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本文论述了城市广场的含义,指出它本来是人性与公民性的体现,是人与人的交流场所,是每个人参与社会获得认同并以之为归属的场所,本质上是一种政治景观.然而,城市广场的人性与公民性早在欧洲巴洛克时代就已丧失,而在当今中国“城市化教运动“中更是如此,一元化的社会意识使广场的人性与公民性只能在一些乡土景观中尚有遗存.文章因此呼吁,随着中国日益走向民主政治和平民化时代,城市设计,特别是广场设计应首先召回其人性与公民性,用进步的物质环境,积极推动社会意识的进步.文章用经历三年实施完成的四川都江堰广场为例,探讨如何通过多元化的空间的设计,可参与交流和聚会场所的设计、人性化的设计、亲水性设计、增强认同感与归属感的设计,来实现广场的人性与公民性的回归.  相似文献   

付蓓  李秀 《四川建筑》2006,26(4):11-12,14
城市是人类文明的象征地。广场作为城市最具活力和开放性的公共活动空间,应是城市生活的一种体现,是人与人交流的场所。以绵阳市火炬广场改造设计为例,在充分利用现有条件的前提下,突出广场的开放性、自然性、地域性,力求使广场空间成为城市居民生活空间的一部分,来实现广场生活性的回归。  相似文献   

在当今人们对城市广场需求日趋旺盛的背景下,本文以张庙科普健身广场为例,从区位空间、活动场地、公共设施、绿化景观四个方面分析了其人性化设计现状及存在问题,并根据城市广场人性化设计的场地整体性、利用效率性、景观生态性、步行可达性、活动多样性、场所精神的原则,对张庙科普健身广场的景观设计提出了改造对策和建议。  相似文献   

现代城市广场已成为城市发展中不可或缺的重要景观场所,为提高广场的空间使用率并满足其多功能的使用需求,亚空间景观设计成为城市广场中更能满足使用需求的人性化设计。本文以福州仓山万达广场金街景观设计为例探讨城市广场亚空间不同景观元素的设计方法。  相似文献   

正只有融入这个城市文脉的空间才算是一个真正具有人性的空间,一个延续城市生命的空间。随着城市的发展,广场成为一个城市必不可少的组成部分。有的是街角一隅,有的是公园绿地中的开阔区域,还有的是城市最中心区域代表城市标志和纪念意义的节点景观,其作用不但是要美观供人休憩,更重要的是满足人们之间的信息交流、文化沟通和精神寄托,是城市生活最集中的地方。我国随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市建设日新月异,对于如何将广场建设的更加优美宜人,与城市更加融洽和谐,成为市民聚会交流、游憩休闲的场所具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正城市广场空间是城市居民的"起居室",是一个城市的明信片。人性化设计是促进现代人与景观交流互动的设计理念,有利于挖掘城市环境艺术中的文化意蕴,增强使用者的认同感与体验感,重归人性的场所。图1为大连星海湾广场。广场内有水长廊、亭榭、旱地喷泉、水幕电影、特色雕塑等景观,成为大连市城市广场一道亮丽的风景线。结合星海湾广场使用状况评价分析,得出城市广场空间使用者年龄构成在18~45岁之间,学生、职员成为主要使用群体,出行目的为休闲放松与锻炼身体。基于此,该城市广场空间以人性化设计为原则,以人的需求作为根本出  相似文献   

城市广场是城市重要的交流、休闲与陶冶情操的公共活动空间.从城市广场设计的人文主义精神、空间分布特点、继承与创新以及可持续发展等方面出发,指出在现代城市广场设计中应贯彻以人为本的人本主义原则,强调把关心人、尊重人的主旨体现于空间环境的创造中;根据每个广场实际所处的地理位置,如实地表达其功能,实现真正意义上的历史文脉的延续,并注重从城市生态环境的整体出发,引入自然、再现自然,实现可持续发展战略;引导公众积极投入"活动参与"和"决策参与",让公众真正成为广场的主人.分析和探讨了在城市广场设计中应该重点把握的原则及设计趋向,并由此指导城市广场设计,以便为人们营造更好的城市休闲与娱乐空间.  相似文献   

