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对紫禁城建筑中琉璃瓦的运用方法和运用实例进行了分析,并对紫禁城建筑中琉璃瓦的运用原则进行了总结,指出在严格遵循等级制度的基础上,充分考虑建筑使用功能和造型美观的要求,采用多种颜色、多种形制的琉璃瓦和其他琉璃制品,不仅区别了建筑的级别,而且是中国皇家建筑多样统一美学风格的体现。  相似文献   

介绍了上海外滩源33号项目地下3层深基坑的工程概况,该基坑具有规模较大、周边环境复杂、地质条件较差及工期紧等特点。针对本基坑的特点,对历史保护建筑和古树采取了预保护措施,采用逆作法、管幕法等方法辅以节点加固、设置临时支撑等措施,取得了不错的工程效果。本工程监测数据的分析结果可为今后类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

引言 1.优秀历史建筑节能的重要性 目前,上海市公布的列为保护的优秀历史建筑共有632处12138栋),约430万平方米,另外还存在大量具较高保护价值的保留建筑,共计1000余万平方米.这些优秀历史建筑的围护结构热工性能与现行节能设计规范存在较大差距,且用能设备存在老化现象,具有较大的节能潜力.  相似文献   

In this research, the effect of glazing type and other energy conservation measures on the peak power demand of air-conditioning (AC) systems is investigated for tall and fully glazed government and private office buildings. The EnergyPlus building simulation program is used in the analysis assuming climate conditions similar to that experienced in hot countries of the Arabian Gulf, such as Kuwait. The main objective of the investigation is to meet the limits stipulated in the mandatory Kuwaiti code of practice for energy conservation, with respect to peak AC demand, for both air-cooled and water-cooled AC systems. It is found that for government office buildings with air-cooled AC system, the code limit of 70 W/m2 for the AC peak power is met when tint low-e glazing is used with either heat recovery units or with AC systems with higher coefficient of performance (COP); whereas for private office buildings, the limit can be met when using a number of conservation measures. Overall, the water-cooled AC system showed better performance even though the code limit is 50 W/m2 which is mainly due to the higher COP values achievable with such AC systems.  相似文献   

葛煜 《山西建筑》2013,(34):19-21
对近年来我国在历史建筑保护方面存在的诸多问题进行了深入分析,并对国内外历史建筑再利用的成功经验做了总结,最后提出我国历史建筑再利用的发展方向,为我国历史建筑的保护与再利用提供了保障。  相似文献   

对零陵古建筑总体特征和代表性建筑的建筑特点进行了调查,分析了古建筑现存的典型问题,从技术、经济、管理三个方面提出保护措施,为古建筑保护和开发提供了参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose a new detection method for determining the damage locations in pile foundations based on deep learning using acoustic emission data. First, the damage location is simulated using a back propagation neural network deep learning model with an acoustic emission data set acquired from pile hit experiments. In particular, the damage location is identified using two parameters: the pile location (PL) and the distance from the pile cap (DS). This study investigates the influences of various acoustic emission parameters, numbers of sensors, sensor installation locations, and the time difference on the prediction accuracy of PL and DS. In addition, correlations between the damage location and acoustic emission parameters are investigated. Second, the damage step condition is determined using a classification model with an acoustic emission data set acquired from uniaxial compressive strength experiments. Finally, a new damage detection and evaluation method for pile foundations is proposed. This new method is capable of continuously detecting and evaluating the damage of pile foundations in service.  相似文献   

张海军 《山西建筑》2007,33(17):52-53
研究了西安古建筑的地域特色,阐述了在现代建筑中融合古城特色,探讨了建筑的可识别性和建筑地域性的狭义概念,以更好地了解古建筑和古文化,从而去实现真正的地域文化。  相似文献   

金皓 《山西建筑》2006,32(13):34-35
文中就如何运用现代的设计理念去设计古建筑的展示空间,使陈列与不可改变的古建筑空间环境相融洽,介绍了古建筑的特点,从陈列设计方面阐述了有形空间的拓展和无形空间的再创造,以达到其设计具有多元化、专业化、个性化。  相似文献   

In order to improve the sustainability of buildings one of the challenges is to address the role of the building envelope as the key climate moderator between the internal and external environments. The envelope is exposed to the elements and needs to control air exchange as well as sunlight and sound passing through to the occupants. Therefore, it has a major impact not only on the energy utilisation within the space it controls but also on the quality of comfort. However, inside highly glazed modern buildings, achieving good comfort is often at the cost of high-energy consumption. Therefore, in the light of ever increasing energy costs, improved façade design can contribute to a reduction of operational costs. The aim of this paper is to explore technical, economic, environmental and indoor comfort implications of emerging glazing technologies for energy control of highly glazed buildings in arid Middle Eastern climates, which is one of the harshest climates for this building type. The work includes predictions through thermal simulation of the impact of electrochromic glazing, holographic optical elements (HOE), aerogel glazing and thin film photovoltaics on two example buildings. Potential reductions in cooling demand are assessed.  相似文献   

