluster, we collect information about 754 collaboration ties. Using an ordered probit with selection equation, we then test the impact of several determinants, including geographical proximity, on the existence and frequency of the observed interactions.  相似文献   

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