多一点城市广场好──兼谈北京玉渊潭公园南门外广场的城市设计白德懋城市是人们聚居的场所。由于社会的进步和文明程度的不断提高,城市生活越来越丰富、活跃。如何更好地满足居民的各项活动要求,已经成为城市规划、设计工作者义不容辞的责任。另一方面,城市发展应是当...  相似文献   

情感是人作为生活主体所具有的独特态度与感知,是人们因环境或是事件所充盈身心的真实感受。正因为情感化的融入,景观设计所展示出的人性与交流更加突出了景观的“场所精神”。城市广场作为公共文化生活的承载空间所要展现与表达的不仅是多元与积极的情感,更是场所自身厚重的文化历史与记忆的积淀。  相似文献   

广场作为城市中人们生活和休闲娱乐的重要场所,其设计在很大程度上能够影响人们的心理感受。本文对人的行为心理与城市广场设计的相互关系进行了分析与讨论,对城市的广场规划设计提出了合理建议,以促进城市公共空间的设计和使用。  相似文献   

城市规划公众参与制度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曾宪谋 《规划师》2005,21(11):16-19
“公共利益”与“个人利益”的逐渐分离使城市规划公众参与成为客观需要。社会转型时期的制度建设是一个动态过程,应在公众参与实践中不断予以调整和完善。涉及城市规划公共利益的民主参与应以代表制民主为主,以参与制民主为补充;涉及城市规划个人利益的民主参与应以参与制民主为主。推动与城市规划有关的政治性社团的发展并通过其开展城市规划公众参与工作有利于建立和谐的社会关系。  相似文献   

姜宏  邵龙 《中国园林》2021,37(12):64
场所依恋理论作为当代人-地情感联结研究的核心, 是增强人与场所情感联系、提升居民归属感和身份认同感的重 要切入点。然而场所依恋传统测量方法因情感数据与空间数据 的脱节,较难探讨场所依恋强度的空间分异特点,其测量结果 也难以直接指导实际的规划与管理。为此,在总结形成基于 PPGIS的场所依恋综合测量方法框架的基础上,以长春水文 化生态园为例开展场所依恋的多维度综合测量和可视化制图, 并基于语义分析解析同类型空间场所依恋强度差异的原因。以 期从情感数据、场所意义和空间数据相结合的角度为场所依恋 理论在风景园林领域的应用提供方法支撑。  相似文献   

Changes in cities affect public squares. They host temporal, virtual and conflicting uses at different times. For these reasons, they must be multifunctional and adaptable to rapid and unpredictable changes to meet the users´ needs which change over time. These changes have repercussions on the planning and the development of these spaces. In this context, planners introduce flexibility of use in urban planning as a feature of adapting spaces to changes. Current references cite characters and models of flexible places, as well as flexible uses of these places. However, how can planners improve the potential of the flexibility of use in existing public squares? This article proposes an approach to assess the flexibility of use in public squares. It requires the combination of two relevant qualitative methods used to evaluate the flexibility of use in buildings. We used them because there is still no evaluation method for public squares. The application of this method in the central square of the Grand Poste in Algiers aims to show the degree of flexibility of this place and identify aspects that help planners and architects to propose planning recommendations for more flexibility in using this square.  相似文献   

杨毅 《城市建筑》2014,(17):21-21
如何完善我国城乡规划中的公众参与机制、提高城乡规划的民主、更好地促进我国社会主义文明建设?城乡规划中的公众参与机制就成为了必要的话题。本文分析了公众参与城乡规划的必要性及存在的问题,阐述了公众参与城乡规划的实现路径。  相似文献   