介绍了鼓浪屿旗山路上李清泉别墅的历史背景、文化价值及风貌特色,通过调查研究,对该建筑的质量状况进行了评估,并提出了其修缮保护措施,为鼓浪屿名墅的保护发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

以大连东关街历史街区为例,采取实地调研取样的方法,阐述了历史街区建筑立面材质与色彩特征,指出当今在历史街区保护过程中对材质和色彩的破坏现象,并提出相应的保护建议。  相似文献   

通过对平江历史街区进行实地走访、现状的考察,解读了平江历史街区中古建筑现存的形式,并且对其作了进一步的探讨与分析,认为古建筑的更新是必要的,但是有机更新加以功能转换才是其发展之本。  相似文献   

王锋 《山西建筑》2006,32(19):53-56
简述了历代建筑结构的发展过程,以北方古建筑传统抬梁式屋架为例,分析了其结构的受力情况,探讨了古建筑整体框架结构的变形和稳定性,为保护和维修古建筑提供依据。  相似文献   

简要地陈述了对意大利Matera地区古建筑保护方法研究对中国古建保护方面所起到的积极作用,描述了Matera地区的地理、历史、文化概况,基于Matera区域古建筑的保护方法进行了五个方面的分析,这五个方面分别为:区域发展的定性和定位、法律法规以及相关政策的制定、赋予古建筑现代化功能、完善相关的市政设施、扩大历史文化影响。  相似文献   

The interstorey drift limitations in earthquake codes of various countries around the world, have been reviewed. It is emphasized that, the aseismic safety of a tall building as well as its susceptibility to nonstructural damage are primarily indexed to its ability to restrict the relative storey displacements, in addition to its adequate strength, ductility and toughness. A moment resisting frame building satisfying all requirements of strength and ductility may still be subject to severe nonstructural damage, if the interstorey drifts are not restricted properly by means of shear walls. Several stringent deflection criteria as well as a damage control index are introduced to be conscientiously determined and checked during the design calculations for the purpose of controlling damage especially to nonstructural elements.  相似文献   

地铁隧道下穿历史风貌建筑影响的实测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两座历史风貌建筑物紧邻地铁车站,并且盾构在其下方穿越,需对建筑物的变形进行严格控制。对建筑物的保护,针对性提出地面袖阀管注浆加固、车站基坑盖挖逆作法、地连墙截断承压水、冻结、车站内水平注浆加固、优化盾构机掘进参数等施工方案及措施。通过对基坑开挖与降水、端头加固、盾构掘进等阶段的监测数据进行分析,研究了不同施工阶段对建筑物变形影响的规律及特点,实测结果表明:合理的盾构掘进参数能够将建筑物的沉降控制在较小范围内;冻结孔施工、地下水通过冻结区盾尾间隙进入刀盘前方等均可引起建筑物的显著沉降;建筑物基础与隧道之间存在淤泥质土层时,在淤泥质土层下方进行注浆不能对自重较大的建筑物进行有效抬升,但对自重较小建筑物的抬升则有一定的效果,但注浆在淤泥质土层中引起孔压的消散可导致建筑物在后期产生沉降;盾构机进入冻结体前应做好全断面注浆止水,切断前后水力联系,盾构机掘进困难时,不应随意增大盾构推力。  相似文献   

Deposition of gaseous and particulate atmospheric pollutants causes decay of historic mortars to give gypsum-rich coatings by sulphation of lime mortars and blackening of gypsum mortar, resulting in gypsum coatings. Particulate pollution emitted by industrial sources and vehicular traffic is responsible for the deterioration. XRF and SEM analyses of these coatings and their comparison with both the composition of dust coatings formed by the deposition of gaseous and particulate matter in an urban and a rural locality allows assessing which pollution sources are the most damaging for these materials, knowing the elemental composition of these emissions.  相似文献   

深基坑开挖对邻近建筑物的变形和安全有着重要的影响,然而,深基坑自身安全开挖却导致邻近建筑群变形损坏的工程实录却并不多见。为此,结合某高档综合楼12 m深基坑开挖工程施工过程的现场监测结果,分析了深基坑开挖导致邻近11幢建筑物的沉降变形发展过程,及其与地基条件、基坑开挖施工工序、支护结构水平位移、建筑物基础型式之间的关系。结果表明,深厚的淤泥质粉质黏土夹粉砂地基及基坑降水是诱发6幢建筑物产生超过100 mm沉降变形而损坏的根本原因,有效的止水帷幕和降水措施是控制该类地基深基坑开挖工程对邻近建筑物影响的关键。  相似文献   

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