Local and urban squares play a crucial role in the presence and participation of people and in their interaction promotion.Alexander explained the profound geometric rela-tions and discipline in nature,using the concept of life phenomenon theory and living struc-tures.He believes that humans can revive creatures through creating strong centers and an integrated whole.This study selects Avicenna tomb square and center of Aqajani Beig neigh-borhood,Hamedan.The main research questions include what the role of Alexander's theory of living centers is in promoting the social interaction in local and urban square and which pattern of Alexander's theory mostly affects social interactions in squares and how the individ-ual factors impact social interactions in local and urban squares.Results reveals that patterns of Alexander's theory are efficient in promoting social interactions in local and urban squares.Individual factors are not effective in this regard,but strong centers and urban square contra-dictions are more effective in resident's social interactions than that of void spaces and strong centers.Architects,planners,and urban designers can apply the results in designing new urban and local squares.  相似文献   

史琼 《建筑与环境》2013,(5):136-138
对中国而言,城市广场是一种来自异国的文化现象.但它正极大的改变着中国传统公共空间状况,同时也改变着城市空间结构,影响着人们的生活。也正由于中西文化、观念、习俗与政治的不同,造成中西广场的发展不平衡.并使中国古代城市广场的发展呈隐性发展状态。本文试通过观察从空间和历史人文的角度分析民族潜意识及所存现状对中国城市广场的传承、整合与嬗变进行思考。以上结果得出的结论是:城市总是应该向前发展的,会随着人们不同时期的需求而改变.但是这个过程不应该都是自上而下的控制,那么城市将失去活力:而单纯的依靠无数个体的自发将难以应对长期性问题,城市广场会失去了其聚集效应的积极作用。广场就是用来促进公共性与交流和协作的场所的一种存在形式.而非城市摆设。  相似文献   

Local and urban squares play a crucial role in the presence and participation of people and in their interaction promotion. Alexander explained the profound geometric relations and discipline in nature, using the concept of life phenomenon theory and living structures. He believes that humans can revive creatures through creating strong centers and an integrated whole. This study selects Avicenna tomb square and center of Aqajani Beig neighborhood, Hamedan. The main research questions include what the role of Alexander’s theory of living centers is in promoting the social interaction in local and urban square and which pattern of Alexander’s theory mostly affects social interactions in squares and how the individual factors impact social interactions in local and urban squares. Results reveals that patterns of Alexander’s theory are efficient in promoting social interactions in local and urban squares. Individual factors are not effective in this regard, but strong centers and urban square contradictions are more effective in resident’s social interactions than that of void spaces and strong centers. Architects, planners, and urban designers can apply the results in designing new urban and local squares.  相似文献   

解读城市广场建设的盲点   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
朱元恩 《中国园林》2004,20(2):49-51
分析当前"广场热"反映出来的问题,指出广场建设应保持与广场周边建筑群的完整性,恰当处理广场空间尺度以加强亲和力,重视城市文脉,以免各地广场雷同,以及加强广场文化建设,使广场建设真正起到改善城市风貌和人文环境的目的.  相似文献   

This study explores the idea that all public urban places should be planned and designed keeping children in mind. Children from urban places are exposed to different types of urban and social problems. While many Western cities address the needs of children and young people, Egyptian cities overlook children’s needs and behaviours, especially in architectural terms. This study attempts to place Egyptian children at the centre of the urban agenda based on universal laws that secure children. The contribution provides procedures and design principles. A survey in Cairo was conducted through interviews with children and their parents. The results indicate that a child-friendly community can be created for positive social interaction between children, families and the built environment. The result also suggests that a third place will be the most appropriate area where a child-friendly community can be created. Such places are crucial for learning how children interact as they grow up because they are places where informal activities take place. The research concludes that for an improved built environment, it is important to focus on children’s lives in third places and what designers provide or hinder with normative design principles through the process of creating child-friendly cities.  相似文献   

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